《MVP》Chapter XVI – Delta, the Last Storm


The little demon looks excited, coming with some kind of collection book on his arms. He opens up a pack containing a collection card of Delta.

-Oh yeah, we got it! Look at this, we got a big one boys! Finally, I got the Delta! So lucky! And this one is a golden one, I bet there are many that wanted to be me right now!

The demon carefully places the collection card on its rightful place on the album. The page of it has all types of information about each person on the collection.

-Let’s see: “Delta, the Last Storm. He earned this title due to his war achievements after the great calamity. It is said that his mere presence on the battlefield determines the final outcome of it. His rare elemental essentia ability, Gale Force, allows him to manipulate the wind element at his will and with his exceptional dexterity he is usually the eye of the storm of each battle he is in. Nobody knows his past, however his loyalty to the rebellion knows no match. He is revered as one of the top officials and also one of the major contenders for being the next head of the rebels.” Damn, how cool is his introduction? And look at him, he’s also has the looks! Damn look at that rockstar chick magnet: a playboy face, medium red hair with cool bangs, a stylish earing, and the coolest long leather jacket! Some guys have all the luck. But I think when I was alive that I also had the looks. Oh well, another rare card to my collection. Can’t wait for the next one!


Delta looked unfazed after dropping Nation bodies one after another. Instead, he grins to Lima, who appears to be better after her restraints have been removed.

-I hadn’t see you for almost 4 years Lima, and you were close to meet your demise. Can’t you be more self-aware?

-It’s more difficult than appears D.

-Hmmm, seems like you got tricked once again. It’s not the first time you know…

-You are impossible! You are always traveling, and you think you know it all! I have you know that I was doing the best for the people!

Delta looked to Lima with a more serious look and smiled.

-Yeah, I know you did. You always put others before you. That’s your gentle nature. And looks like nature decided to give you back a huge boost when it concerns to your feminine body huh? I remember you being confused with a boy many times…do you remember that? I believe nobody will be confused anymore.


-Stop teasing me!

-Yeah, stop teasing her, D. You know that she doesn’t like to talk about that, even though our little girl has flourished.


Lima ran to India and hugged him as soon as she saw him. For a few moments she forgot about all bad things that recently happened. The rebellion officials are usually sent to different parts of the world, meaning they can be separated for a long time, without getting in touch. There are some officials that instead of leading their respective squads they act alone or in small cells. It’s the case of Delta, India and Tango. These 3 man form a special unit cell that travels across the Crimson Continent with the mission of helping stablish solid bases for the rebels.

-Tango is somewhere out there, cleaning up.

-I know, he sent me a signal before, that’s how I wasn’t surprised to see Delta. And you India, I thought you said you were going on a diet. Look at that belly.

-Oh come on Lima, we just saved you. Give me a break.

Lima flipped after hearing the word saved. She remembered Leo was in critical situation.

-India, you don’t have time to be here relaxing! You have to go save Leo!

-Huh? But…

-GO! Right now! He saved me and now he’s suffering from it. We have to save him!

-Just relax and…

-No! You have to save him; I can’t let him die!

-Glad to see you worrying about me.

Behind them, Leo and Jax come out accompanied by Kai. Lima rushes to Leo and hugs him avidly. Leo who usually doesn’t feel embarrassed, couldn’t help himself to turn red as he was embraced by Lima. Lima notices and decides to tease him.

-Don’t tell me you are feeling shy now Leo? I feel your face surprisingly hot.

-Well, I wasn’t really expecting this hug and I am just back from a sort of comma so…

-That’s okay boy, we know how youth is… I hope you two be happy, take good care of our Lima. Don’t forget to eat to be healthy, ok? Our little girl has grown up so fast.

Lima gazed India while letting go an astonished and speechless Leo.

-Such a good comedian you are India, no doubt about that. You know I have no interest in living romance right now, my heart is with the cause. Even though that someday I would like to live peacefully, with the ones I love by my side. It’s my silly dream.


-It’s not a silly dream at all.

-Seems like you recover it already. Are you okay to retire your living as a playboy? I’ve been with you for years and I think it’s the first time I saw you so embarrassed Leo.

-Are you trying to make me lose face here, Jax? What the hell?

-Yeah, it seems like you recovered already. Being all smitten by love like that…

-Kai, not you too. I was just caught off guard, that’s all. But now first things first: how is the situation right now?

Lima noticed at that moment that Delta has vanished from the area.

-Yes, where is Delta. He was here just now.

The relaxed India made a more serious look.

-He’s taking care of the loose ends.


Delta is sitting over a huge boulder peacefully smoking. Around him are the bodies of the fleeing Nation troops. The only ones standing are the Serpens City Stumpy and the central Nation emissary McClay. Stumpy is paralyzed by fear as Delta’s companion rips off McClay’s right arm, getting ready to cut down the other one with his personalized glaive.

-Tango, I think that’s enough. We are done here.

Tango halts his glaive movement. He then proceeds to walk back to Delta, leaning against a nearby tree and taking advantage of its shadow. His black outfit similar to a ninja disguises his well-defined body, while his face is hidden behind a demon mask. Delta jumps from the spot he was and walks towards to Stumpy. The Nation captain cowers in fear with Delta’s approach, who touches Stumpy forehead with his index finger.

-So you were the mastermind behind this whole situation, huh? Just a nobody who just knew how to pull the right strings. It’s people like you that makes me hate the Nation even more, people who resort to all means for get things done, no matter what you do to people that were always there for you. Win no matter what the cost.

-You are right, I would do anything to win and get everything I set my mind to it. And I know I will die here, so just do it already. I’m not afraid of death.

Delta gets closer making Stumpy flinch. Delta grabs his bladeless dagger and pierces Stumpy right hand, making him yell of pain. Delta forces him to shut up by forcefully covering his mouth.

-You are a good liar, but not perfect. I know your type, the thing you value the most is your own life. Don’t you worry, I will let you decide who lives between you two.

-Why would you let anyone live?

-Because I want you to deliver a message to the Nation top dogs. I want them to know that Serpens City is not theirs anymore. The people of it are fed up with you and your way of living.

-The Nation will not stand by your claiming!

-They have more to worry about than some little city like this, but the rebellion fights for the people, and each and every one are important to us. You have 10 seconds to decide: 1, 2 ,3, 4—

-Kill him.

-I knew you would choose that. Tango.

Tango ran to McClay and detached his head from the rest of his body with a clean cut of his glaive. His head rolled to Stumpy feet, who just closed his eyes.

-And now you.

-You said I would live!

-Yes, you will live. But you will always remember that you should not mess with nice and honest people.

Delta quickly draws his dagger once again and draws blood with it. Stumpy passes out.

-Our job here is done. Tango let’s get to the others. You don’t see Lima in years, maybe that will get you to smile a little.


Time has passed and the night falls. Surrounded by the remains of his men, Lodi Stumpy wakes up. He looks around, trying to access his current situation. He feels his body heavy and the wounds on his body are still open. He stands up, staggering on his feet and suddenly he felt the strongest pain he ever experienced on his face. He walked to the nearby body of water and there it was: a slash scar permanently done on his face, the reminder that Delta talk about. That pain just fueled even more the hatred that Stumpy had for the rebels.

-Have it your way Delta, I will tell the whole world what happened here for sure. You just make this personal… I will have my revenge… you will wish you were never alive… I will feast on your sorrowful cries as I take everything you treasure and break apart, one by one. And when you can’t take it no more and try to end your life, I will be sure to make you remember me on your way to hell.


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