《Am I, Amanda or Ambria》Chapter Two
Between doing her housework and lateness of the day, Ambria’s eyes grew heavy. She wanted to read enough to find out if Dustin and the new employee would become an item, but before she could, her closed eyes. As sleep claimed her, she let go of the book, it tumbled off the bed, and when it landed on the floor, she began dreaming.
* * *
When Dustin returned from lunch, he walked by the receptionist’s desk. “Hey Margie.”
“Dustin, I guess you’re back to find out what the new employee’s name is.”
“Yes, I am.”
“Her name is Ambria Washington,” she informed him.
* * *
Ambria head jerked on her pillow at hearing her own name, but she didn’t wake up as her dream continued.
* * *
“That’s a nice sounding name. Thanks for the information.”
“Anything for you,” she said, then winked at him.
Dustin waved at her, then walked back to his office. When he reached it, he looked at all the work he had piled up on his desk. He shook his head in disgust, ashamed of himself, as he hadn’t gotten much work done today for thinking of the new employee. He sat down and started toiling on reducing the pile of work before the end of the day, hoping the work would keep his mind off Ambria. Hours later, he had just finished working on the last project when Irwin and Ambria entered his office and he stood to greet his guests.
“Dustin, this is Ambria Washington. Ambria, this is Dustin Crenshaw.”
Dustin put his hand out towards her to shake hands, and as they touched, an electrical jolt ran up his arm. The shock wave stunned him so badly he had to clear his throat before he could respond. “Welcome to Highland Industries.”
“Thank you,” she said, then quickly stepped back, breaking the connection between them. “It’s nice to meet you,” she said softly, her expression quickly changing to one of astonishment as her hand encountered his.
He was watching her closely and when he saw her shocked expression, he realized she too had felt something when their hands touched.
Irwin was confused to why Ambria was acting so peculiar. It was almost as if she was attracted to Dustin and at that thought, dread filled him. Irwin was aware of how all the single women in the company had been chasing Dustin since he started, but he hadn’t showed any interest in any of them, until now. If Ambria were interested in Dustin, he’d better act fast if he wanted to ask her out, or he would be out of luck.
“We better leave so you can get back to work,” Irwin said quickly, hoping to get her away from Dustin before he could ask her out.
“No hurry, I’m done with what I had to do today,” he said, giving Ambria a smile.
Irwin forced a grin. “Still, we need to get back to our work, as I still have quite a bit of things to teach Ambria.”
Dustin gave Irwin a bewildered look, as he was acting a bit controlling. “It’s almost quitting time now, I’m sure the rest could wait until tomorrow.”
Irwin nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed of his words. “You’re right. I didn’t realize it was that late already.” He didn’t want Ambria to think he was slave driver, so he made a comment about showing her just one more thing before she left for the day.
Dustin looked at Ambria. “Maybe we could go out to lunch tomorrow.”
“I would like that,” she replied shyly. Had been hopping her boss didn’t ask her out on a date, so maybe knowing she was going out with Dustin, he wouldn’t come on to her.
Irwin’s heart fell, knowing the disaster he was afraid of had just happened. They left Dustin’s office and returned to their area, but before Ambria could sit down at her desk, Irwin reached out and touched her arm.
She jerked back as if his touch had burned her. “What?” Panic filled her eyes at his touch, as this was the exact thing, she had been afraid of happening.
He knew he had to ask her out before Dustin could go out with her; otherwise, he wouldn’t ever have a chance with her. “Ambria, I would like to take you to dinner tonight.”
She was confused. Why would her boss be asking her out? Was this invitation for business or pleasure. Irwin seemed nice enough, but she wasn’t attracted to him in any way. If fact, he made her uncomfortable, so much so, that the last thing she wanted was to give him any encouragement they could be a couple.
“Would this be for business?” she asked, not wanting there to be any misunderstanding of what he had in mind.
“Definite pleasure,” he responded cheerfully.
“Thank you for the offer, but I don’t date my superiors.”
“I see.” He looked straight into her eyes. “You don’t consider Dustin your superior? Why’s that I wonder?” he asked sarcastically.
His mocking reply made her angry, as she didn’t have to explain to him why she didn’t want to go out with him. “Maybe I should have worded my reply differently. I don’t date my boss,” she stated firmly, her face tense as she stared at him
“So you’re saying if sometime in the future you’re working for someone else, you would go out with me?” he asked hopefully.
“I’m sorry, but it is very doubtful.”
“Are you going to get involved with Dustin?”
His question angered her. “I don’t think it’s any of your business if I do or not,” she replied coldly, then turned away from Irwin and sat down at her desk. She was afraid this position wasn’t going to work out because of her boss’s attraction. Her eyes filled with tears, at the thought she might have to quit her new job.
Irwin cringed when he saw her tears. “You’re right. I’m sorry for asking, but I should tell you Susie Wright, one of the other employees who work here is interested in Dustin.”
“I’m going out to lunch with him, not marrying him,” she responded rudely, refusing to look at him.
* * *
Ambria jumped when her alarm went off, then she quickly reached over to turn it off. As she lay there, memories of her dream filled her mind and when she remembered the name of the main female character, she began looking around for the book to make sure the woman’s name wasn’t what she’d dreamed it had been. When she couldn’t find the book on the bed, she looked down and found it lying on the floor. She bent down and picked it up, then swiftly thumbed through the pages until she found the page she was looking for.
As she looked down at the name of the new employee, she let out a nervous laugh. The woman’s name was Amanda Waters, not Ambria Washington like it had been in her dream. At least now, she had an idea it was probably Amanda on the cover of her book, instead of Susie.
Thinking of Amanda and Irwin Lester, the face that came to her mind was that of Vernon Reynolds, her own boss. When she had first started, he too had asked her out, but instead of telling him, she wasn’t interested, she lied and said she was involved with someone. This had been a mistake, as every week or so, he would ask her if she wanted to go out with him.
She put a bookmarker in the book to save her place, and then got up to get dressed for work. When she was ready, she grabbed the book and went to the kitchen to make her lunch. When she was done, she sat down to eat some breakfast, and while she ate, she opened the book and started reading.
* * *
The next day was a repeat of the day before as Susie tried to get a date with Dustin.
“Dustin, are you ready to leave for lunch?”
“Sorry, I’ve already made plans.”
“Okay, maybe tomorrow. Bye Dustin.”
“Bye,” he muttered, then he turned back to his work and she left. When it was time to leave for lunch, he walked to Amanda’s office. “Hello,” he said, stepping into her office.
“Hello,” she replied nervously, slightly blushing as he stared at her.
He was surprised when he saw her cheeks turn a light shad of pink, and smiled, thinking she was attracted to him too. “Are you ready for lunch?”
“Let me save this document, then I’ll be ready.” She saved her work, grabbed her purse, and stood. “Now, I’m ready,” she said as she came out from behind her desk to join him at the door of her office.
“I thought we could go next door to the sandwich shop. It won’t give us much privacy, but it’ll give us more time to get acquainted,” he said. He wished there wouldn’t be anyone from the office at the shop today as usual, as he was worried their coworkers would join them and he wanted her all to himself.
She gave him a bewildered look. “We don’t have to have privacy for our lunch, do we?” she asked, not understanding his statement.
He laughed. “Wait until you see how many of our coworkers will be eating there. I’m sure most of them will want to join us and by the end of the day, the entire office will know we ate together, what we ordered, and how long we stayed.”
Amanda smiled at him. “Well, if you don’t mind they know, neither do I.” She wished she knew for sure if he was interested in her or if he was just being friendly to a new employee.
“I’m not involved with anyone, so I don’t mind.” He wished he could ask her to be his girlfriend, but knew it was too soon to be talking about something like that.
“No girlfriends at the office?” she asked as they stepped into the empty elevator, hoping he would say no.
“No, there isn’t anyone I’m interested in, that is, not until you came.” He took hold of her hand and gave it a light squeeze just as the elevator doors closed.
She smiled at him, but she had to know for sure if Susie was in the picture or not. “What about Susie Wright?” She held her breath, waiting with anticipation for his answer.
He chuckled. “We knew each other in high school, where she wouldn’t give me the time of day, so there won’t ever be anything between us. I did ask her out to lunch the first day I started here, but that was for old time sake, nothing more,” he said. “She and I haven’t ever gone out and never will, as I’m not interested in her in any way.” He hoped Amanda would understand what he was saying.
“Maybe she has changed,” she said sweetly, giving the other girl the benefit of the doubt.
He laughed loudly. “I think it has more to do with the changed in my income than anything else. If I lost my job today, I’m sure she wouldn’t want anything to do with me.”
“I would,” she said, her cheeks turning crimson at her statement, “but you don’t plan on getting fired today, do you?” she asked with a teasing grin, hoping to take his mind off her first comment.
He laughed, but the elevators doors opening stopped him from replying. When he didn’t see any of their coworkers, he moved closer to her, and took hold of her arm as they left the elevator. “Only if your boss has a problem with me taking you out,” he said as they stepped out of the building.
She looked over at him before answering. “He did ask me out, but I told him I didn’t date my boss.”
“Then I hope I never become your boss,” he replied lightheartedly.
“I hate to say this, but I lied to him. I just told him that because I didn’t want to go out with him.” Amanda looked at him, waiting for him to make some sort of comment to her statement.
“I understand.” He opened the door of the sandwich shop, holding it open to let her pass. When they entered the restaurant, he looked around the room, and was surprised when he didn’t see anyone from the office there. He was relieved and hoped they could have a private meal before anyone from work came in for their own lunch.
After they ordered their sandwiches, they went to sit down. He had a nice time getting to know her and when they finished eating, they picked up their trash and threw it away before leaving.
“Dustin, thank you for lunch. I had a good time.” She wished their lunch didn’t have to end, but she knew they had to get back to work. Maybe he would ask her out again.
“Amanda, would you like to have lunch with me again tomorrow?” He held his breath, hoping she would say yes.
She grinned at him. “I would like that very much.” Her eyes twinkled with excitement when she realized he was attracted to her.
They were quiet as they walked back to the office. As they waited for the elevator, several other people returning to work joined them, so they acted as if they weren’t just coming back from an outing together. When the elevator arrived, everyone got in, and then the elevator took them to their floor.
When they stepped out, Dustin turned to her. “If I don’t see you the rest of the day, I hope you have a good afternoon.”
“You too,” she called, then she watched him walk back to his office.
* * *
Ambria looked down at her watch and swore. She was going to be late to work if she didn’t quit reading, go brush her teeth, and leave the house in the next five minutes. She wanted to take the book to work, but afraid she wouldn’t be able to stop reading it at lunch if she did. Besides, when she got home tonight, she would have all evening to read it. She brushed her teeth, grabbed her lunch, and ran out the door.
The day dragged by for her, for all she could think about was getting home to get back to reading her book. When the clock on the wall showed it was five minutes to five, she turned off her computer, got her purse, and was out the door at precisely five. When she arrived home, she went into the kitchen to make herself a salad, then she grabbed the book and started reading.
* * *
Each day that week Susie asked Dustin if they were going out for lunch and each time, he told her he had other plans. Susie assumed it was because he had too much work to do, she didn’t have any idea the real reason he wasn’t going out with her was he was having lunch with Amanda. If Susie had known Dustin’s mind was on the new employee, and not on her, she would have been furious. Even though they hadn’t even gone out on one date yet, she was already planning her wedding to Dustin.
Not once did Dustin just come out and tell Susie they wouldn’t ever go out to lunch together, as he was afraid if he told her about Amanda, she would cause some sort of problem for them. Not wanting anyone to interrupt their time together, Dustin and Amanda started meeting at a restaurant several miles away for lunch, and so far, no one in the office was aware they were seeing each other.
On Friday, when Dustin arrived at the restaurant, Amanda was already there, and she waved to get his attention and he hurried to join her.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I went ahead and ordered for you.”
“Not a problem unless you ordered me cooked cabbage,” he teased, knowing this restaurant didn’t serve cabbage of any kind.
She laughed. “Would you believe that’s exactly what I ordered for you? They’re having a great sale on cooked cabbage today and I ordered you a large bowl of it.”
He took hold of her hand. “I love to hear you laugh.”
She blushed, but didn’t remove her hand from his.
“I can’t believe we’ve known each other less than a week, as I feel I know you so well.”
“That’s because all we’ve talked about is me,” she teased.
“That’s not entirely true. I’ve told you a few things about my life.”
“Not much. I want to know more about the man, Dustin Crenshaw.”
“Sounds like a movie title. Okay, today is your day to ask me any question you want to know the answer.”
“Any question?” she asked, her eyes watching him closely.
“Yes, give me your best shot.”
Before Amanda could respond, the waitress brought their food and their hands broke apart, and then she waited until the woman left before asking her question. “So far we’ve only gone out for lunch. Why haven’t you ever asked me out for dinner?” She was surprised when she saw his face turn red, wondering why she’d embarrassed him.
“I’m not sure how best to answer your question.” He nervously licked his lips, unsure if he should tell her the truth.
“Honestly,” she stated.
He took in a deep breath. “I’m afraid if I took you out to dinner, I would try to kiss you when I took you home.”
She gave him a puzzled look. “I don’t see how that would be so bad,” she said shyly, as she’d been wondering what his kiss would be like.
He looked quickly around the room since he didn’t want anyone to hear what he was about to say. Once he saw there wasn’t anyone near, he leaned forward towards her ear. “If I kissed you the way I want to, I would want to take off all your clothes and make love to you.” He leaned back quickly, afraid she would want to slap him for his comment.
She just stared at him, as tears welled up in her eyes as she was stunned by his statement. She had strong romantic feelings for him, but she hadn’t allowed herself to dream he could possibly feel way about her too. Now she knew he did.
He reached over and grabbed hold of her hand. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I did.” He watched as several teardrops fell. “Now I’ve made you cry.”
She squeezed his hand. “Dustin, these are happy tears. I want you too,” she whispered.
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better,” he muttered, giving her a skeptical look.
“What if I ask you over for dinner tonight? Will that prove to you I’m telling you the truth?” Her eyes watched his facial expression closely as she waited for his response.
He gazed at her, ecstatic to learn she felt the same way as he did, but unable to find the right words to express himself.
When he didn’t respond, Amanda felt uncomfortable. “Did I say something wrong?”
He shook his head. “My brain is just trying to come up with the right words to express myself to you.”
“Is that hard?” she asked innocently.
He wasn’t about to tell her just how hard his male member had become by her earlier remark. “The last thing I want to do is to say the wrong thing to you.”
“Just say it,” she demanded, forcing herself not to cry again.
“I want more than to have an affair with you.” His eyes watched her closely as his words sunk in.
“You do?” Her heart soared. Could this relationship lead to marriage? She could only dream it was what he meant.
“I do and I think it’s time everyone at work realize we’re an item.” Amanda shook her head no and he was surprised by her response. “Why don’t you?” He didn’t understand why she didn’t want people to know they were an item.
“I’m afraid someone will cause you some problems if they knew about us.”
“You’re referring to Susie, aren’t you?”
“There’s something about her that scares me.”
“You think she’s dangerous?” he asked, not even thinking Susie would physically hurt anyone.
“I’m not sure, but I do think she’s determined to have you.”
He gave her a bewildered look. “What makes you say that?”
“A few of the women in the office have warned me about her, telling me stories of other men she’d been interested in here at work and how those relationships ended with the man leaving the company.”
“You think she’ll try to harm one of us?”
* * *
Before Ambria could read Amanda’s reply, she looked at the clock and saw it was an hour passed her bedtime. If she didn’t stop reading now and go to bed, she would have a hard time getting up in the morning. She put her bookmarker in the book to save her place, and then closed it, wishing she didn’t have to wait until tomorrow to find out what happens next.
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