《Insignia》"The Tenyi" Ch 7. The A-Class vs The Beast


??? 3: Hey uh isnt that the elune crest?

??? 2: It appears it is, how unfortunate. That old geezers gonna be losing some of his “Children” tonight

??? 3: Hahahahaaha

--- Chapter 7 ---

??? 2: Let's move

??? 1, 2, 4: you got it boss heh

Red: Eye spy with my little eye… Something... tan

Orson: Is it sand

Red: Yup. Eye spy with my little eye… something tan

Orson: Is it sa-

Their very interesting game of eye spy is cut short with massive explosions under the cart.

Luna: What the-!

??? 2: Hey kiddos

Red: Who are you!

??? 2: There's no pointing in saying my name. All you need to know is i'm the gal that takes your lives

They take off their hoods. 2 is a girl with brownish blonde hair. 1 is a white haired man with scars on his face and arms. 3 throws his cloak off and he is wearing sun glasses with a leather jacket and jeans, with reddish brown spiked hair in the shape of a mohawk. Lastly, 4 has long black hair covering most of his face except one eye, he seems to be the only one carrying a weapon at first but upon closer inspection, it's just a fancy pen with a notebook.

Ray: R-Red i will take the big one

Ray says as he points to 1

Red: Ok, then me and Luna will take this wench, you guys take the other two

Mica/Orson: Got it

They say as they run at 3 and 4. Ray runs up to 1. 1 is buff all around, compared to ray who is extremely scrawny.

1: So, you think you can take me boy

Ray ignores his statement and looks in 1’s eyes

Ray: “Boost”

1: hm?

Ray suddenly gains some muscle mass

1: What the.

Ray continues walking towards this man

Ray: “Boost”

Ray gains even more muscle

1: I see now, so this is your arcana


Ray: “Boost”

1: Kid your really starting to piss me off

Ray: “Boost”

At this point Rays body is comparable to that of his opponent, and what was originally a nervous, socially anxious kid is now brimming with confidence

Ray: Now i'm ready

1: Wow he speaks

Ray: I was speaking, just not to you

1: Now that your done, lets go

1 darts in and swings his fist towards Ray's head.

Ray: Pathetic

Ray lifts his left arm up and blocks the incoming blow. But to Ray's surprise, his opponent planned on this. 1’s arm begins to transform into that of a lion head, which bites down on his arm.

Ray: Agh, damn. So that's what your arcana does, makes your limbs a lions head

1: Wrong, it allows me to use any animals head

Ray: Bummer, I almost had it right

Ray says this as reels his hand caught in the lion's mouth back, pulling 1 closer. As 1 gets closer he swings his right fist upward towards his jaw for a powerful uppercut. But as 1 gets pulled in he releases the lions grasp and quickly jumps back dodging the uppercut

1: Your pretty skilled, but you don't compare to my experience

Ray: Bummer, than I will just have to fake it till I make it

1: That doesn't work here

Ray: Sure it does, “Boost”

1: How many times can you do that, not that it would matter

Ray: As many as it takes. Not true, each time i use boost it decreases the time i can stay in boost, i cant boost to many more times or else i'll have to fight him without my arcana… which will end badly for me

1: Then boost as much as you like!

He yells as he's running in, his right fist forming into a giant Tazmanian devil head, he stabs forward with it, biting his arm

1: Fun fact, for size a tasmanian devil has the strongest bite, even harder than a hippo. The force of their bite can crush bones and even metal. Normally there size is the thing holding them back but since my arcana makes a giant head, it is easily one of the strongest things in my arsenal


The head is slowly crunching down on rays arm

Ray: Shit, if this keeps up he's gonna bite my whole arm off. Think think think.

He looks around and sees a field of rock formations that rise up like a bunch of tiny plateaus

Ray: There we go. Not the best but it's a plan.

Ray tries the same strategy as before, and 1 obviously sees through it and performs the same dodge, but this time, He played into Ray's hands. Ray began to run into the rock formations

1: Hmf, running. Figures Elune would pull this kind of panzee crap. No you don't!

The devil forms into the head of an anaconda and rockets out towards Ray. Ray sees the head about to strike

Ray: Shit! “Boost”

With this boost ray was able to get away, but his time is rapidly decreasing. The head returns to his arm and starts to morph

1: Bullet Ant

The arm forms into a giant Bullet ant head, and as the mouth of it opens, it starts to fire large yellow shots at Ray. Ray dodges behind one of the rocks. He takes a sigh of relief, but it was cut short as these bullets start blowing holes in the rock.

Ray: Holy shit who is this guy

He says darting through the rocks. The bullets eventually stop.

1: Slippery thing

The head changes to a sword fish as he starts walking towards the rocks.

1: Where are you kid

Ray: Over Here!

He says tauntingly. 1 looks over to see him standing in the open in front of one of the stones

1: Stupid kid

1 dashes in and slashes with the swordfish but Ray expected as much and jumped out of the way just in time. 1 instead hit a pillar and it starts to fall. Ray jumps on the falling pillar and uses it to get on the others and yet again is running away but now jumping from pillar to pillar

1: Spineless coward! MONSTER FORMATION!

The swordfish starts to morph into something a bit more deadly

1: Dragon head!

It finishes morphing and is a red dragon skull. It opens up it mouth and fires fire balls at Ray, to which one hit him off the pillar

1: Bullseye

1 proceeds over to the area he got hit

1: where did that little shit run off to

As soon as he finishes his statement, an explosion can be heard as he looks at a giant pillar falling on him. He swiftly changes both hands into rams heads and punches the pillar causing it to shatter

In audible sound

1: what?

Ray “boost” “boost” “Boost” “BOOST” “BOOST” “BOOST” “BOOST” “BOOST”

1: WHAT!

Ray zooms up right under his right arm

Ray: You lost by one second. Your sheer arrogance in a fight, and your inept ability to think ahead cost you your life. Goodbye now

Ray releases a giant smash, his hand sinking deep into his rib cage. 1 spits up a heap of blood and goes flying. Ray walks over to the 1

Ray: Anyone who messes with my guild will always share the same fate, no matter who you are or how strong. That's just the way we do things.

1’s eyes fade into a soulless shade. Ray's body rapidly decreases till he's normal again.

Ray: Sorry guys, I hope you do just fine on your own. I overused my arcana… shit.

Ray falls over unconscious

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