《The Portable Dungeon》Chapter 1.3



I stood about a dozen meters away from the nearest rabbit. After hunting nonstop for 5 hours, I was less one rabbit until the quota.

‘Just one more…’

With a trusty, blood-soaked blade in my right hand, I lowered my body posture and picked up a rock nearby. Gripping it with my left hand, I threw it towards the rabbit hoping for a clean hit. With my previous attempts with the other rabbits, I was able to hit 1/14 rocks thrown. Everytime a rock missed, I spent more time to try and find another rabbit to hunt. Each time I throw, my attempts started decreasing one by one until I was able to get a 50% chance to hit a rabbit with a rock.

The rock flew at a speed that an average pitcher could pitch. Luckily, it precisely hit the crown of the rabbit as it raised its head when it heard something was approaching. It fell down with a plop and tried to move its body, only to be paralyzed by the concussion.

I quickly dashed towards the fallen rabbit and swung my sword at its limp body.

“Last one!!!”

The sword cleanly cut through the skin and flesh of the rabbit, before crushing the bone and lodging its blade inside its body. The rabbit lets out its last breath and lost the light in its eyes.

Once the rabbit lost its life, the crystal orb that was floating around me began to shine a light blue hue. The aura looked mystifying and drew my mind into it… That is until TB no. 2 made new rows of texts.

(Congratulations Drake. The acquired mana is enough to start the process of creating the dungeon.)


After 5 hours of nonstop hunting, crawling on the ground, climbing up trees, digging up dirt and picking up rocks, I was finally able to supplement the required mana to the .


I impatiently waited for the next texts to appear on TB no. 2 while I grabbed the .

(Now, Drake, for the next process to start, please designate a target location for the to reside. Please remember that once the is placed, it cannot be removed for eternity.)


I gripped the tightly and felt my heartbeat beat faster every second.

‘Calm down… I already have a place worth looking into.’

“TB no. 2, where is the river where you first met me?”

(Go 4 Km Northwest. After that, once you see a rock that is shaped like poop, go North 200 meters.)

“So far!!”

(Because of your hectic hunting spree, we got to far from the river, Drake.)


More suffering!! As if hunting was not suffering enough, now I have to hoof back to where the river is!!!


After yelling my heart out, I calmed down and trudged with the direction given by TB no. 2. I took a quick glance at the shining crystal orb floating around me and had a thought.

‘I may be easier to spot with this floating around. I need to hide it somewhere.’

Luckily, I had the . I placed the inside where I stored the corpses of the animals I hunt. It was for food purposes of course.

“How much further…?”

(3 more Km left.)


I kept my silence to not waste my energy and continued on the rugged path TB no. 2 left me.


“No… More…”

I collapsed once I reached the poop shaped rock. My legs were sore and sweat poured down my face onto the ground.

(Do your best Drake!! Just 200 more meters South!!!)


I really wanted to punch TB no. 2, but refrained from doing so. Not only does he not have a physical body, but I may worsen our relationship. I don’t want to waste my tutorial…


“I’m hungry…”

The sun was going down and night kept creeping closer and closer.

“I’ll have to make a shelter around this rock for tonight…”

Thankfully, the rock was in a center of the clearing, so I have no worries about starting a forest fire. I picked up dry branches around the edges of the forest and hoofed my way back to the rock.

“With no shelter… I’ll have to create one… But how do I do it?”

Without any experience in camping or survival, it was hard to live out in the wilderness.

“TB no. 2, can you create a shelter?”

(Unfortunately no, Drake should be the one to create the shelter. But don’t worry because I am here to help so allow me to give you some advice.)

“Thank you.”

Because of my exhaustion, I could only let out a word of thanks before following his advice in creating a makeshift shelter.

I picked up sturdy branches with the help of TB no. 2 pointing them out for me, picked up leaves and chopped down trees with the axe it gave me.

After 2 hours of grueling work, I was finally able to create the shelter I was going to spend the night.

“Now that that is done, I’ll cook the animals I hunted. Since the food the organizers gave me was not perishable, I don’t have to worry about that rotting. On the other hand, the animal corpses may rot since the has no time stopping function.”

I opened my only to get a shock.

“Uhmm… TB no. 2?”

(What is it Drake?)

“Why did the dungeon form inside my ?”


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