《Insignia》"The Tenyi" Ch 18. The second battle begins


Astra: Nero, could you and the doc use this.

Nero(They guy in the lab coat): Yes, as long as we keep him fresh.

Kitoh: No please, anything but that! Please!

Astra knocks Kitoh out and nero slings him over his shoulder.

--- Chapter 18 ---

The group settles into a hotel room.

Sole: Ok who wants first watch. two people need to scan the town.

Hiro: I can go.

Ame: I'll go as well.

Elias: Great.

Hiro puts his backpack on. And Ame straps a large golden brown rectangle to her back. They head out into the streets.

Hiro: So, do we split up or?

Ame: We would cover more ground that way.

Hiro: Alright, sounds like a plan.

They split and go separate directions. Hiro walks around, in hopes of locating any shady figures. As he's walking he passes a beautiful woman wearing furs and sunglasses. Hiro gets a weird feeling passing her so, he quietly starts following her. Ame starts to head towards the shipment, to check up on it. She turns the corner and sees a couple guys, and they were not the owner or employees. She quickly hides behind the corner.

Ame: Shit, are those guys Tenyi?! I might be overreacting but still. I have to be cautious. I'll go in through the front.

Hiro continues to follow. Ame heads to the front and grabs the door knob. She twists.

Ame: It's unlocked.

She continues to open it, only to see a blood bath, the owner tied up in the corner upside down, with the workers all over the floor, some not even whole.

Owner: Please… Help…

She slowly opens the door to help this man.


The sound of a bell rings as the door opens.

Ame: Shit!

???: Well well well. What do we have here? That symbol, Elune I presume?

Ame: …

???: Ah, the silent treatment. That works for me.

He dashes in, she quickly reacts with running out. They stare at each other down the empty street. Hiro follows this lady, but sees Ame about to fight this guy. He looks and sees a group of guys around the material.

Hiro: There already there?!

Hiro runs into the room of guys, abandoning pursuit of this lady.

Hiro: So! You're the Tenyi I have been hearing so much about!

They all look at Hiro and smile.

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