《Heroes of The Collective Volume One : Resentment》25. The Astral Sheriff #5 : Persistence


In the time since Do’Lânqwa returned to Earthuu after his unsuccessful attempt to return to his Earth with Ta’Balshén, he was finding things difficult. The life he once had was sadly no more than a distant memory, almost a life of someone very different to the person he was now. He sat around most days in silence, reflecting and contemplating.

Was he a prisoner on this Earth? He argued that he wasn't, but in his darker moods, it was sometimes difficult to think that of his situation.

Was he well looked after? Absolutely. Their living quarters were immaculate. They had access to the gym and particular luxuries enjoyed by humans. Do’Lânqwa had been given a globe and he had learned about the continents, countries and capitals. He knew how to use their technology and was learning about American politics.

Was he isolated? No, he didn't feel he was. Holt, Mindy and Blane were around, and despite the age gap, there was a mutual respect and understanding of their new arrangement.

Were they allowed out and about? Well actually, no. This is where the niggling sense of being a prisoner would edge to a more prominent place in his thoughts. The newly re-branded Power of Three and himself were only allowed freedom within the large area of The Facility, and there was an expectation that they would stay there for the time being.

The triplets were very capable of just flying off at will but through gentle management from the very personable Madam Secretary, they hadn’t done so yet. Her argument was that yes, at some point, assimilation into the wide open world would be possible, just like it had been for their friend Kimona. But, they were aliens. Aliens from other planets. Proof of life from worlds beyond the imagination and limitations of human comprehension. And being thrust into the spotlight so soon would be harmful to themselves, to the security of America and just the world in general.

This was not forgetting how powerful they are. Madam Secretary has been aware of Enhanced Beings from a plethora of backgrounds with a range of strengths and capabilities, but there was nothing really that compared to the cosmic powers that the triplets possessed. There was a real risk of them being sent on a mission and it being a bit like a using a steam roller to crack a peanut.



That wasn’t to say they wouldn’t EVER be able to go out and restore peace and order like their colleagues from The Collective, but Madam Secretary really needed to be confident that Do’Lânqwa and his deep space crew had a grip of their strengths.


As the days and the weeks went by, his longing for home continued and grew. Ta’Balshén was better and now quite active. Do’Lânqwa had assumed guardianship of him but it was a bittersweet arrangement, one out of duty rather than complete desire on his part.

Sure, he liked the kid, but he made him miss his own new born. Was this a second chance at being the father he thought he wouldn’t get to be? Did Ta’Balshén deserve better? He is just an innocent infant in all of this. His whole family killed. Taken by their killer to a whole other planet, and now raised in an alien refugee camp by a duty bound former police captain.

Quite a lot to deal with.

These questions stayed with Do’Lânqwa and he would have different answers on different days. On this particular day after playing catch with Ta’Balshén, Do’Lânqwa’s recognition for the infant’s needs to be home was heightened. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy the time with his foster son, but in a sense, it was because he enjoyed it so much that he realised that the boy needed to grow up back home. There surely had to be other family he could live with? Surely it was worth trying again?

“I get it Do’Lânqwa, but it’s not like we would be just popping across to the next state,” Blane reasoned.

Ta’Balshén was asleep and Do’Lânqwa was up talking to the triplets. For the last week, Holt, Mindy and Blane were planning for their approved attempt to return to their planet, but Do’Lânqwa was asking them to make a stop on the way. To another universe altogether.

The circumstances for The Power of Three entering Earthuu and defying The Pact was slightly different to Do’Lânqwa’s imposed exile from his planet, and so this was the justification for The Power of Three to at least try to get back. There wasn’t really anyone ensuring they didn’t return per se, as nobody really knew they left for Earthuu. They just took off in revenge for their brother’s death.


“I know it’s a big ask, but there has to be a better chance for him back on his planet, and there is no way I can get close to Earthgrë myself.”

“This is true,” Blane admitted.

“We will do it, of course we will Do’Lânqwa. You’re our friend. But we will just have to work out how we will,” Mindy explained.

“If we are attacked ourselves and shot at for returning, then we are putting Ta’Balshén at great risk,” added Blane.

So far, Holt had remained quiet and pensive. His siblings weren’t wrong, but they were missing the point. “Let’s hold on for a second. Our quest to go home is really just for selfish reasons. Do’Lânqwa has tried and it didn’t work out for him or the boy. He knows he is asking for a lot, but it’s not really a big ask for us. It’s the least we can do for him and we need to keep Ta’Balshén in our minds.” Holt smiled warmly at Do’Lânqwa and hoped it made him feel better. “I propose that we head for our planet first and get a better feel for our own position to return and stay. If successful, then I will personally take Ta’Balshén back myself once I know that my travel would be sanctioned,” he finished.

“I’ll be there too, when you do that,” Mindy said, showing agreement for the plan.

“Me three,” chimed in Blane.

Do’Lânqwa looked physically relieved, more so because he could sense the honesty in Holt’s plans and intentions. “Thank you so much, I really appreciate the offer,” he said, clasping his hands together.

“That’s settled then,” Holt declared, standing up. “We’ll tell Madam Secretary tomorrow of our plan and adjust as necessary.”


“And you’re all sure of this?” Madam Secretary asked the group in the next morning when their change of plans were put to her.

“Yes definitely. We will first attempt to go back to our Earth. If we are able to do so, then great,” answered Mindy.

“And then you’ll take Ta’Balshén back to Earthgrë?”

“Correct. Once we are certain of our safe passage. The only downside though, Do’Lânqwa…” Holt started, “…Is that you won’t find out if we’re successful... or not.”

“Unless you come back like I did? I suppose, if you aren’t permitted to return, won’t you just return here?” queried Do’Lânqwa.

“Well yes we think we will do. I think my brother was referring to ‘death’ as the definition of unsuccess,” Mindy stated.

“Ok, well that’s sorted then,” agreed the Secretary. She couldn’t really refuse. She had to allow them at least the chance of trying to return home, and hope that should they not, that they would come back and bolster the ranks back in America. “When do you plan to depart?” she asked.

Holt answered, saying, “we hope to tomorrow. Mindy and I will be doing our checks today in preparation.”

“Alright then, well keep me updated and ask if you need anything.”


Do’Lânqwa gave Ta’Balshén one last hug before Mindy led him onto their craft. The infant had begged not to go, but this was the right thing to do. Do’Lânqwa knew he had to do all he could to get the boy back and to some actual family who would be missing him terribly. It wasn’t easy though. He’d miss the routines they had created.

Blane also went in for a hug with Do’Lânqwa, followed by his other siblings. This journey was bittersweet for them too. If successful, they would be back home, but they would be knowing they would never see their friend, The Astral Sheriff, again.

“Farewell Do’Lânqwa! We hope one day our paths may cross again somewhere on the astral plains,” announced Mindy. “We will miss you.”

And within five minutes, Madam Secretary and Do’Lânqwa watched on as the triplets and Ta’Balshén flew off out of Kansas, out of America, out of the earth, out of the solar system and far, far away to their home.

The triplets make the trip back but they find things aren’t quite the same. A revelation makes a dire situation even worse...

in The Power of Three #4, ‘Home Is Where The Heart Is’… coming next week!

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