《Pangeku: A place to relive》BLOOD
The hours on night time are almost the same, the length only changes due to different seasons. Therefore, the length of the night in a season is constant. The most interesting part of it is even though we clearly identify that the hours in night time in a season are constant, sometimes we have those longer nights, not specifically but metaphorically.
Indeed, longer nights happen when we overthink certain things. With uncertainty on their mind, Akari, Reiko, and Ryuu barely slept that night. The next morning, Ryuu is training outside.
“Good morning Ryuu, what are you doing?” Akari greeted.
“Trying to learn how to use instincts like Kane said before” Ryuu answered.
“Why are you working out early this morning?” Reiko asked.
“Oh this? I realized last night that this will be harder than before, I don’t want to lose someone, like what happened to Broko and Mista just because I’m too weak.” Ryuu explained.
“I do get the point, but why is the enchanted map lying beside you? Someone might steal that” Reiko asked.
“I’m trying to monitor their movement and report it later to Kane when we meet him later. Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on it” Kane answered.
“Let’s join Ryuu, we should train as well before Kane shows up, we don’t want to be outshadowed by Ryuu right?” Akari suggested.
“Of course not, let’s do this!” Reiko responded.
The target is already moving outside of Mechtown. Since Kane has not shown up yet, they decided to train for a while. Training does not give any experience level but it does help them improve their primary stats such as; mana, strength, endurance, dexterity, and cast control. Leveling up helps you to learn more skills while training is the mastery of it. A few more hours have passed, nightfall has arrived, shortly, Kane meets up with them.
“Yow CAPTAIN! The target is moving out, should we tail as well?” Ryuu asked.
“Should we hurry? We might miss out something if we stay here” Akari added.
“They are kinda moving fast, probably riding on a wagon or some sort” Reiko said.
“We are all moving out tonight but take a quick bath first, you all stink” Kane replied.
“YOU’RE MEAN!” Akari and Reiko shouted.
“Hehe, we are kinda into training earlier, sorta forgot about that one” Ryuu said while laughing.
“Meet me outside after 40 mins, be sure that everything is prepared” Kane ordered.
After some time, they were all prepared and ready to go. Everyone sat down on the wagon and eventually moved out.
“Ahm Kane, why are we moving so fast?” Akari asked.
“And why are we moving slightly away from them?” Reiko asked.
“Based on my speculations, they are planning to kill Mista and Broko” Kane responded.
“Then why did we not move out immediately?” Ryuu questioned.
“It was just speculation, the evidence was minimal but according to my map read, they are heading to Graspmoon, don’t worry I know a shortcut” Kane said.
“I hope nothing bad happens…” Akari worriedly said.
“Captain, what is that black smoke under Taurus?” Ryuu asked.
“Duskhaze, it is a skill that I use to drastically improve my movement speed” Kane answered.
“WOOOAAH! You can cast it on others as well? AMAZING!” Ryuu praised.
“Not exactly, I can only cast it on a near parameter, not by target” Kane replied.
“You should learn that skill or something similar to it, Ryuu” Akari suggested.
“If he tries to learn it, he might go to ice buffs as well since mist is his mastery” Reiko responded.
“I should learn to widen my magic aspect” Ryuu said.
“Is that possible? I mean, magic aspect is some sort of talent that we have had since the day we were born” Akari questioned.
“Eeeee, captain is a skilled swordsman and a magic caster as well, I guess he is a living proof” Ryuu replied.
“I still believe that Ryuu can do it as well” Reiko responded.
“I guess you are right, you can do it Ryuu!” Akari supported.
Graspmoon is a city on top of a plateau, travelers can climb the uphill landform or just use the automated carrier that transports the passengers from bottom of the plateau to the top of the surface and vice versa.
The party did not stop even for a second in their pursuit. The sun rises and after the long sprint overnight, they have reached their destination. They rode the carrier and when they reached the top, they saw Broko, Mista, and Kyap from a distance, freshly arrived as well.
“OY! BROKO! MISTA! KYAP!” Ryuu shouted.
“Ryuu?” Mista turned.
“Oy it’s them! HELLO!” Broko shouted.
“What are they doing here?” Kyap curiously asked.
“Good morning Kyap-san” Akari greeted.
“Yow kiddos, zup?” Kyap replied.
“Let’s talk somewhere else” Kane whispered.
“Can we bury my brother first?” Mista asked.
“Just move faster, I’m gonna barrow Kyap while you guys offer your prayers” Kane answered.
Broko, Mista, and Kyap got confused because of the sudden rush, but they trusted Kane and moved immediately. After digging a hole, Kyap put the body and head out with Kane. All of them pay their respect to Trundle while Kane and Kyap discuss the situation in private.
“Can’t believe that this is happening, it probably happens yearly without us knowing it” Kyap madly said.
“Probably, but we can’t rush decisions now or it will be a huge trouble” Kane responded.
“With that, I thank you with all my honor. Let’s put an end to this madness” Kyap replied.
“What are you planning?” Kane asked.
“Since I have to wait for another full year before I can work again, I’ll join your party, but after this I have to go back to Mechtown for some arrangement. I’ll just follow you after that. For now I suggest that we wait for their arrival and catch them since we have an information advantage here.” Kyap answered.
“ I see, protecting Broko and Mista is our priority for now. Though I still think that they’ll be targeted even after killing those incoming” Kane mentioned.
*The rest of the party joined the discussion*
“Yow captain mind us joining in?” Ryuu asked.
“Go watch from a distance and observe the map as well, we’ll update you later on, the rest may sit down” Kane ordered.
“HAI!” Ryuu answered as he immediately went to his position.
“We already know what’s going on, we kinda chat a little earlier” Broko opened up.
“What should we do?” Mista asked.
“I think that Kane is right, even though we manage to catch those guys, both of you will still be targeted first before they target Kane’s party” Kyap said.
“That is most likely to happen if someone is ordering them, it will only stop when they replied to their boss that Broko and Mista are already dead” Reiko added.
“Can you heal a fatal wound?” Kane asked.
“No, my healing isn’t that strong yet” Reiko replied.
“Why did you ask, Kane?” Akari questioned.
“The only way to stop them targeting Broko and Mista is to let them kill Broko and Mista” Kane replied.
“Are you insane!” Broko shouted.
“Relax kiddo, making them think that they succeed will make them stop pursuing you. It’s risky but it’s one of the best options” Kyap intervened.
“But how are we going to do that?” Akari asked.
“I have a plan. Follow my lead” Kane answered.
In order to save Broko and Mista, Kane explained his plan. They will make a grave of Mista beside Trundle, Kane will dress up like Broko while the rest of them hide from a safe distance. Kyap will make a false report about Mista dying from an accident while they are traveling. The act will begin when they see them entering the town. Talking with the town’s Guildmaster in advance will smoothen up their plan. The idea is to make them think that Broko is all alone, once they see Kyap at the guild, the assasination will most likely occur immediately. The only problem left is Kane tanking up the possible fatal hit.
“I don’t want this! It is too dangerous!” Akari objected.
“Haaaah, this is too dangerous but it’s a perfect plan, pulling it will be the problem” Kyap added.
“We cannot lose someone again just to save us… please don’t do this” Mista said.
“But… what choice do we have?” Broko asked.
“STOP IT BROKO!” Mista shouted.
“I JUST WANT US TO LIVE!” Broko replied.
“Calm down everyone, someone might hear us” Reiko intervened.
“Broko is right, we don’t have a choice, once I bleed out, Reiko will heal me” Kane said.
“OY KANE! I can’t do that! My conscience will not forgive me if I failed to heal you!” Reiko answered.
“Remember the time when I almost die with those golems? You only have to repeat that.” Kane said.
“Are you sure about this?” Kyap asked.
“It’s final, dismiss.” Kane ordered.
Kane walked out, the room was filled with emotions and turmoil. With all reservations on the back of their mind, everyone followed Kane’s order. Kyap went to the guild, Broko prepared the grave, Ryuu will signal if the target is on Graspmoon, the rest helps Kane to look like Broko. A few more hours, the target has arrived and as they anticipated, they go directly to the guild to gain information. Everyone goes to their position except Akari.
“What are you doing here?” Kane asked.
“I just want to say that…” Akari softly punches Kane’s chest.
“Don’t die…” Akari said.
*Kane smiled*
“They are near, I should hide as well, see you later” Akari said.
Kane sat down beside the grave. He covers his face, pretending that he is suffering. The rest of them are only allowed to rescue Kane once the target goes outside of Graspmoon. Minutes away, the assasination happens. The target used a bow with a poisoned arrow. In that instant Kane goes down, struggling because of the poison. Everyone wants to rush out and help Kane as quickly as possible but no one can move because the assassin is still there, observing if he definitely killed him. After a minute, Kane stopped moving. The assassin fled, instantly, everyone rushed out, trying their best to heal Kane.
After a couple of minutes, Kyap arrived with 2 more healers to help. Everyone is in panic due to the fact that the poison prevents them from healing Kane. They need to either out heal the damage per second (DPS) of the said poison or heal him with the amount directly proportional to the DPS until it runs out in order to keep Kane alive. Reiko and the other 2 healers take turns on healing him. It is more efficient compared to healing him all at once because they can keep on healing him constantly. If the first one is running out of mana, the second one will come in, while the first one is drinking mana potion, the third healer is on standby.
“Don’t give up guys! We can do this!” Ryuu optimistically said.
“Don’t worry, Kane will make it” Broko said while comforting Mista.
“If only I am stronger... I’ll never forgive myself if Kane dies here…” Reiko anguishedly said.
“Don’t give up, KANE!” Akari shouted.
After 2 hours, the poison stops, the wound closes, and slowly Kane’s body is recovering. Reiko passed out due to exhaustion, the rest carried them back to the inn. After a whole day, Kane woke up at night time.
*Kane slowly opens his eyes”
“Thank goodness, you are finally awake” Akari softly said.
“Where are the others?” Kane asked.
“They are enjoying the view, want to join them?” Akari offered.
*Akari assisted Kane as they walk outside*
“The moon is so close, it feels like we can reach it” Akari mentioned.
“We are at Graspmoon after all” Kane responded.
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” Akari asked.
“Hmm” Kane agreed.
“OOOOYY CAPTAIN!” Ryuu shouted while running towards them.
“Glad to see you walking back again, Kane-kun” Reiko said.
“HAHA! You are a really tough guy aye!” Kyap teased.
“Thank you so much Kane, we are worried about you” Mista said while blushing.
“We are on your debt, feel free to ask anything!” Broko added.
Everyone felt the relief when they saw Kane back on his feet. They all settle down, lying down on the grass, enjoying the breeze on the mountain while staring at the moon. Indeed, Graspmoon is the place where you can truly feel the moon.
The next morning, they gather up at a private room on Graspmoon’s tavern.
“So Kane, What’s the plan?” Kyap asked.
“I don’t think that Kane has fully recovered yet” Mista mentioned.
“You can all stay here for a while, Our house is quite roomy, we can offer shelter and food for free if you guys are willing to stay” Broko Added.
“Wooooah, that’s a good idea, let’s do it CAPTAIN!” Ryuu responded.
“I’ve heard from the locals that there are hot springs here, is that true?” Reiko asked.
“Our town has the best hot spring! Plus it’s all natural since some part of the mountain is hot” Broko bragged.
“I think your terminology is quite inaccurate but I do get the point” Reiko replied.
“What Broko is trying to say is that there are heated rocks beneath the hot spring” Mista said.
“Yeahhh, that’s what I said. HA HA HA” Broko responded.
“That sounds nice, I want to go too!” Akari said.
“HAHA! You guys still have a room to enjoy, HAHA! THAT’S GOOD” Kyap mentioned.
“What about you Kyap-san, want to join us?” Akari asked.
“I wish I could but I have to go back to Mechtown first, I need to clean up some rats there” Kyap answered.
“Going somewhere immediately is not tactical, we need to cool down a bit so that those idiots will let their guard down” Kane said.
“Sooooooo, you are saying???” Ryuu asked.
“Kyap, you have 1 week to clean up that mess and to go back here. After a week we will move out” Kane said.
“Really?” Akari clarified.
“Hmm” Kane agreed.
“YOSHA! HOT SPRING! HOT SPRING! HOT SPRING! HOT SPRING!” Ryuu and Broko cheered while jumping around.
“Kyap, come with me” Kane said.
Kane and Kyap go outside of the room while the rest of them are excitedly planning their week-long break.
“What time are you planning to leave?” Kane asked.
“Around afternoon, I prefer getting to Mechtown at night so that I don’t get that much attention, I might catch them unprepared if they don’t know I’m coming” Kyap answered.
“Try to find any clue about a mad scientist that is related to bandits or criminal activities. I have a feeling that they are related to what happened before” Kane mentioned.
“That’s a huge possibility, all of these crimes can be manipulated by the same guy. So what’s your next step?” Kyap asked.
“Last night I checked the tracker, the guy is at Lacreyn, when I checked it earlier, he is still in that place. Traveling there takes at least 2 days but they were already there last night.” Kane opened.
“Hmm, You were sleeping yesterday, they should still be travelling at this time. They must be exhausted from sprinting for a whole day. That’s what I think so far” Kyap responded.
“As of now we will continue to observe this map, afterwards will head there” Kane said.
“That’s a good choice for now, don’t worry, I’ll ask my trusted colleagues about that scientist” Kyap replied.
“OOOY! CAPTAIN! The beer and food are here!” Ryuu shouted.
“We should head back. Chill for a while Kane, we might not have this kind of time soon” Kyap mentioned.
Kane and Kyap walked back to the room, everybody started to eat, sing some songs, enjoy the moment while teasing each other. Kane never experiences this kind of noise but he is slowly learning to find happiness in this kind of mess.
After hours of having fun, they finally waved goodbye to Kyap, Sending him good luck on his way back to Mechtown.
“Thank you so much Kyap-san!” Mista said while waving her hand.
“Sooooo, want to explore the town? We will be your tour guide!” Broko suggested.
“Is it fine to walk around in town?” Akari worriedly asked.
“Akari is right, I mean we staged your death remember?” Reiko added.
“Don’t worry, that news did not spread. No one saw it aside from us” Broko replied.
“What about the death of Mista? I thought we spread that news?” Ryuu asked.
“That one? Well the Guildmaster talked with those guys at the guild, he asked everyone to spread that it was fake” Broko answered.
“So everyone knew that it was fake?” Akari asked.
“Yeah, basically the locals here will tell an outsider that me and Mista were already dead if someone asked” Broko added.
“But why would the Guildmaster go that far?” Reiko asked.
“Well… He is my father” Mista answered.
“WHAT?” Akari, Reiko, and Ryuu shouted.
“Actually he was moved by Kane’s movement, he was also thankful to Kyap for bringing my brother here as well. He actually wants to meet all of you when you guys have free time” Mista added.
“Why are you not surprised Captain? You knew about this?” Ryuu asked.
“Hmm” Kane nodded.
“How did you know it?” Akari curiously asked.
“I saw trundle’s adventurer card, family name is also indicated there, then I figured out the rest” Kane answered.
“Woah, I did not notice that” Reiko opened up.
“CAPTAIN YOU ARE SO COOL! I’ll be like that someday” Ryuu praised.
“Go for it Ryuu” Akari cheered.
“YOSHA! I'm gonna start observing very well” Ryuu said.
“Aaaaaand he is daydreaming again, you can do it yeah” Reiko sarcastically said.
“Now that is settled, LET’S GO!” Broko insisted.
“Are you coming Kane?” Akari asked.
“No, but I’ll join you tomorrow and at the hot spring” Kane answered.
“Promise?” Akari asked.
“Hmm” Kane nodded.
“YOSHA! LET’S START MOVING!” Ryuu shouted.
“You can wait for us at the inn, we will fetch you up after this and then we will all stay at Broko’s house” Mista said.
“Ara~ the competition is getting good,” Reiko whispered.
*Kane head back to the inn while the rest enjoy the tour*
Akari, Reiko, and Ryuu are mesmerized by town since everything feels aesthetic. They did not appreciate the place for the past few days when they got there, mainly because of the problem beforehand. Graspmoon has traditional vibes that complements the scenery of the place. The locals wear kimono which is not popular in other places but a well known daily clothing in town. Travelers usually say that Graspmoon is the exact opposite of Mechtown. After some sightseeing, they head to the inn to fetch Kane. They brought different types of meat since they are planning to have a 3v3 boys vs girls cookout contest, without further ado, they head straight to Broko’s house. The Guildmaster is also invited to judge the friendly contest, and of course, to offer his gratitude.
Everyone is fired up, trying to prove their culinary skills. It is the first time that Kane joined this type of activity, slowly, he is learning to shake things up. In the end, the girl’s group made a full course meal from appetizer, main dish, upto dessert as well. Meanwhile the boy’s group made a lot of skewed meat. It is a clear cut who won that contest though they still share their food and have a wonderful dinner.
The Guildmaster gave Akari, Reiko, Ryuu, and Kane a rare bracelet individually. It is solidified spring water, crafted to form a bracelet that adds more mana to the user.
The following days were spent on leisure, they visited the infamous hot spring which is formed by a mountain’s crater, since the crater is above on molten rocks, the water on it is naturally hot in tolerable level. At first everyone was relaxing but then Ryuu got bored and started to splash water on everyone, making an all out splash battle royale.
After a relaxing, joyful week, they saw Kyap on an enchanted map, finally arriving at Graspmoon. Everyone is excited to welcome Kyap but their excitement turned into stupefaction when they saw Kyap barely walking, covered in blood.
-B…. Blood… What in the world is happening…
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