《Mariah's Missing Sisters》Chapter Thirteen
Whitney felt better now that she’d thrown up, but she didn’t know how she was going to survive this evening without being sick again. She wanted to be here for Lindsay, so she washed her face and dried it, then opened the bathroom door, but stopped quickly when she practically ran into Chandler. “What you doing here?” she asked angrily.
“Waiting for you.” His eyes looked over her, checking her color. “Are you okay?”
“You shouldn’t be here,” she told him hatefully.
“I wanted to make sure you were all right.”
“It’s not your responsibility,” she yelled at him as she stomped passed him.
“Someone should care when you’re sick,” he answer back, his hand itching to grab hold of her.
Whitney felt awful for her hateful comment to him and turned around to face him. “I’m sorry for my rudeness, I thank you for caring.” She turned to walk away, but a firm hand on her arm stopped her. She turned to look at Chandler, immediately seeing he was about to say something else to her.
“Chandler, my answer is still no, as I can’t marry you,” she replied, then felt bad when she saw his miserable expression. “I’m sorry, but this whole situation with Evan and Mariah has me upset. I’m not comfortable being here and seeing the two of them together considering that I had sex with my sister’s husband.”
“Whitney, if you are going to have any kind of relationship with Mariah, you’re going to have to forget about that night,” he said tenderly.
“How in the Hell am I going to do that when I’m pregnant with Evan’s baby,” she shrieked just above a whisper at him, then broke into tears.
Chandler pulled her into his arms to comfort her. “Whitney, please say you’ll marry me.”
“Chandler, I think that would only make matters worse,” she muttered against his chest. She didn’t want to move away from the comfort of his arms, but knew she had to, so she gently moved her hands up and pushed away from him.
“I don’t see how,” he stated, grasping hold of one of her hands.
“If we were to marry, we would always be part of Evan and Mariah’s family. If I was to marry someone outside the family, I wouldn’t have to see Evan as much.”
“He is your baby’s father. I’m sure he’ll want to be part of your baby’s life.”
That thought caused terror to run through her, as for some reason, the two of them hadn’t spoken since the first day she’d talked to him. “I don’t know, we haven’t discussed that yet.”
“Hey you two,” Casey called to them. “It’s time.”
“I’m coming.” Whitney pulled her hand free and hurried after Casey. When she walked into the room, she instantly saw her twin sisters standing side by side together. “Oh, my God!” she cried.
Lesley looked up just as Whitney joined them, and the two women embraced. “Whitney, it’s so good to see you.”
“Lesley, I would know you anywhere,” Whitney told her sister.
“Really? You remember me?” Lesley was thrilled.
Whitney laughed. “Of course I do, but I’d forgotten just how much the two of you look alike,” she said breathlessly.
Lindsay clapped her hands. “Everyone,” she called out to get everyone’s attention. “It’s time to get this rehearsal over with so that we can go to dinner.”
Everyone followed her into the church to take their places and the rehearsal began. As soon as it was over, everyone started for the door of the church to go to their cars. Lesley started following Casey since she had ridden to the church with him.
“Lesley, why don’t you ride to the restaurant with me?” Morgan called to her.
“Won’t your car be too crowded? I thought Mariah and Evan were riding with you.”
“No, they aren’t.”
“Then how are they getting to the restaurant?” she asked, looking around for Mariah.
“They’re driving Whitney’s car for her and they’re taking Hailey with them to give us a chance to talk.”
She was afraid to be alone with him, but she knew that eventually they would have to talk. “Then I guess I’ll ride with you.” Morgan took hold of her arm and they headed towards his car. “Is Whitney still feeling under the weather?”
“Yes. I can empathize with her and her nausea,” he said, thinking of when his wife had been expecting Hailey.
Lesley giggled at his comment. “And you know this from experience?” she joked.
Morgan’s expression turned grim before he responded. “Yes.”
Lesley looked at his heartbreaking expression, suddenly realizing he must be referring to his wife. “I’m sorry for my comment, I wasn’t thinking.”
“Have you been bothered with morning sickness?” he asked just as they arrived at his car,
“No, not at all.”
He helped her into the vehicle, then started his car and pulled out into the street before he spoke again. “Traci, my wife, had morning sickness worse than most women, but I think Whitney’s morning sickness is due more because she’s upset being pregnant by a married man and who that man is, than anything else.”
“Whitney told me who the father of her baby was. I think she was afraid I would disown her because of it. I told her about us and that I was pregnant with twins. It seemed to make her feel a bit better.”
“I glad to hear you’re telling your family about us,” he utter, then looked over at her.
“I think some of them knew before I told them. Would you know anything about that?” she asked, closely watching his expression.
“I’m not going to lie to you. Mariah and Evan knew about the baby only because I’d saw you at the doctor’s office that day. Lindsay and Casey found out that we’d been intimate when I ran into your sister at the airport, thinking she was you.”
“That’s what Casey told me. Do you think Whitney will marry your brother?” she asked, trying to move the conversation from them.
“I have my doubts.”
“Why’s that? Isn’t Chandler good husband material?”
“Well,” he started, but didn’t know if he should tell her about his brother’s condition or not.
“You’re not sure?”
“Chandler has a medical condition that may make a difference to someone planning a life with him.”
Lesley grabbed hold of his arm. “He isn’t dying, is he,” she inquired softly, tears threatening to fall at the thought of him dying.
Morgan reached down and patted her hand. “No, it isn’t that serious. He can live a full life, but he can’t ever father any children.”
“Oh, I didn’t know.”
“Whitney does, but I don’t think that’s what preventing her from accepting his proposal.”
“You think it’s because of Evan and Mariah?”
“Yes, but enough about our family. What are you and I going to do about our situation?”
Lesley wanted to ask him how he felt about her, but couldn’t find the nerve to ask. “I want you and Hailey to be in the babies’ life. Other than that, I’m not sure what we should do,” she replied timidly.
“This really isn’t the time or place to talk about all this, but I would like to see us married before you have the babies.”
Lesley tried to keep her elation from showing at his words as she looked over at him, trying to find her tongue to say something to him when he glanced over at her.
“You don’t want that?” he asked uncertainly, afraid she wouldn’t marry him.
“No, I would like that,” she replied shyly, then slightly blushed.
“Are you sure?” His eyes flashed over at her, then quickly returned to the road.
She turned her head away and looked out the windshield. “I don’t know how to explain my feelings.”
“Please try.” He gave her a quick look, then returned his attention to his driving.
It was now or never. “I do have very strong feelings for you, otherwise I would have never gone to bed with you, and I would love to be Hailey’s mother.”
Morgan quickly pulled the car over to the side of the road and put the car into park. “Does that mean you’ll marry me?”
“Yes, it does,” she said, giving him a shy smile.
“How are we going to tell Hailey about all this?”
“Maybe after dinner, we can sit her down and explain that we are going to get married and in five months she’s going to be the big sister to two babies.”
“I know my daughter well, she’s going to ask when we’re getting married.”
Lesley grinned at him. “Then we better have an answer for her,” she replied, thinking next week would work for her.
“I don’t want to rush you, but I think we should get married as soon as possible.”
Lesley didn’t want him to feel obligated to marry her. “Morgan, I don’t want to force you into marrying me.”
Morgan took hold of her hand. “Is that what you think you’re doing?” When she nodded, he continued speaking. “Lesley, maybe we are rushing things a bit, but I think that we have something special between us. Maybe we wouldn’t be planning to get married as soon as we are if it weren’t for the babies, but I think even if you weren’t pregnant, we would still have ended up getting married.”
She looked up and gave him a weak smile. “You really think so?”
“I know how I feel about you and I haven’t felt that way since Teri died.”
His words brought a warm glow to her heart. “Okay. We’ll plan the wedding to be soon.”
“Should we seal the deal with a kiss?”
Lesley laughed. “I don’t think so,” she uttered, thinking where his last kiss had taken them.
He gave her a hurt look, wondering why she didn’t want him to kiss her. “Why not?”
“Then we would never get to the restaurant,” she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
“Damn! We better get going or we’re going to get in trouble with that sister of yours.”
Lesley laughed. “To think you know my sister better than I do.”
“She’s a wonderful person, all your sisters are.”
The family was waiting for them when they arrived, then the group was seated in a private room. As they waited for their dinner to arrive, the four sisters talked about their lives, but once the food arrived, the room became quiet, as everyone was busy eating. When the dinner dishes were gone and everyone was eating their desserts, Casey and Lindsay stood up.
“Lindsay and I want to thank everyone for being here this evening. The last few months have been filled with many surprises, some good, some not so good,” he said as he looked around the room. “The biggest surprise being the four Arrington sisters finding each other after a twenty years separation. Of course, we can’t forget about Nicole, who will become my daughter tomorrow. We survived the loss of Alexandra and Clayton, Austin moving in with us, and all the babies on their way to join our family later this year.” Casey stopped to look at Lindsay, he saw her smiled and nodded her head.
“Just so we won’t be left out of this baby boom this family is having, I want to tell you that we’re going to have a baby in November too.”
Loud screams were heard throughout the room and Lindsay's sisters moved to congratulate the new mother-to-be, and Casey’s three brothers patted him on the back, passing on their good wishes.
As the others moved away to finish their desserts, Morgan stepped over to speak with Casey. “I need to talk to you privately for a few moments.”
Casey was concerned that something was wrong. “Sure. Let’s step outside to talk.”
The two men left the others and went outside so they could talk in private.
“Okay, what’s up?” Casey asked, expecting the worst.
“How would you and Lindsay feel if Lesley and I shared your special day with the two of you on Sunday?”
Casey grinned at his brother. “So I take it she said yes to your proposal.”
Morgan nodded. “She did.”
“Congratulations,” he said, patting him on the back. “I’m sure Lindsay wouldn’t mind, but maybe we should ask her first.”
Morgan agreed and the two men returned to the others. Casey went directly to Lindsay, pulling her away from Mariah and Whitney, leaving Nicole and Austin with their aunts to watch over them.
“Casey, what’s wrong?” she asked him, worried that he had some bad news to tell her.
“There isn’t anything wrong. I just wanted to ask if you mind sharing our wedding with Morgan and Lesley.”
Lindsay let out a scream of exhilaration, and Casey quickly covered her mouth with his hand. “I take that as a yes.” He laughed when she nodded behind his hand. “Do you want me to tell Morgan?’
She pulled his hand away and held on to it. “We’ll do it together.”
The couple returned inside, then moved to where Morgan and a nervous Lesley were standing watching them.
“Well?” Morgan asked, unsure by Lindsay’s expression what their decision had been. He looked over at his brother, when Casey gave him a wink, he let out the breath he’d been holding.
Lindsay reached out and took hold of Lesley’s hand. “Casey and I would be honored to share our day with you.”
Lesley leaned over and gave her sister a big hug. “Thank you.”
“Shall we tell the others?” Casey asked the women.
Lindsay giggled. “No, let’s surprise them.”
The foursome agreed and the two couples moved away to mingle with the rest of the family. When the party broke up, Casey and Lindsay took the children home so that they could put the little ones to bed. Chandler offered to drive Whitney home, but she told him she was feeling well enough to drive. Evan asked if Chandler could take them home, and he agreed, wishing he were with Whitney instead.
Morgan, Hailey, and Lesley were the last to leave. When they arrived at Lesley’s place, he helped Hailey out of the car, then helped Lesley out.
“Where are we?” Hailey asked as she looked at the small house in front of her.
“This is where Lesley lives.”
They went into the house, then Morgan sat down, and called Hailey to him. When she stood beside him, he pulled her onto his lap as Lesley sat down next to him.
“Hailey, Sunday when Uncle Casey marries Lindsay, there’s going to be an additional wedding.”
Hailey looked over at Lesley, then back to her father. “Who?”
“Lesley and I are going to be married too.”
Hailey screamed, throwing her arms around her father as she looked over at Lesley and smiled.
“Sweetheart, we have another surprise to tell you.”
Hailey couldn’t imagine what it could be. “What is it?”
Just then, the kitten jumped on to Hailey’s lap.
“I’m going to get a kitten too,” she said excitedly.
Lesley smiled. “Tabby can be your kitten, but that isn’t what the other surprise is.”
“Lesley is going to have two babies,” Morgan told her.
“At once?” Hailey asked, her eyes wide in awe.
“Yes, and you will be their big sister,” Morgan informed her.
Hailey looked back at Lesley. “You don’t have to do that. I just wanted one.”
Lesley laughed. “Sometimes nature has a mind of its own. Since Lindsay and I are twins, I guess I was more likely to have twins.”
“Are they going to be brothers or sisters?”
“That’s going to be a surprise,” her father replied.
“I want to know now,” she whined.
“I think we better leave so I can get this young lady home and into bed.”
Lesley reached over and took hold of Hailey’s hand. “Your father and I don’t know yet, but as soon as we do, we’ll let you know. Okay?”
Hailey smiled. “Okay.”
Morgan stood with Hailey in his arms, then he leaned over and gave Lesley a quick kiss. “We need to get our marriage license tomorrow. I’ll call you tomorrow when we get up.”
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