《Ha'suru Lab Life!》1.5 The First Case
Ha’suru was a city divided into sectors. Sector 1 was the richest of the rich. Sector 5 was the poorest of the poor. The rest was stuck somewhere in between. This system existed ever since Ha’suru National Hospital was founded just a mere eleven years ago. And that! Was the basis of competence for entering HNH ever since.
After Duty: HNH-IC lounge
“La la la.” Reiko’s head swung side to side. She sang listlessly, staring out into the sectors of Ha’suru. This wasn’t her usual desk as she sat by the windows in the real lounge. There was nothing to do in the intern committee today, as per tradition. Though that could mostly be said about anything concerned with Reiko Kamiyama.
Kaiba Quivers was busy. Alexa Fuse was busy. The intern committee was menial in nature. They had to force themselves onto the administration. And only then would work be given to them. Now, the top two interns were waist deep in paperwork, ranging from reporting performance of interns to making sure that there was proper allotment of breaks during duty. An optimization of a life of an intern. It was in their hands. However, this was simply unworthy work of their skills no matter how they looked at it.
“This is utterly useless!” Kaiba screamed as he stroked his final pen stroke.
“Please keep working. You are the president. It’s best you remember that.” Alexa’s head was down, continuing to work on her paperwork.
The birds chirped. They flapped their wings in the air, free to do as they pleased. Their little feet perched on the trees in a whimsical conversation with their snow white. And Reiko Kamiyama sang along to their tune. Her arms flailed to a metronomic imitation.
“This is not what the intern committee should be.” Kaiba crossed his arms, staring at the pile of papers.
“The intern committee has been inactive for years, what do you expect us to do?” Alexa continued to jot down.
“We should be helping people!” Kaiba exclaimed.
“We are. These paperwork we’re filing will help the interns of HNH,” Alexa replied.
“Do you think that knowing exactly what the interns ate during their lunches, examining if they have enough nutritional value then signing off on it would really help them?”
“Yes. Nutrition is important for an intern. If we can make them eat properly, their energy levels would be higher. Thus they would be more efficient in their work.” Alexa’s pen moved faster and faster across the papers.
“That’s not our responsibility! Nutrition must come from the heart! Not the mind! If I force you to eat healthy now. Sure, you might do it. But that doesn’t mean you’d do it the next day!” Kaiba pounded his balled fist into his desk.
“It’s better than not eating healthy at all.” Alexa, succinct in her response.
“This is just a band aid solution to the bigger problem. Eventually it will rear its head again. We’d always need a bigger band aid every time!” Kaiba started to wave his arms around.
Alexa uncocked her pen and gently set it aside. “Interns come and go. We only need them to work hard for a certain amount of time. Till they leave. If they get accepted to work in HNH after their internship, then we can safely assume that they do care for their nutrition deeply.”
There was no reply. That was enough of a reason for Alexa to assume that she quelled the rebellion in his soul. The intern committee was stuck with tasks well below their skill level. But! They volunteered to be here. They wanted this. So, in her mind: they had no right to complain about this.
She cracked her neck and continued her sentiment. “Things would be different if I was the president.”
“Huh?” Kaiba raised an eyebrow.
“If I were president, I would have none of your ramblings. This committee would be peaceful and orderly.” Alexa stared right into Kaiba’s eyes.
“And why is that? Please tell me more,” he snarked.
“A transferee like you would never understand.”
Ah yes! Kaiba Quivers was indeed a transferee. It was rare to have an outsider be accepted to an institution in HNH. Ha’suru already had enough competition from within its walls. Kaiba was so talented that HNH could not ignore it.
“Well then, that’s too bad. Because I was the one who scored higher than you on the tests. That’s why you’re sitting on that seat right now.” Kaiba smirked.
This time, it was Alexa who fell quiet. The HNH committee selection was haphazard to say the least. Since this particular committee had been dormant for nine years, it was shocking to the administration that two individuals would even volunteer for it. In the heat of the moment, they decided that the positions would be determined by the entrance exam scores in HNH. Kaiba was the highest. Alexa was second. And Reiko, well, let’s not talk about it.
“And my test ranking was 257th!” Reiko chimed in.
No one asked Reiko Kamiyama, but she always felt obliged to provide her own brand of insight whenever the top two interns of HNH were fighting.
“I bet you’re ashamed.” Kaiba continued to gloat. “A transferee to Ha’suru. Went to the clearly inferior school. A man from sector 4, managing to outperform the Alexa Fuse. Maybe that just proved that sector 1 isn’t all it's cracked up to be.”
There were two schools of science in Ha’suru. MSD, Medical Sciences for Dummies. And EMSA: Elite Medical Sciences Academy. It was clear as the sun that MSD was the lesser school.
“And I’m from sector 2!” Reiko chimed in again.
Alexa still mulled in her silence. Her rage was building up. I do not accept you! She was a woman of great prestige. A woman from sector 1. Her shame, frustration and anger all mixed into one singular emotion.
“Reiko!” Kaiba yelled.
“You are from EMSA too, correct?” he asked.
“Aye aye!”
“Why don’t you tell your schoolmate to humble herself in my presence.” A pretentious smile crept its way onto Kaiba.
Reiko tilted her head. She left her spot in the windows. The birds’ chirping continued, but more melancholic as if they lost a comrade as she walked towards the top two interns.
“Alexa. Humble yourself.” Reiko smiled.
Alexa stood up, anger fuming down to her feet. She grit her teeth. She would not let Kaiba get away with this any longer. There is no respect to be given to such a despicable man.
“I will beat you.” Alexa pointed her finger to Kaiba. This was a challenge.
Kaiba stood up. “Bring it on.”
Reiko raised her arms and slashed it into the air. “Ding! Ding! Ding! Round 1 start!”
“If I overtake you in the update of the HNH leaderboards, you will relinquish your position as the president of the intern committee to me.” Alexa demanded.
Kaiba shrugged. “I’ll go even as far as say that if we’re still tied at that time I’m more than fine to give up my seat. But of course none of that is going to happen. Because I’ll be laughing at you from the top.”
“Reiko!” Alexa called to her.
Reiko scampered her way to Alexa. She lent her ear out. Mumbling. Muttering. The sound of the fan going round and round. After all that Alexa whispered, Reiko eventually nodded.
Reiko turned to Kaiba. “You better get ready to prostrate before Alexa Fuse.”
They were simple words. If it had come from Alexa’s mouth it would have been normal. But for some reason, hearing it from Reiko's mouth made it all the more infuriating. She opened those words with a smile. A contrast that said, ‘I don’t care about you.’ but still you must submit to her demands.
Alexa’s face glowed. Confidence. She couldn’t allow the tyranny of a man from the lower sectors, transferee or not, to run rampant on this committee any longer. This is the beginning of my era.
The silence Reiko’s words gave lingered. Kaiba sat back down in his seat. Nary a word. He refused to look at Alexa Fuse. While the girl beside him did the same. Reiko, too, finally sat at her desk. Her mind, still enamored by the birds outside.
Now, they were back to how the usual day started in the committee. This time with renewed motivation. The silence wasn’t about anything but their own wills clashing against each other. They could tear each other apart before they even reached the leaderboards update.
Reiko suddenly stood up. The chair, recoiling backwards. It finally broke the silence that held them prisoner. Reiko Kamiyama wouldn’t sit still for long! She hopscotched her way to the door. Her ears perked up. This was a sign that she found something interesting outside the walls of the committee. Reiko’s job in the committee was simple. She simply existed. Though, in reality, she was supposed to be the secretary of the committee. But both Kaiba and Alexa knew not to task her with anything above her capabilities. For now, she just existed.
Her head slowly poked out of the door frame, like a mole that dared to be whacked. Her eyes glinted and gleaned. She looked left then quickly shifted right.
“Oh hello there.” Reiko smiled.
Before her were three interns. A man that wore the same white V-neck uniform and black pants as Kaiba. Two women that wore the same white dress as Alexa. Their eyes wobbled and their feet just couldn’t remain in place.
“Are you guests? Come on in!” Reiko’s radiance was very inviting. Her words served to quell a little bit of the trepidation the three interns felt. She added a gesture for them to come in. Her whole body swayed as her hands told them to follow her.
“What’s going on?” Kaiba’s powerful voice interjected.
The visage of two intimidating individuals greeted the unlikely visitors. Thunder struck as their eyes met Alexa and Kaiba. The remnants of their rage and frustration carried over.
The three interns cowered in fear. They scurried to hide at the back of Reiko. Silly interns! Reiko Kamiyama could not possibly protect them from an onslaught from the top two interns of HNH!
“I heard some footsteps from outside.” Reiko smiled. “So I thought I would check it out. And I found these three interns.”
Alexa examined the three people behind Reiko. They were indeed from HNH labs. That is peculiar. No one visited the intern committee. Despite its name, very few interns even go there.
“So what do you guys want?” Kaiba said.
His figure grew several times larger than what he actually was. This was the sight that the usual intern would see. The intimidation was a skill that Kaiba had no control over. He just happened to be that naturally.
The three interns shivered. To move meant death. The two girls tugged at Reiko. That would do them no good! The man tried to stand his ground but eventually he found himself farthest back.
“Kaiba, you’re scaring them,” Alexa pointed out.
“Am I?”
Alexa sighed. She turned to the interns, smiled and asked, “What brings you to the committee?”
The two girls looked to the man further back. It looked like Alexa’s phrasing and tone was less harsh. The man stepped forward.
“We have an issue in the lab right now. And we need help.” The man’s eyes looked down and to the side.
“Get to the point Ryu!” the other girl intern yelled.
“Why don’t you tell it then, Maya? I don’t see you trying!” Ryu shouted back.
“Can we just get along?” Jessica shouted.
The three interns suddenly went into a fit. Apparently all they needed was someone to start the dialogue. Once that happened, their emotions bursted at the seams.
Kaiba crossed his arms and sighed. “Let’s talk about this inside. You must have a pretty good reason to come here now. It’s your night duty after all. I hope you guys aren’t just playing hooky.”
His words did not play around. He went right to the point. He did not waste his time on people who neglected their own work. His eyes directly threatened the three.
“No, we’re not!” the three of them replied. A natural instinct to the predator that was Kaiba Quivers.
It was finally time for the long neglected right half of the lounge to be used. Aside from Reiko’s brief stint by the windows earlier and the occasional coffee Alexa would brew and drink, this place was desolate. Forgotten. The sofa, pristine and kept, longed for company. The long table, often just used as a hold of beverage, would finally witness conversation. These furnishings were made for long and deep talks. To just make hold of heat from coffee, or the moisture from cooling drinks, was a dire misuse of its potential. Today! That half of the committee would finally be of use.
From leftmost to right, Maya, Jessica and Ryu sat on the long sofa. Reiko leaned on the windows behind it, admiring the chirping birds that were seemingly happy for her return. Kaiba sat comfortably on one of the sofa chairs.
Alexa looked at him as she prepared her coffee for their unlikely guests. They didn’t even have enough cups for all of them. The situation unfolded into an unexpected case. Their first one. She would have to set aside the demand of more cups and just do with what they have. The tray of obviously lacking beverages set down on the table. And she sat alongside it.
Kaiba casually put his leg over the other. He nodded to himself. Taking in the atmosphere that was developing.
Alexa just kept looking at him. Why did he look so damn satisfied? It pissed her off. It made no sense. She returned her gaze to the people sitting on the sofa.
“Hm? Why don’t I have a cup?” Kaiba asked.
“We don’t have enough cups for this many people.” Alexa sipped her coffee.
“I see. We’ll have to address that in the future. So, Ryu was it?” Kaiba turned his attention to the matter at hand.
“Yes.” Ryu nodded.
“What's the problem?” Alexa asked.
Jessica and Maya threw glares at Ryu. To which he could only look down as if a grave stain besmirched his pants. And then he looked up. The situation developed into quite the peculiarity. But! It was a scene all too familiar to Kaiba and Alexa. He felt it from Alexa before. And Alexa felt it from him.
“We need your help. I misplaced one of the logbooks for the chemistry section.” As Ryu said those words, his eyes went back to his pants.
“Hey! Tell them what kind of logbook it was!” Maya reprimanded.
“Maya you should tone it down a bit. I don’t think that’s helping.” Jessica tried to calm the situation down.
“The logbooks were records of VIP patients from sector 1. If we don’t find it soon. The three of us could get demerits.” Ryu clarified.
“It’s fine.” Maya crossed her arms.
“Sounds like it’s your fault, I don’t see why we should--” Alexa stopped her train of conversation as Kaiba raised a hand in front of her.
“No. This is what the intern committee is for,” Kaiba said.
“What?” Alexa rubbed her temples. What an asinine statement. She would just sip her coffee to abate the bizarreness of Kaiba’s words.
Reiko’s eyes glowed. Her eyes tinted with thermal vision and inside it Kaiba was glowing hotter than the sun! There was a palpable thrill in the air. She waited for the words that would come next. I like where this is going!
“Please continue.” Kaiba nodded.
“We tried finding it ourselves. But we couldn’t find it,” Ryu said.
“And whose fault do you think that is?” Maya retorted.
Jessica sighed. “Maybe it’s all our fault?”
“No I’d doubt it.” Maya looked away.
“So now, you come to the intern committee for help? Why us? Why not go to housekeeping first?” Kaiba asked.
“We thought the intern committee was able to help us. It has ‘intern’ in the name. So we thought you guys helped interns with problems,” Ryu replied.
“I see.” Kaiba continued to nod. “Well you are correct! We are here indeed to solve the problems that seem unsolvable to the everyday intern!”
Alexa spewed her coffee all over the place. “What?”
“Yahoo!” Reiko celebrated.
“As president, this is exactly my vision. To help our fellow interns in need. If you have a problem with that, then you have to take this position away from me.” Kaiba smirked.
Alexa squeezed her cup tightly. Maybe it was just her imagination, but she felt cracks form. Cracks inside her psyche that would soon shatter. Where does he get off just deciding that so suddenly!
“This problem is already solved anyway.” Kaiba brushed his shoulders off the coffee Alexa spatted out.
The three interns were all surprised at Kaiba’s words. No one in their right mind could say those things with as little information on the events as Kaiba had. But the interns did not understand. This was the infallible Kaiba Quivers.
“I assume that the three of you belong to the same group. Jessica and Maya were insanely jealous at how Ryu was so much more proficient than them during night duties. Ryu would always outperform his peers. From what I could assume based on your interaction, Ryu was from lower sectors. Of course being from higher sectors, both of you couldn’t handle that. So you decided to hatch a plan. Hide the logbook then frame Ryu. That is the only logical conclusion.” Kaiba brushed his hair back in finality.
Ryu’s eyes lit up. Jessica was shaking. Maya was seething. They would not dare speak up to Kaiba Quivers. His words hit all the right spots!
“I disagree.” Alexa sipped her coffee.
“Be careful not to spew that all over the place again.” Kaiba warned.
Alexa set down the cup carefully. “I will not!”
She slowly gathered her composure. “I think it’s quite the opposite. Ryu was jealous that Jessica and Maya were excelling. Ryu, being from the lower sectors, always felt inferior. No matter how hard he tried, he always performed below his two groupmates. So, the only way he could be on the same level as them, was to bring Jessica and Maya down to his level. He hid the logbook, framing his own two groupmates. In the hopes that that would make him feel superior. That is the correct conclusion. Don’t you think so Kaiba?”
An electrical current flowed from Kaiba and Alexa’s eyes. Their conjecture directly challenged each other. Sparks flew! Their gaze intently locked in a match of wills. There were no questions. Just their minds battling to the endless mantra of ‘I am right!’.
Jessica and Maya continued to stare at Ryu. The top two intern’s words seemed to confuse them. While Ryu locked more onto his pants than ever before. Only seeds of distrust were born. It seemed that coming here only did more harm than good.
“I have come up with my conclusion too!” Reiko wiggled her finger through her imaginary moustache. “Ryu, Jessica, and Maya were extremely toxic during their duty! And no one likes being toxic! So as they were busy with work, the logbook suddenly disappeared! They didn’t even notice it! But lurking, deep in the shadows of the chemistry section, was the ghost of a hundred vial test tube! It took the logbook, causing mischief, as it always had. For it was a test tube that was left inside a cabinet. Never tested in a hundred years.”
Reiko waved her hands around. Her body swung back and forth. It was mockery of a ghost at best.
“I think I’ve heard of that ghost story before.” Ryu looked at Reiko.
Ryu was the only one that gave any attention to Reiko. Jessica and Maya dangled their contempt. Alexa and Kaiba fought the war in their own little bubble.
Kaiba stood up. “Then why don’t we confirm for ourselves! Let’s go to the chemistry section right now.”
Alexa stood to meet his challenge. “You think I’d back down? Let’s go.”
There were no more words after that. Kaiba and Alexa left in a flash. They fully expected everyone to follow them. For if they did not, then proving who was right would all be in vain!
The three interns did not have a choice. For they would incur the wrath of the top two interns if they did not. This was all for a simple logbook. And yet it spiraled into this. No one truly knew how the logbook was lost just yet. And there was a pervasive feeling in the air that the three interns looking for it, did not know it either. But Alexa or Kaiba’s conjecture had to ring true. At least, that’s what they all thought.
After Duty: Chemistry Section
The chemistry section was always busy. The epitome of toxicity in HNH labs. The chemistry analyzer filled with cases and cases of specimens. The intern that manned it in frantic disposition. Luckily, it was night duty. So there were fewer interns present, and that meant that the intern committee’s presence would not overcrowd the section. There were desks filled with messy logbooks and misplaced tubes. Interns wrote in a frenetic pace to keep up with the incoming onslaught of specimens.
“Oh! This is the first time I’ve been inside HNH labs!” Reiko hopped away to explore.
“Ryu! Take us to the place where you last saw the logbook.” Kaiba demanded.
“Hey! Why are you asking Ryu? He’s the culprit. He will mislead us for sure.” Alexa rebutted.
“And you think Maya or Jessica would be better? They’re the perpetrators!” Kaiba shouted back.
Alexa went up to Kaiba. She looked up. Her small stature betrayed weakness. But that did not stop her from directly challenging Kaiba. In a fist fight, she would surely lose. But this wasn’t such a rudimentary battle!
“How could I trust the words coming out of your mouth when you could as easily be corroborating with Ryu! You’re both from the lower sectors!” Alexa fought back.
“Ha? I could say the same about you! The problem is you people from higher sectors all look down at the people from lower sectors.”
While the top interns of HNH were in heated battle, everyone else were simply bystanders. They did not know what to do. The people they sought help from were now fighting before their eyes. No one in HNH could muster a word to butt in on that!
“Ryu come with me. We’ll figure this out ourselves.” Kaiba turned to Ryu.
“Fine by me.” Alexa crossed her arms.
“Actually, I don’t think any one of us did it.” Ryu looked down, as he always had this entire time.
Jessica looked at Ryu. “I think so too.”
“Jessica what are you saying?” Maya shouted.
“We tried to pin all the blame on Ryu, but in reality it's all three of our faults,” Jessica looked at Maya. “Hearing Mr. Kaiba and Ms. Alexa argue made me realize how stupid it was to blame each other. Instead of trying to pin the blame on someone, maybe we should just work together?”
“I agree.” Ryu finally met with the gaze of the other two interns. “I think Mr. Kaiba and Ms. Alexa purposefully fought against each other to show just how important working together was.”
“Really? I think they were just fighting for real. It’s not uncommon for people from different sectors to argue,” Maya replied.
“No we were really fighting.” Kaiba bluntly stated.
“I agree.” Alexa nodded.
The three interns just stared at Kaiba and Alexa. They were starstruck at their words. A realization came to them.
“Do you see now how much they play into their character?” Ryu pointed to them. “They are so dedicated to making us realize that fighting will lead us nowhere!”
“Yes!” Jessica agreed.
Maya’s frustration begot a reddish tinge on her cheeks. “I do see that fighting about who is in the wrong will get us nowhere.”
There was a thought that popped up in Kaiba’s mind. As one of the top interns in HNH, I must be exemplary. A role model to his fellow interns. He was just about to tell them that this wasn’t some well thought out rouse, but! This was his opportunity. To give new life to the intern committee. But also, and more importantly: I need to save my image as the top intern in HNH!
“Yes you are right.” Kaiba laughed with an awkward gait. “This was all part of my plan. I purposefully instigated distrust in all of you. To make you realize that working together is the most important thing. Good job, Ryu. Jessica. Maya.”
“No you did not!” Alexa instantly rebuked that sentiment.
“It’s okay Alexa, you don’t have to play that character anymore. They have realized it. Our job is done.”
“The job isn’t even done!” Alexa’s face scrunched up. Why did Kaiba act this way? She could only think of one thing.
“Aren’t you sure you aren’t scared that you’re wrong and I’m right?” She stared down Kaiba. She was now the towering figure, not him!
Kaiba’s face contorted, strained, twisted. He tried his best to reprimand his own emotions. “Of course not! I– I just want us to be able to work together.”
Ho? Alexa’s thoughts continued to expand. This was becoming an interesting situation. “Why don’t you make me the co-president of the intern committee then, since you want us to be working together?”
“That is out of the question!”
“Why? I thought that we needed to work together? Won’t you hear out my request?” Alexa smirked.
Kaiba picked up what Alexa put down. But! She did not understand! This was definitely not the time to be arguing anymore. Instead of instigating the situation, they need to cooperate in a non-threatening manner. The three interns in front of them would be the catapult to launch the intern committee to greater heights!
In the haste of his thoughts, his arms draped over Alexa’s shoulders. And together they swung like swivel, their backs facing the three other interns. He pushed her inside of his torso. The warmth of her body slowly permeated into his chest. He hunched, crouched to meet their head in the same axis. His cheek plastered and held in place to hers with glue.
Wha– what is going on! Alexa’s face was bathed in a hue of lilac. Her eyes lit up with the excitement of a flower blossoming. She could hear Kaiba’s breathing, she felt the warm air emanating from his lips. His cheeks were rough but gentle. While her face smushed by the force that drew them together. He clutched her shoulder tight. She couldn’t move even if she wanted to. They stood there for a second, caressing each other's cheeks in what could only be misconstrued as a lover’s display of affection. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!
Kaiba whispered, “Look, those three interns are on the verge of making up with each other. It would look good on the intern committee if we make them understand each other.”
Alexa just showed flashes of her flushed cheeks. It did not matter what Kaiba was saying. The situation was just so absurdly intimate. It made her heart race out of her chest. He was merely whispering sweet nothings to her at this point.
“Basically, just act like you like me,” Kaiba said.
Alexa squealed.
Kaiba jammed his cheek further into hers. It was such an unfamiliar expression coming out of Alexa. Then it hit him. Alexa’s soft cheeks brushed next to his. They were like marshmallows that consumed him in its softness. Her whole body swallowed into his. He could feel every curve in her body quite vividly. His hands shifted from her shoulders all the way to her hips. One more false move and he would certainly feel her dainty yet plump derriere. WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING? He pushed her away and turned to the interns. An unfamiliar feeling took over him. His cheeks caught in a forest of fire.
“Anyway, I’m glad you guys have to come to an understanding.” Kaiba scratched his nose.
Alexa awkwardly turned around, her eyes locked to the tiles on the ground. “I hope we can work together in finding that logbook.”
The three interns whispered to themselves. It was surely gossip that would spread through all the interns of HNH. For the top interns would always be a hot topic no matter what.
“Ah!” Reiko pointed near the desk by the entrance. “The logbook! It’s floating!”
The door swung open, and sure enough a logbook levitated in the air. It couldn't be. But it was more and more like Reiko Kamiyama’s hundred vial test tube ghost was real! It slowly waded in the air as it crossed the desk. It was waddling in uneven gait.
“That’s the missing logbook!” Maya exclaimed.
“The stories were true!” Ryu shouted in fright.
Kaiba was flabbergasted. He looked at Alexa. That confirmed it. He wasn’t the only one feeling this way. How could both their conjecture be wrong?
“What are you youngins yelling about now?” An old lady’s voice came from the logbook.
“The ghost talks! We have to get out of here!” Reiko was flailing around.
Alexa sighed. She knew it wasn’t some weird ghost story come to life. She almost came to believe that. But the funny thing was that it wouldn’t be the most unbelievable thing that happened today. She stole a look at Kaiba.
“Good afternoon, section chief Louise.” Alexa bowed.
“Well at least someone recognized me. I’m sorry my bones degenerated. It’s not my fault I’m this small.” An old woman emerged from the shadow of the desk. She was so small that the desk covered her entire body!
“Awww.” Disappointment apparent in Reiko’s voice.
“Section chief?” Kaiba raised an eyebrow.
“You gotta problem with that youngin? Despite my old age, I am still the section chief of hematology,” Louise belted a laugh. “Anyway, I’m returning the logbook I borrowed. I forgot to tell Jennifer I did. Don’t want the interns to get into trouble now would we?”
Definitely, she was unaware that her words had come true. And the trouble she caused the three interns she passed by was immeasurable.
Maya, Jessica and Ryu were all dumbstruck. Their problems were simply solved. Just as they understood that they needed to work together to find it. The answer came floating to them. It was mere coincidence brought about by the intern committee.
“This is the power of friendship.” Kaiba winked. “The power of the intern committee.”
This is the perfect ending. He had to capitalize. He did not care if his conjecture was wrong. If it meant that the intern committee would start to flourish into the direction of his vision.
“It is a pleasure to see you again, Alexa.” Louise smiled.
Alexa smiled. “It is great to see you too.”
“How are Takuma and Rise?” Louise asked.
“They’re busy as usual.” Alexa shifted her gaze, crutching her elbow.
“Well! It’s a good thing you’re here then. Somebody needs to continue on the legacy they left behind.” Louise cackled.
“I will meet those expectations ma’am.”
“Of course, of course. I expect nothing less from the daughter of the people that founded HNH.” Louise smirked.
“What?” Kaiba was stunned.
Reiko poked into the conversation. “You didn’t know? Alexa is the daughter of the people that built HNH!”
“I don’t know anything,” he replied.
“It’s not like it’s being broadcasted anywhere youngin.” Louise turned to him. “Though it is a shame that the brief history of this institution was forgotten so quickly. But then again, I guess it couldn’t be helped.”
Alexa sighed. Her prestige was both her strength and her weakness. She was proud of it but if her experience in EMSA told her anything, it’s that it also served to push more people away from her. People came to expect too much. I always tried to meet it. There were only so much her tiny shoulders could carry. People gave her a different path. They treated her differently. And then her success solely became a result of that same prestige. She wanted her skills to shine through. She wanted that to be the grounds for her accomplishments. If she failed, she would sully that same reputation anyway. It would only get amplified. There are still so many things I need to prove.
“That's not anything unusual for you Kaiba.” Alexa bowed. “I’ll be taking my leave now, section chief Louise. It was nice seeing you again.”
And that was why she worked so hard. Sooner or later, people would find out the weight underneath her name. She was working in HNH. These things were expected. Even in EMSA, even in the other sectors, there was no escape. She just needed to surpass everything thrown at her and make a name greater than the one she carried. And now as she walked past everybody, she knew. Her rival, Kaiba, would treat her differently. It was either her skills would be dismissed. or it would be over exaggerated. Just like everybody else. There was so no equality, only disparity. Still, she fought. I am always prepared.
“Oh! I need to be going too. Make sure you youngins inform Jennifer I returned that logbook.” The small woman shortly followed Alexa out.
The playful mood overwritten in seconds. The triumph of the committee. The finding of the logbook. It should have been a happy moment. But alas, that was not the case. Alexa’s final words bred a strong aversion.
Kaiba ignored the little quip. Deep in thought. I think I understand her a little bit more. Their first case ended without a hitch. Though it wasn’t exactly how they thought it would be solved, it was solved nonetheless. He would move one step closer to his new found vision for the intern committee. But for now, there was one thing on his mind. It overtook the celebration of the committee’s first success. So, Alexa is the daughter of the founders of HNH.
- In Serial32 Chapters
Uncaging Wren
Wren has been in love with Huxley Daws for as long as she can remember, but one night he up and disappears. She doesn't see him for four long years and when he mysteriously shows up, he suddenly wants to make things right. But Wren wants nothing to do with him.------------------------------------------------------------"Please?" I beg, my voice barely above a whisper. His eyes turn soft as they take me in. He steps impossibly closer, my body now flush with his. His hands slip up my body, threading into my hair as he holds me steady. His thumbs brush up and down my cheeks as if I'm the most precious thing in the world to him."Oh, sweet girl. You never have to ask. I'll give you anything you want. I'll burn the world down for you. So long as you're mine." He murmurs.
8 284 - In Serial31 Chapters
This will have some fluffs, angsts, smuts, etc.The first chapter was a bit short but the rest is quite long.Ships that I will do:TaeKookYoonminNamjinOther ships if I feel like it( I can also take requests.)This is my first time writing so pls support.
8 160 - In Serial19 Chapters
Madara & Hashirama
Madara is a uni student in Tokyo. He is from a nearby village/small town. He's very intellectual and has the highest grades, but he's only doing it because that's what his family desires. His family isn't much of a rich one, so they hope that one day Madara will be successful and help for the family. One day, when Madara takes a different bus on his way home, he meets a stranger who will change his life.
8 157 - In Serial40 Chapters
Alaska: Queen of the Vampires
"If you knock on the devil's door, he'll slam your head through the wall, darling."........He was every girl's day dream. He was also every child's worst nightmare.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Arian Ice, a King during the day and a serial killer at night. He was surrounded by women most of the time. If you looked closer, you'd see the smoke of death around him. A vampire king has to live upto his title, after all.Alaska Ivanov, the clichéd small town girl. Pretty, shy and quirky. She was her father's pride due to her innocence. It all changed when she witnessed the devil in action. She then understood the saying, "the real devils are the ones that come disguised as everything you've ever wanted."All children are narrated stories of how brave men fall in love. This is the devil's love story.• • • • • • • • • • • • •Published: 8th April, 2017.Completed: 29th August, 2019.Highest rank: #4 in Vampire#78 in Werewolf #1 in Blood#1 in Dark#2 in Challenge
8 135 - In Serial35 Chapters
The Unwanted Mate I✔️
He ignored me... He broke my heart... All he wanted was an heir and I was the means to that end... He was suppose to be the one that loved me and took care of me... He was my mate... A mate that didn't love meNow I have his heir growing in me but once he gets what he always wanted I will disappear from his life forever... Well, that was the plan until he decided he wanted more than an heir .....He wanted me
8 131 - In Serial30 Chapters
50 Shades of Ackerman {Modern Levi x Reader}
50 shades of Gray, but with you and Levi Ackerman.
8 255