《MVP》Chapter XII – Omissions and deceit


Jax and Kai seemed puzzled with Leo decision, while the others were thrilled.

-We are going with you. We have to save her!

-Yeah, we have to go!

-Who is Lima, Leo?

-And why do I think that seems to be something dangerous?

-Lima is one of the rebellion officials. She was the main rebel voice in this city. And the ones she was protecting were the ones that turn her in to the Nation. She gave herself up for them, however that was always the Nation plan. They never intended to pardon their debt.

-What? How do you know that?!

Leo explains everything to Jax and Kai that happened until last night.

-…when the kids got away, I couldn’t keep all the Nation track squad with me, one man follow them.

-Yeah, your brother got him good. It gave us the chills man. I think he is stronger than you Leo.

-You never see me fight seriously you brat!

-You are so strong, but you can’t manage to hold back that squad by yourself. Hahaha

“If this kid had seen what I already have seen, he wouldn’t say that a monster could live in this easygoing boy skin”

Leo lightly punched Jay’s head before continuing to report the past events.

-That’s when I heard by the squad leader himself: Lima is going to be executed today at noon.

-What? So soon?

-It seems that they want to make her an example, displaying the Nation power. However I thought that even though they would make that, I wouldn’t make anything.

-Why not?! You saw how she was Leo! She doesn’t deserve to die.

Leo puts Jay against the wall, with a serious look.

-Do you think this is a game? Fighting against something like the Nation is not something you can do halfway. You have to be prepared to leave your life on the line to walk that path. And Lima chose that, so like I said before it would be a disgrace to make everything that she has done be in vain.

-Then why are you rescuing her now?

-They lied. The tribute was never stolen, it was the Nation plan all along to make the city folks to turn against the rebels. I guess that Lima knew about that, but for the people she turn herself in to pay their debt. However the worst thing that the bastards did was not acknowledging that it was the citizens that hand over Lima. They never intended to pardon their debt. And they count on that to broke this city people spirits as they had betrayed the one who would give her life for them. They would be broken dolls as they will be watching her hang.

-That’s why you…

Kai spoken without thinking, but Leo’s gaze told him to not share what he has seen.

-I will go rescue her with you!

-I think your courage is admirable, but you will only slow me down and I can’t keep my eye on you.

-And you are injured, what can you do? We have to go save our leader!

-It’s too dangerous for you, I’ll get her.

-No way we are going to be left behind!

Leo looked to Jax and made a slightly wave with his head. Jax sneak up behind Jay and knock him out. He then put him next to Stacy and Kyle who looked perplexed.

-He seems just like you were a few years ago.

-Hmm, maybe I can get why the old man knock me out then. But I think I was nowhere as annoying as him.


-No way, you are worst. Hahaha

-Anyway, I have to go, it’s almost time for her execution. Will you come with me Jax?

-Why are you asking? Of course I will not leave you on your own. But I think Kai maybe left out of this one, he is exhausted.

-I was never going to take the old man with us, is too dangerous to him.

-Oldman?! I am only 29! You think I will…

Kai tried to stand up, but he was too weak to do it. Leo smiled back to him.

-Sit down Kai. I can’t thank you enough for what you did for us until now. Just rest some time so that we return to our little trip tonight.

-But it is dangero-

Before Kai could finish his sentence, the boys were already gone.

-Damn, they already left…

-Sir, what do we do now? Jay, wake up!

-Now? -says Kai while taking a booze bottle from his cloak- Now you stand here and wait that those little monsters wreak havoc and return safely.


At the Serpens City plaza were constructed gallows overnight. A Nation’s decree order every citizen to behold the executions. Rumors started to travel across the city that the rebels were caught, even an official, due to the power and tenacity of the Nation army. During that day this news reached the city folks ears that turn in the rebel Lima, and their head felt suspicion for not being mentioned the citizen arrest they made. He assembled once again a little crowd to take to the Nation Serpens City captain, Lodi Stump, to clear up his wariness. The citizen gathering looked for the captain, founding him at the central plaza.

-Bring that table over here! You, confirm if we have all the resources necessary for this.

-Yes sir.

-And don’t fail, I will have no mistakes today.

-Captain Stump, can we talk?

The crowd head muster his courage to interrupt. Lodi Stump looks at them, evaluating the situation. He decides to show his affable face to them, stopping for a few moments to have a word with them.

-Yes, how can I help you?

-I’m sorry to bother you today, but we heard something.

-Oh? What did you hear?

-Well it’s awkward to talk about this… but we still have our deal on the table, right? Our tribute debt was forsaken by us delivering Lima to you.

-Oh, you are worried about that.

-Yes, we know that you are fair lord, but we heard rumors of being your troops that catch Lima and we…

-Hmm, I was going to save this for my speech, but I suppose I can do it now, can’t wait to see your faces anymore. -said Stump while grinning -You called me fair, and I think I am. The reality is not something that people usually are willing to accept. For years, the rebels have been causing turmoil on this city and the Nation forces couldn’t get any rebel as they had the citizens help. Of course that was because the rebellion ideology is to give power to the common people, like you. However this world needs order, and the Nation provides it. It is the right of the stronger to rule over the weak, whoever holds the power deserves to reign. And that power needs people like me. Look at our situation for example: you people were being an obstacle to reach these pebbles in the well-oiled Nation machine. So I took care of it.

-What do you mean?

-You are not bright, are you? That’s why you deserve all you have. The tribute heist, the new demanded payment, the rumors about the rebels…it was all me. You lowlife leach of any help hand that appears and no matter the sacrifices and all things they did for you, you abandon them when it makes your life easier. You sell out maybe the only person who put her own life below yours, just for gold. And was not about becoming wealthy, it was just gold for one more tribute.


Stump snaps his fingers, as the city crowd looked ashamed and try to avert their eyes from themselves. Nation troops surrounded them in seconds.

-So I agree that I’m just. You turn in someone who helped you throughout all these years without a second thought, which helped me. And for that, I will let you past this moment without killing you and forgot about your gold plead for it. The tribute is just a tribute to our men for complying to their duty. As in what concerns about recognition: do you really want it? Do you want for everyone in this city that secretly are on the rebels side or sympathize with them to know that you were the ones that turn Lima in? Do you? Now if that’s it, we have to get to work again, we have a big event in an hour.

The greedy citizens look around them, realizing that was in vain to sellout Lima. They hearts were pierced by the disgrace and sorrow they felt. Soon they would disperse and disappear, just as their own pride washed away.


The little demon reappears once again, looking bored.

-I hate this kind of trash. Did you see those guys?! They sellout one of their supporters for nothing. And even ran with their tail between their legs. They are a bunch of losers, that’s why the Nation does what it wants. And even worse, look at this:

The demon looks at the image where the citizens look for answers, and brings a pink stylish coat containing on his chest pocket a gorgeous handkerchief and some fabulous sunglasses.

-This guy here! He clearly doesn’t care about any of this! How do you get out of your house looking like that? That color pallet is so outdated. Look at this one, he clearly believes that his jacket matches with his tight shorts. Take him out of his misery. And this one, with iron crutches. Hello? There exists work wooden crutches, you know? One thing is to be in pain and not moving well, other is being completely out of style…terrible, just terrible. I just can’t continue to look at this, it’s hurting my empty eyes. Time to leave.

The demon walks out just as a model does on a passarella, disappearing in the shadows.


The sound of a heavy gong is heard across Serpens City. All the citizens are silent as important guests arrive to the town. Emissaries from the Nation came to witness the gallows hangs of the day. Lodi Stump, the mastermind of all this show contemplates the fruition of all his plans. Soon he will climb the hierarchy ladder with today’s achievement. He was ecstatic, barely maintaining his dignified posture. On his front were four scared rebels with a rope tied to their necks, trembling as much as humanly possible. However the main dish of this gallows event was centered on a familiar voluptuous lady, with her ankles and hands handcuffed. The chains across her body where absorbing all the essentia of her body, revealing an even more curvy feminine figure. Her face showed her defeated eyes, the eyes of someone who knows her life is not her anymore. She hears from her surroundings the anguished pleads from the other rebels, muffled by the music and laughing of the Nation men.

Seven o’clock. Finally the moment to be immortalized in the Nation history was in reach for Lodi. He stood up, waved his right arm to ask for silence and that was conceded by the crowd.

-Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for your presence here today. As you know, my name is Lodi Stump, responsible for the safety of each and everyone on this city, as decreed by the Nation. After 5 years in this city, we increase the life comfort to its citizens and travelers. There were some improvements what concerns habitation, food supply and other important factors. However, this city was from the beginning a city consumed by a severe disease that was destroying all the progress we achieved and fight the rightful system of the Nation: yes, I’m talking about the rebels. Their rebellion movement is a tumor that threatens our way of living, that makes peace not an option. The only choice we have is to remove them from the face of the world, to ensure a new brighter future to all of us. And that takes us to today, the day where we can proudly held our head high as we take a step further to get rid of this obstacle to what is yet to come. Today, in the presence of central Nation’s guests, Sir Philip Peck and Sir Troy McClay, we will show what is saved for the enemies of the Nation and the ones who stand on the way to progress. In the gallows we have some rebels who were caught in this city by our troops. And among them we have tonight’s main event: the ‘Silent Specter’, one of the rebels key people and official, Lima. Tonight we seek revenge for what has been done, tonight we seek for retribution. This woman will be the first one to pay for the crimes committed, this one will be paying for all you had to endure for the stolen tribute.

The crowd heard the city’s captain speech and ate each and every word of it, just as he planned. The crowd was aiming all their fear, frustration, sorrow and rage to the hopeless rebels on the gallows.

-So now, it’s time to make part of the society’s tumor to disappear. I would leave you say some last words, but you didn’t even gave an opportunity to one of the scout squads to live another day. Be you all witnesses to the day that we avenge the fallen with the demise of our enemies.

Captain Stump waved his hand as a signal to the executioner, who was ready to activate the hang mechanism. The gallows open up the wooden floor, making the surface below the prisoners feet just vanish. They start to squirming around due to the lack of air to breath. However Lima was steady choking, she accepted her death already. She have already emptied her mind, not a thought comes in her head. Even so, she couldn’t help herself but to cry and closes her eyes. She waits for her final moment.

Lima feels the pain on her neck to subside. Her face suddenly felt cold, and she sensed like her body was falling. She hears awe voices around her, like they were seeing something unexpected. Lima open her eyes. She looked around seeing an enraged Lodi Stump and the Nation forces run to her. She realizes that someone is holding her in their arms, and she looks up to see Leo’s face.

-Just in time right?

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