《Mother of Monsters》Chapter 13: Trials Part 1


Evia, Alexa, and Adriane weaved there way through the crowd. There were far more people than when they had come earlier that week. But, the event somehow stayed organized. The three flashed their identification patch and followed a line of applicants into a large arena.

There were people already seated in the stands. Connected to the ceiling were four large screens that would show the spectators how each Trial progressed. In the middle of the arena were over three dozen, pods large enough for a human to fit through comfortably if a little squished. Evia noticed that some pods had a blue flag above them while others had purple.

Tall stone-faced men, in suits, stand next to the entrance to the pods, and we all gather around the entrance, while the spectators pass us by to get to the stands. Evia observed the people in the crowd, some were kids a bit older than her- obviously only in appearance- that each had the schools emblem on their chest. She assumed that they were all older students. There were also scores of nobles come to inspect the next generation of fighters.

An odd prescience reached her. Looking up she scanned the crowd, and her eyes landed on a petite blond girl with elf ears. Evia's eyes narrowed and closed onto the girl's wrist, which was marked by a tattoo that Evia recognized. It was a dark circle with a 5 pointed star in the middle. A memorial overtook her thoughts.

A child sits on her lap, his large cat snake-like eyes, wet with tears looked out at the battlefield. She kissed the top of her child's head and took his tiny wrist in her hand. He looked into her eyes and she speaking in a whisper so that only he could hear she said,

" Child of mine, you shall not weep because of fear any longer. For you will not have anything to fear."

The child's eyes brightened at the words promising power.

" But, such power is not without a price, for you will be bound by your master and will lose much if you are to forsake your weakness." She continued. The child pondered for a moment and then looked at the field of blood and carnage and then looked back at her, determination filled his eyes. He nodded and recognizing his choice she willed her power into him. He grows about a foot taller and his scales became dagger sharp, His teeth became pointed and his eyes took on a yellow glint. His once black hair turned silver and a mark appeared on his wrist shining brightly before fading away.


The monster peered down at his wrist and looked back inquisitively at the goddess. His mother smiled,

" Soon, a being bound to this earth will bind you and you will be their slave. In return, once they die, their soul will be yours for the picking. Once such a sentence is invoked, only when your master dies or if they choose to release you from your contract may you be free. You can not go long without feasting on a soul though, or else you will lose your power and your sanity." She warned.

But, the monster was only partly listening. The price was great, yes, but the power he could feel coursing through his blood was even greater. He smiled viciously, showing his sharp fangs and turned to the battlefield. Bloodlust filled his eyes and he looked back at his mother, silently asking.

Evokdia stood from her perch and smiled too. As she joined her son, her nails grow into claws and power swarmed around her. Nodding to her newly created soul eater, she and her creation raced toward the battle. What a wonderful mother I am. She thought to herself as she ripped the head off of a screaming soldier.

And now an all to familiar mark lay on the wrist of the elven girl. Turning back to her friends, Evia had a small smile on her face as she expanded her senses. There he was, he was hiding his aura, but he couldn't hide from her. He was in the stands. Arculous was here and he was watching her.

" Attention all Applicants."

Evia looks up to find that an old man's face had appeared on the large TV screens.

" Greetings. I am head Master Blackstone. And welcome to the Xioto Academy Entrance Exam!!"

The old man spread his arms and the people in the stands began to clap and some of the older students whooped. After the noise had died down the headmaster continued.

" This exam will be split into to days. The First day, we will have our applicants fight in a simulation battle with spirit beasts. Those that survive to pass this first exam will come back tomorrow will compete in a one on one battles, leaving those lucky enough to enter our academy. "

The crowd once again clapped and chatted for a bit about these Trails. The headmaster turned his gaze to the applicants.

"Now, in a minute many of you will enter the arena and enter a pod. If you are a warrior class will enter a pod with a blue flag above, if you are entering in a magic class then you will enter a pod with a purple flag. My assistant, there. Will call out a name and directly said applicant to a pod."


Once the old man was down the screen switched over to a clean-cut man with glasses holding a stack of papers. The man peered down at the group and then looked back at his papers and began to call out names.

" Piper Oconto, Warrior class please step forward."

A girl about 12 with dirty blond hair walked up to the man and after asking the girl to show her patch he pointed her toward a pod. The girl walked forward and the suited men let her pace as she nervously ran toward the pod with a blue flag waving on top of it. This continued, until Alexa's and Adrinaes names, were called. Alexa being the last to be called, with nearly all the pods occupied peaked over at Evia and squeezed her hand before leaving.

There were less than 10 people left outside as the TV screen flicked back to the Headmaster Blackstone.

" To those who will not be participating this turn, after these students are done the next round will begin with you all."

Evia could feel the kids around her relax, knowing that they would be given a turn.

"Will each applicant step inside there pod. Then the door will be closed and you will feel an odd sensation. Please don't be alarmed, it is an advanced system that will teleport your mind into a specific simulation we have designed. "

A dangerous glint appeared in the old man's eyes.

" But, don't be fooled. While this may just be a simulation, you should act like your fighting for your life, because there is magic in place so that any pain you feel inside the simulation will be transmitted to your body. In a much weaker form and easily treatable, but it will not be pleasant if you get killed by accident."

Oh? Evia didn't care that there was a possibility of getting hurt. She knew she would be fine, but how fine was the question. She was ultimately here to gain knowledge of this new ear and to gain connection. She also wanted to help Adriane and Alexa grow. She wanted to make sure that they would know how to protect themselves and carve out a living for themselves. While technology had greatly advanced since her time, their knowledge of magic is rather disappointing.

Because of her time, imprisoned Evia was significantly weaker than she was before. And the darkness that she had consumed in replace of Mana, was still rushing through her looking for a way to breach her mental wall. That was another reason for coming here, this school was a place to nurture the talented young and it seemed to be the perfect place to regain her strength.

She was more powerful than most kids her "age", but she had a suspicion that with a combination of all the technology and enough power some human would probably be her equal if not her superior. Anger bit at her heart, but before it could factor the TV screen shifted and changed to a landscape of a forest.


Alexa stood in a forest surrounded by 11 other girls and boys. She looked around for Adriane but, couldn't find him. It seemed that the magic applicants were testing in a different place. She would have to fight alone. She noticed that all the other applicants around her had a blue ora around them.

The youngest was that girl P{iper, looking about 12. Each applicant looked fairly fir in there own way. Some were small and lean, while others were large and filled with mussel.

The bodiless voice of the headmaster floated from the air above and everyone looked up searching for the source.

" Now, in a minute you will begin your trial. Warriors, your main objective is to kill as many spirit beasts as possible. You are prohibited from hurting another member of your team. However, another team will be working against you. The magical applicant's mission is to keep as many spirt beast alive as possible. The members of the opposing team are allowed to try and stop you from killing the spirit beasts by any means possible. Youn Identify your teammates by the color of there overlaying ora. If you need a weapon all you have to do is picture the item in your head and it will approve. Now let the First Round of the Xioto Entrance Exam BEGIN!!!"

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