《Skeletal Rebirth》Prologue. Argus Fellford


"Huff puff". The sound of his own breath grew louder in his ears. He could feel his legs shaking as he forced himself to continue on wards. He knew that for the second he stopped moving, he would be hunted down by the pursuing shadows. Relentless, it was the only word that could describe the on going pursuit. As he continued to run for is life, hundreds of knives showered him in intervals. Arms, legs, and back, throbbed as wounds continued to increase. He knew that he wouldn't be able to keep on running, that escaping was futile. But he continued going forward. Like a mad man possessed by a ghost, even as his consciousness was fading in and out, he ran...

Argus Fellford. A genius that conquered both magic and steel. Peerless in might, technique, and cunning, was just going about his day as normally as possible. Even though today was the day that the many guilds would be coming to recruit members, Argus wasn't particularly nervous. No. He knew that he could get into any guild he wanted, and that all the guilds, even the top most prestigious, would want to recruit him. Although he doesn't consider himself to be arrogant, he also didn't consider himself a fool. All the students attending Velsoria's Adventure's Academy, knew that he would be the one. The one that everyone had their eyes on. The precious gem that all the guilds wanted. Denying that fact, was like denying that the sun would rise. And the only people trying to deny it, were the people full of envy. Because Argus was a genius, he was also an enemy. An enemy of all the other students. Most gave up on competing with him, but a few stubborn people would continue their futile struggle. Only to see their own limit. And as they kept trying to out shine him, they would always end up seeing the same thing. The gap between a true genius, and themselves. And as the gap grew larger, so did their malice. Till finally, they snapped.


"Huff puff." Trying to catch his breath, Argus hid behind trees and stones. His body was bloody and bruised. His eyes were slowly drifting to the dark. He felt sleepy, and his eyes felt like lead. But he knew that he would perish if he were to fall asleep here. As he tried to gather himself, he constantly cycled through his thoughts. Poison, traps, betrayal. Those were the things that brought him to his current predicament. Poisoned by his brother, and tricked by his best friend. And even with this betrayal, he didn't have a shed of hate or anger towards them. That was because he knew why they did it. His brother, unlike Argus, was not blessed with talent. Hard work was the only thing he had going for him, but to his father, wasn't enough. Always compared to Argus, always abused to be like Argus, it was only a matter of time before he couldn't take anymore. And his best friend, Oliver Ruther. Rivals as genius' but friends none the less. Both loved the same woman. And though she loved Argus back, Oliver didn't concede. Pressing on without holding back only to be rejected multiple times. Crushed by the love of his life, he couldn't move on. Time had stopped for Oliver, agonizing over it, he had lost himself. Until he help commit the biggest sin in his life.

As Argus was coming too, he began to hear his pursuers. But without any strength left, escaping was impossible. "Move... Move." He started pleading his body. "Move... Please... MOVE!" He sprung up from his position with his constant self motivation. It was all he had now. His strength depleted, and his body poisoned. Willpower was the only thing left that continued to push him. He could hear the footsteps following closely. And the longer he ran the closer they got. Running, running, and running. Even if he couldn't out run his pursuers, maybe he could out smart them. Looking for anything he could use, Argus continued moving as he searched his surroundings till... *Shhhhhhhh.* With just a slight sound, Argus knew what it was. A river. It was his only shot. Knowing that his chances of survival were slim, he still jumped. *Splash!* The cold water surrounded Argus and like the hands of Death, pulled him under the rapid streams. And this, was the last time anyone heard of Argus Fellford...

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