《Noble Evil》Chapter Two - Dawn of Light
On the stage in the Kingdom of Mace, King Jonah was about to deliver a speech that would alter the fate for everyone that he was giving it to.
Greetings, Kingdom of Mace!" King Jonah spoke loudly. "Today is a day like no other. A day that will go down in history. A day that will empower those loyal to the government, and terrify those who are not."
Jonah's gaze met the horizon once more. A light smile formed.
"Today is the day that we arrange the destruction of evil. Today...we, the World Government, declare war upon Evil."
The crowd burst into cheering, applause, and whistling. Jonah's gaze was still steady upon the horizon. He knew that what he was saying would go down in history, and he was elated.
"Our Warlords will embark on a journey across the world to go fight Evil Warlords head on in their territories. Once this is done, to settle the score, there will be one final battle."
Behind Jonah, you could see the #10 Warlord, Kaden, elevating up to the stage from the stairs. Once he had both feet on the stage, he went to his left and stood in place. Behind him followed eight other Warlords, some of them included Ain, who was the #9 Warlord, Muden, who was the #7 Warlord, and Samil, who was the #6.
Every time a Warlord would appear on the stairs, cheers would erupt, one by one.
The Warlords now stood in chronological order on the stage. If you were in the crowd, you'd see #10 on the farthest right. A few feet off from where Jonah stood, the #2 Warlord was standing triumphantly. In the distance between King Jonah and the #2 Warlord, there was space for another man.
Jonah resumed his speech. "In this final battle, we will see the likes of two of the world's most powerful fighters. One of them being..."
Jonah turned around and faced towards the steps. Coming up the stairs was an extremely tall and muscular figure. He had short white hair that had a few golden streaks in it, and a short beard with the same coloration. The man stood at about ten feet, eleven inches.
When both of his feet touched the stage, Jonah resumed his speech with only two words.
The crowd erupted into cheers. It was at least a hundred times louder than when #2 stepped onto the stage.
Sasoyama stared blankly at the cheering crowd. He looked over at Jonah and smirked. Jonah then nodded his head as some sort of signal.
Sasoyama then reached into his pocket and pulled out a glossy, orange, cylindrical bar that was about one foot long. He walked over to where Jonah stood and stepped in front of him. Jonah shifted to the right of him so that he could let Sasoyama do what he was planning on doing.
Sasoyama held the bar out in front of him while standing in the middle of the stage. Suddenly, two beams of light appeared on both sides of the bar. The bottom beam of light extended only far enough down to where his feet were planted.
However, the top beam kept extending. And extending. And extending.
It extended until there was a colossally long beam of light that shot up hundreds of meters into the sky. After a few hundred meters, it stopped growing upwards and expanded from all sides outwards. It slowly encompassed the entire sky around the central square.
"YOU ARE NOW ENCOMPASSED IN LIGHT!" Sasoyama began with a strict tone.
The audience looked up at the sky in awe. The clear blue sky was now a sky full of beaming light.
Sasoyama raised his voice even more.
The cheering in the crowd was so loud that you couldn't even hear yourself scream.
Jonah took on an extremely wide smile.
The crowd could not contain their excitement as history was constructed. Sasoyama declared war against a man that not even great generals in armies could think about without shaking in fear.
The people in the crowd on that day thought that this was the start of a Golden Era. An era in which all evil would be eradicated, an era in which light overcame darkness and everyone could live without any threat to their livelihood.
They were excited that Sasoyama single-handedly said that he would destroy evil. People hate evil. Anyone who opposes the ideas of the government is considered evil. It doesn't matter if you're a kid or a weakling, you were still considered evil and were to be eradicated.
But there was a period in which people had to submit to evil. This was known as the Dark Era.
There was a King hundreds of years ago known as King Reyes. He was one of the strongest kings to ever have lived. However, there was someone in the world that was stronger than him.
There was a secret siege led into the castle by this man and his army. He busted through the top of the throne room while King Reyes was sleeping and sent an attack flying towards him.
Luckily, King Reyes wasn't injured by this attack as he woke up in time to block it.
Reyes fell back and kept his distance from the man. He had a dark presence, and he was ready to pounce.
The man who conducted this siege was known as Xaffien. In history, he is known as the Dark King, or, the Evil King.
That night in the throne room, there was a thirty minute long fight between Xaffien and King Reyes. They fought tirelessly, exchanging fatal blows every second, and by the end, Xaffien was victorious.
Most people who conquer the throne are strong militants, or Warlords, who got strong enough to defeat the King.
However, Xaffien's background was much different.
He was the #4 Evil Warlord.
When people woke up that following morning and heard the news of a new King named Lazien, it shocked many. Reyes had been King for 56 years. Some people were four years old when King Reyes sat on the throne for the first time, and now, they were sixty. It was safe to say that it was quite a surprise to many.
However, this was bound to happen. The system declares the strongest as the King, and who ever said that someone couldn't surpass the King in strength?
In the central square on the Mace Stage, a coronation ceremony was held for the new King. Usually, the King takes the Crown of Mace and places it on top of his head while reciting a godly hymn.
However, things didn't go as planned on that day. In fact, it was the most obscure coronation ceremony in the history of the Kingdom of Mace.
Xaffien stood tall on the Mace Stage, with a white mask on his face. On both cheeks of the mask, there were three black stripes, and by the forehead, there was a cloud shaped illustration that was dark red.
Xaffien stared down at the crowd in anger, and then a smirk appeared on his face.
He then laughed at the crowd. "Peasants." He said. "You're all nothing but weak, good-for-nothing peasants. You have presented nothing good to the world. You haven't changed anything. Your ancestors are the ones who give you your power. You live and judge those who aren't like you. Anyone who leads a life different from the one that you live is deemed an outcast, and in many cases evil. How despicable."
The crowd was confused. They knew what he was saying, but they were wondering why the next King, the new ruler of the World Government himself, was saying it.
"I had to grow up in the Hellands all alone. My Dad was trying his best to become an Evil Warrior."
The crowd was stunned. At that point, thousands realized what was going on and who this man was.
The Warrior system works like the Warlord system; it's 100 of the most strong and loyal militans that serve the government, but they have way less privileges than a regular Warlord. The Evil Warriors are similar, except they are ranked on their individual threat to the government.
The Evils took advantage of this system and created the Evil Association, (or EA) in which those who are put onto the Evil Warrior list will band together in an organization to perform joint missions in order to gain money or notoriety. Some of these can be for straight up money, or to send direct attacks towards the government.
"We were dirt poor. My father trained every single day to get strong enough to get put on that list. He really wanted the government to hate him."
Xaffien's tone became more angry.
"Before I was born, him and my mother did a few morally questionable things. But they tried to change. They tried to enter back into society. They tried dozens of times to try and turn their lives around. But their reputation was stained, simply because they had made a few mistakes in his life."
Xaffien struggled to keep his composure while recalling the tragic story of his parents.
"But you all have made mistakes. Some of you much worse than my "evil" parents." He said evil in a sarcastic tone, indicating that he never truly believed in such a title. "They had no other choice or chance to become good. They realized that the only way they could live their life was to align with the title bestowed upon them. So they embraced it. And that's when they truly became evil."
Xaffien became increasingly more angry as each word tumbled from his mouth. He knew that his parents were saints compared to him. He knew that coming on a stage and complaining about his parents injustice wouldn't matter to those who allow this type of oppression to happen on a daily basis. They only thing he wanted was to get a few words in and display his sorrow, before he cast an even worse sorrow upon those in the crowd in the upcoming minutes.
"I couldn't understand why they were doing all these bad things while I, a very young kid, was young to the point when I couldn't even tell right from wrong." He started again.
"I couldn't see them as bad people. They were living to provide for me and doing it by any means necessary. If that meant killing, blackmailing, or organizing attacks, so be it. But once I grew older, I figured it all out. I figured out why my mother was killed by random men in white cloaks when I was only just seven. I figured out why my father was beheaded on this same stage that I stand on right now."
The crowd was silent.
"ITS BECAUSE OF ALL OF YOU!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, echoing across the entire Kingdom of Mace.
Xaffien removed his white mask and threw it down below him, which lightly hit a civilian in the head.
At that moment, everyone realized what was going on. They realized the man that stood before them wasn't a new King by the name of Lazien.
It was the #4 Evil Warlord, Xaffien.
Xaffien yelled "FIRE!" and loud, sharp gunshots rang out.
Everyone in that audience was mowed down with bullets by the same military guards that protected them in the past.
This incident, and the following ones, tarnished the already stained reputation of those known as Evils. His intention was to turn the tides. Make the dominant class of people in the world Evil. He wanted to make it so that people who had the same ideas as his parents could live better, not be seen as horrible people, and have more freedom. But his movement was futile in that regard. Any redemption that evils may have been able to achieve was now thrown out the window if good was ever to come back to the top.
After this incident, Xaffien stepped down the stairs that led up to the Mace Stage. He returned to the throne room and ordered that there would be no influx of food into the Kingdom of Mace. They were said to imprison anyone of royal blood, meaning those who are related to the World Government founders. He even went as far as to make them imprison their friends and wives.
He declared that all Warlords must do what he says or he will have them executed.
Eight out of ten of these Warlords refused and sought escape from Mace. One of these Warlords were killed before they could escape, and the other seven escaped successfully. However, they lived in constant fear of their life.
The two who rejected Xaffien's orders were #3 and the Lord of Light at that time, Reji.
#3 was easily captured by Xaffien and was executed in the central square the next day. Reji, however, was on the run from Xaffien for about six days after #3's execution. Xaffien and his army surrounded Reji in the Vaylern Canyon. Reji had no choice but to now fight back against Xaffien.
The Lord of Light and the King had a huge battle that lasted about an hour and a half.
And just like the battle in the throne room, Xaffien remained victorious.
For the next 24 years, people lived in the Dark Era. Millions that lived in the Kingdom of Mace and surrounding cities starved. Those who shared the same blood as someone thousands of years ago was put to death. Anyone who outspokenly opposed the ideals of the King, which at that time was the majority of the world, was also put to death.
But also during this era, a group formed known as the Sense of Justice. They were led by the remaining six Warlords who escaped from Mace on the day of massacre, and the forty-three surviving warriors. They took in any one that they could and plotted to one day overthrow the King.
Throughout these 24 years, they fought long and hard battles against the Evil Government. They lost many fighters, but also gained many.
24 years after the day of massacre, they led an immense siege consisting of tens of thousands of highly trained warriors and militants. They destroyed a lot of the Castle of Mace and confronted Xaiffen in the throne room.
The man at the head of it all was known as Vescal. He was only thirteen when both of his parents were murdered in the crowd during the day of massacre. He was sitting at home watching the event on a screen, and as he saw the events unfold he darted out of his room to escape.
He ran about three miles before he was pushed down on the ground by a royal soldier who kneeled on his stomach and put a gun to his head.
Right as the soldier was about to pull the trigger, his head was cut clean off by the #4 Warlord, Max.
Max screamed at Vescal and told him to run as fast he could.
But the boy did not run.
"I want to fight against them..." he spoke softly as tears ran down his face.
Max stared at the kid. In that instant, he wrapped one of his arms around Vescal and took off.
They escaped from the Kingdom of Mace, and Max, Vescal, and all the other warlords and warriors they could find created the Sense of Justice later that night.
Vescal had already trained his entire life to become a royal soldier when he turned eighteen, so he utilized his prior fighting skills and quickly became a strong warrior.
At the age of 22, he was the strongest in the group. He was promoted to Leader.
And at the age of 37, he killed Xaffien in the throne room and became the King of All, restoring peace to the world.
After it was announced that Xaiffen died and there was a new King, the world rejoiced. They called Vescal the World Savior.
At the coronation that day, Vescal supplied every attendee with food and sent food packages to every citizen in the Kingdom of Mace. He served 80 years as a peaceful and honorable King until his death at 117.
Unfortunately, he did not die peacefully.
The man who killed Vescal at age 117 had a horrible reputation. His name was King Ren. He served as king for 45 years, before he was killed in the throne room by the present king, King Jonah.
Jonah gained his status of "Jonah the Great" by how how much he was liked over King Ren.Ren was shamed by his country. Many people wanted Vescal to die of old age. They wanted him to live in eternal peace and comfort for the amount of pain he had to endure to end the Dark Era.
However, Ren killed Vescal and became the King. This left a bad taste in everyone's mouth knowing that the World Savior died a painful death, all over a throne that he didn't want that bad in the first place.
As the ceremony full of light wrapped up in the central square, Sasoyama retracted the beams of light back into the cylindrical bar. Sasoyama, Jonah, and all nine other Warlords slowly advanced down the steps at the back of the Mace Stage.
The crowd was cheering "LONG LIVE SASOYAMA!" and "JONAH THE GREAT!"
And back in the room where Tero was watching, Tero was chanting something too.
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