《Last Year [of High School]》Chapter 7 - Commencing Operation
Team Fujisaka and Genji,
“Boss it appears that those girls are talking about girls stuff, lets try hearing,”
“Good idea Fujisaka, let’s do that”.
Technique: the old fashion eavesdropping!
Team Aoki and Kasaki,
“Yow Kasaki, I think this site has some nice ideas, I’m sending you the link on tiscord,”
*parody of discord*
“Huh-oh yeah, I’ll open it later,”
“Later? Don’t tell me you’re playing some weird eroge again!”
*eroge means erotic games*
“Eh, how did you know?”
Technique: the internet where literally everything is at the tip of the fingers! Everything!
The guys worked their asses off gathering information, compiling, and confirming their viability in Aniki’s situation. Ranking their effectiveness towards Kuuderes which is very rare that makes the information on them hard to be obtained from a trusted source.
“This is harder than I expected! All the techniques don’t match the president’s personality to be effective! I might give up!”
“Don’t say that! Imagine what Aniki will say to us if we manage to pull this off!”
“Good work guys, you’re the best, how could I possibly pay for your kindness?”
“This is nothing! We’re capable of much more, kuh kuh kuh”.
“You guys are awesome!!!!”
“Ahhhhh, nice….”
“Yosh!!!! Let’s live up to his expectation!!”
The day where they would present their suggestions had come.
“So…why are we in the theater room again?”
“That’s because we had prepared a slideshow for you Aniki”.
“Errr…doesn’t seem necessary to me…”
“Of course it’s necessary! Well then, enjoy the presentation”.
“What is a Kuudere? According to the internet, it refers to a person’s characteristics which are often cold, blunt, and somewhat cynical. They may seem quite emotionless and stoic on the outside, but little did we know that on the inside they're very caring……at least when it comes to the ones they hold dear. So what makes a Kuudere a hard one to catch? The problem lies within the person that the Kuudere is dealing with. The person must be well educated on faint emotions and is recommended to not be dense as anything they do will never even have a chance of success. Multiple methods are proven to be completely useless to soften their heart. But worry not as we, the shadow vigilantes had come up with an ultimate idea that will surely work if it’s patiently applied with maximum care at precise measurements taken over time. But this method might also be a double-edged sword as if the user fails to control his feelings it might prove to be fatal to the user. For example, the user must be able to express the right amount of feelings, if it were to be slightly too much or too little, the risk of getting broken for life will increase exponentially.”
“Are you ready for the revelation? Are you truly prepared? Have you gone mad that your final resolve is this revelation? Do you value yourself less than other people to be able to execute this act of courage and potentially sacrificial?”
“Just say it!” starting to get annoyed…
“Well then, behold! The one and only way to catch the president’s heart back for Aniki!”
“What the heck!!!???”
“A thousand confessions?! Are you serious?!”
“Of course! From our investigation and research through these few days, everything that we had found reached a dead end, literally every method and way, no matter how expensive or cheap, fancy or poor, it just won’t work with your situation”.
“But, we finally found one method which is a thousand confessions!”
“It might sound like a stupid idea, and they don’t even have any proof that this will work, but from our own judgment towards your recent relationship with the president, we have no doubt that this will work!”
“So you’re telling me that if I confessed a hundred times, she will finally be able to forgive me?”
“Kind of, more or less”.
“And what’s this about the double-edged sword?”
“Well….considering that you are a normal human being, getting your heart broken a thousand times might not make you human again….”
“You mean getting rejected every time? That seems…unbearable..”
“Don’t worry about the trivial things Aniki! If there’s a will, there’s a way!”
“Err….I can’t say I agree with your plan, but it does sound kinda fun when I think about it…hehe”.
“By the way, where did you found this idea? Surely not from some shitty forum right?”
“It was from a shitty forum,” :)
“.…of course….”
“Well, after all, you guys put quite a lot of effort in this, might as well give it a try”.
“Aniki! Gambatteh!”
“Thanks, guys!…. I can’t afford to buy a lot of those parfaits too though…”
“What did you say Aniki?”
“Ah, nothing…thanks again! Wish me luck!”
“Good luck Aniki!”
I walked towards the exit and left the room leaving them inside.
A thousand confession…does this mean I gotta say ‘I love you’ a thousand times to Kaichou?…Doesn’t seem that hard though, but the logic behind it, is it suppose to make her feel better? Or will she hate me more? Yikes! What would anyone do if they got confessed that many times? If once, the reaction would be like ‘So this guy likes me, do I like this guy? what if I say yes?’ the guy would get rejected if the girl doesn’t have any feelings toward the guy. If a second confession is made by the same guy, she would feel annoyed and start to question what the guy likes about her.
Depend on the answer, he might get a chance….or just straightforwardly got rejected again….the question is what happens if a guy would confess a thousand times? Would the guy feel better even if he got rejected that many times or the opposite would happen? Will the girl grow more annoyed with the guy or start to soften up?…… I can’t conclude….a human’s heart is simply too complicated to understand…. a robot or a droid is way easier to understand….simply because they don’t have feelings, to begin with….
It’s been a week and a half since the incident, I’ve bought parfait’s every day for Kaichou for her to forgive me…but I was ignored all the time and the parfait was never taken by Kaichou…I ended up giving them to the kid who always plays around my apartment, Marie-chan, well at least I got to see her happy face when she enjoys them.
Tomorrow, I’ll start the plan! A thousand confessions!
As morning arrives, as usual, I will meet her for the morning duty in front of the school gate.
Gulp…I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna do it…..
As expected, no response just like before…
“I-I’m sorry for last time….please forgive me…..”
Shit! This is too intense! I felt like my heart is going to jump out!
“Lo-lo…..I LOVE YOU Kaichou!”
I did it! I did it! Now, what???
She…..doesn’t seem bothered by it….still ignored me like a piece of candy wrapper on the road…..
But why are the students looking at me?….these faces of sympathy….
I guess this might work! If I kept getting ignored like this, it won’t be much of a trouble, is it? Whew…
Wha-what is happening?! Did Hitori just con-confessed to me??!! Wh-why? Does he like me? What do I say? Do I just ignore him? But ignoring him all this time seems to hurt me as well…but if I respond to his confession, I wouldn’t be ignoring him and will make him think that he had won.
But it’s not that I meant to slap him in the first place, I was just a bit traumatized….after all, he was the one who saved me…if anything I should apologize to him…I just can’t…this highly egotistical behavior of mine is preventing me from doing so…
I continued to confess to Kaichou every time we meet each other, even though getting ignored every time, I still persevered in obtaining her forgiveness.
At this point, everyone in the school had grown accustomed to my confessions to Kaichou. Some think it’s very sweet and romantic, while others thought that my actions are dumb and had become crazy to do something like this, even Chiba said it...
“This is going nowhere….I need to step up my game, I’ll make a journal of my journey for the thousand confessions, seems like I might be able to find something”.
I then opened up a book and wrote everything that I noticed and any slight changes each day.
“Yosh! I can keep track of what to improve and what to discard! Almost like a real research I’d say ki ki ki”.
The days went by as normal as possible, only with Kaichou ignoring me all the time.
“You don’t know when to stop, do you? Hahahaha that’s the bro I know! Keep it up,”
Sasaki said to me when were patrolling one day.
“I can’t stop now before accomplishing my goal”
“You mean to get Kaichou to like you back?”
“Huh? I mean to get her to forgive me…..remember I told you about something I did that made her mad?”
“The analogically explained story at the supermarket? Yeah..you got slapped by Kaichou! Hahaha”
“It was an analogy! Come on…”
“Got it, got it, so it wasn’t a confession of love?”
“Well….I’m not entirely sure about that too though…”
Meanwhile at the student council room
“Don’t you think it’s time to stop ignoring him Kaichou?”
“Why would I?”
“I mean, before this, you two seem like a lovely couple I’d say, but after the trip, you’ve never even spoken to him, I don’t know what happened between you two”.
“Such nonsense, why would you care?”
“Of course I’d care! You both are my precious friends! Is it not normal for me to be concerned about my friends?”
“Friends? I don’t recall being friends with anyone”.
“I’m….not your friend?…. Not even Hitori-kun?”
“You got that right, friends?…. I didn’t need them before, why would I need them now?”
“Wow…I’m…kinda sad right now…”
Makino walked and left the room.
As Sasaki and I was about to return to the room, we saw Makino walking out of the room with a sad and disappointed face.
“Makino? Where is she going?”
I immediately caught up to her.
“Where are you going? I thought we got some work to do?”
“Hitori-kun, Sasaki-kun, are you my friends?”
Why is she suddenly asking such a question?
“Of course, why’d you even bother asking?”
“Did something happened? You’re crying…”
Sasaki asked Makino trying to take a grasp on the situation.
“Kaichou….she said none of us are her friends…”
“Oh…well I don’t think she means it though…don’t take her words so seriously okay…”
“It hurts my heart hearing her say that…it’s as if I’m hearing my old self…”
“Your old self?”
“When I was in junior high school…..no one wanted to be my friend because I didn’t know how to communicate with them, everything they talked about, I had no interest in them, whenever it’s lunchtime, I would just sit in my seat and read mangas instead of talking to them, at that time, I always thought that being alone is far better than forcing myself to socialize with people, they just talk about themselves and things they are interested in, it’s not that I didn’t make an effort to socialize with them, it’s just every time I talk about the things that interest me, they would just stay quiet and look at something else…I almost felt like killing them right there…that’s why I had decided rather than getting humiliated like that, it’s better not even trying to communicate with them….but as I advance grades, I noticed something is missing in myself…is it the presence of a friend? That is the first thing that came to my head, after a while I decided to analyze my class’s cliques, I found a group that might be interested in being friends with me, I built up the courage to interact with them….to my surprise, they accepted me and quickly became my friends, the joy I felt that moment was indescribable, I was very happy even though I’ve made just a few friends, that is when I decided to make friends with everyone, I also found out that idols are loved by everyone, the feeling of having friends to share everything is priceless”.
“That’s a pretty nice story, Makino-san, I’m proud you overcame it yourself, this might be a bit too late but, congratulations!”
Hearing her courageous story, I complimented her.
“Stop crying then, it’s not like you to cry like this, what happened to the idol of this school? Ka ka ka”.
“Don’t worry, what Kaichou said is exactly the opposite of what she thinks, I guess, but I’m not sure about her ignoring me……I feel like dying already…..ughh…”
“For what you just said, look at you now…” she said.
“For now I guess we can just act normal, her problem is not a conflict between her and someone else, but between herself”.
“I want to help Kaichou, I know the feeling of loneliness! It hurts even though I’m used to it”.
“In Kaichou’s case, it might be different, we need to find that reason first before anything else otherwise that sentiment of her might get worse if we act irrationally or inappropriately, it’s like when you ask someone who is clearly mad whether they’re mad or not, of course that anger is going to be fueled even more,” Sasaki explained.
For a musclehead like him, he sure has an incredible way of thinking.
“I guess that’s true, then what should we do?”
“I’m not sure…”
Suddenly I thought of an idea.
“Oh, why don’t we ask her family instead? Like her parents or siblings,”
“She does have a younger sister, but other than that like her relationship with her or anything else is a mystery,” Makino said.
“Family huh, that might actually work, but what if she found out?” Sasaki asked.
“Gotta devise a plan for this, and I know a bunch of people up for a task like this”.
After that, I brought them to a place.
Behind the school area where the shadow vigilantes’ headquarter reside
“So you guys want to get inside the president’s house without getting known by her huh, seems like an impossible plan,” Genji said.
“You sure we can trust these ex-delinquents, Hitori-kun?” Makino asked me.
“Don’t worry, they had gone from complete trash to slightly not trash level, hehe”.
“Is it really impossible?”
“Well, you know us very well right Aniki?”
“Not much actually”.
“So of course you know that there is nothing that we can’t do”.
Are they just going to ignore my response?
“Nice, then how long are you guys going to take to come up with a plan?”
“Actually, we already figured it out, look behind me, my guys had already devised a plan while we were speaking, kuh kuh kuh”.
“Already?! Amazing!” Sasaki praised them.
“A praise from Aniki’s friends is also music to our ears! Waaaa”.
“So what’s the plan?” Makino asked.
“Oh, it’s very simple even a kindergarten kid can come up with,” Fujisaka said.
“Tha-that easy? Why am I getting annoyed even hearing this guy’s voice…” Makino annoyed by Fujisaka.
“In this week on Wednesday, the president will be going home late, as usual, I think you all should have known that already, that’s the only time you can go to her house without her noticing, but to avoid any suspicion, I suggest only two or one people go visit her house while the rest stays in the student council room, that’s all”.
“But you gotta take the risk of anyone from her house telling her that you visited, quite a deadly risk I’d say”.
“Hmm…seems very reasonable, I guess it’s not that bad of a plan though it is pretty simple don’t you think bro?”
“Yeah, looks good to me, so who’s gonna do the visiting?”
“Why is everyone staring at me?”
“Who else? Seems like you’re the only one qualified to do the job I guess,” Makino said.
“You look like the person for the job bro”.
“Don’t worry Aniki you will succeed! We can guarantee that!”
“Errrr…..I’ll try my best….”
I hesitantly accepted the role.
After the meeting, I decided to head home.
“Why do I have to be the person to go ask her family, they probably won’t let me in, I’m just a no one after all…”
Passing by a convenience store
“Ah might as well get dinner at the convenience store..”
“Thanks for coming!”
As I was coming out of the store, a little girl seems like about 10 years old can be seen in front looking worried.
“Are you lost?”
“N-no! I’m just a bit confused on the roads around this area”.
“Isn’t that what being lost is all about?”
“I…guess so”.
“Want me to help?”
“Okay! Where are you going exactly? How did you get lost on such simple roads like this?”
“This address, it’s where I live, I went here alone to buy some snacks and now I don’t know how to get back home, I’m a bit bad at remembering the roads”.
Why is this situation kind of reminds me of someone…
“Let me take a look at the address.”
Haaaa….I should have known….this sense of direction, she is Kaichou’s little sister…
“I-I know this place, come let me show you the way”.
“So what’s your name? I’m Hitori Yume”.
“Yagami Koemi!”
“How’s school?”
“School is fun! I have plenty of friends! I think the whole school is my friend!”
“Whoah is that so, you must be very famous right?”
“Hihihi, I know right!”
“By the way, didn’t your teachers taught you not to talk to strangers?”
“Aren’t I a stranger to you?”
The look on the face immediately changed to a worried expression.
“I’m joking, haha, but seriously, don’t talk to people you don’t know got it?”
“Today you’re lucky it’s me, but what if someone else, someone who wants to do bad things to you?”
“Ahah, don’t get scared, it’s just a reminder, you have a poor sense of direction, so I’m worried if you got lost again when going outside alone..why don’t you bring someone?”
“I don’t have anyone else, only the maids but they would scold me if I ask them…”
I thought she got plenty of friends? What about her sister, Kaichou?
“You have any siblings?”
“A big sister but she doesn’t pay any attention to me at all, just ignoring me all the time…”
How could you ignore this cute little being Kaichou?
“How about your friends? You have plenty of them right?”
“They live so far from my house…”
“Are you…..alone then?”
She nodded while showing a sad expression…
Damn this is frustrating to watch a kid like this…
“Come with me”.
“Just come, it’ll be fun, hehe”
“Uwahhh!! Delicious!!”
“I know right! hahaha”
I brought Koemi-chan to get some ice cream, looking at her eating the ice cream almost remind me of Kaichou...
“Do you like it?”
“So much!”
“Let’s go I got another place I wanna bring you”.
“Whoa!! is this what an arcade looks like??!!”
“Come, let’s play something”.
“I can?”
“Why not?”
“Yay!! I wanna play that shooting one”.
“Here, take these tokens and put them inside here, then u can start playing”.
“Ah, it’s starting!”
“Take the gun! Shoot the zombies! Fast!”
“Ah! Take these mean zombies!”
“Ahah you’re pretty good at this”.
“Umu, your compliment flatters me, kind sir”.
A kid is supposed to be having fun like this.
We spent quite a lot of time playing games then, I guess she never had fun like this before.
My heart felt at ease watching her excitedly enjoying the games here. Aren’t childhood supposed to be a fun and memorable time in our lives?
“A crane! Let’s play that one next!”
She pointed at a claw machine with plushies inside.
“Okay, okay, no need to rush now”.
“But I need to get home soon”.
Hearing she said that, I looked at my phone, I guess we’ve been here for quite a long time now.
“Then let’s win that bunny quickly”.
“Bunny! Bunny!”
In the end, we got a frog plushy…
Then I walked her home from the arcade.
“Sorry I didn’t get the bunny for you..”
“This frog is cute too, thank you so much onii-chan”.
Onii-chan....that’s a word that I haven’t heard for a long time…
Onii-chan….why does it makes my heart feel very heavy…
Oh, yeah….that’s cause…
The sight of a young girl came to my mind as if the person is very close to me.
“Onii-chan!” the voice of that person suddenly played in my head.
“Eh..what’s this,”
My eyes had begun to drop tears before I know it…
Why? I thought I’ve accepted…
Why are you still here?
The voice of the kid made me snap out of my thoughts.
”What’s wrong?.. Why are you crying?”
“Uh, no-nothing, just some dust got in my eyes, come let’s go”.
“Here we are Koemi-chan, your house”.
“Thank you onii-chan!”
“Ah here, this is my phone number, if you want to go out again next time, call me, don’t go alone okay”.
“Got it! Bye, onii-chan!”
She then entered her house from the main gate.
What a nice girl…being called onii-chan….I never thought I would be able to hear someone call me that again….
Does Kaichou have a bad relationship with her sister?
Aren’t we supposed to care for our families more than anything in this world?
I guess tomorrow I’ll try to find out more.
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