《Loralle, Becoming a Vessel (Complete)》Extra little tid bits


In the prologue, it states two things became known but only one was written. The other was Dracon being able to treat the Fire Tribe lady like any other woman. He found that he didn't hate her, and that idea led to the other of having a child with one of the Fire Tribe.

Dracon, being accepted by the water element was why the water element accepted Loralle so easily, as she was second generation. The yearning to be accepted by water was also stronger and easier because of her father already being approved.

If Dracon hadn't accidentally gone into the huge, menacing lake...This wouldn't have been a story! This was because he was able to think about fire, without hating it, and then able to come up with the idea to annihilate the Fire Tribe. He didn't predict his own death though, Haha. When Loralle finally thinks of this, she wonders why her father still continued to hate the Fire Tribe. Of course, he was in a tribe full of people who wanted the end of the Fire Tribe, so it was much easier to just find a perfect way to do that. He was just following the masses, so he was very similar to Daniel in this respect.

Daniel...Was Loralle's half brother...

The Metal Tribe, taking away their hatred, I tried to imitate a little of the Australian culture. They worked hard but they grew laid back extremely quickly and drank a lot! Haha. On purpose, instead of 'leader', I used 'Boss' to elaborate the differences between the tribes. And on purpose, made them speak differently.

Loralle's favorite tribe stays as the Air Tribe. Even though she experience's quite some fun in the Metal Tribe, she still prefers the Air Tribe. Probably because she relates to them more, as they don't speak and are curious. They are also the easiest, as her journey was because of the hate in the elements and they had none.


The earth element let Loralle use its power as she was closest to its own goal. It helped Loralle the most, allowing her not to feel the hate as it was blocking it. So, upon her birth, Loralle became the leader of the Earth Tribe. But she isn't related to anyone from the past Earth Tribe.

The Air Tribe had the least hate, as they had been accepted by the power...Everyone else, having breathed air since birth has an extra small percentage of hate because of it. And the small amount of earth power that the Air Tribe have doesn't count for much as, with everyone, the earth power likes to block the hatred...Hence, the Air Tribe has the least hate. Practically none at all...

When the earth traps with booze jumped, back when Loralle had returned to the Metal Tribe, after punishing Daniel...It was because Loralle hiccupped!

Just in case you’re wondering, no, Loralle is not pregnant! It seems that the time that Mitch and her together was not enough for them to conceive a child. On the other hand, Arculas is a god and I am, at the moment, making it so that he can’t have children.

The first time you 'meet' the Elements (In chapter 14), it's not said who is speaking. The order goes: Water, Air, Metal, Fire, Earth, Fire...Air, Fire, Metal, Water, Air, Fire, then Earth.

The Elements main attribute: Earth: Leader. Water: Arrogant. Fire: Outspoken. Air: Friendly. Metal: High (lol)

Sadly, I knew Mahnu would end badly...But I think it turned out for the better with her gone.

Arculas knew when the time limit was gone and tried to get Hector to look for 'The Chest of the God's' straight away. The chest took 120 years to find and dig up. (Mahnu had placed many traps.) But after that Hector took another 75 years to trap the other God's inside of himself. (started off slowly but learnt to do it quicker). Also, he had to make more slaves, as he hadn't had enough to 'trap' all the of God's from the chest. At least three lives were used each time that he trapped a God inside of him, this is why the population didn't increase in those years.


Four times, the Elements and Arculas have been punished by being split up. The first time they destroyed an entire solar system.

The Elements have gone through thousands of vessels. (The vessels aren't immortal, they are just immune to the Element's powers. So, they are still human!)

Mondal is nearly twice as big as Kralaide.

I on purposely didn't go into detail about the galaxy that made Arculas lose two of his personalities...In fact, in the prologue of ‘Unyielding Beloved’, information is more in-depth to this specific galaxy, as two from that very galaxy had survived!

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