《Am I, Amanda or Ambria》Chapter Fourteen
“Ambria,” he started, but didn’t know how to reassure her everything would go well tomorrow. “I’ll go lock the door.”
Ambria doubted he was actually going to make love to her in her hospital room, but when she heard the door lock, she smiled as she waited for the man she loved to join her in bed.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he murmured in her ear as he lay down beside her.
“You won’t,” she replied just before her lips found his.
Their lovemaking was fast and furious, so much more intense than either of them had experience so far in their relationship. Afterwards, they quickly dressed, then Dustin unlocked the door and he’d just sat down on her bed when a nurse entered the room. Dustin looked at Ambria and saw her blush, and he knew she was thinking what a close call it was they hadn’t been caught.
The nurse gave her some medicine to help settle her stomach, reminding her not to eat or drink anything after midnight and then left the room. If she noticed how strange the two of them were acting, she didn’t let on. The two lovers retained their composure until after the nurse had closed the door behind her, but once she was gone, they both broke out laughing. Dustin stayed a few hours longer, then left, telling her he would see her in the morning.
Ambria wanted to ask him to stay the night with her, but knew he needed to get a good night sleep and doubted he could do that by sleeping in bed with her or on the couch in her room. She couldn’t sleep, so she decided to watch some television until she fell asleep. She started channel surfing through the different stations, stopping on a local news channel. She hadn’t really been paying attention to the television until the newscaster mentioned the police department was getting help from an unknown source on some of their missing children cases.
The newscaster said the police were being hush, hush about the source, but a leak in the department had called and gave the newscaster the information. He said the person helping them was a young woman from the area, but he didn’t have any other information about her. Ambria wasn’t happy about hearing this information, but relieved the leak didn’t give out her name. She would have to talk to Martin and ask him to check into it.
Slowly her eyelids closed and sleep claimed her. The next thing she knew it was morning and her surgeon was entering her room. They spoke for a few minutes, then he left and a nurse came in to prepare her for surgery. After the nurse left, a hospital volunteer came in and asked if she would like a book to read. Ambria told the girl she would take a romance novel, then the girl handed Ambria a book and left the room. Ambria didn’t look at it, but simply put it on her bedside table, too anxious to start reading it before her surgery.
She looked at the wall to see the time, then watched the clock as she waited for Dustin to show up. She began to worry when they came to take her to surgery and he still hadn’t arrived. She wondered why he wasn’t there, but couldn’t think of any reason why he wasn’t. Just as the gurney rolled out into the hall, Dustin ran up to her.
“I’m sorry I’m late. There was a terrible accident on the highway and there was an awful backup,” he said taking hold of her hand.
“I love you, Dustin.”
“And I love you. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
She waved goodbye, then she was taken to a room where she was given an injection of some medicine, she closed her eyes, and then everything went blank.
* * *
Slowly she opened her eyes and looked around the room, surprised to see there wasn’t anyone with her, which she thought was strange. Shouldn’t Dustin be here waiting for her to wake up as he said? She was scared, as something told her something wasn’t right, but she couldn’t guess what it could be. Where was her mother? If Dustin couldn’t be here, wouldn’t her mother at least with her?
Ambria turned on the television, but there wasn’t anything good on, so she turned it off and picked up the book the volunteer had given her. She didn’t look at the cover, but simply opened the book and started reading. It didn’t take her long to realize the book was about Amanda and Dustin, and Ambria was instantly filled with fear.
Certainly, this book couldn’t possibly be about the Amanda and the Dustin she knew. She turned the book over to read the title and her face went white. The title was the same as the book she’d been reading before she’d married Dustin, but this time the woman on the cover was identical to Amanda Waters, the Amanda, who had recently started working at her company. Ambria’s heart felt like breaking, as she came to realize it had been the tumor causing her to believe she and Dustin were married. She laughed a hysterical sounding laugh, as her tears ran down her cheeks. How was she to know where her life was now?
She looked down at herself, wondering if there was a baby lying inside her womb or did the baby now belong to Amanda? She put her hands on her belly and prayed she was still pregnant with Dustin’s baby. Then she shook her head as tears rolled down her cheeks, her belly felt flat as it had before she was pregnant, and knew Dustin’s child wasn’t growing inside her.
Would she be back living in her own apartment? What about her job? She must still be working with Vernon as before since none of the other people even existed. Since she was in the hospital, she assumed she must have had a tumor, but she still couldn’t understand why her mother wasn’t here.
Maybe she had been in a coma and her mother wasn’t aware she was awake. She picked up the phone and started to dial, but when she heard the door opening, she put the phone back down and looked towards it, hoping it would be Dustin, but it was her mother instead.
“Mom,” she cried.
Melanie ran to her. “Are you in pain?”
“Oh, yes,” she whimpered, thinking of her pain of losing her husband, who hadn’t ever been hers in the first place.
“Should I call a nurse?”
“No, there isn’t anything she can do.”
“She could bring you some pain medicine.”
“Believe me it wouldn’t help my pain.” There wasn’t anything in the world that would make her pain go away.
“The doctor said they got the entire tumor this time. He said you’ll probably go home in a couple of days.”
“That’s sound’s good.” Home sounded good, but she doubted it would be the she’d had with Dustin.
Melanie stayed until they brought Ambria’s lunch tray. She kissed her daughter good-bye, then left. As she walked out of the hospital, she took out her cell phone, and quickly dialed it.
“Hello?” a man answered
“She’s awake.”
“How is she doing?” he asked, worriedly.
“She’s in pain, but refused to take any pain medicine. When will you be able to come see her?” She was quiet for a few seconds.
“I’m leaving right now.”
“She was acting a bit peculiar.”
“How so?”
“She didn’t even ask me where you were.”
“Do you think she’s mad at me for not being there?”
“It’s hard to say. She didn’t act mad, just sad about something.”
“Thanks for staying with her.”
“Call me later and give me an update.”
“I will,” he hung up the phone, then rushed out of his office. Of all times for her to wake up, it had to be when he had a meeting at work he couldn’t get out of, as the President had requested him to be there.
* * *
Ambria ate her meal, which consisted of cherry Jell-O, a cup of beef broth, a fruit drink, and a cup of tea, then she picked up the book and started reading again. As she read, her tears began to run down her face. The story told how wonderful Amanda’s marriage was, especially their sex life, and how excited she was about having a baby. Ambria read on and on, wanting to see how the story would end. Her heart ached as she read about Dustin now loving another woman since his first wife, who had been expecting her first child, had died during her surgery to remove a blood clot. She threw the book across the room, as she couldn’t stand to read another word of it.
She bought her hands up to her face as her tears poured down her face, crying until she was exhausted. She felt slumber pulling her and tried to fight it, but her hands fell to her side as sleep finally claimed her. She wasn’t sure how long she slept, but before she could open her eyes, she knew a man was in the room with her, as she could smell his aftershave. She recognized it as Dustin’s, but she wasn’t sure why or how he could be in her hospital room. She opened her eyes, forcing a smile on her face as she looked at him.
“Hello,” she said coolly, her fists tightly gripping the sheet to prevent her arms from reaching out for him. If he was from her book, what was he doing in her room?
He wanted to lean down to give her a kiss, but by her chilly greeting, he thought she must be upset with him for not being here earlier, so he didn’t try. “How are you feeling this afternoon?”
“I’m all right. Thanks for asking,” she replied, trying to keep the love she had for him out of her voice.
“Ambria, what’s wrong? Did the doctor give you some bad news?” Dustin knew her well enough to know something wasn’t right by the strange way she was acting.
“I haven’t seen the doctor. How things at work?” she asked, trying to keep things on a less personal level.
He looked at Ambria, trying to understand why she was acting so odd, so cold. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up the first time.”
She gave him a weak smile. “It doesn’t matter.” She turned away as just looking at the man she loved was too much for her. She wished he could kiss her and tell her he loved her, but she knew that wouldn’t happen since now he belonged to another woman.
“Sure it does,” he told her, then moved to sit on the bed.
“I’m sure you had more important things to take care of,” she said matter-of-factly.
“Ambria, I sorry I wasn’t here. I know I should have been here, but I had an important meeting at work.”
She turned away from him and looked up at the television. “Dustin, you don’t have to apologize to me.”
Dustin stood as anger filled him. He didn’t have to feel guilty for not being here when she woke, as he had spent many hours here with her while she laid unconscious. “I said I was sorry. What more do you want from me?” he yelled at her.
She looked at him sadly, wishing she could tell him what she wanted. “Will you please leave?” she asked, her heart breaking, knowing she couldn’t ask him to hold her.
Dustin’s heart dropped. While waiting for her to regain consciousness he thought, he would die if he had to live the rest of his life without her. How could she ask him to leave?
“Fine,” he yelled at her, then he bent down, put his lips on hers, and gave her a kiss so full of his love he thought he was going to cry. He hoped she would feel his devotion for her through the kiss, then he moved away from her, pretending the kiss hadn’t ruffled his composure.
This man was married to someone else, so he shouldn’t have kissed her. She looked at him with horror-filled eyes, her fingertips touching her still moist lips. “Why did you do that?” she asked so softly, her words were barely audible.
“Damn it, Ambria. I said I was sorry.”
“I want to know why you kissed me,” she demanded, as he was a married man, one who shouldn’t even be here in her room.
“Because I love you,” he whimpered at he stared at her.
“What about your wife?” she asked, still disturbed he’d kissed her.
Dustin just looked at her. What in the world, was she talking about? Something was wrong here. “Ambria, who do you think is my wife?”
“Amanda is your wife,” she stated firmly.
Dustin ran out of the room and grabbed hold of the first nurse he saw. “My wife just had brain surgery, but something wrong because she’s talking crazy.”
The nurse lightly touched his arm. “Calm down sir. Now how is your wife talking crazy.”
“She doesn’t know she’s my wife.”
“Does she know who you are?”
“She called me by my name, but she thinks I’m married to someone else.”
“Which room is she in?”
“Room 214.”
“Let me check her out. If there is a problem, I’ll call the doctor.”
She grabbed Ambria’s chart, then headed towards her room, with Dustin following her right behind her.
“Hello. My name is Sara. Can you tell me your name?”
“It’s Ambria.”
“Ambria, can you tell me you last name?”
“Yes, it’s Washington.”
The nurse frowned at her wrong answer. “Can you tell me your address?”
Ambria wished Dustin wasn’t here listening to the nurse’s questions. “I don’t want him in here.”
The nurse turned to look at Dustin. “Why don’t you want him here?”
“This doesn’t have anything to do with him, that’s why.”
“I see. Well I might need to ask him some question too, so for now, I need him to stay. Now tell me your address.”
“I’m not sure what it is.”
“Can you tell me why you don’t know your address?”
“I'm not sure where I’m living at the present the time.”
“Are you married?”
“Then why do you have a wedding ring on?”
Ambria looked down at her left hand, surprised to see a wedding ring on her left hand. “I guess I am.”
“What is your husband’s name?”
“I don’t know,” she replied, as tears filled her eyes.
“Where is your husband?”
“I don’t know that either.”
“Ambria, what would you say if I told you this man standing here is your husband and your name is Ambria Crenshaw?”
Ambria shook her head. “That can’t be possible.”
“Why do you say that?”
“He’s married to someone else.”
The nurse gave her a strained smile. “You wait right here, I’ll be right back.” She looked at Dustin, then ran out of the room.
Ambria looked at Dustin. Could he still be her husband? “Are you my husband?”
“Yes, I am.”
“You didn’t marry Amanda?” She saw him shake his head. “The book said you did.”
He walked to her bed and sat down on it. “What book?” He couldn’t believe they were talking about some damn book again.
“The one on the floor,” she said, then pointing to where she’d thrown the book earlier.
He stood and went to retrieve the book, bringing it with him as he returned to the bed. He looked down at it, and saw it was the same exact book from her apartment. “Ambria,” he started as he looked up at her, but quickly stopped when he saw her fall over sideways in the bed. “Ambria,” he called as he touched her arm. When he couldn’t get her to respond, he ran out of the room hollering for help.
Several nurses ran into the room, and two minutes later, Ambria was being rushed back into surgery. Later he was told Ambria had suffered a blood clot to her brain, and they had operated to remove the blockage. If he hadn’t been with her and reacted as quickly as he had, she probably would have died.
Dustin waited beside Ambria’s bed waiting for her to open her eyes, afraid he was going to lose his wife and their unborn child. Three hours later, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. When he saw her open her eyes, he smiled at her, praying this time she would know who she was to him. “Hello,” he said, waiting for her reply before he kissed her.
Her petrified eyes stared at him. She was concerned about the strange look he was giving her, as she was afraid she was dying and he didn’t want to tell her. “Am I going to be okay now?”
“It depends if you know who you are.”
“Of course I know who I am,” she replied, thinking his statement was a stupid one.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Ambria.”
“Ambria who?” He held his breath as he waited for her answer.
“I’m Ambria Crenshaw. You are my husband and we’re expecting a baby.” A horror-struck expression covered her face. “Dustin, what happened? Did I lose the baby?” she cried, as her hands moved to her belly.
Dustin quickly engulfed her into a hug. “No, sweetheart, everything is fine with you and the baby.”
She waited until he’d move back from her. “Why did you ask me if I knew who I was?”
“Do you remember anything from when you woke from the previous surgery?” He didn’t really want to bring this topic up, but eventually she was bound to recall what had happened.
Ambria stared at him as she tried to remember, then a horrified gaze filled her face. “I thought you were married to Amanda, didn’t I,” she stated, then waited for him to confirm her declaration.
“Yes, you said something about a book which said she and I were married.” He grabbed the book from the bedside table and handed it to her.
“This is the same book I have at home, but this time I thought Amanda and your picture were on it and the two of you were married.”
“That’s right.”
She looked deep into his eyes. “You knew something was wrong by the way I was talking, didn’t you?”
“Yes.” He went on to explain how he’d gotten the nurse when she’d collapsed. “You had a blood clot and you had to be rushed back to surgery.”
“You probably saved my life by your fast thinking.”
“I guess that means you’ll have to spend the rest of your life with me to repay me for saving your life,” he teased.
She smiled at him. “I guess I will.”
The next few days Ambria spent recuperating and on the fifth day after her surgery, the doctor released her and she was able to go home. She would spend the next few days quietly resting, and would return to work in a couple of weeks.
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