《Nandemonogatari: A New Story of Something Else》Chapter 7: Reading the Room
Akina adjusts her tie after she finishes putting away the final dishes she used for breakfast.
Yuuri looks at Akina from the table, “When did you get a male uniform?”
“After we talked to the Games Club, I went and talked to the tall lady with glasses and she provided my set.” Akina finishes adjusting the last part of her uniform. “I will not wear a skirt.”
“But why tho?” Mari asks, “Yew’ve got nice legs. Ah’ve seen them.”
Akina shoots Mari a glare, “Why exactly are you spying on me?”
Mari shrugs, “It’s what Ah do ‘Kina. Also, it’s May, why ya got yer jacket on?”
Cerys goes to say something but is cut off by a loud advertisement playing from Yuudai’s phone, “Hey! If you’re gonna watch highlights at the table, put some headphones on! Are you deaf or something?”
Yuudai hits the power button on his phone and looks sheepishly at Cerys, “Sorry. That caught me off guard too.” He sits for a second before speaking again, “Aren’t we visiting the Fashion Club today?”
Kirie thinks for a second, “How fashionable can the Fashion Club actually be with their uniforms?”
The club stops and balks at Kirie, trying to decipher what she said. “You more than anyone else would know Kirie.” Katsuki finally answers, “You went to this school last year. Did you get amnesia or something, or did your save corrupt?”
“Oh!” Kirie exclaims. “I guess I never really spoke to them…”
Rina groggily makes her way into the main room, Suzaka not that far behind her as the two try to get their uniforms straight. “Damn ribbon thing.” Rina mumbles struggling to tie the knot.
Yuuri walks over and moves Rina’s hands aside to tie the ribbon herself, “I thought I showed you this yesterday?”
“I swear I was paying attention!” Rina responds, seeming slightly more awake than she was a few seconds ago, “I tried copying what you did but... I think I got some steps mixed up.”
Yuuri finishes tying the knot and looks back to her, “Keep practicing again tonight and you should have it down in no time!” Yuuri leans over to Suzaka “And what made you late?”
“I ain’t been ta school in a while, so I ain’t used t’ wakin’ up from my rechargin’ early.” Suzaka says with a bit of a frown. Yuuri and Rina turn to her with a strange look as she realizes her mistake. “Y’know...like how ya feel all recharged with a good night’s sleep!”
Rina shrugs and takes a seat at the table.
Kirika stands up to make her point, “Thinking over what we learned yesterday, neither the Games or Tennis Clubs have powers that apply to them in any way! Doesn’t that seem weird to anyone?”
Katsuki shakes her head. “Kirika, only you, me, and Mari have powers that apply to this club. What about everyone else here?”
Yuudai speaks up, “Well, the rest of us don’t have powers, we’re just friends who like ghosts and stuff!”
Kirika points at Rina, “I am not friends with that beast over there!”
Rina nods, “For once, we actually agree on something Princess.”
Cerys snaps her fingers, “Shut up both of you! I got something important to say.” She turns to Yuudai, “How did you forget that I could teleport!?”
A few other members nod in agreement with Cerys, mumbling about how he could forget that. “I haven’t seen her teleport in six months!” Yuudai responds.
Suzaka looks at the old club members, “Wait...You guys fought demons and didn’t have any powers!?”
Akina crosses her arms over her chest before flicking an arm up, a noticeable aura covering it. The glow takes the form of a blade in a blink of an eye. “I guess you can call this a power, but this is simply my family’s fighting style.”
Suzaka looks over with sparkles in her eyes, “Could ya teach me that?”
Akina brings her arm back down, the aura disappearing. “No.”
Cerys looks over at Yuudai, “Did you forget that too?”
“It’s been six months!” Yuudai looks at Yuuri, “I didn’t forget Yuuri was a cat!”
The new students look over at Yuuri who quickly laughs to play it off, “H-He means my cat-like reflexes! It’s not like I have ears or a tail or anything…”
Rina reaches for her own ribbon, “You sure about that Prez?”
Yuuri puts her hands on her hips, “I’m not helping you again if you untie that!”
Rina stops and slowly sets her hands back down, pouting about her failed plan.
Suzaka looks over at Mari and Katsuki, “Ya said both of ya have powers that go with this club. What are they?”
Katsuki strikes a pose, covering her left eye with her hand and her stomach with her other arm. “I can’t just show my power off. Much like Muramasa, if I mean to use it I must draw blood.”
“What is it then?” Suzaka asks, even more excited than before.
Mari leans over to Suzaka and whispers. “It’s Blood Magic. It’s not as cool as she makes it seem.”
Suzaka jumps back in shock, “That sounds hardcore!” She turns to Mari, “What about you?”
Mari takes off from the table and back into her room. She runs back out holding a toy wand. “Ah’m a self taught Chaos Mage!”
Suzaka squeals seeing Mari’s wand, painfully unaware that it’s a toy, “A wand? You’re like a magical girl!”
Saito walks out in pajamas, “What’s with all the racket this early?”
Yuuri walks over. “Why aren’t you dressed? We have class!”
“Forget class!” Suzaka exclaims, looking at Saito, “What’s your power?”
“Being a massive dork.” Akina butts in.
Saito ignores her, “My power is...getting high scores in rhythm games.”
“See?” Akina adds.
Suzaka nods. “That why ya walk around with two backpacks?”
The Miyafuji students all go quiet, not wanting to reveal the truth.
“Anyway!” Yuuri says, pushing Saito back towards his room, “Go get dressed real quick and we can all walk to class together!”
“Fine,” he groans, as he lets Yuuri push him back to his room.
Yuuri begins rounding her club up and getting them out the door, Saito reappearing right as Yuuri’s the only one left. He grabs her hand and the two head out, joining the club for another day of classes and a potentially less active time after class.
After a relatively mundane second day, Yuuri is pacing the floor of the clubroom again. The second year students are nowhere to be found.
“Two days in a row!?” She says with a tinge of panic in her voice. “What could they have gotten into this time!?”
“Last time they were late, something good happened.” Akina says
“Of course yew’d think Kiricchi and Rina getting into a fight would be a good thing,” Mari says to Akina.
Akina smirks.
Saito lounges back in his chair, “Yuuri, you’re too worried about this. They’re fine. They just don’t have as good a sense of direction as the rest of us.”
As if on cue, the door slides open as Lucy walks in with the four second years behind her.
“Excuse me,” Lucy says coolly, adjusting her glasses, “I believe these four are yours?”
Kirika crosses her arms and takes a seat close to Yuuri, “Suzaka thought she had found a shortcut to the clubroom and we ended up on the other side of the school!”
“Someone in class said something about it!” Suzaka defends herself before shrugging, “I don’t know why they listened to me. I’ve only been here two days!”
“You seemed so sure of yourself, that it was hard to not let you take the reins!” Kirie beams.
Rina facepalms. “Kirie, you went to school here last year.”
“Yes, but she was so confident, I didn’t want to tell her no.” Her smile is unwavering at Rina’s glare. “It’s important to instill confidence in your clubmates.”
“Y-You let us… walk the wrong way… that whole time? And you did nothing? We wasted…” Kirika looks at the clubroom’s clock. “Twenty minutes! Twenty whole minutes that I can never get back!”
Kirie pats Kirika’s head. “Time spent with lovely people is never wasted, little elf child.”
Lucy clears her throat, causing everyone to turn, “I won’t bother you for too much longer, but I do need to speak to Miss Alcott.”
Cerys throws her hands in the air, “I haven’t even had a chance to do anything yet!”
“It doesn’t have anything to do with your current behavior, but it does involve your language.”
Cerys tries to look as innocent as possible, “Is saying ‘fuck’ really that bad?”
Lucy pinches the bridge of her nose to maintain composure, “While that certainly is against the rules, I meant your ability to speak English.”
Rina kicks her feet up on the desk, deciding to talk to Lucy in English, “Lemme guess? You’re here to round us up to tutor people or something dumb like that?”
Lucy says to Rina, “Actually yes, but judging by your transcripts, you do not make a suitable tutor Miss Warren.”
Rina snorts and stares at her phone, “Didn’t plan on being one anyway.”
“Miss Alcott,” Lucy says to Cerys, “we have a student who is seeking a native English speaker to help him reach a higher level of English currently not offered here at Zonzai. We wanted to know if you would be interested in tutoring him.”
Cerys stares at her nails, “And what do I get in return for this?”
Lucy flips through the papers on her clipboard, “We could discuss that later. The student in question is Haruhiko Izumi, President of the Idol Club. Perhaps he may also offer somet-”
“I’ll do it then!” Cerys excitedly responds, hopping out of her chair.
Lucy hands Cerys a sheet of paper, “You will meet him starting tomorrow afternoon in the assigned classroom. We appreciate your assistance in this, Miss Alcott.”
Cerys stares at the paper while Lucy exits the clubroom. As soon as the door slides shut, she lets out an excited giggle and hugs the paper.
Mari snickers from her seat, “And Ah thought Ah was tha horny one.”
Kirika shakes her head. “Whatever... We need to go see the fashion club! Hopefully they’ll have some decorum.”
“But we can order decorations online...” Kirie says.
Yuuri cuts off Kirie’s line of thought, “Alright! Are we all ready to go visit the Fashion Club?”
As everyone gets ready to go, Yuudai realizes something.
“Wait... Should we all go?” he asks. “We’re a pretty big club and all of us going would look like we’re intimidating them.”
Everybody pauses to mull over what Yuudai just said.
Cerys sits down, putting the paper on her desk, “Well, I visited the last club so I’m not doing that again. Why don’t the President and Vice President go? The real ones this time.”
Yuuri nods.
“Kirika’s going because she likes fashion,” Cerys says, “Rina and Saito should go because that’s funny to me.”
Rina smirks, “I was planning on going anyway! Hard to make fun of their outfits when I’m stuck here.”
Mari shoots up, “If she’s going, Ah’m goin’ ta make sure she don’t do anything else stupid.”
“I haven’t bothered anyone at all today!” Rina shoots back, “I don’t need a babysitter!”
“Yew’re gettin’ one anyway!” Mari growls. “Just because yew got through one day doesn’t mean ya won’t screw up again.”
Saito wanders over from his seat, “Why are we following Cerys’ plan again? I mean look at her!”
Cerys’ smile and her smug aura get bigger as Saito rants.
“Well Saito,” Yuuri says, “Since she wants to stay here, she can help everyone else with their paperwork.” Yuuri drops a stack of papers in front of Cerys.
Cerys’ smile and smugness completely disappear. “Wait no stop.”
Yuuri smiles. “It is your plan after all, and we didn’t get to do it last night so this should be fair all around!”
Akina slaps Cerys on the back of her head, “Great plan you had there.”
“This shouldn’t take you guys too long. We’ll be back soon!” Yuuri motions for the others in her group to follow.
The small group navigates their way through the school, eventually finding themselves in front of a plain door that’s marked for the Fashion Club.
“Y’know for a Fashion Club you’d think this would be more...fashionable.” Rina says looking at the door.”
“Maybe they’re trying not to be too flashy.” Yuuri says, “I guess you can scare people off if it’s too gaudy.”
“Why would anyone want to visit another clubroom?” Saito asks.
Mari shudders, “Ah hope no one visits our clubroom…”
Saito shrugs. “I guess you’d want something gaudy to draw attention, couldn’t be me though.”
Katsuki wags her finger. “If it’s too flashy then people might think they’re full of themselves. That’s not a good look.”
Rina stares at the two in confusion, “What?”
“They’re the Fashion Club.” Saito continues, “People coming here should be looking for Fashion...things.” He gives up, “I don’t know. I buy clothes for comfort.”
“Don’t you buy stuff from that Anti-Esports Esports Group?” Kirika asks.
She looks him up and down, “Their clothing is way too expensive for someone like...you.”
“I buy it because Yuuri likes it.” he shrugs. “I don’t see the big deal.”
Kirika looks at Yuuri, who is already blushing, “Is that true?”
“Well…” She finally speaks up, “He does look nice…”
“This is boring,” Rina says and slides the door open.
Upon entering, the group finds the Fashion club asleep, save for one girl who is typing away on her phone. She sees the group and looks up, “Who the hell are you guys?”
Saito gestures to the scene, “See guys? We interrupted their nap time. I told you they wouldn’t want visitors.”
Yuuri meekly waves, “We’re the Paranormal Club and we’re paying you a visit, that’s all.”
The girl stands up and walks over to the group, standing shorter than both Yuuri and Rina with short, messy pink hair. Her expression remains as disinterested as it was when they walked in. “I don’t remember inviting any of y’all over today.”
Yuuri looks down at the girl. “We just wanted to meet with all the clubs around our level.”
The girl rolls her eyes and slams her hand on the nearest desk, “OI! WAKE UP! WE GOT COMPANY!” The club groans as they begin to sit up and stretch.
“I apologize for my club’s lack of hospitality.” The pink haired girl says to Yuuri, “I’m Ranmaru Aino, head of the Fashion Club. What brings y’all ‘round these parts?” She holds her hand out to Yuuri, who hesitates.
Katsuki looks at Yuuri, “Be careful. Don’t forget what happened to Cerys yesterday.”
“I don’t think everyone we meet is going to break our fingers,” Yuuri grabs Ranmaru’s hand. She feels a brief tingle shoot up her spine.
“Nice to meetcha Yuuri Sayamura.” Ranmaru says as her eyes narrow, “And someone else...that’s interesting.” Yuuri pulls her hand back in shock and Ranmaru continues to rattle off more facts, “Real good at video games, cares a whole lot ‘bout her boyfriend but still has some conflictin’ emotions.”
“H-how do you know all that? I didn’t even say my name!” Yuuri manages to say through her shock.
Ranmaru leans her head back, “I can read the folks I touch like a book.”
“Really?” Kirika asks before grabbing Ranmaru’s hand, “Read me!”
Ranmaru sighs, “Kirika Komori, second year. Well versed in paranormal creatures, fitting. Love ya family to death but are terrified of their judgments. Ya have a strong attachment to one… no, two of you clubmates, but also seem to hate some of them as well.”
“I-I don’t have feelings for anyone...” Kirika meekly recoils.
Rina snorts, “I coulda told you that! All spoiled rich brats are the same!”
Saito steps back out of the door, “Yeah, I’m not letting you read my mind. There’re some secrets I still want to keep.”
Mari’s ahoge turns to a question mark, “Wit’ Yuuri, what did yew mean by ‘someone else’?”
Ranmaru half-shrugs, “Dunno, it just felt like I was reading two minds when I touched her. Her mind and a really...catty one.”
Mari slinks away from Ranmaru’s touch, heading towards Saito.
Katsuki looks at the two in the doorway, then back to Ranmaru and Yuuri, “I’m starting to think this was a bad idea. She’s revealing all of our information. What if there are spoilers?”
“Let them leak what they want!” Rina crosses her arms, “Blackmailing will only get them so far!”
“Ya sure about that?” Ranmaru asks, walking over and grabbing Rina’s arm, “Cause ya ain’t all as tough as ya seem. In fact, ya were really looking forward to visiting us to look at cute clothes, ya have no idea what your powers really are, and you’re terrified of the pink one over there.” Ranmaru whistles and gestures over to Mari.
Rina looks at her mortified while everyone else looks at her shocked, except Kirika, who giggles.
“N-not bad…” Rina mumbles in English as she tries to maintain her cool.
Katsuki joins Saito and Mari outside, not wanting any part of Ranmaru either.
She sees the three standing outside the room and holds her hands up, “Hey, I’m not a bad person. In fact, I can help ya out!” She motions at a first year boy slightly taller than her with glasses and he walks over. “This is Ryouta. He can cleanse any spirit and with his help, we can get Yuuri fixed up in no time!”
Yuuri waves her hands in front of her. “Wait! Whatever this is, it’s helped me before! R-right guys?” She looks at the three standing outside, who slowly nod in agreement with her, “If it... ever turns out to be evil... then I’ll come back and have it cleansed.”
Katsuki looks concerned but nods with the rest.
Ranmaru grins, “Deal.”
A second year boy with his jacket sleeves rolled up stretches in his seat and stands up. “Gee Ran, you sure know how to hog all the attention for yourself.”
Ranmaru puts her hands on her hips, “I ain’t ya mama! Y’all can introduce yourselves.”
The second year waves, “What’s up? I’m Kenji Naoki!”
A taller boy with spiky brown hair yells from his seat. “I’m Hiroko Kaga!”
Kirika notices a pale skinned girl with jet black hair sitting off by herself and rushes over to her, ears flapping. “Your hair is so beautiful! It’s so shiny! And straight! You have to tell me your routine!”
The girl shrinks up even more and tries hiding her face under her hair, “T-Thanks”.
Ranmaru pulls Kirika back a bit, “Easy there. Ya gotta be real careful with Fuyumi. She’s real shy ‘round other folks. Even us.”
Kenji nods, “We all joined this club around the same time and I don’t think she’s said 10 words to me.” He looks over to Hiroko who shrugs.
“Oh,” Kirika’s ears droop slightly, “S-Sorry. We’re in the same year right? We should hang out sometime, I’d love to get to know you all! I’ll be quiet, promise.”
Yuuri claps, “Well! This has been fun but we should be going now. We’ll let you get back to your...naps?”
Ranmaru laughs, “No problem! We were actually bored until y’all showed up and yer a pretty interestin’ bunch so come on back anytime ya feel like it!”
Hiroko looks at Ranmaru then at the Paranormal group. “We must’ve missed a lot if she’s interested in you.”
“Shut it bloodhound!” Ranmaru snaps back at him. Hiroko goes to protest but Kenji puts his hand on his shoulder, shaking his head no. He sits back down in defeat.
Yuuri sees Katsuki and Mari give her pleading looks to leave and Saito walking away, “Sorry Ranmaru but we actually need to leave this time! Let’s go guys!” She grabs Kirika and begins ushering her and Rina out of the clubroom to catch up to Saito. Ranmaru waves as the door slides shut.
Kirika skips along with the group, “I hope I didn’t scare Fuyumi, she seems nice!”
“She did,” Yuuri says. “Although the president was a little concerning.”
“Ah don’t like anyone peekin’ into ma brain.” Mari worries.
“I don’t think anyone wants to look at the thoughts of a chaos mage.” Katsuki reassures her.
Yuuri stops walking as a realization hits her, “Oh shoot! We didn’t actually discuss anything we were planning to with them!” A collective groan emanates from the members not named Kirika.
“I can go back!” the young elf offers eagerly.
Saito spins around to face Yuuri, “I’m sorry, but I am not going back there.”
“He’s got a point!” Rina adds, trying to still maintain her usual demeanor, “No sense in going back and having them get more dirt on us!”
Saito smirks, “Didn’t you say you were fine with whatever they spilled about you?”
Mari snickers, “Sure yew don’t wanna go back and find some cute clothes to wear?”
Rina blushes, struggles to find something to say and storms off from the group.
Yuuri checks her phone to see over a dozen angry text messages from Cerys. She giggles, taking Saito’s hand and leads the club back to the dorm.
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