《Heroes of The Collective Volume One : Resentment》17. Agwé #3 : All She Wants To Be, Is A Modern Girl


"Hey boys! Do I look like I’m in their music movie?!”

“It’s music video!”

Kimona danced on and around the garden furniture of her Miami house to ‘Wannabe’ by the Spice Girls.

“I’m like the scary one aren’t I?” she called out between lip syncing.

“She certainly has the hair,” Raj whispered to Adam.

It was the third time that Raj and Adam had been over to visit their friend Kimona since she had moved to Miami five months ago. Each time they had visited, they were noticing more and more of the things she was learning about life in the 21st century. And she was really embracing it all.

Kimona turned the volume to a more respectable level and plonked herself, slightly out of breath, on a sun lounger next to Adam. The boys were occupying their own and were drying out from the swim they had had earlier.

“Boys, this is the life isn’t it? Could this be any better?” They all laughed. Kimona was currently on season eight of a particular sitcom and although Raj and Adam had already seen it all, watching their friend fall in love with it for the first time made them happy, and also laugh when she copied the quotes.

Her adjustment to life in 2029 was down to her Lifestyle Team, a trio of ‘gurus’ who also lived in the house with Kimona full time, providing therapy and educating her on what she had missed in her ninety years. World history, British history, American history, music over the decades, film and TV, fashion and technology. She had a playlist of well-known tracks from over the decades which she was tasked with listening to.

The Lifestyle Team- Kerry, Dale and Susan were also her security detail, so all bases were covered. They also worked with Kimona to harness her strengths and understand the ones she didn’t realise she had, such as her ability to heal someone if they were in contact with water, her hyper awareness which helped her develop her proficiency in fighting and the weirdest one, one which was discovered through her medical tests back at The Facility… ink secretion. She’d sadly only managed to do it once and that was purely by accident, but the possibility of doing it was there.

She had also been provided with a range of water based animals to test her ability to communicate with them. She found that if it was permanently water based or amphibious, then she could understand it. Rumour was they were going to try her with otters and seals, with a trip to the zoo to see if hippos worked on her.

Susan came through with a tray of drinks and slices of mango for Kimona and her guests.

“Hey you three. I hope you’re having a good time. Don’t forget that Brad and Terri will be here this evening. Terri called to say they will be a little late but were still coming. She's waiting for Brad who got tied up with something. Enjoy these refreshments guys!” she said, placing the tray down. “And by the way Kimona, we enjoyed your dance routine on the CCTV earlier!” she laughed and headed back to the house.

“No way, Proten and Sediment Terri are coming here?!” Raj cried out in surprise once Susan was out of earshot.

“Yeah, they’ve been a few times. Someone is always checking in with me. It can get a bit claustrophobic.”

Not hearing her last comment, the boys were over the moon about the visitors they were going to meet. “Are they going to stay for dinner? We better go shower soon if Terri’s coming!” Kimona rolled her eyes and lowered her sunglasses down over her eyes.


A song change grabbed her attention and she jumped up. “Boys, you have got to dance with me for this song!” she said, turning the volume up.

“Must we?” they cringed.

“You know you love to really. And if you don’t, I’ll embarrass you in front of Terri later!” And with that threat, they got up and joined Kimona for a pool side performance of Katrina and The Waves’ ‘I’m walking on sunshine’.


Later that evening, Kimona, Raj, Adam and the Lifestyle Team were joined by Brad and Terri. Much to the excitement of Raj and Adam. They had moved indoors to eat due to the thundering storm going on outside, but the lights were suitably dimmed to create a chilled atmosphere. The long table had benches down the sides which they were all sat on.

The visitors arrived an hour ago and were going to stay the night, which Kimona loved. She was always a homey, family type who loved being around people. Having her Lifestyle Team around ensured that she wasn’t ever lonely and they would always do things together, like working out, shopping and going to the cinema. They had become a family to her. One that unfortunately were employed to be so.

Terri brought a pile of plates into the kitchen and caught Kimona standing at the window and looking out at the storm.

“There you are,” she said softly so not to startle her.

“Sorry. You know, I never really had an opinion of storms before, but now I can’t help but get drawn in by them. My sisters were both terrified whenever one happened, especially at night. They used to come into my room and we’d hide under the bedding. But now when I watch one, I just… I don’t know. Ignore me, I’m being silly Terri. That one isn’t even the same as my storm.”

“You’re not being silly. It’s natural to think like that after what you went through. Storms are bound to trigger you in some way.”

“I just can’t explain it. The Secretary keeps assuring me that they have all the top meteorologists working it out but what if they don’t know? Or it doesn’t happen again? Or maybe it does keep happening? How do we know someone else hasn’t appeared from a storm before? Am I even the only one?”

“Slow down,” Terri said, moving in to comfort her with a hug. “Don’t worry so much about the how or the why right now. Leave that to the experts. Deal with the what. The what are you going to do now and how you’re going to move on with the new life you have now.”

Kimona laughed. “I thought you said not to worry about the how?”

“The how of how you got here, Miss Finickity!” She playfully gave Kimona a little push, coming out of the hug. “But you do look really happy, Kimona,”

“To tell the truth, I am. There are moments when I’m not, of course. I miss my family and I worry that my memories of them will fade and I will forget what they look like. And as much as I love the team being around, I miss just being by myself sometimes. And then there are these strengths I have. Like, what the hell? I now am beginning to love what I find myself capable of doing but it’s scary. I just feel overwhelmed with lots of responsibility to do the right thing, and I don’t even know if I’m ready for it,” she finished, taking a breath after her rant.


Terri sympathised. “I get it. I mean, I can’t imagine losing ninety years of your life and your family, and I get the pressure of having your new found enhancements. It took me a while to deal with mine and then even deciding if I wanted to use them. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have that onus on me. And if you decide that it isn’t something you want to do, then I get that too… I’ll just have to return to Kansas with your gift,” she said, playfully winking.

“A present? Oh come on, you can’t tease me like that!”

“Later. But I was teasing. I wouldn’t leave without giving it to you. Let’s go back to the others.”

“Oh yeah, the boys will be missing you!” Kimona joked and they both giggled. “I’ve never seen them so quiet. Bless them, I think they’re too starstruck to say anything.” The girls returned to the room to find Brad high fiving Raj and Adam from the other side of the room using his elongated arms, clearly showing off. They stopped when they saw the girls stood there, like they had been puppies caught being up to no good.

“Terri, can you show us something you can do please?” Raj asked.

“I was wondering how long it would be before you asked,” said Kimona as her and Terri took their seats back at the table.

“Well a lot of what I can do is quite destructive… How about you go and find the heaviest thing you can hit me with?” Terri suggested, laughing at the absurdity of what she said.

The boys gawked at her, not knowing if they had heard right, then they looked at each other. After a couple of seconds they ran off in separate directions looking for their heaviest thing to hit their crush with. The adults around the table burst out laughing, with Kerry letting everyone know she hoped there wasn’t going to be a mess.

Raj was the first back with a shovel from the outhouse in the garden. Adam came in moments after with a pitchfork.

“Woah there, angry villagers! You’re giving me strong witch-hunter vibes,” cried Terri laughing.

“He went heavy, I went pointy,” reasoned Adam.

“Ok, ok let’s do this then. Shovels, you’re up first.”

Raj readied the shovel up over his shoulder and swung it across as hard as he could. Upon impact on her face, the shovel bounced off, making a loud clang of metal hitting rock. Terri didn’t even flinch.

“Woah, you went for the face! You’re a savage!” Terri teased.

“That was awesome! The sound! And there’s not even any marks!” Adam cried. “It’s my turn now,” he said, getting into it all a bit much!

Terri braced herself. Adam thrust the pointed end of the fork at Terri’s stomach and again, that sound of rock hitting metal as the fork bounced off.

“Amazing, just amazing,” muttered Adam.

“Right, fun’s over boys,” announced Kerry, taking charge. “Take those garden tools back to the outhouse.”

A couple of hours later, Terri, Brad and Kimona were sat alone at the table outside. The storm had finished and everyone else had gone to bed. The antics earlier had exhausted the teen visitors and they had retired to their shared room. The Lifestyle Team had also called it a night, leaving the three Enhanceds to catch up.

“So earlier you said you had a present for me?”

“Ugh, Terri, I thought we were going to eek it out a bit more,” Brad groaned.

“I know I know, but we were talking earlier and it seemed right to mention it,” reasoned Terri. Kimona looked at the pair intrigued. “I’ll go and get it.”

She left and brought back a large, plain grey shirt box, and sat down opposite Kimona, who lifted the lid off and placed it down next to her. Unfolding the extra tissue wrapping away, she picked up the gift, standing up and letting it unravel to full length. She stared at it in awe.

“Oh… Oh guys, is this…? Gosh is this my own costume?”

Terri and Brad looked at each other, with Brad responding. “Err no, not quite Kimona. We are not children’s birthday entertainers. We don’t have costumes. This is your suit.”

“Or your uniform,” Terri added.

It was glorious. The whole colour scheme was in an ombre effect. Starting at the feet, it was a dark blue colour which got lighter as it got further up to the body. Around the area below her ribcage, it turned to a light blue and was a silver by the time it go to the neckline. The whole suit was covered in a scaly pattern repeated all over. The garment was finished off with a symbol on the chest. It was a bright green equilateral triangle with the point facing down. Inside the triangle was a whale tail, representing her infinity with the water and the life within it.

“Do you like it? You’ve not said anything for a while,” Terri asked.

“Guys, I absolutely love it. It’s really mine?”

“Yes. So when you’re ready to go out, if you choose that that is what you want, you can represent the good Agwé name in this kit,” Terri said warmly.

“Thank you so much. It’s… truly special,” Kimona said. She was still stood up holding it.

Brad went through its specs. “It’s been especially designed and made to be waterproof, temperature regulating and has been embedded with some Kevlar for strength and protection.”

“Did you bring your kit with you too?” Kimona asked.

“We don’t actually all have one,” said Terri, before continuing. “Brad does, and so does Dyl. But I don’t and Lucas doesn’t if and when he’s in the field as Network. We just felt you needed something, and something that looks bad ass.”

“We also only gave The Power of Three a few tweaks to their suits as they wanted to honour their fallen brother, and we left Do’Lânqwa’s as it is because it’s something that is literally out of this world. I’m glad you like this.”

“I can’t wait to wear it,” whispered Kimona.

“All in good time, Kim. Remember our conversation earlier,” reminded Terri. “Decide what it is you want and how you want it. Get your strengths mastered and the suit will be there for when you’re ready,” Terri continued, standing up and putting her hand on Kimona’s shoulder.

Kimona looked at the suit, then at Terri. A smile grew over her face, with a glint in her eye that Terri immediately recognised.



The man looked up and down the quiet sleepy residential street, double checking that his friend was clear. With a nod, the friend appeared from the dark and approached the car. The lookout checked again for any potential interruptions before then running over to his friend.

Success, the door opened.

“Well done Greg. You’ve definitely gotten better.”

“Thanks Harv, are you sure we’re clear? Did you check out that light?”

“It’s all slick, we’re good. It’s just a motion light.”

With the door open, and not making a noise, Greg leant into the car to rifle through the glove compartment. Harv kept look out. At least, he should’ve been. Greg looked up. Where had he gone? Greg looked around the car and checked the mirrors. Shit, he’s gotta be around somewhere. He carried on going through the glove compartment, but paused. He sensed a presence.

“Harv, don’t go too far away ok,” he muttered, thinking it was his friend returning. But it wasn’t his friend Harv. The nearest street light didn’t cast enough light over the figure to work out exactly who it was, but whoever it was had curly afro hair that was unmistakable.

“Get out of the car,” the female voice said.

“Go away,” Greg said, refusing to get out of the car. Where the frick is Harv? he thought.

A male voice, which wasn’t Harv’s came from behind him. Greg recognised the head on a snaking neck straight away. He cursed under his breath.

“I’d do as she said pal. She’s got herself a new suit that she is itching to break in with her first fight.”

In Flip #1, 'On the Ropes'...

Dylan finds himself out of his depth as he tries to rescue his friend.

Next week.

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