《The Demon Lord who wished to be a Hero》Chapter 12 - Some Quality time with a Buddy, in a Dungeon. How Wonderful.
Well, this is just wonderful… Locked in a bloody dungeon until I defeat it or die. The level of the stupid thing is also ridiculous! Not like the Bear wasn’t a ridiculous high leveled creature for this area but that's beside the point. How the hell am I going to clear this, and keep Nibbit safe?
This is like one of those annoying escort missions in games, but if I fail it will have way worst consequences. For both him and me… So how am I going to do this? Leaving Nibbit at the entrance is a no go as there is a chance another monster will find him and without me here to protect him he will die. But if I bring him with me he will be put into more danger, as I will probably be to distracted by monsters or a random trap might hit him.
Fuck. No matter what I do, Nibbit has a chance of dying! I could maybe try to burn through the entrance/exit with my Hellfire but there is no promise it will work and it might cause smoke stay in here and the heat it emits is also not the best for Nibbit’s safety.
I scratch my head viciously as stress about the conundrum I’m in. After a minute of me scratching my head like it’s covered in mosquito bites and pacing back a forth, Nibbit breaks me out of my thoughts.
“Sire. I would like to apologize for suggesting to enter the Cave. Punish this insolent servant, probably causing the savior of my people to die.” He kneels down in front of me with his head down.
And now Nibbit is probably depressed, bloody wonderful! I’m different going to have fun in this fucking place. Staying right here and think on what to do is not going to help anything, just need to start walking.
“Nibbit, get up. We have a Dungeon to conquer, we wasted enough time here.” I squeeze the handle of the scythe as I start walking further into the Dungeon. Blue flamed torches guiding my way.
“Wait Sire! I need to be punished! I suggested in going in this place!” I hear him scamper over to me quickly. I turn on my heels and look down at him with a scowl, which he looks down in return, not meeting my eyes.
“Are you a masochist Nibbit? Are you a sniveling coward perhaps? For the past few days that I have known you, I did not have this opinion of you. Are you telling me that I am incorrect in judging your character perhaps?” I glare at him, crossing my arms.
“Sire, but I-!” Nibbit starts before I cut him off.
“But nothing! Answer my Question… Yes or no. it’s that simple, and pick..!” I growl, my eyes blazing with intensity.
He doesn’t respond after a few seconds so I turn to start walking away again before I hear him say something almost inaudible underneath his breath.
“What was that, I didn’t hear it Nibbit.”
“I s-said. No..” He says a little more clear now.
I turn around to see him looking up at me, no more looking at the floor. His body shaking slightly as he strains to look straight at me.
“Sorry, I think my ears were plugged for a moment. What did you say?” I snort.
He grinds his teeth and closes his eyes before shouting at me “NO! I am not a Damn Coward!”
“So you admit to being a Masochist then?” I grin at him. “I wonder what I will have to do with you now, that I found out my right-hand man is actually a masochist..”
He pales, staring dumbly at me. “I-i’m not a masochist! I- I-” He starts muttering random stuff something about pigs and humans.
I put my hands on his shoulders and go down to his eye level.
“Relax, I’m merely jesting, man. I don’t believe it’s your fault at all, that just because you suggested that we enter it, that it’s all your fault we're stuck in here. Even if you didn’t suggest it, I would’ve gone and might’ve been stuck in here alone instead of us both.”
“But-” He starts.
“No buts like I said before! You need to have more confidence in yourself Nibbit. You act like you're walking on eggshells. There is no reason. There is almost nothing you say or suggest will make me want to punish you. You are trying the best you can and have the best interests in me so why should I get upset at you?” I cock my head to the side with a lopsided smile.
“This is a direct order. Have more confidence in yourself! Whatever it may be, what you have to say is important and must reach my ears. Your actions speak volumes that you have the best interest and I would be a fool to punish you. Do you understand?” I stare directly into his own and he stares back as he sweats.
After a few tense filled seconds, he then gulps and gives me a determined look. “Yes, Sire! I am a valuable asset to you and you would be an imbecil to think otherwise!” He shouts at me, his voice echoing through the damp rotting cavern.
I couldn’t help myself after hearing him shout that, I had to smile. It’s like seeing your child finally achieve something or figure something out. It feels me with a sense of pride I guess, having a subordinate this loyal. I just wanna hug him, but this is not the time for it, nor would give off the impression of a Strong leader.
Why do I even keep this facade up though… To make sure they don’t mess with me? Rise up against me? I doubt they have the strength even though, select few have evolved. They would instantly get destroyed. Perhaps to give them hope that I will be able to lead them efficiently?
The main question is why I am having these thoughts when I should actually be more worrying about how the hell I am going to get out of this hell hole alive with Nibbit. Ugh.
I groan and put my palms to my eyes, rubbing them as I sometimes do as I’m stressed. Nibbit is just standing their numbly with a stupid grin on his face, probably still thinking about his elevated self-importance, which isn’t a bad thing.
“Nibbit, you have any ideas how we are going to get through this alive, with both of us together? I would really appreciate the input.” I wave to Nibbit and look down the tunnel leading further into the cave.
Once I look back, he is furrowing his brows and grinding his teeth, looking concentrated on thinking of an answer.
“ If we would go rationally, I believe that you should go first as a tank while I would be a back liner. Any attacks, from traps or monsters, would wipe me out in one hit. You on the other hand Sire, I don’t think so. But I do not wish for you to be put in harm's way!” Nibbit states as he clenches his fists tightly, his knuckles turning a slight tinge of blue.
I nod at him, making a stroking my mouth and chin. “Is there any other suggestions you would have then besides that one? I was thinking of trying to melt through the entrance/exit with hellfire but I have a feeling that wouldn’t work…” I sigh frustration evident.
He winces while his face scrunched up at the mention of hellfire and I let lose a weak chuckle at the reaction, further concocting his face. “No, I do not have any further ideas Sire…” He looks away and mutters something which was most likely ‘Sorry’.
I sigh again as I look towards the ceiling and tap my foot to a rhythm. I Look back towards the passageway deeper and I faintly hear crackling and other sounds of movement. Either whatever is making that noise is close or coming towards us, I hope it’s the sooner.
“Well then, we better get moving than. Sitting here thinking all day will not get us anywhere.” I state as I start moving. I hear Nibbit open his mouth and before he speaks I interrupt him. “If it’s not a new plan that is better than me tanking the blunt of the damage, I don’t wanna hear opposition Nibbit.”
He doesn’t respond for a couple of seconds before giving me a cheeky response. “I thought you said you wanted to listen to everything I wanted to say?” I can almost visually see the smirk he has on behind me.
“Yes I do but it gets to a point when you are just saying stuff to delay the inevitable, and we do not have time to delay. I have to get back to the village remember?” I snort back as I absentmindedly swing my weapon around.
“You left Rotty there haven't you?” Nibbit begins. “I doubt there is anything in the forest that would be able to harm it now, and it would be impossible to slay the thing.”
“Just because you do not believe or have a doubt upon something, does not mean you should be willing to risk it. I think I also faintly remember someone telling me there was nothing in the forest that could be dangerous to me. It could just be my imagination though.” I only get a snort in reply.
We continue our march further into the bowels of the dungeon with the company of the sound of our feet and the drops of water from stalagmites. Or our they stalactites? Whatever one they are, it’s the ones that come down from the roof.
We finally reach an old what seems like an oak door with rusty braces on it. Once I got to the door the faint noises of the cackling also stopped which put me a bit on edge. You get used to hearing a noise and when it’s gone, it’s just… Weird.
I look back to Nibbit who has an anxious expression on his face, a few sweat drops as well if I look hard enough.
“You ready Nibbit?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be Sire… Wait actually, co-?”
Before he could finish his answer I Spartan kicked the door to open it up. That might’ve been not the smartest move but I always kind of wanted to do that and my nerves were getting the better of me.
What I wasn’t expecting, however, was the door to completely shatter and debris from the door to spray the room like buckshot. I was even expecting less to see several skeletons either looking like wooden porcupines or skeletons that look like they were about to fall down to the damage they gained from the buckshot.
I charge in there after getting out of my stupor and start slicing the poor bastards to pieces! It wasn’t even a challenge, they were cut through like wet paper with a chainsaw. They were shredded.
The small amount of leather the Skeletons were wearing or the iron shields did nothing as well as the scythe blades just cut right through them like they didn’t exist. I don’t know how I should feel about this. Happy how powerful my weapon is or that more weapons like this could perhaps do the same to me.
Not even twenty seconds went by before every skeleton in the room was dog treats. In various sizes. It was pretty fun being a whirlwind of doom in the room! It was like playing Diablo 3 with Primal Ancient gear on normal difficulty when you could easily play Torment 13.
I take a step back and look at my handy work with a smile on my face as I hear Nibbit’s felt pitter-patter behind me. As soon as I see Nibbit beside me with a look of awe on his face I produce a larger grin and look at the messages I got for slaying the poor mobs.
You have slain 12 Skeletal Peasants [Lv 90]
You have slain 3 Skeletal Militia [Lv 109]
You have slain 1 Skeleton Warrior [Lv 115]
Killed 16 Skeletons, all higher than the Hindbear and it felt like I killed these guys far easier than the Hindbear… Hm. Probably due to intimidation, also maybe the fact that it fucking breathed fire at me! Which now that I look back to it, isn’t fire supposed to not hurt me due to my Hellfire trait…
Whatever, let's just see how much Exp I got from t- Holy shit! I gain so much Exp!
Zxel Alvanchia
Demon Lord [Human Sub-Race]
Demon Lord
[“The Idiot who skipped the Tutorial”]
[Champion of the Prince of Chaos]
[Suicidal Solo Slayer]
[Boss of Twilight Forest]
Magical Affinities
Entomancy, Nightmare, Biomancy, Hellfire, Necromancy, Bloodmancy
40 (12) [156]
20 (10) [90]
40 (4) [136]
20 (14) [102]
40 (8) [144]
40 (8) [144]
5 (6) [33]
5 (2) [21]
Experience Points
Stat points
Magical Rank
Mage [Lv1]
Chaos [NA] [NA]
I jumped a lot! If I get another group of like that {or perhaps, dare I say a tougher one}, I’ll get a single level! Hahaha! Even with a ridiculous level gap and engorged Exp requirement to level up, I’m still leveling, baby!
Wait… If I’m this bloody powerful now at Lv 11… What would the hell happen once I reach Lv 100 or more? No, let's not go down this road, this will lead nowhere except bad thoughts and thoughts of doom.
Without another thought, I start moving forward again. Nibbit quickly follows behind me, continuing to gawk at the remains of the mobs. Is it really that impressive? No! Bad brain, let's not get overconfident so far, I could just be a glass cannon!
I shake my head and my breathing quickens as I become anxious again. Makes me have a slight feeling I like feeling unstoppable more than being cautious…
Let's do something that will keep my mind of this. I don’t actually know a lot about Nibbit… Would it be best to get to know your subordinates better right? It might also give me more information on the world. No matter how small the tidbit it could be.
“Nibbit, to make this dungeon delving more… Interesting and less depressing at how badly this could go… How about we talk about ourselves? You could learn about me and I could learn more about you!” I grin at him, my eyes crinkling to try to make the nicest smile I can.
Nibbit winces when I smile at him, but whatever, I probably have a bloodthirsty smile on actually. I can see feeling adrenaline flowing through my veins, even though that was a stomp.
“...Sure, sire. But I am afraid I might bore you with my past before you came here to guide us.” He says and slinks up to me, staying close enough to hide behind me if needed. “It was very quiet and peaceful, if not unproductive until you came along. While Mibbit ‘ruled’ over us, I did everything in my power to try to get us in a better position with homes and technology which mimics the other species.”
I nod and look around to make sure nothing catches us off guard as I listen to him. Our steps making a thudding noise against the stone floor. “It was quite difficult you know,” He said sighing. “Having to reconstruct things you only heard about from those who actually seen them and perhaps even know how they work.”
“And who did you get that information from? I doubt it was from other Goblins.” I chuckle as I peek around a corner before I wave for him to follow me around it after not seeing anything.
He snorts at me chuckling and wears a smirk on his face when I look back at him. “It was a Goblin, my old man to be fact! The most intelligent Goblin you would’ve ever meet.” His smirk turns into a full blown smile as he talks about his father. “He was the one who actually taught me how to speak Angelicus and most stuff I know.”
I whistle hearing that, how couldn’t I after finding that out but it does make sense. Unless Nibbit was a genius someone needed to teach him all of this rather than his sweet, not as intelligent fellows.
“Was your always so intelligent or was it the same for what he did for you,” I ask him as I step onto a tile which presses down and then a spike exits from it impaling my foot.
I’m not crying, why would I cry after having a foot long spike go completely through my right foot… I swear I heard a crunch as well when it went through…
Nibbit winces when he sees the spike go through my foot but I put up my hand for him to calm down and continue. He even smiles weakly, probably seeing my allergic reaction tears of pain.
“No, he wasn't taught by anyone.” He states and puts his hands close to my feet as he casts a healing spell. Didn’t know he had one of those… “He said he knew it all from birth, he could’ve been bullshitting me but, I believe him. He was vastly different from everyone back at the Goblin Kingdom we came from.”
I give my feet a few whacks to see how tender it is after the healing and the spike reset and raise my eyebrow at him. “You were from a Goblin Kingdom? There was a whole kingdom and not just a small ass village or villages?”. Nibbit actually looks offended at me after I said that, his whole face scrunched up like he just stepped in dog crap barefooted.
“Hmph, yes we do have a Kingdom but my father took us and a group of others to make a village as he disagreed with the leadership. He disagreed with the belief of capturing women and then using them as goblin factories.” He spits out the word Goblin factories, his brows furrowed, nostrils flared, clearly irritated at what they did.
I read enough books to know bad it could be for women who got captured by Goblins and the like. This also probably explains I didn’t see any captured women at all at the village. It probably wouldn’t be the same village I know if they did follow that belief…
“He took us to Twilight Forest, we settled here as he taught me and Nibbit, mainly me as I was like a sponge for knowledge, my brother less so. He taught me how to use magic and some fighting techniques, as he adventured before he had us.” Nibbit smiles sweetly remembering this. “He told us so many stories about his adventures, sometimes even he told us about his dream to get Goblins and the other races to join hands in peace instead of us being enemies.”
His eyes turning hard and his smile gone. “He refused to evolve through to extend his life. He said he had a fulfilling life, having us and settling down in the village for the rest of his life teaching us.” He laughs mockingly “He told me he was passing the torch to me, to help achieve his ‘foolish dream’ for him… I had to promise it for the old fool…”
I pat his shoulder as I weakly smile at him. He just looks at me blankly before snorting and smiles back. “Sorry about that, sorry if I bored you sire.”
I shake my head a laugh. “It’s no problem, you loved and respected your father quite a bit, huh?”
“That's an understatement Sire, I would’ve died for him, but he would be the one who would sacrifice himself so I didn’t.”
I close my eyes when he says that. Listening in the distance for footsteps coming this way. About a group of them coming, around 8 to 15 pairs of footsteps I hear.
I look at Nibbit biting the inside of my cheek for a second. “Groups coming, prepare to hide or dodge, but get out of sight is the best option. Got it?” He nods, his resolve firm, his confidence secure and the shakey unconfident Hobgoblin no longer in sight.
Let's see what this next group has for me, huh? Maybe this isn’t the right time to say it, but I’m ready to bring some skulls to the skull throne.
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Path of the Ancients
When humans with the ability to control the fundamental particles of the universe with their minds were first discovered, the age of space travel began in earnest. Relativistic travel faster than the speed of light became possible and humanity moved out into the stars. When it was discovered that these Mages could be turned into effective weapons, humanity turned back to its oldest pastime of war. Hundreds of years later as humanity was on the brink of self-destruction, with its taste for war finally beginning to wane, a new organization was created. The Conclave was formed to regulate all Mage’s within the human colonies. While the colonies maintained their independence, the Conclave’s control over access to interstellar travel made them the de facto power amongst humanity. As the old saying goes, ‘Power Corrupts’, and many people were unhappy with the way the Conclave had been leveraging its authority, not the least of which were the Mages they controlled. One unregistered illegal Mage by the name of Tyrial had made it his life's mission to dismantle the Conclave at any cost. After spending decades working towards his goals alone, he realized he would need the aid of willing allies in his crusade. Tyrial would need all the help he could get learning to work with others, dealing with his own dark past, and handling unfamiliar feelings of romantic interest. Content Warning Note: They are there to cover my behind. I honestly hesitated to put them there at all but I figured better safe than sorry. Gore in particular barely applies and the sexual content amounts to light Cinemax style at best. But, at least now you can’t say I didn’t warn you. POSTED: Currently, this story is being posted to RoyalRoad and ScribbleHub. If you see this story posted anywhere else, please report it to the user "Tyrial" on either of the aforementioned sites. Thanks!
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