《Insignia》"The Tenyi" Ch 22. Interrogation


He starts to run. But Elias springs up as a black dagger forms in his hand. He throws the weapon out the hole Ame made. As it touches the darkness it disappears. The blade starts to rapidly appear and disappear around the guy, slashing him all over. The slashes and shots continue until he falls over immobile.

--- Chapter 22 ---

Hiro: Are you two ok?

Ame: Come here, I'll treat your wounds.

Sole: No need for me, I have just enough energy saved from earlier today.

Sole touches his wrist watch and turns the dial. His sun tattoo begins to shine as his wounds heal themselves, at an incredible rate. The healing leaves no sign of damage, not even a scar. He twists the dial back to normal.

Hiro: When did you learn that trick?!

Sole: I was training for two years y’know.

Hiro: Fair enough but that's incredible.

Elias: It's- alright.

Ame: Do you still need help?

Elias: … Yes.

Ame takes bandages out and starts to wrap up his chest wound. Hiro pulls out the robot head.

Sole: What's that?

Hiro: One of the enemies. It's made of tech, so it's still alive.

Sole: Good we can question it then.

He walks over to the head placed on the table.

Sole: Why do you need the metal?

Head: Question invalid.

Sole: Why go so far for the metal?

Head: Question invalid.

Sole: Hmm, I don't think we're going to get anything out of this guy.

After a few minutes the room is filled with sunlight. The crew heads down to the building the metal is in.

Owner: Thank you for saving me last night.

Ame: No problem but…

Owner: Yes, there were casualties. They will be missed…

Ame: I'm sorry, I wish I got there sooner. I might have been able to help.


Owner: No, don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault.

Ame: I guess.

Owner: Either way you protected the material, and kept it out of the hands of those evildoers. And its ready for shipment. If you would help me load it.

They walk into the warehouse. On Top of the shipment stands a tall figure wearing black robes with a mask covering everything but their eyes

Owner: Who are you?!

Hiro: The Tenyi!

Mask: Hm, sort of. It's a shame, I expected more from this team. I didn't really want to intervene. Shows how incompetent the members of Tenyi really are.

Hiro: … If you're not Tenyi then who are you?

Mask: Watchman? Monitor? Let's go with a co conspirator.

Hiro: You should have taken the material while you had a chance mr mask guy.

Mask: You're gonna stop me? Thats funny.

The masked figure lifts his arm up, no limb can be seen because of the cloak. A dark smog begins to poor out of the large sleeves. A shiny piece of metal can be seen in the smog. That piece of metal suddenly launches out toward Ame. She dodges, but as she dodges the sharp piece of metal darts to the side and stabs into the owners neck. He falls over holding his neck, until he falls limp. His blade pulls itself out and returns to him and enters the smog. The smog retracts into the cloak.

Mask: I would not have killed him if you didn't threaten me. Live with your decision.

He lifts his hand causing the space around him to distort. The metals and himself start to swirl into his eye until there is nothing left.

Ame: What… just happened.

Hiro: That guy. He's different from the rest.

Sole: I hesitated. If I didn't hesitate he would have still been alive.

Ame: Hey now, remember what he said to me, there was nothing you could have done.

Sole: No, I could have. I really could have.

Ame pats him on the back. They start to head to the cart. They get in and head home in silence.

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