《The Elder of Mediocrity》Hiatus


Dear readers,

I am in a difficult period of transition right now. I had a new baby (my first baby). I'm starting a new job and I have no house. I have not had one for a couple weeks now. I'm staying with my in-laws until my new house is completed. It's been hard to ind a private place to write... since I no longer have my office and my computer broke... both critical obstacles to writing. I will start writing the Elder of Mediocrity again, sooner rather than later. But you won't see a release from me until January. Life is full of unexpected events, to say the least.

To make it up to you I'm posting a link to a novella I wrote a couple years back. The first in a series of novellas, I know the gap between chapters is difficult and I thank you guys for sticking with me and I hope that this small story will ease the pain of absent releases.

It is... different... from my current story. I hope you enjoy. I hope to see you all again. Thank you very much. Don't worry, I won't drop the Elder of Mediocrity, I just need to get the time to settle into my house and new job and baby. Thanks a lot, I am so grateful to you all.

Yours truly,

James Paul Addington

Link to A Roman Tale: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ufmzo7rlG6QKpd36QSDyn_UMQyJCgIWgQKBLGPiM6Yc/edit?usp=sharing

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