《Vampire》Chapter 3 - Wolf Prey
Reed and the wolves had a staredown, both looking at each other to see what they would do.
During this time, Reed was frantically thinking of a way to escape this situation.
While thinking, Reed took a step back to gain some distance from the wolves.
And stepped on a branch.
That was the trigger.
Three wolves came to him all at once, in three different speeds.
Reed seeing no way out, prepared to fight back.
The first one came from the right. Before he could come up close Reed enhanced his legs and went to him himself, kicking him with all his might into the air.
The second one came from the left. When Reed turned around to look at him, he was already biting his leg. Reed enhanced his arm, picked him up and throwed him away.
The third one came from the front. Reed looked at him right as he leapt and came up close to his face, mouth opened. Reed saw the inside of his mouth and lifted up one of his enhanced arms, punching him in the stomach.
After the three wolves were down, the big wolf full of scars roared at him prompting all the other wolves to come to him at once.
Reed looked left and right to find a way to escape, only to find the other wolves that were getting up.
He thought a bit, and arrived at only one solution to this situation.
Reed enhanced his legs as much as he could, and jumped back!
A cold feeling spread through Reed’s body as water covered him. The blood from his wounds started spreading in the river.
He had jumped back into the river, in an attempt to flee from the wolves.
But the wolves still continued to come at him, some already jumping into the water.
Reed enhanced both his legs and arms, and swimming away from the wolves as fast as he could.
The pursuit lasted a while, until Reed came out on the other side of the river.
After coming out, Reed looked back only to see an incredible scene.
The big scarred wolf came running towards the river he had just crossed…
And jumped over it!
Before Reed could react, the wolf had already ran to the front of him, blocking his escape route.
And now, Reed had the leader of the pack in front of him, and the rest of the pack coming out of the river in his back.
With no other choice, Reed prepared to go up against the big wolf.
Enhancing both his legs and arms; Reed went forward and gave the big wolf a right hook.
The wolf flew to the left, but managed to somehow land on his four legs.
The wolf immediately came running towards Reed and tried to bite his neck once more, but Reed blocked him with his right arm, being bitten into it in the process.
Reed revided by punching in the right cheek once more, making him get knocked to left again.
Reed looked rapidly back, losing a bit of focus on his mana in the process, to the river to see if the other wolves were coming up to him.
The wolves, however, had all gotten out of the river and were standing up and looking at him, only observing what was happening.
Reed was weirded out by, but he couldn’t afford to think about it, since the big wolf had already gotten up.
The scarred wolf came running to his left, going for his left leg.
Reed positioned himself as if to kick him with his right leg, but suddenly…
The wolf stopped in his tracks, and started going for his right instead!
Already with his face close to biting Reed’s right leg, he started to close his mouth.
When Reed’s right hand came from his right and punched his right cheek once more!
Reed, in fact, had come upon a discovery before the wolf had gotten up.
When he turned back to look at the other wolves, he accidentally made his mana go to his eyes.
And in that moment, he found out that by doing that, he could enhance his perception and reflexes. He then made use of that, and by looking at the movement of the wolf’s muscles, he could guess where his next attack was going to be.
When the scarred wolf did his feint, Reed had already found out about it.
This time around, when the big wolf was in the ground, instead of wasting time looking back, Reed leapt up to him, landing over his body.
Then, Reed started to beat the wolf in the right cheek as much as he could.
This wolf seemed to be stronger than the other, so instead of attacking him all over, he decided to focus on only one spot.
It took a while of beating, but Reed finally cracked the wolf’s skull, and with one more punch, his hand went through the wolf’s head.
Reed felt his fist going through the skull,hitting the ground, leaving his arm bloody red.
Reed, breathing roughly, once more looked back; to see if the other wolves would do something.
They did.
All the wolves looked back at him, and then…
They all lowered their heads towards him.
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