《Primordial Evolutions》Apologies and Unexpected Problems


Hey everyone, I know it has been a while and you were all expecting a chapter either yesterday or 8 days ago (cant remember lol). I just want to apologise because i ran into some unexpected problems. Its nothing serious, just a problem with the wif. As you know I am boarding to attend college and the dorm is attatched to a college (not the one i go to tho ) and thus since i dont wanna fork out an extra $30 a month for wifi, I just use the school wifi. But this blocks practically everything, even RRL.

Now i have always got around this blocking using VPN for both phone and computer. But for some reason, since Sunday night (like 72 hour or so ago) the vpn for my computer broke.

All of them did, half of my usual vpn extensions couldnt even load the extension. Now either the school fixed vpn or my desktop updated and fucked something. I am currently trying to think of a solution and yes i have already thought of uploading chaoters via phone (like this one), but thats my last resort cos it is a bitch to get this stuff from desktop to phone to royalroad .

So I am attempting to solve the problem and I apologise for any delays with chapters that have and will possibly occur. Do note that i am already half done with the chapter that was originally due yesterday which i stopped writing halfway due to trying to a. Fix the vpn and b. Doing urgent homework.

Ok, I got class in 1 hour and 39 minutes and it takes ~20 to get to my school. So i gotta go get ready. Sorry bout the delays, hope you stick with me cos that would make me feel absolutely amazing

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