The crushing sadness Galen felt at seeing the empty house overwhelmed him. Nessa found him sitting in the middle of the living room with a blank look on his face. She shook his shoulder, waved a hand in front of his face, and yelled his name but was unable to get his attention. She plopped down next to him and waited for him to regain awareness.
An hour passed. Two hours passed. By the third, Nessa was dozing on his shoulder and was startled awake when he stirred. He stood up, walking out of the house and back to the inn. He didn’t respond to Nessa, who tried to ask him questions. Once he arrived at the inn, he went to his room and laid down on the bed before wiggling under the covers and closing his eyes. Nessa sat on her bed, watching him.
She asked, "Galen, are you alright?"
"What can I do to help?"
"Nothing." His shoulders started trembling. He pressed his face into the pillow, trying to stifle the tears. He didn’t want Nessa to see him like this. He felt the bed dip down behind him, and Nessa's arms wrapped around him.
She said, "I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for?"
"I'm sorry he isn't here."
"You couldn't control that."
"You still might be able to meet him. He left you that note. There's hope left."
"Go to sleep." He lifted the comforter over his head. Nessa slid out of his bed and went to her own. She got under the blanket, but sleep didn’t take her. She stared at his back for most of the night until she couldn’t keep her eyes open.
He awoke the next morning feeling like he hadn’t slept at all. He looked to Nessa's bed and saw her peacefully sleeping. He smiled to himself, remembering her attempt at comforting him last night. She truly was a sweet girl. He walked over to the window and peered out onto the street below. People milled about, greeting loved ones and friends. He had missed small town life. Their closest neighbor in Zamsune was over ten miles away.
The view from the inn reminded him of the view from his old apartment. He thought back to last night and sighed. He supposed he overreacted to not finding Severin at his house. He just felt so happy when he read the note and confirmed that Severin had missed him too. That Severin had forgiven him for what happened seven years ago. To have that hope taken away from him was devastating, but now he could think clearly. Severin had employed someone to take care of the shop and a plan to return the shop when he came back. Why did he do this? He assumed that meant Severin thought he was going to come back. If he felt Galen was going to come back, then why would he leave? The answer came to him. He felt like an idiot for not understanding. Severin would come back when he did. The man who ran the shop in Severin's stead must have informed him that Galen had returned. He couldn’t see any other possibility. He decided then and there that he would wait for Severin like the man did for him. He had to be patient.
Nessa let out a noise in her sleep. She was waking up. The young girl yawned and leaned forward in the bed. She opened her eyes and saw him standing by the window. She said, "You woke up before me."
"Good morning," he cheerily replied.
Nessa frowned, "You're chipper today. Yesterday, you would barely talk to me you were so upset."
"Things change."
"Not this quickly."
"Aren't you happy that I'm happy?"
"Of course, I am. It's just weird."
"Never mind. Pack your things. We're leaving."
Nessa jumped out of her bed, shouting, "What? Where are we going?"
"Calm down, we're not leaving Sunmesto. Only the inn. We're going back to the shop and living there."
"What about Severin?"
"I've reached an epiphany, Nessa. I will wait for him. That's what he wants me to do."
"Really? Okay, if that's what you think," Nessa said. They gathered their bags and went to the front desk. Ms. Yarrow sat there reading a book. She looked up when she saw them approach. She smiled and placed down her book.
She asked, "Hello, are you leaving?"
He replied, "Yes, we're going back to my old place."
"What about that young man who took over? I believe his name was Oran."
"Oran gave me the keys to the place and left town. Apparently, he was only minding the shop until I came back."
"It was really weird. He asked Galen some questions and then gave him the keys and a piece of paper before leaving without a word. He didn't even tell us his name," Nessa chimed in.
Ms. Yarrow said, "What a strange thing for him to do. Although, I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. Oran kept to himself and didn't really talk to anyone in town."
"Do you know why?" he asked.
Ms. Yarrow shrugged, "I don't. It doesn't matter now that he's gone."
He agreed. He handed her the keys and wished her a good day. Ms. Yarrow responded in kind. He and Nessa took their bags to his old, now current, shop. There was only one bed in the apartment at the moment, so he added a bed to his mental checklist of things to buy. He checked the kitchen and found very little food. Oran must not have had a huge appetite or hadn’t gone shopping in a while.
He went to the storage room and took stock of the inventory. It looked like he would need to get more foxglove. He exited the room and saw Nessa sweeping the floor. Stray flower clippings and powder were swept out of the shop. All of the shelves were full of products, so inspected them shrewdly to confirm that everything was in its correct spot. The shop seemed to be in order, except they were a little short on cold medicines.
"Nessa, could you get me echinacea?" he asked.
"Some what?" Nessa stopped sweeping.
"Echinacea. A flower with purple petals, and a protruding orange-red center. The stalk is fuzzy."
Nessa whispered the description to herself. She entered the storage room and looked for what he wanted. She continued to mutter the flower's description under her breath as she picked up various plants. She grabbed the first flower that vaguely matched what he described. She asked, "Is this it?"
"No. That's a deep purple. Echinacea is more of a light purple."
She grabbed another purple flower and showed it to him. He shook his head. She sighed and found another flower, but he denied that it was the one he was looking for. He said, "Let me get it."
He entered the storage room himself. Nessa was much less helpful than Severin had been. However, he had never taught Nessa about this work, and Severin had been his apprentice for years. He doubted that Nessa wanted to learn how to make medicine. She already held enough disdain for making potions.
He ground up the echinacea and made a batch of cold medicine. He placed it on the shelf. If he wanted to, he could open the shop. He grabbed the open/closed sign and twirled it in his hands. In the end, he decided not to open. They needed a breather and running a shop was a lot of work. He flipped the sign to closed and headed upstairs. He might as well get the room ready for him and Nessa tonight.
It took a month for him and Nessa to establish a workable routine. Nessa was a terrible assistant, constantly forgetting things and getting people's orders wrong. Despite this, they worked well together. Nessa was a friendly face, and most patrons enjoyed having her there. He was glad to have someone by his side. He had been surrounded by companions for the past nine years, and he wasn’t sure if he could go back to being alone. Ms. Yarrow and many of his other regulars frequented his store once more, even Sheriff Morstat and his wife came.
The bell chimed, signaling a new customer. Nessa chirped a greeting. He turned to look at the man and froze. It was Severin! New laugh lines and crow's feet decorated the man's face. Severin held himself with a new power. A graceful air surrounded him. He knew at this moment that Severin wasn’t the man he was before.
Severin spoke, "Ossuiltaunaeat, Galen. Yaehov uiyo usidaesme emy?"
He smiled, pulling Severin into a crushing hug. Severin hugged him back, embracing him just as tightly. They stood entangled for a long while. Enough time passed that Nessa coughed, reminding them that she was there. He gave Severin one last squeeze before releasing him.
Severin laughed, "I guess that answers my question."
He punched his shoulder, laughing too. "Come off it. You already knew what I would say."
"That's true," Severin smirked, "Quite the charming woman you've met. She almost tackled me trying to give me your message."
"Oh, Neve? Yes, she is something."
"Imagine my surprise seven years ago when I got a message from you out of the blue, a sentimental one at that, and never hear from you again."
He winced, "Sorry, I shouldn't have sent the first one. I don't know what came over me. It was an 'in the moment' decision."
"So, you regret it?" Severin crossed his arms.
"No!" he was quick to say, "I don't. I shouldn't have done it because I wasn't able to get another message to you. I stand by what I said."
"Good. If you hadn't asked that woman, Neve, to deliver your message, I wouldn't have waited."
He wanted to get down on his knees and profusely thank Lalai for her kindness. He wouldn’t take this second chance for granted. "Thank you, Severin. Thank you."
Nessa decided she was done being a bystander to their conversation and said, "Hello, Severin. My name is Nessa. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you as well. Did you meet Galen in Zamsune?" A wide smile was on the man’s face as if nothing could kill his joy.
Nessa looked to him, silently asking him if she could tell the truth. He sent a quick apology to Thuraya. He knew she wouldn’t like him telling Severin the truth, but he didn’t want to lie to the man. He nodded, allowing her to tell Severin. She said, "I'm an asteris."
He saw Severin's face twitch. A more subdued reaction this time, and his smile fell for a fraction of a second. Severin said, "I see. Are you the reason Galen had to leave?"
"I suppose so. He came to take care of me."
The warm and inviting air that surrounded Severin froze at her response. His welcoming expression slid off his face as he turned to address Nessa. Severin seemed to look down his nose at her. He said, "Hmm."
Nessa was taken aback, and he frowned. "Severin. Don't be rude."
He narrowed his eyes at the man. Severin couldn’t have said a faker apology if he tried. Nessa waved away his apology, "It's fine."
"Nessa, don't let him off the hook like that," he scolded.
"If the girl wants to accept it, she can," Severin said.
"Her name is Nessa.”
Nessa interrupted, "It's fine. We don't have to be friends immediately."
Severin rolled his eyes at the notion they would be friends. but he backed Nessa up. "We didn't have the best first meeting either, Galen."
Nessa continued, "You and Severin haven't seen each other in seven years. Don't spend this time arguing."
He sighed, accepting defeat. "I don't want to argue."
"I'm glad you see our point," Severin said. He checked his watch. "I suppose it doesn't matter now. I have to go."
“What do you mean? You just got here! You can't leave!"
Severin looked at him with a fierce gaze, "You aren't in any position to tell me what to do. Not anymore."
"But we've barely gotten to see each other. I don't..."
Severin's fiery stare softened, "I'll be back next week. I'm a busy man."
"What's got you so busy?" Nessa asked.
Severin puffed his chest and said, "I'm the High Magician of Stolital."
"High Magician? Stolital?" Nessa needed elaboration.
"Stolital is an industrial city to the south of here. A High Magician is the most powerful magician in the city, and they protect the city as well as take care of any magical problems," he explained.
"Oh, that sounds important," she replied.
"It is," Severin said, "And now I'm running late to my duties. Galen, I will see you later."
The magician headed to the door. He called, "You promise?"
"How childish," Severin chuckled. "Do you trust me?"
"Then don't worry."
Severin left the shop, and the bell chimed behind him. He sighed, sitting behind the counter. His and Severin's reunion was too short. Nessa said, "That went okay."
He groaned and let his head drop to the counter. "We spent half the time arguing."
"Yes, but he promised to come back. You'll have plenty of time to catch up."
"You're right."
"Of course, I am."
True to his words, Severin returned the next week. After that, Severin tried to visit him at least once a week. His visits fluctuated in length, but he tried to make them at least a couple of hours long.
Before he left, Severin would spend the whole day with him. Back then, Severin had no friends and no prospects. Now, he was a powerful magician surrounded by adoring fans, and he wasn’t sure what to feel. He was happy for him, yet angry at the same time. The people of Stolital monopolized Severin's time, even when he was off work, making it hard for Severin to visit him. He knew it was selfish of him to think this way, but he wanted Severin all to himself. They had just rekindled their friendship, and he wanted to rebuild the trust that had been lost.
He stood behind the counter, waiting for Severin to enter the store. Nessa brought out candles for him to package. He took them from her and started putting them into their decorative cases. Nessa said, "You and Severin are really getting along."
He smiled to himself, "We are."
"You make use of that single day."
"I do," he sighed, "I wish we had more time together."
"What if you did?"
He set down the candle that was in his hand. "What are you getting at?"
Nessa fiddled with a stray piece of paper. "Well, Severin can't come more often because he has too many duties in Stolital."
"Yes, that's true."
"And it's a day's trip between here and Stolital. Severin must leave late the previous night to see you."
"I guess I never thought about that. I suppose he does."
"Wouldn't it be easier for us all if we moved to Stolital?"
"Nessa, no."
"Nessa, yes."
"We’re not moving to Stolital."
Nessa ripped the paper she was playing with. "Why not?"
"Because," he searched for something to say, "I don't want to."
"Hah!" Nessa pointed a finger at him, "You don't have a good reason."
"Me not wanting to go is reason enough." They were so absorbed in their conversation they didn’t hear the gentle ringing of the door opening.
"But don't you want to see Severin more?" Nessa pouted.
"I do!" he said, "But I don't want to bother him by moving to the city. I don't want to force him to spend more time with me."
Severin spoke, "What if I wanted you to come?"
He turned his head to Severin. "How much did you hear?"
"Enough. Are you thinking of moving to Stolital?"
"No," Galen said.
"Yes," Nessa said at the same time.
Severin looked between the two. He shot Nessa a look that said she better stop talking. He said, "We're not."
"I'll repeat myself. What if I want you to?" Severin asked.
He couldn’t think of a response to that.
"Let's go for a walk," Severin said.
"Huh?" he replied.
"He said that you two should go for a walk," Nessa said.
"I heard him," he snapped at her.
"Then, why did you say huh."
Severin said, "The girl has a point."
Nessa smiled at Severin happy that he took her side. Despite his numerous attempts to endear Nessa to Severin, the man wouldn’t budge. He barely acknowledged her existence half the time and only talked to her if she talked directly to him. He would only agree with her if she backed him up about matters concerning him.
"You always take her side," he complained.
"Well, she tends to be right in these moments." Severin said that as if he would be tortured if he didn’t.
Nessa gave him a victorious look and pushed him toward Severin. He stumbled initially but managed to right himself. He gave a defeated sigh and said, "Fine, we'll go for a walk."
"Excellent," Severin said. He grabbed Galen's arm and dragged him from the shop and into the woods surrounding Sunmesto. He let Galen go once they reached one of the forest paths. They started a slow amble down the well-worn road.
He grumbled, "You didn't have to manhandle me."
Severin side-eyed him. "You’re being awfully grumpy today."
"You and Nessa blindsided me with this moving to Stolital thing."
"I want you to come to Stolital."
"The same reason you do. I want to see you more."
"But I have a life here. What will happen to the shop?"
"Take it with you."
He stopped, turning Severin toward him. "Take it with me?"
"Yes, you heard me. You won't have to give up the shop if you take it with you. The citizens could certainly use your expertise." Severin placed a hand at the small of his back, urging him to keep walking. He absentmindedly went along.
He said, "I don't want to move. I'm tired of lugging bags and boxes around."
"I'll hire movers."
"Severin, I couldn't ask you to do that."
"Good thing you aren't asking. I'm offering. If this is what it takes to move you to Stolital, I am willing to do it."
"I wouldn't fit in. I've never been one for city life."
Severin sighed, "Do you not want to see me?"
"I do, Severin, you know that."
"Then why are you coming up with so many excuses."
"I'm just unsure about this whole thing."
"Well, then let's list the pros and cons," Severin held up one finger, "Pro, you get to see me more."
"Con, I have to leave Sunmesto."
"Pro, you will have a larger customer pool."
"Con, I have to live in a city."
"Pro, Nessa wants to live in a city."
He looked at Severin. Their walk had slowed to a crawl, the two swaying down the road. "How do you know? She never told me that."
"It's the look on her face. I recognize it."
"You would have to look at her for more than five seconds at a time to see that.”
Severin rolled his eyes, "And yet I still saw it. The same look on my face when I went to Stolital for the first time."
He smiled softly, remembering that day. Severin had been so excited and happy. A rare sight to see when it wasn’t just the two of them. "I remember."
"From what I've heard, she's only been to your shitty cabin in Zamsune, Zimachi, Syopot, and here. I don't think I should even count Zimachi and Syopot because you guys passed right through them."
"Thuraya's house wasn’t shitty. It wasn't all that, but not shitty bad," he denied.
"That's what you take out of what I said?"
"Thuraya isn't here to stand up for her house's virtue, so I have to. I understand what you mean, though. It would be good for Nessa to become acquainted with a real city."
"Exactly. Are you seeing our point? Moving to Stolital is the best option for all of our futures."
"I will move there on one condition."
"What is it?"
"You have to be nice to Nessa."
Severin clicked his tongue, "Fine."
He frowned, "You don't have to sound so sullen about it. Why do you hate her so much?" He had asked Severin this question multiple times since he first visited, but the man refused to answer. Nessa had been nothing but kind, so he couldn’t understand where the hostility was coming from. Lalai, Nessa took his side in almost every instance!
"It's not that I don't like her. I don't like what she represents."
"She doesn't represent anything."
"Yes, she does!" Severin shouted. The sudden loud sound caused nearby birds to fly off, and he took a step back in shock. Severin quieted, "She represents everything about the past seven years."
"What are you talking about?"
"Look around, do you recognize where we are?" He scanned the area, but his mind turned up blank. It looked identical to the rest of the forest. Although, he did spot a patch of milk thistle growing.
"I don't."
"This is where we were attacked by the astera." He peered around the area with new eyes, but he didn’t remember the vegetation. However, this couldn’t be held against him. One, it had been over seven years since he last saw the place. Two, he was running for his life. Forgive him for not stopping to inspect the trees.
"I still don't remember, but I trust that you do."
"That event changed us forever. It brought us together and helped us forge our friendship. Who knows when you would have told me you were an asteris. Maybe I would have been left here and not known a clue."
He said, "Severin."
"I'm not saying this to make you feel guilty. I just want you to understand."
"What does this have to do with Nessa?"
"If this patch of forest represents our blooming friendship, then Nessa represents its destruction."
He whipped his head to look at Severin. The man looked resolutely back. "That's not fair to her."
"I never said it was. That girl symbolizes those seven years. The very thing that divided us."
"Severin, you can't blame that on Nessa."
"I can, and I will. I will play nice if that is what makes you come to Stolital but understand that she will never become my friend or anything of the sort."
"Nessa is a sixteen-year-old girl. How could you say that about her?"
"She's an asteris."
"That doesn't change anything! You can make a new association! Nessa doesn't have to be 'our destruction' or whatever bullshit you just said."
Severin was silent for a moment before he said, "I will try."
"Don't try, do."
Severin sighed, "I will."
"Thank you."
"Does this mean you’ll move?"
"Yes," he said, "I’ll move to Stolital."
- In Serial22 Chapters
Sent to the Slush File
Faust wants nothing more than to make it big as an author without following all the latest trends. When he finally takes a step toward that goal, he ends up hitting his head. Next thing he knows he’s in his own novel! Or at least a version of it. Part of the Royal Road Writeathon! Please pardon grammar mistakes around the 15th. I didn’t have time to clean them up before the time for the half way mark announcement.
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