《Insignia》"The Tenyi" Ch 15. Converge


???: Jet, do I make myself clear.

He says slowly turning his head to look Jet in the eye. His face is still expressionless but as he makes eye contact with Jet, he gets a cold feeling. An emptiness draining his soul. Fear. This is fear.

Jet: Y-yes sir.

--- Chapter 15 ---

A younger man, around the age of 17 with black hair walks into elune.

???: I'm home everyone.

He says with a slight smile. Everyone looks his direction in aw.

???: I know, I know, It's been a while, taking a year long quest and all.

He kinda rescans the room, everyone is looking at him but he feels almost like there looking through him. Like there's someone behind him…

Sole: Oh hey Elias, long time no see.

Elias gets an annoyed face as he turns to see Sole.

Sole: Hey, bro…

The guild all go over and bring sole in and start welcoming his return to Elune, leaving Elias just standing there.

Red: Welcome back man.

Red pats the disappointed Elias’s back. Red goes over towards the bar and sets his bag down on the counter, before taking a seat.

Red: Cari, root beer float please.

Cari: Yup coming up!

Red: Thanks.

Red, seemingly exhausted from no sleep the night before, looks over and sees a devastated, bruised and utterly worn out Luna.

Red: What happened to you?!

Luna: Masters. Training.

Red: You let that old geezer trick you into training with him?!

Luna’s soul seemingly coming out of her body and swimming upward, Red grabs it and shoves it back in her body.

Red: Hey now!

Luna kinda lifts herself and starts drinking her root beer float.

Luna: So who are those two?

She says motioning toward Sole and Elias.

Red: Oh them? The happy one is Sole, A-Rank. The other is Elias, S-Rank. There Hiro's older brothers.


Luna: Really? I didn't know he had siblings.

Red: Yup, there from the Sataro clan.

Luna: Wait they are? Aren't they the ones with the Body Seal arcana.

Red: Mhm.

Master: Red, I know you just got back but this lady has a request specifically for you.

Behind him is a small elderly woman, with a large amount of bags and luggage.

Red: Why me?

Master: She asked for you. I'm not sure.

Red musters up a smile.

Red: Alright let's go granny.

She smiles as he picks up her bags. He starts to carry them with the lady. They eventually get to a house with a “Purchased” sign on the door. He sets them inside and as he walks out he spots a billboard. “Kitoh, the fortune teller extraordinaire.” With a picture of a man with really short hair with a scar above his right eyebrow.

Red: Kitoh huh? Probably nowhere as good as Tilda.

Upon completing this statement he feels an ominous feeling surge through his body.

Red: The hell was that?

Red shrugs it off and starts to head home to the guild. He kicks open the door.

Red: That was easy cash!

Everyone looks at Red super confused.

Hiro: Can we help you?

Red: What?

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