《Ephemeral Reverie #1 - The Silence Between》Chapter Twelve - Routine
The next few weeks were weird.
Charlie quickly found herself in the 'habit' of waking at the ungodly time of half past four to the smell of coffee and cooking food. She lay on her bed the first morning, completely unprepared and unsure of just what to do or say. She wanted so badly to go back to sleep, but the knowledge someone moved through her kitchen kept her awake.
She wandered blearily into the kitchen, wondering if Griff had stayed over that night and also what could've possibly possessed him to be awake and want to make food. Could the guy even cook? She stopped in the archway, blinking through her sleep. It wasn't Griff.
Reiem seamlessly weaved between the pans on the stove. He turned at her arrival, dumping the food onto a plate. After not seeing much of him for the first week, this was an unexpected—but pleasant—development.
"Good morning, Miss Charlotte."
Reiem turned off the stove, wiping his hands on the apron at his waist.
She gave him a small wave as she stifled a yawn. "Morning."
After placing the food, he took his own seat at the table. Reiem was far too well dressed for the small town, and had a gloved hand curled around a mug of coffee. His hair was somewhat shorter, coming down past his shoulders even as it was pulled back into a ponytail, and it revealed an undershave. When he met her eyes, a slight glimmer of curiosity came into his own, yet it made Charlie feel almost absurdly shy. It shouldn't have, she scolded herself. She turned her attention to the food before her. Blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage links. She blinked a few times before looking up, a hint of unease on her face. Reiem took notice, his brows arching above his glasses.
"Is something the matter? The food not to your liking?"
"No, no! It's fine, I just… You didn't have to cook for me, Reiem."
He gave a small shrug. "Mornings come early and the body cannot be ill-prepared to handle the coming tasks. It was no trouble, Miss Charlotte." He frowned slightly, returning his eyes to his mug. "I enjoyed cooking when I was able."
They fell into a comfortable, if somewhat awkward, silence. Charlie ate, messing on her phone, and Reiem occasionally jotted things down into a black notebook as he drank his coffee. It had been easy to be in his company years ago since there were always others around, but now she was faced with feelings she wasn't sure how to handle.
Charlie: So I know you're not awake right now but Reiem made me breakfast.
Griff: joke's on u i AM awake
Charlie: :O
Griff: and a little jealous
Charlie: Then come over, you dork. He made…a lot.
Charlie: I feel a little weird with him just…well, 'here'.
Griff: someone got butterflies? ;)
Charlie: …yeah, I guess.
Charlie: But not the kind you're thinking of.
Charlie: Why are you even awake?
Charlie: …actually nevermind I don't even wanna know.
Griff: too late
Griff followed up with a series of eggplant, peach, and water droplet emojis. Charlie nearly choked on her mouthful of pancake as she snorted and cringed all at once. She looked up to find Reiem looking at her inquisitively. He motioned his mug to the device in her hand.
"I assume that's what they call cellphones these days?"
She looked up in the middle of demanding Griff hurry up already. "Yeah. Don't you have one?"
"I do not." After another drink, he exhaled. "Master had other ways of summoning me."
"Well, we 'younger crowd' who can't do magic call or text each other. I guess you're gonna need one." Reiem rolled his eyes, grumbling something she couldn't hear under his breath. "What was that?"
He was silent, eyes hard, pen frozen mid-letter. He flicked his gaze to her after a moment. "It…was nothing. My apologies."
She eyed him dubiously, shoving another forkful into her mouth. "Oh, well I guess that settles it, then. We're gonna get you one."
"If you insist," he breathed. "Though I daresay using such devices is hardly my 'calling'."
After a second of processing his statement and the deadpan look on his face, Charlie found herself smiling.
Charlie: I don't feel so uncomfortable anymore.
Griff: details dammit
Charlie: He made a pun.
Charlie: It was…gods awful.
Griff: already? that was quick
Charlie: tf you mean 'already'?
Griff: nvm its nothin
‡ † ‡
It took four days for the cellphone to arrive. Ridiculously fast shipping considering the seller was located overseas in Ostrali. And as fun as it was to receive a new device and have that satisfying ritual of peeling off the protective film, teaching a two-thousand-year-old man to use the device was an endeavor unto itself. Charlie had given him her own to mess with in the time it took for his to arrive, and it had given her plenty to smile about—not out of meanness, of course. But out of something she couldn't quite explain.
Quite often she'd look up to see Reiem sitting at what she'd come to call 'his' place at the table, phone in hand and a scowl cutting deep lines in his face. Had she not seen it once or twice since his awakening, she would have sworn he never smiled.
When his own phone finally arrived, he left the setup to her. She'd tried to explain it, but it got lost somewhere between her brain and the explanation.
"You gonna join me and Griff on social media?" she asked, not looking up from the settings screen. She tapped out the annoyingly long network information from the sheet included in the box. "We're competing to see who can get more friends."
"I haven't a clue what you're talking about."
Her brows crinkled together, and she raised her eyes to meet his. Realization dawned the longer she stared. Why on Äerd would she expect Reiem to have social media, or even know what it was? A lot could change in almost ten years. And it definitely did.
Taking a breath, she attempted to explain the basics of social media sites to him. Reiem looked confused again, but only for a moment before his expression morphed into annoyance.
"Ridiculous," he said, looking up from his journal. "Why would you bother with something so juvenile? A guardian's time is precious and better suited to furthering your knowledge of the arcane arts. Not wasting on something as asinine as 'seeing how many friends' you can acquire through a device." Deepening the frown on his face, he added, "Need I remind you that your already-short time is less and less each day?"
This was one of those moments where Charlie felt the Astrals were laughing at her for all the bad luck they bet they could cram into a single lifetime. Didn't have a clue about guardian stuff. Flat broke. And now coming across as nonsensical and annoying to the one person she needed most. It was nothing but a misunderstanding, sure, but she couldn't help but feel the burn of red in her cheeks. How could she explain she wasn't placing precedence on something that didn't matter, especially with those black eyes narrowed and burning into her own?
That was the catalyst, she decided. A sudden eagerness to prove herself filled her, welling and burning through the embarrassment in her stomach and chest. She lowered her eyes from his and finished the network settings, handing the device to him in silence before getting up and returning to her desk.
‡ † ‡
Unknown: hey hey ReiRei :)
Reiem: Who is this?
Unknown: griff
Griff: so wats up ReiRei?
Reiem: Do not call me that.
Griff: jeez sorry :(
Reiem: What do you want?
Griff: man what is ur deal?
Griff: i can totally see why charlies mad at u
Reiem: I beg your pardon?
Griff: yeah she's been real quiet the past two days
Griff: something u said musta really pissed her off
Reiem: I haven't a single clue what you're talking about.
Griff: sOciAl MeDia >:(
Reiem: Excuse me?
Griff: for real dude? she's mad cuz of what u said to her about the whole social media stuff
Reiem: Why am I not surprised she is upset over such drivel? It is frivolous at best and would serve no purpose beyond distraction.
Griff: astrals ur lame ReiRei
Reiem: Spare me, Griffith. She shouldn't be wasting what precious little time she has with such trivial pastimes. There are duties to be done and no one else to do them, so I suggest she get her head straight and face her destiny with grace.
Griff: man real talk right here
Griff: uv been asleep for almost 10 years n the worlds gone on without u. shits different. people are different. maybe get UR head out of UR ass and see that this isnt just another notch in the damn tree, and she's not some bitch that bosses u around and treats u like shit just cuz she's fucked in the head
Griff: she never learned anything cuz her POS family didn't think it was important anymore so maybe think about how she feels being thrown into all this with nothing but the past to go on. she woke u up cuz she wanted to do the job anyway and knew u were the only one that could help.
Griff: its not fair to impose ur own experiences on her just cuz thats what ur used to
Griff: shes not just 'another master' for u to serve
Griff: she knows the shit u went through and still wants to be ur friend because she just cares like that
Griff: we both do
Griff: dude?
Griff: ur really not gonna say anything?
Reiem: I'm afraid I haven't the words to adequately respond.
Reiem: I am not in this for 'friends'. I have a duty to complete, as does she. I remain firm in my stance on the foolishness of this, and I fail to see how this is my fault.
Griff: man ur such an ass
Reiem: Allow me to finish before you monologue again.
Reiem: If acquiescing to her ridiculous whims will keep the peace, then by all means explain how I may seek forgiveness from the Lady Guardian.
Griff: damn guess all that sleep gave u some major sass
Reiem: Are you quite finished?
Griff: ok fine, wanna meet up later today? ill help u out
Reiem: If I must.
Griff: its a date then ;)
‡ † ‡
Four hours deep into reading the Soartii Ochii—a book about the old-world traditions of the Oracle (the goddess's eyes, ears, and voice) and the Vessel (the goddess's rare, earthly form)—Charlie dropped the book into her lap. She wasn't even halfway through the first chapter, and she'd already taken so many notes. What even was the point of learning about some old Dacian marriage traditions she'd never heard of nor would be a part of? Before she could call it a day, however, she had to finish chapter one. It was so dry and boring… Her head already ached.
One day, when she was older and had to train the next in her line, she would somehow find a way to avoid boring them to death before they'd even had a chance to start. Until then, she could only dream and keep the coffee coming. It was the only thing keeping her awake at this point. Even though it was only three in the afternoon.
The past two weeks had consisted of exercise, self-defense training, studying, working the orchard, more studying, and finally…sleep. Reiem hadn't been around as much as he had the first week, no doubt thanks to the bitter, empty air between them. The training was a welcomed distraction from the awkwardness, and to make it even better Griff spent nearly every moment with her. On their first run he explained he started getting into shape shortly after she'd moved to the city. Whatever his reasoning, she was just glad he was there to anchor her.
Walking up the mountain was fine. But running the trail into town and back again was a complete nightmare. Griff helped, but the combination of bad eating habits, lack of motivation, and excessive drinking prior to her return home had Charlie convinced that she was going to perish on the return trip. Only after a tremendous amount of guilt-tripping herself—and a little cheering from Griff—did she finally make it back to the house.
Charlie took a moment to collect herself, then headed inside. Her thankful smile at the cold bottled water she gulped down faded as she took in the pile of books that weren't on her desk when she set out that morning.
Two weeks in and her body was finally starting to get used to things. But her brain was not. She groaned, leaning her head back.
Her phone had been lighting up for the past few hours, beeping with notifications until she'd silenced it. Now, with her head resting against the back of her chair, she looked at it as another little message up on the screen.
274 notifications on a photo you've been…
The message cut off since it was only a preview, but she had some idea of what it was about. Griff must have posted that photo of her working to his photogram and tagged her in it. For living in a small, coastal blip of a town, he always seemed to rank high in the likes on his photos. And while the idea that 274 strangers saw her working and decided they liked what they saw was a little weird, but she'd never meet any of them so who cared?
Reaching for another drink of delicious, caffeinated caramel goodness, Charlie opened the app to check it out. Griff hadn't sent the photo directly to her—even though she'd asked since it would make a really pretty profile picture—so she didn't know what to expect. It was of her on a ladder with the apple blossoms all around her, a basketful of shiny pink apples in her arms. The caption read Pretty in Pink.
Erde's green earth, she should've known he'd write something corny like that. He'd posted two other photos of her before. One of her standing on the pier the day after she got back home, captioned Already making waves. And the other of her holding a super fluffy rabbit at the Bunny Festival, captioned Pulled the rabbit out of the hat. She didn't mind the photos, in fact she smiled at them. Griff's idioms, on the other hand, needed some serious work.
She scrolled down the comments attached to the apple picture. There were the usual compliments to Griff's photography. A few constructively critical comments. Even Ignis had left a comment, yet what had Charlie smirking was someone she didn't know replying to Griff's line with an even cornier pun: She's the 'apple' of your eye, isn't she?
Griff replied with, wow dude charlie was right… ur puns ARE terrible.
The other person said, And your grammar is atrocious as always.
With a start, she realized who it was.
Reiem accepted her request to follow him just a moment later. Though he wasn't in a single photo, she knew it was him because the most recent thing he'd posted was of his gloved hand holding a shell over the beach. He didn't caption anything, but Charlie still wasted a little too much time looking at what all he had posted in the eight days since the account was made. Which, it turned out, was quite a lot.
The orchard. Training areas. A waterfall. Crystals and herbs. A ruined manor in the forest—she made a note to check that place out. With interest, she noted the sea was the most prevalent subject of Reiem's photography.
Charlie: Thought social media was a stupid waste of time?
Reiem: And yet here we are.
Reiem: I seem to have found myself with a surplus these two weeks.
Reiem: I must apologize for my harsh words, Miss Charlotte. My actions were most unbecoming of me, and orders are not mine to give. You are approaching this daunting task with a grace I'd not seen in many Masters before you.
Reiem: I am in no position to dictate how and with what you spend your spare time.
Reiem: Forgive me.
Charlie: No, no! You're fine!
Charlie: I shouldn't have assumed…
Charlie: Wait…
Charlie: …it was Griff, wasn't it?
Reiem: Indeed it was.
Charlie: ffs
Charlie: He didn't need to do anything.
Charlie: I'm sorry…
Reiem: While it is true I am still alive, my pride has suffered immensely. I cannot be sure I shall ever recover.
Charlie: Okay
Charlie: You're definitely dorkier than I ever thought an immortal would be.
Reiem: And just how many immortals have you met?
Charlie: Hmm, just one.
Reiem: You have much to learn.
Reiem: Speaking of learning, might I ask you something?
Charlie: Sure, what's up?
Reiem: What does 'ffs' mean?
‡ † ‡
Today was the day for self-defense training to intensify. While Reiem had instructed Charlie and Griff both with a variety of weapons, stances, and techniques, this was the first day that magic would be introduced into the equation. And to say that she was anxious about using magic was an understatement. The possibilities hit hard, kicking her in the gut harder than Griff had before she had properly learned to dodge.
The high quarry walls loomed ahead of her ominously as she descended the northern mountain path and circled around the lake. Lori had come in clutch that morning by giving her a little pep talk on how no one gets magic their first few tries. She even shared a tale at her own expense over how it took her almost a month to cast her first spell unaided.
Charlie: We're gonna be starting magic in the quarry today so don't worry if you see smoke or hear an explosion.
Ignis didn't respond, which wasn't that out of the ordinary. He was usually busy this time of day with his work, and Charlie was used to hearing back from him close to dinnertime. But today's reason for his lack of reply was entirely different, as she discovered when she arrived at the bridge. She stopped halfway across when she saw Griff approaching at a fast pace. He walked with purpose and had an air of concern about him.
"Iggy say anything to you about joining us?"
He nodded. "Yeah, he's talking with Reiem right now."
She could hear their low voices as they entered the quarry but seeing the two men speaking to one another was much more bizarre. Reiem listened in silence at first, but Ignis said something that made him start. He frowned before shaking his head. Whatever their conversation was, Reiem appeared stern and Ignis aloof. So, pretty normal, Charlie thought.
"Is he wanting to…join us join us?" she asked quietly. She couldn't imagine him in a fight—the skinny, brooding, emo thing Ignis had going on didn't really fit the mold, but she couldn't deny he had the right look for a sorcerer.
His laugh was uneasy as they kept pace. "I mean, he's worried about you still, but… Astrals, what's he even thinking? I've never even seen the guy play fight with a stick."
Charlie hummed, fidgeting her index finger against her thumb ring. "I don't know, but if he's the same determined Iggy I used to know, I'm sure he's not rushing into anything without thinking."
"Yeah, I guess."
Halfway across the quarry the pair stopped, waiting for the two to finish. Their voices carried over to them. Looking to one another, they decided eavesdropping took precedence when something particularly odd was afoot. And seeing the uncomfortable way Ignis held himself as Reiem glared down at him was definitely odd.
"Are you certain? There are many things to consider." It was distinctly Reiem's voice. It sounded clipped and firm. "Surely she'd honor your request with—"
"No. I'm not ready for that." Ignis sounded hesitant, disappointed almost.
A sigh. "You have had questionable practice with both blade and the arcane arts. A person like you would be well-suited for such an atmosphere."
It felt as if eels wriggled in her gut. Why were they talking about her? Furthermore, Ignis knew how to use magic, but he'd kept it from everyone? She looked to Griff, but all he could offer was his own confused look. Charlie almost wished she knew the full context, but she didn't want to attempt at getting closer and risk them clamming up.
"I know," Ignis said. "It's been a struggle since I got here. Even worse lately, but I don't think it'd be safe for her to know. Not yet."
"In that case, I daresay you had best keep it in check." Reiem sounded irritated. "I'll not stand for any mishaps."
"I don't care what you think. I'm worried for her."
The corners of Reiem's mouth drew down, his eyes narrowing. "Black kyanite."
"Your family's crystal. I suggest you find some and keep it close."
A hand gripped Charlie's shoulder gently, and she was pushed forward into an unsteady pace. Griff squeezed before letting go and walking past her. He raised his voice when approaching the pair, ending their conversation.
"So, Iggy, you ready to get that pretty hair of yours burned off?"
So, there Charlie was, going through the motions of swordplay that almost became second in nature the past few weeks, only to shriek and dodge as a blast of magic came her way out of nowhere. The guys watched from the sidelines, and as amusing as it was to Griff, Ignis seemed paler than usual. Charlie shot her wild gaze up in time to see a flash of light leaving Reiem's hand, and what she swore was the smallest of smirks leaving his face.
"Nicely dodged, Miss Charlotte. Your instincts are sharp."
She stared at him, sheathing her blade. "I thought the plan was to burn Iggy's hair off."
He chuckled softly. "As promising as that sounds, you are the focus of today's lesson. I've heard tell of your preconceived notions of the arcane arts."
She gently rolled her eyes. "Meaning Lori spoke to you."
"That she did. She is the current Trusted, so what she deems necessary, she reports to me."
When he didn't say anything next, Charlie shifted her weight from one foot to the other. In her search for a topic, a familiar smell reached her nose. A unique earthy smell, something faint she couldn't place.
"What's that smell?"
Reiem rose his brows. "Smell?"
"It's almost like…what comes before it rains. But kind of…burnt?" She hoped that made sense, but with the skies above as empty and blue as the sea, she felt sort of silly.
"Oh. That is one of the scents given off by magic."
She met his eyes, inhaling the smell again. It was so familiar. Nothing she could remember from routine, but just a smell that stuck with her for how strange it was. Something faint and bluish green curled into her mind.
"Oh! I remember now! The night you woke up, this smell was everywhere in your house. There were these bluish green swirls in the air, too. Near the secret door."
His expression held slight concern, but he looked at the others as if he weren't sure they should be listening. "Are you certain it was this same smell?"
"Yeah. Pretty sure. Why?"
Reiem seemed reluctant to answer but gave in at Charlie's curious expression. "I suppose I should use this as an opportunity to explain the basics of magic. The body is a temple of strength, yet what some fail to realize is that there are two kinds of strength: the physical, and the mental. Until now, you have tapped into your physical strength. Magic is all up here," he explained, tapping a finger to his temple.
"So, it's like a sword being an extension of your physical body," Charlie summarized. "Magic is an extension of your conscious mind, but both require thought to properly use."
"Precisely," Reiem replied with an approving smile. It withered somewhat before it finally clicked in Charlie's brain just why he'd seemed concerned.
"You think someone was inside your house?"
"There is a high possibility given the nature of magic, yet I must push it aside for another time." He exhaled and curled his fingers in the air before him. Flames danced to life from his palm. "Let's go through the set again. I promise there will be no more surprises," he added with a small smile.
"I'll hold you to that."
Charlie drew her sword, got into her stance, and began her katas again while he watched, swirling the fireball around in his fingers.
‡ † ‡
The rest of training passed in a resounding dissonance of magic, the clash of steel-on-steel, and grunts of pain, exertion, and victory. Charlie and Griff both had scorch holes in their clothing, while Reiem remained as perfect as ever. Not so much as a hair out of place, even with the impressive moves he'd demonstrated. As the group passed the lake and approached Ignis's house, they parted ways. Charlie and Reiem went up the north path for the orchard, and Ignis retreated to the safety of his home. With a smile, Griff trudged on down the path to town.
In the solace of his room, he stripped off all the burnt and sweaty clothing and took the hottest shower he could manage. He had an urge to make an out-of-town call… Doubt tugged at the corners of his mouth. Was it too early? Did he even want to talk to him this time? There was so much to tell him. Small things, like how he missed him and wanted to hold him again. Huge things, like Charlie finding her place and Ignis already trying to use his magic. He sat on his bed after getting dressed and stared down at the little sunflower on his left wrist.
Digging into his bag, he found his phone and pulled up a man's profile on a social messaging app. It showed they weren't friends, but it still gave the option to send a message. Griff's thoughts about everything swarmed, calming every time he looked at his wrist. He smiled at the sight of it. It was the one piece that had always remained of their times together. And he didn't have to explain, not to anyone.
Taking a deep breath, he looked back to the profile of Ren Lee and hit the 'send message' button.
Griff: uh…hey ren
Griff: i know its not the right time or even if that time will ever come but i really wanted to talk to you
Griff: theres some stuff we need to clear up before things get too bad
Griff: im sorry
He sat there, staring at the messages as they were delivered. He didn't know if or when Ren would reply, but his heart jumped into his throat as the little activity icon turned from red to green, and the 'Ren is typing' dots bounced along beneath his messages. The phone trembled in his fingers.
Ren: Definitely sooner than I'd have hoped to hear from you.
Griff: yeah i know
Griff: but we might have a problem
Ren: Isn't that ever the case?
Griff: for real man
Ren: I'm sorry.
Ren: What's going on?
Griff: its iggy
Ren: Of course it's him…
Ren: Has he gone off the deep end again?
Griff: no not yet but its still looking kinda hinky
Griff: been acting strange since Charlie came home and today he just up and spoke to Reiem openly about his magic and how he's acting like he's not ready to tell us about it but still wants to help
Griff: no prompting or anything and Reiem suggested he get some black kyanite and keep it in check
Ren: And isn't that a good thing? This variant seems the most promising.
Ren: Is that the only thing that's come up?
Griff: so far yeah
Ren: You have that 'feeling' again, don't you?
Griff: can u blame me?
Ren: Certainly not.
Ren: I still believe we're fighting a losing battle concerning Ignis Vaughn Runavegr, yet any sign of positive change—no matter how small—is something I'd be willing to give a chance.
Ren: Even dead gardens can grow green again with a little TLC.
Griff: yeah yeah
Griff: ur starting to sound like Reiem
Ren: Maybe it means I'm finally maturing?
Griff: now THAT is something i wouldnt wager your big jaeger bucks on
Griff: ur almost as immature as i am
Ren: You're so mean to me.
Ren: After everything I've done to get us this far.
Griff: REN
Griff: dammit warren answer me
Griff: ugh fine im sorry
Griff: I love u ren <:[
Ren: I'm kidding, Griffith.
Griff: asshole >:[
Ren: All we can do is wait for the right time to come up again.
Ren: It might be summer this time, or it might be as far as Airdeis. I can't make heads or tails of it all this go around.
Ren: And I know you're worried about everything going to hell again, but Astrals' sake, calm down.
Griff: im trying
Ren: Try harder. I know how lazy you are :p
Griff: fuck off
Ren: I love you, too.
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