《The Elder of Mediocrity》Chapter 22: The Beginning of the Crescendo
“So Oz, tell me again what happened yesterday?”
Ebenezer’s bent form slouched over a foul-smelling cauldron. The old Apothecary tossed in herbs and strange items almost at random while pumping the flame with a foot-bellow. His grainy woodish skin wrinkled with delight as he moved with an agility that sharply contrasted with his misshapen form.
They were inside Ebenezer’s shop, in the back room where Oz’s Abysmal Potential rating was first discovered. The young boy was sitting idly on a chair waving his feet back and forth as Ed napped in a chair beside him. The smell of poultices, potions and mixtures hung heavy in the air. The sickly-sweet smell of some herbs contrasting with the pungent bitterness in others, the clash was almost nauseating — Oz had grown used to it, but Ed could barely stay awake in the cloud of scents. Ebenezer had just chalked the difference up to the malleability of age.
Or maybe the boy has some hidden potential… or not! Hehehe! But it is worth investigating… wood isn’t an element after all. Wait? Or is it? Hmmmm… I’ll have to read up on that… Hehehe! Ebenezer cackled in his mind, then frowned when he noticed Oz was dazing off. “Boy!”
Oz snapped alert.
“Tell me again. What happened yesterday?”
The small boy fidgeted nervously, twisting absently at the stray cotton threads in his shirt. “Grandpa.”
GRANDPA!!! HE! HE! My time is now! Ebenezer chuckled to himself. Soon Ed… soon I’ll replace you in this boy’s heart. Hehehe!!! I need a fellow wood cultivator… I won’t let you turn him into a lame Psyker! Ebenezer cleared his mind and continued, “Lad, you can tell Grandpa Eb anything.”
“Yes… Eb… it’s sounds like Ed, please confuse us.”
“O… Okay… Grandpa…”
Ebenezer paused to wipe sweat from his brow and took a scoop of grease from an open jar. In one smooth motion he oiled his hair and beard so that they stopped dangling over the cauldron. He popped his greased hand into his mouth and slurped up the excess… whatever it was… and started chewing on it thoughtfully. Then he was back to stirring and pumping. In between huffs and puffs he asked again, “Now boy, what were you gunna say?”
“I don’t want to be a cultibator anymore.”
Ebenezer choked on the grease in his mouth.
A wad of grease flew from his mouth and landed into the cauldron and the old apothecary almost stumbled into the cauldron, some of his stray hairs smoked and singed as they contacted the foul liquid. His face turned green as he contemplated the dissolving grease. I don’t think my paste has anything in it… EXCEPT ALL THESE TOXINS AND MY ANTI-AGING FORMULA! Prick! Prick! Dammit! Wait… no one saw… no one knows… I’m sure it won’t be that harmful… Maybe it’ll be good? Probably not. Ebenezer cursed his bad luck, but then thought nothing of it. He then turned to the source of the fiasco and stared Oz down.
“Boy, what nonsense are you talking about! Tell me something else, tell me what happened yesterday.”
Oz twiddled his fingers then began hesitantly, “I saw the man… the man with yellow eyes from my dreams… he was in the window… he knocked at the door… but when Mama opened the door…”
“Yes boy… what happened!”
Oz twiddled some more. Ebenezer’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head with irritation.
“Out with it lad!”
Oz sighed, “There was no one there… my Mama was so mad at me for scaring her.”
Ebenezer frowned, resembling a thoughtful bullfrog (or a particularly ugly tree), “There was no one there?”
Oz shook his head.
“That’s a terrible story.”
“There’s more to it than that,” Ed’s tired voice croaked.
Ebenzer nearly jumped out of his skin with fright. Hopefully he didn’t see the damn grease ball… But then his seniorly instincts took over and Ebenezer leaned in eagerly, he loved juicy gossip. “What else?”
“I was in McCarthy’s office…” Ed began drearily, then his eyes cleared momentarily as the hum of psychic energy filled the air — clearing the cloud of smells around him.
Ebenezer tapped his foot impatiently.
“Eh? Why’s it smell like smoke?” Ed sniffed the air cautiously as he slowly came to.
“FIRE! DAMMIT” Ebenezer kicked away the bellow and waited for the flame to cool down before pulling it back again. “It’s because all of you are so slow at talking… just out with it…” He muttered absently to himself.
Ed shrugged, licked his lips and then continued his tale, “McCarthy told me to go to my house… said someone was there — acted all weird about it too — no one was there.”
“I feel shivers down my spine!” Ebenezer squirmed and giggled as he stirred the pot.
Ed look visibly uncomfortable at the sight of a skinny treelike man squirming in pleasure at his story, “That was one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve ever seen… don’t… do… that again…” Ed slowly trailed off as the noxious smells rocked him to sleep.
Ebenezer’s face wrinkled again. He turned to Oz, “This’ll be done in a bit boy.” The apothecary paused then said, “Be careful you two… McCarthy is never wrong.” He stirred the pot and casually said , “And boy… being a cultivator is the highest honor in all the world… it’s also the only way to protect yourself. It is a weapon, the only weapon of war available that both guarantees your life and the lives of those you love. Among other evils which being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised.”
Oz nodded absently. Ebenezer grinned, “Damn I’m eloquent. Besides, don’t you want to be a wood cultivator like Grandpa?!” The boney man flexed his non-existent muscles and struck a pose. His scraggly hooded robe billowing in the toxic fumes.
Oz giggled, “No! Papa says that wood cultibators aren’t real cultibators!”
Ebenezer cursed under his breath, “We’ll see if he says the same thing during his surgery next week.”
A knock sounded at Ebenezer’s door.
A velvety masculine voice called back, “I know… I’m looking for Ed.”
“You’ll have to wait dammit!” The old apothecary called back, irritation saturating his tone. Ebenezer scratched his head, he didn’t recognize this voice. Odd… Ed isn’t exactly a man with many friends. Ebenezer spared a glance at Ed’s inebriated form then looked back at the now black liquid in his pot, “Well I suppose it’s done!” Ebenezer rummaged about and grabbed a few glass bottles. I’ll have to look over the ingredients for my grease. He arranged the bottles and rolled up his sleeves
Ebenezer shot a glance to Oz, “Now boy, behold the might of a wood cultivator!” Hoisting up the heavy cauldron he poured its contents into the bottles and tossed the heavy pot down with a huff.
Oz clapped and squealed, “Grandpa’s so strong!”
“Heh! It’s the power of my wood cultivation! Son, if you want to be strong, be like Grandpa!” Ebenezer absently corked the bottles as he chuckled to himself.
“Don’t swindle my son.” Ed growled as he slowly woke from his fume induced stupor. The air had cleared now that the liquid had been stowed in bottles, his alertness was slowly returning.
Ebenezer huffed with indignation, “If my cultivation is so inferior, why is it that you both are coming to me?”
Ed narrowed his eyes, “If you could pick a different cultivation type would you do so?”
At the remark Ebenezer went silent. He turned away, his face blank. “Someone’s at the door for you. Get out. I’ll see you next week.”
“Fine fine you grumpy old coot, I’ll be back next week… Who’s looking for me?” Ed stretched and yawned as he rubbed his bald head.
“Dunno… nice voice though.”
“Dammit… Oz let’s go!” Ed checked his gold chains and checked his black leather jacket. His hands gently touched the pockets of his denim jeans. Gotta make sure I’m ready… it better not be who I think it is! Dammit!
Think no more Ed. It’s me. We need to talk. Jannes Quan’s mental telepathy reached Ed’s mind sharply, almost puncturing it.
Dial it back knave! Ed rubbed his head with anger as he floated the bottles of medicine into his pocket and grabbed Oz’s hand with his good hand.
We need to talk.
All pricking pits! Why are you here???!!!
We need to talk. Jannes’ tone was insistent, if a telepathic voice could have insistency.
Dammit Jannes! McCarthy suspects me enough as it is, can’t you git out dammit?!
Edward… come out here. Now.
Ed paused. My name is Edmund…
Do you have the wrong person?
Jannes’ voice was quiet for a bit. Black... bald… eunuch.
I think you have the wrong Ed.
A moment of silence stretched between the two Psykers. Ed motioned to Ebenezer who gave a silent nod of assent. Ed proceeded to walk with Oz to the back door. He carefully made his way through the stone causeway, shuddering as he passed by Ebenezer’s surgery room. Ed looked back and saw the apothecary was following him.
“What is it ya damn money grubber?”
Ebenezer lifted his hood up and down and twirled his greasy facial hair, “I have a bad feeling.”
Ed grunted, “Keep your feelings to yourself.”
The trio walked up to the door, paused, then after a deep breath opened it. The two old men peeked their heads out and looked around at the Victorian style houses and let out a sigh of relief, but the smug grin was soon melted off his face at the sight of a handsome man in a baby blue pinstriped suit who seemed to melt out of the shadows. Perfectly combed ghostly blonde hair and green eyes contrasted with Ed’s black skin and bald head. His handsome and angular face standing out and drawing attention from the few passersby.
Jannes grinned at them and bowed, “Glad you finally come out Ed.”
Oz shrank back at the sight of the strange man, his hands gripped Ed’s leather jacket closely. Something within the very core of his being seemed to revolt at the sight of the man. Oz had to cling to Ed with all his might to not pass out from an onset of nausea. The box in his mind started rattling uncontrollably as if threatening to burst. His face went pale and the small boy started dry heaving. Ed steadied his tottering son with a heavy hand. An equally heavy gaze landed on the man in front of him. “Jannes… dammit.”
“Why the long face Ed?”
“Why are you here?!” Each word was punctuated ferociously, but Jannes’ grin didn’t slide off his face. “McCarthy’s always listening dammit!”
“Chancellor! I am officially not part of this conversation!” The apothecary called to no one in particular and glared at the two Psykers. “Keep your damn conspiracies to yourselves, I hear nothing!” Ebenezer slowly shrank back into his shop, his eyes were fixated on Oz, but his body was tense as if ready to strike.
Jannes absently waved the old man off, “Not today he’s not.” The handsome man smiled and pulled out a small box of ornate gold gilding set on dark cherry wood from his suit jacket pocket. And extended it to Ed. A light wind ruffled his white shirt, he hadn’t buttoned all the way up and the fabric floated in the breeze exposing a strong chest.
The box shook.
Ebenezer backed up a couple more steps.
Ed hesitated.
A light breeze ruffled Ed’s hairless scalp, he shuddered.
The feeling of wind on Ed’s skin filled him with trepidation. He hated the wind. But he couldn’t delay. Ed extended a shaky hand and grabbed the box. The box gently rocked and shook in his hands. He opened the box.
A shrill whistle screamed at him from the box and a misty face lunged at him, teeth bared. Ed dropped the box and stumbled back. The ethereal form jumped at him angrily, threatening to tear into his face with its ghostly claws. With a shout Ed lashed out with a right hook, his hand aglow with psychic energy, his fist eroding a chunk out of the face and passing clean through, from end to end. The two halves separated and fell like a pair of misty leaves.
The bottom half shrieked as it fell. Slowly getting quieter. Then vanished.
Ed stared aghast at the pile of white ash in the box. He’d seen a misty figure like this before. He knew what it was. He knew where it came from. His mind ached with the implications. Prick… I killed the Chancellor’s avatar.
He whirled on Jannes and attacked the man violently, jab after jab sailing out. Balls of shimmering air launched towards Jannes. Jannes laughed as he casually batted each ball away. Crash! Dust and smoke arose as Ed’s errant missiles careened into buildings near Ebenezer’s shop.
“Now Ed, let’s discuss this like civilized men!” Jannes’ quaint grin remained, like it required no effort to deal with Ed’s attacks.
“Why did you do this?! Do you want to start a rebellion!!!” Ed’s chest heaved as he shouted. I killed one of McCarthy’s avatars… prick me… skin me… all pricking hell!
“What the hell Jannes!” Then in a quieter voice Ed continued, “Why are giving me no choice?”
Doors slammed shut. Windows closed. People vanished. The word “rebellion” was taboo. Everyone knew McCarthy was everywhere… at the sound or smell of a communist threat he would initiate a great purge. The disembowelled former Head of Wizardry Melacandor was a constant reminder of that. It was just a matter of time before he showed up. No one was safe when the Chancellor descended.
Jannes pulled out a handkerchief and whipped some dust from his face. He sent his thoughts to Ed. It’s difficult to trust a triple agent Ed… I needed some insurance that you wouldn’t betray the cause.
Yes! I totally want to be on your side now and help you! Well done! Sarcasm dripped from Ed’s mind, condensing from the steaming rage he felt.
Jannes was flippant. McCarthy won’t be here for a little while… you killed Matilda… with a little help from my special box of course. Let’s talk… I have an ally on the inside… now is our chance to get McCarthy! He’s weak right now… then —
NO! Ed screamed back at Jannes, interrupting the thought transmission. I cannot support this, you will fail… you can’t beat him like this… then my family will be killed as retribution. You do this you’re on your own.
Jannes sneered. Do you think McCarthy will let you get away after this? Jannes motioned to the pile of white ash.
Ed knew this was the endgame. He knew this was Jannes’ trap and out of fear he had fallen into it. But there was a way out. Ed could see it, but it would be dangerous. He would have to prove his loyalty to the Chancellor. It would be the only way to keep his family safe. Dammit Jannes… we were supposed to wait… this won’t work! I won’t do it!
Jannes cocked an eyebrow. Oh?
Before Jannes could send a follow up question, Ed let out a quiet breath. Then spoke aloud, “Ebenezer… take Oz to my house… Jannes and I need to talk.”
I’m glad you came to your senses. Jannes’ grinned in self-satisfaction as Ebenezer carefully took Oz by the hand and led him away. Ebenezer whispered quietly into Ed’s ears. Ed nodded. The old apothecary disappeared with Oz into the dark doorway of his house.
Jannes tapped his foot impatiently. Alright, let’s go, we don’t have a lot of —
“Elder Jannes Quan, on account of your treasonous crimes against the Sect of Sagacity, by my authority as Head Auditor, I indict you for treason. The penalty is death. Do you wish to come quietly?”
“Please Edward… don’t play games with me… my patience is wearing out and so is our window of opportunity.”
Ed stared at Jannes. “My name is Edmund, Edmund DeSantes, Head Auditor for Section 901. And you are under arrest for sedition.”
Jannes paused. He didn’t expect this outcome. The pause soon gave way to anger and his handsome face contorted with an ugly rage. “You dare stand in my way mouse!”
Ed flicked a series of jabs at Jannes. Balls of air whirred towards the man in the baby blue suit. Jannes melted into the air, as if he didn’t exist, and the balls passed through the space where he used to be.
It was quiet. Ed was alone.
Ed breathed deeply and scanned the area, trying to find Jannes. Ed screamed as an ethereal hand punched his mind from behind almost shattering his consciousness. Blood exploded from his ears and he tottered over. The gem in his brain squirmed as if trying to escape his skull. Ed flooded his mind with psychosis placating the animal and steadying himself.
Another hand swiped at him.
Ed broke his watch with his mind and a green barrier enveloped him, blocking the psychic attack. Ed steadied himself through the blood and the ringing in his ears. Hand after hand pummelled the green bubble and mad laughter resounded in his skull.
Puny Psyker! You already have to resort to using life saving treasures? Can’t even take a spanking eh?!
Ed grimaced. Creak. Crack. Shatter. Like the sound of breaking glass the barrier burst into pieces.
A ghostly hand shot towards him again — fast! Ed materialized a fist of his own and fired it at the incoming hand. They collided.
It was a quiet sound, like the sound of a bursting bubble made of gum.
Jannes — eyes wide with shock — became visible as he and Ed were flung back by the invisible shockwave of air that roiled over them both. Stones, wood and carts disintegrated, and doors and windows shattered from the shockwave. In mid-air Ed ripped the gold chain around his neck apart, a soft warm glow encompassed his body. I a flash all his wounds healed and he gently landed on the ground.
Ed, seeing that Jannes had not expected the might of Ed’s own Psychic Hand and was down for the count, he launched himself at his unmoving enemy. Jannes didn’t stir as Ed rand towards him. He saw his chance! Ed leapt upon the man’s sleeping form, ripples of energy condensing around his fist into a blue fiery glow. More brilliant than the brightest stars. His black bloodied jacket danced in the air as his fist came crashing down onto Jannes.
At the moment before impact. Jannes opened his eyes. He sneered.
Ed blinked. Eh… what happened? Why am I on the ground? Ed was facing the sky, his back on the ground. His body wasn’t responding. He rolled over, pushing his body with his mind, and tried to get up using his left arm. To only roll onto the ground again. His eyes took in the rapidly forming pool of blood from where his left arm used to be. He was too in shock to scream. He tried helping himself up with his right hand. He stumbled forward, face first into the stony street. Both my arms are gone. Ed felt numb. He felt something warm, like a blanket, wrap around his body. He tried to wriggle and worm, but the soft caress of the invisible blanket turned into an iron fist. Slowly, his bloodied form was raised. He stood on his feet. Blood pouring from his shoulders and trickling down his waist. Ed was stunned. His arms were gone. All gone.
Clap. Clap. Clap.
He looked up from the ground for the source of the sound. He saw Jannes using his two arms like cymbals. Slapping the dead meat together with undisguised glee.
Ed’s stomach turned.
“How?” He croaked, his voice a dull raspy sound.
Jannes let go of Ed’s arms, slid his feet forward like a cat and extended his hands limply forward, “Because you are weak!” Jannes relaxed his stance and laughed, he casually strode forward and kicked one of Ed’s arms away. Then thought better of it. He floated up Ed’s arms and tied them together at the wrist.
Ed looked sick. Jannes gave light laugh, “I don’t want to get them mixed up… though your left hand is gone… still… quiet fine specimens. The body parts of Commander Grade Psykers are necessary ingredients for some… important products.” Jannes paused and looked at the rings on Ed’s only hand. He smiled, “Nice rings… May I? Seeing your hands are a little tied up… You have no problem with it? Great.” Jannes reached to the rings and took all of them off from the floating arms. He held them out and looked at them carefully.
“You…” Ed managed between gasps. His vision was fading. He was getting tired. But he wasn’t done yet. “You are… siding with the witches?”
“Witches? Me? Never… Maybe!” Jannes pulled the gold rings close to his eyes and stared at them greedily, trying to decipher the way to unbind them from Ed.
“Luceat!” Ed hissed weakly. A flash of light exploded.
Jannes let out a scream as the rings burst into flames of brilliant light. Ed slunk forward, exhausted and out of strength as Jannes clawed at his face in anger. Ed allowed himself a small smile. “Those rings have a curse on them… if you stare into the light… your eyes will burn in their very essence. Though… Though… I’m sure you’re aware of that by now. Oh and there’s one more… effect —"
“I’m blind! I’m pricking blind! ED! I WILL BURY YOU!”
“Too… late…” With a soft thud Ed’s body fell to the earth. Ed allowed himself a small smile. He whispered on the wind to the only man who could hear. “Protect… my family.” Before he passed out Ed heard a small voice whisper back.
“I promise.”
“I will skin you alive with my own hands!” Jannes shut his eyes, he ignored the scratch marks on his face and the burning sensation in his eyes. They itched like an incarnation of fire. He wanted to tear out his own eyes! Jannes focussed his mind and sent out a web of psychic energy to feel his way around. Slowly, he started walking towards Ed’s body… soon faster… and faster. “I will kill you!” He hissed as he drew near to the old man’s weak form.
Jannes body froze, right before he reached Ed’s body.
“Why can’t I move?!”
Soft footsteps sounded. The light in the sky faded, turning from brilliant yellow to grey. The echo of steady steps bounced off the building. The gentle click and clack of dress shoes on cobblestone sent a chill up Jannes’ spine. The steps were slow and measured and the smell of tobacco wafted in the air. A gentle breeze danced around Jannes’ body then enveloped Ed’s, slowly funneling blood back into his body. Jannes couldn’t see but he knew, he knew Ed was being helped. He knew McCarthy had come. But his psychic web couldn’t find him. Where is he? Dammit! Why can’t I see him!!!
Jannes focused on the body he could see and tried to gather a psychic hammer, he snarled wildly, “I’ll murder you Ed!”
“Ed is forbidden to die without my permission.”
“McCarthy! You dare?! Show yourself!”
“Get out of my sight Jannes, I don’t have time to fight you. I have someone else on the chopping block.”
Jannes’ hammer melted into the air. The Psyker froze. But he recovered quickly from his shock and smiled sinisterly, slowly, he turned himself — resisting the wall of wind that had held him in place. McCarthy frowned. But didn’t increase his wind pressure, rather he erased it. At the sudden loss of pressure Jannes almost stumbled over. Before he steadied himself, McCarthy spoke.
“There is only one reason I haven’t killed you yet.”
“As if it was in your power to do so!” Jannes spat a bloody wad of liquid onto the ground.
McCarthy ignored his ravings, “I need information. What do you know about Paderborn?”
Jannes froze. His face twitched. Then he hissed at McCarthy, “How do you know that name?”
“I’ll need you to visit my office Elder Quan.”
“I won’t tell you anything dammit!”
McCarthy reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, he hesitated, then put it back. He glared at Jannes. The Psyker shrank back.
“Jannes… the air you breathe is mine. Don’t run… it’ll only make you out of breath.”
Jannes face split into a wiry grin, “You don’t have time for me! There are other things that demand your attention.”
McCarthy frowned. Then cursed. Then vanished.
Seeing McCarthy had disappeared Jannes dusted off his now dirty blue suit. After straightening out his outfit, he casually walked to Ed. He pointed at Ed with a finger and a beam of psychosis flared. But it was stopped by McCarthy’s wall of wind that was healing Ed’s body.
“I think I have enough time before McCarthy get’s back…” Jannes put both his hands together and pulled them back towards his stomach. The air around him hummed a reverberated, a thick blue light began to build up in his hands. Sweat poured from his brow as he accumulated energy. The Psyker gathered the energy slowly and truly. He was focussed on his task, he didn’t see a shadowy form move in the open doorway.
A stone tile split, and a light brown wooden root shot straight into Jannes’ neck. He swore and moved at the last minute, but it wasn’t enough. The sharp root severed his jugular and blood sprayed from the open wound. The energy fizzled out in Jannes’ hands morphing into blue flames that scorched his hands — giving him third degree burns. Jannes recoiled, doused the flames with his mind and floated a handful of healing pills to his mouth. He looked around, but saw no one.
He let out a gargled scream as root after root punctured his body. Jannes downed more pills and with a swipe of his hand severed the roots with a psychic blast, he then jumped and floated in the air. Still trying to staunch the flow of blood from his many wounds. Root after root shot out of the ground in an attempt to perforate him. Jannes swayed and dodged in the air.
“Why won’t these wounds heal faster?!” He shouted in irritation and whacked back another handful of pills. He staggered in the air, almost falling over. At that moment of lost balance, a root twice as fast as the others and twice as thin shot through Jannes’ chest, then retracted, leaving a small hole in his heart. The flesh knit back together visibly, muscles, skin and tendon intertwining and creating fresh meat. The Psyker’s healing pills were of a high grade. The medicine and blood loss made him dizzy. Jannes’ eyes flared, he had no choice he had to retreat. As a barrage of roots left the ground, nearly a hundred at once, Jannes focussed his mind on a distant Thought Transfer point. Then winked out of the sky as roots sailed passed where his body used to be.
“Hehehe!” A wheezy and spindly old voice squeezed out into the air, “Can’t have you taking away my ducats now, can I?” Ebenezer stumbled out of his dark doorway and sauntered over towards Ed’s body. He grabbed Ed’s arms from the ground and pulled out some jars from his pocket. He stuffed the arms in the jars and tossed some water and powder inside. He corked it. Shook it and let the mixture fix. Satisfied with his handiwork he put Ed’s arms under his arms and stared at the black Psyker.
Ed’s eyes slowly opened. He took in the scene. The arms in the jars, the absence of Jannes and let out a small smile.
“Thanks old friend.”
Ebenezer huffed, “Don’t expect a discount.”
Ed looked at his arms. “Old man, could you put them down… you’re holding them weirdly.”
“I’m trying, but I’m stuck in your arms!”
Ed almost passed out again from anger.
Edna bustled about the kitchen of her and Ed’s home. Lilywen and Gwen were playing house in the living room. Doing their best to imitate her finesse in the kitchen, but kindergarteners aren’t known for their mobility skills. Edna smiled as Lilywen scolded Gwen for putting too much “food” in the pot. The scolding was a little too realistic. Gwen cried. Lilywen berated her for crying. Edna felt some irritation rise in her chest, the scene was too familiar. She rummaged in her drawer and pulled out a wooden spoon but before she could make it over the crying had stopped. Oz had put down his book and was there before her — consoling the twins with his one arm. She puckered a small scowl.
If only my man was half as good as my boy. Edna shook her head solemnly.
Ebenezer had dropped off Oz from the usual apothecary appointment, without Ed. The apothecary had given the most suspicious of reasons. But Edna let it pass, the man was crazy anyways.
She sighed. Where are you my husband? Then went back to her work.
Edna carefully selected a nice medium sized cucumber and added it to her growing pyramid. Satisfied with the amount and quality she stuffed them in a few jars. Added some salt and garlic, a lot of dill, then then the water. Carefully she sealed the jar. As she moved on to the next one she felt a small tug at the corner of her apron. It was Oz.
“What is it boy?”
“Mama, I saw the man with yellow eyes again!”
“Hush child! Don’t be scaring me all over again, almost gave me a heart attack last time.” Edna huffed and scooped her boy in her arm. Stowing her pickle jars in the cupboard with the other. She rested her son on her hip and gently tousled his hair. He giggled. Her other two children charged her like raging tigers, indignant at this show of favouritism. Tiny hands bunched up in protest at her despotic regime of matriarchal domination.
“Mama! Up!”
“Up! Mama!”
The revolution succeeded.
Soon all three of her children were climbing on her body. One minute she was a dinosaur chasing them through the jungle. The next they were the hunters and she was their prey. One time she was the Auditor and they were the taxes… a very boring game… Ed liked it though. As all government activities it soon descended into a torrent of bureaucracy and infighting. As she separated Lilywen’s finger from Gwen’s nose she felt Oz tug at her again.
“Don’t answer the door Mama!”
“Door? What about the —”
Knock knock.
Edna turned her head. “Boy, stop watching the window… it’s making you scared!”
“Mama! Don’t go!”
Edna bent down, her round hips accented as she put her hands on them, “Why, is it the scary man from your dreams?”
The small boy nodded.
“Lilywen! Do not put your toe in Gwen’s nose! Put it down! Good girl. Child you gimme grief!”
Knock knock.
The caller was persistent. Edna sighed, a mother’s work is never done. She looked at her panicked son.
“Come boy, let’s get the door together.”
“Mama, I —”
“Let’s get the door together.”
“… Okay.”
She picked up the shivering boy in her arms and after managing to peel herself away from the twins she walked to the door just as the knocker pounded the door again.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” She set Oz down and arranged her outfit a little bit. She was wearing a purple summer blouse and a white apron. Her hazel eyes and curly black hair made her soft black skin glow with all the vigour of youth. She hardly needed to beautify herself, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. Oz stared at her in wonderment. She looked at him and smiled mischievously.
“Sometimes your Papa likes to play the ‘Postman Game’...”
“Can I play too?”
Edna coughed, “You can’t play that game with me.”
Knock knock.
Edna rolled her eyes, “What an impatient man.” With a grin she leaned in to the peep hole. Her face went white. The door shattered as a hand broke through. Thin lean fingers with sharp black nails wrapped around her throat before she could move. Her hazel eyes met yellow eyes and a wolfish grin.
She struggled. The hand turned. Crack.
Oz screamed.
- In Serial237 Chapters
The Billionaire’s Kept Woman
Warning!!! This novel contain scenes that are not suitable for children. That includes on killing, suicide… torture… and R-21 scenes
8 85 - In Serial1064 Chapters
Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today
A silly cultivation novel about an airheaded master putting his foot in his mouth and his poor, clever disciple ducking the fall. In the midst of faking his death, Xiao Hui finds himself trucked and summarily reincarnated into a cultivation world. With great hopes for what is to come, he gets himself taken in by a sect and chosen by a powerful master, but his master seems to have a hole in his brain! What's a poor disciple to do? What Hui does best, of course! -Cultivation/progression fantasy -Neither grimdark nor fluffy, but interwoven with both silly and intense moments -Not your typical cultivation protagonist [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 997 - In Serial16 Chapters
adVerse Wishes
Rose Smith, living in a poor world struggles to get over her grandpa's suspicious death in South Carolina but soon finds it was a murder...by a piano! Strong willed, Rose displays her determination to avenge her grandpa's death by fighting the piano, but at the same time, she has another battle to face being the new girl. Rose happened to move into her grandpa's house from Ohio after he died and with her old apartment she left all of her friends. With two negligent parents, Rose lacks in social interaction until she becomes best friends with a wealthy girl named Marylyn whom she meets at her new school. After breaking the traumatic news about the instrument in her grandpa's old house, Marylyn and Rose fight the piano with all the power they have.
8 181 - In Serial126 Chapters
Band of brothers images
Band of brothers Images Some smutRequests closed
8 169 - In Serial80 Chapters
Different Love In The Mafia World
-After her painful past she managed to escape and turn from a weak girl into one of the powerful mafia leaders. She is not even aware of what will happen to her in the future and what troubles she will get into. Find out by reading the story.. "Different Love In The Mafia World".
8 120 - In Serial18 Chapters
Gossip Girl 2.0
Kourtnie Bass is the child of legacy Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass. She has everything a giant trust fund, a business to inherit, and everyone loves or is scared of her. She is just like dad after her boyfriend rapped her. She doesn't care about love and feelings all she wants is sex. But that all changes when she makes the mistake of sleeping with Alex Reed. She continues to sneak around with him for weeks until a night at the Snow Flake Ball when Alex gives her an ultimatum 3 words Eight letters. Its that simple but will she do it? Is history repeating its self after all?~book 2 in the works~
8 104