《Descent of the Arcane》Chapter 15: Lanuae Vampire


On the way to the chaos crystal Caleb received a notification stating that Valikra had accepted becoming his general. While Caleb considered saying something he was aware enough to realize that she needed a moment. Before he could move on from the thought though he received a warning from his bloodline, it wasn't in words but the meaning was abundantly clear. Should he ever be weaker than one of his generals he would lose his sovereign bloodline and it would become just an abyssal bloodline. This shocked Caleb as he didn't even know this was possible. He also had no clue as to what the change in bloodline would do to him, if anything, though he decidedly wanted to avoid finding out. Caleb began thinking about how he could avoid losing the sovereign in his bloodline managing to come up with 3 answers; 1.) Kill all my generals who started getting to powerful, 2.) Only give the position to someone weak or untalented, 3.) Advance in strength fast enough that there was never a chance to be surpassed.

Caleb discarded the first option instantly as he refused to kill people unless they threatened him or his family/friends. The second option mhe discarded as it seemed like a way to shoot himself in the foot, besides it also reeked of cowardice. The third option though seemed to resonate with his personality. With a feral grin he thought, "This plan will just give me even more motivation to get stronger."

By this point Caleb and Valikra had reached the chaos crystal. Caleb walked up to the crystal placing his hand on one of its faceted sides. Caleb shivered touching it, the crystal felt like cold water yet also the warm back of a dog, then it felt like the solid crystal it always looked like before the way it felt change again. Tyr had explained that this was because of its chaotic nature and the only reason it didn't disappear or explode was do to the runes on the runic stand holding it there in a solid form. With a shake of his head Caleb accessed the crystal.



The screen looked the same as it had the last time Caleb had accessed a crystal except that the race evolution tab and racial change tab were no longer marked out. Most items in the store were marked out but there was a refining search section so you could narrow it down to what they were allowed to buy if they had the credits and a slider to mark the most expensive item shown were. But this time Caleb wasn't here to buy or sell, nor to gain intel on what could become available later. This trip was to make himself stronger, to evolve and grow. So without hesitation or looking around Caleb selected the tab for racial change, disappearing in a flash of light.



Each races lifespan will increase by 10 million years if they can reach C-rank, every rank after will add another 10 million. Gods are True Immortals


You have reached your first CHOICE! You must choose what and who you will be. A CHOICE once made cannot be undone so choose with caution. Each CHOICE offers both benefits and dangers.

HUMAN: Humans are one of the most prolific yet shortest lived races in the multiverse while also being one of the most diverse. While considered a naturally weak race they are still one of the most lethal races in the multiverse. Extremely balanced and able to walk many roads on their Path to power. Humans have zero racial allies or racial enemies. +1 to all stats. +10 free points +15% XP. Lifespan: 150 years

ORC: Orcs are a tribal and war focused people known for valuing honor glory and honesty. They are strong and resilient making them perfect warriors but very few orcs have any talent for magic. Orcs are racial allies with hobgoblins and beastkin. Orcs are racial enemies with High Elves, Void Elves, and demonkin. +3 VIT, +4 TOUGH, +5 STR, +3 AGI +3 free points. Lifespan: 2,500 years GIANTS: Giants look almost identical to humans and it is believed by mana that the original humans were sickly giants though none can confirm this rumor. Giants are one of the strongest warrior races in the multiverse. Giants are amazing smiths and in the multiverse as a whole are one of the 4 best smithing races. Racial enemies of the nadeen and the gorgons. Racial allies with the dwarves and the grey dwarves. +5 VIT, +7 TOUGH, + 4 ENDURANCE, +6 STR, +1 AGI, +3 free points, -5% EXP. +10% to smithing professions. A giants strength stat is twice as effective and agility is a quarter less effective. Lifespan: 100,000 years

HIGH ELVES: Elves have one of the longer lifespans out of the humanoid races not tied to the undead empire. Every high elf is born with a large magical talent having at least one high affinity in on of these elements:life, light, earth, water, and nature. Many believe that high elves are naturally talented in archery, this is incorrect, high elves merely train in archery for centuries before being allowed to leave their Tree of Life. High Elves are racial allies with void elves and wood elves. +4 AGI, +4 PER, + 8 INT, +8 WIS, +1 WIL, +3 free points, -5% EXP. Lifespan: 5 Million years

DARK ELVES: Dark elves are often called deep elves do to that they are the only elves known to prefer living inside mountains and caverns. Elves have one of the longer lifespans out of the humanoid races not tied to the undead empire. Every dark elf is born with a large magical talent having at least one high affinity in on of these elements:fire, lightning, or dark. Many believe that high elves are naturally gifted with single-handed melee weapons, this is a mistaken belief, dark elves go through a horribly brutal training regime for the first 3.5 centuries of their life learning to wield single handed melee weapons before they can leave their crystal cities. Racial allies with the dwarves, grey dwarves, and Altior kobolds. Racial enemies with the galkairn, lionkin, wraiths.+4 STR +5 AGI, + 8 INT, +8 WIS, +3 free points, -5% EXP. Lifespan: 5 million years VAMPIRE: Vampires are a living race that rules as part the Council over the Undead Empire. All All races of the Council are living races that procreate and age yet are labeled as the living dead do to appearances and the fact that most undead races were created by them. These races are: Vampires, Liches, Draugr, Wraiths, Galkairn, Reapers and Jinn. Vampires create servants that are considered by them as fake vampires often called dhampires and can be made of any living race that has blood. Many believe that vampires are immortal and can be killed by sunlight, these beliefs are wrong, dhampires are immortal and will turn to ash if they go into sunlight true vampire are neither immortal or weak to sunlight. Vampires are naturally fast, and strong with both their STR & AGI stat being 1.5 times as powerful. Every vampire has a natural talent for blood magic and a blood affinity of at least mid-grade, depending on the type of vampire could have other talents or abilities. Weak to light, and holy magic. +3 VIT. +5 AGI, +6 INT +5 WIS +3 free points -5% exp. Lifespan:10 million years


DRAUGR: Draugr are a living race that rules as part the Council over the Undead Empire. All races of the Council are living races that procreate and age yet are labeled as the living dead do to appearances and the fact that most undead races were created by them. These races are: Vampires, Liches, Draugr, Wraiths, Galkairn, Reapers and Jinn. Draugr look like humans except usually a foot taller with grey skin black eyes and black veins and either solid white hair or pitch black. +2 VIT, +3 TOUGH, +6 INT, +4 WIS, +2 WIL, +3 free points. Lifespan: 20 million years






Caleb was in a black void with elemental particles floating around him. Looking at the system panel in front of him Caleb saw that there were more races mentioned than he had believed there would be, yet the other races were marked out. He also found out that his prior information wasn't completely correct so updated his Journal on the races available. He considered adding the other races but sense all it gave was a name he decided against it. After rereading the information on the races Caleb selected vampire. All of a sudden the elemental particles rushed into Caleb and he exploded into a mist, Instead of pain as one might expect all he felt was pleasure like sinking into a hot tub after a long day at work mixed with snuggling up under warm covers on a cold morning. A period of time passed and Caleb's body and soul reformed though he looked somewhat different being a little over 7 feet tall and significantly more buff than before though not ridiculously so. Caleb's hair had turned red as well as his eyes, his ears had become pointed though stayed the same size. Caleb could also feel that he had two extra fangs in his mouth but that they were currently withdrawn.


You have made your first Choice. Walk your Path of power unflinching as only the brave or foolhardy can go far

You have become a Lanuae Vampire!

Your Bloodline helped purify you vampir blood you are now a Vampire Baron!

Lanuae Vampire(G): More muscled than most vampire do to their origin world requiring great strength to fight against the gravity and the beasts, sense they lacked both magic and technology. Sense gaining mana it was discovered that lanuae vampires have an absurd talent for spatial magic though they seem incapable of using space magic offensively. The Least talented lanuae will have a minimum of Great-grade space affinity often having an inferior- or low-grade time affinity.+2 VIT, +3 TOUGH, +6 INT, +4 WIS, +2 WIL, +3 free points. Lifespan: 20 million years

Vampire Baron: +2 free points every year since Birth[Your birth is since you became a vampire]

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