《Shadow's World》Prologue


Large Spider POV

It is raining in the jungle in which the humans are searching for me. It is a colder day than normal. A good time to for them to ask me the question. This will not be a day of celebration, so why wouldn’t it be cold, dark, and raining? This day will cause two murders. Something that haven’t happen on this planet in ages. But it has to be done and I will do it for the sake of the future.

I disappear from the ship and appear in the middle of the jungle. I look around. Hmm, I think my presences should be more intimidating. I create a rock beneath my feet, raising myself up. I grew and also change the colors of my hairs. They were bright red, pink, and white. Now they are brown and black with a deep red skull on my abdomen.

My preparations are complete. Watching the human struggle through the forest looking for me is always funny. They could easily destroy the entire forest but known that if they destroy any plant on purpose, they would never find me. There are six humans looking for me. Two different factions that have come together for a greater goal. They were fighting each other in the forest for days, looking for me. If I stay way for much longer. They might have quit the search and fought each other.

They are going to reach me in a moment. I can hear them talk about how much they hate each other and that I might not be even in the forest. One faction thinks I’m a myth. Well, they will surprise in a few seconds.

“Mark, there is no fairy god in this forest. You religious nut cases think there is actually a fairy god running around when we are slaves. It is so stupid, it isn’t even funny.” One man said to the other.

The other man throws a punch and misses.

I don’t have time for this.

I create a small web and pull one human towards me.

“Ahh, help me, I being pull.”

“He we have to help Jim, Mark and Andrew stop fighting and help Jim.”

The humans stop arguing and chase after their fallen friend. I drag the human to the rock I’m standing on.

“Ahh, help please don’t eat me!” The man screams at the top of his lungs.

The other humans clear the trees and see me. Three of them get on their knees and bow. The two human gets into a fighting stance.

The oldest human, bowing down, yells to the others, “Stop! Respect our God.”


Fairy God’s POV

“Human go back with the others. I will not eat you. Humans are nothing but bones and aren’t tasty.”

The human next to the rock runs back with the others. The two that are in a fighting stance were in disbelieving. They bow down after their friends join them.

“What do you humans want, I don’t have all day?” I said to them as they gravely at my feet.

“Oh, might fairy god we are here to ask for your help so for disrupting you.” The oldest of the group says. As his head hit the ground.

I look at the youngest of the other faction. I can tell he has something to say. He was fuming with anger.

Instead of answering the old man's question, I waited for the young guy to explode with anger.

“Elder, look at this so-called god ignore you, just like how he ignores us being in slavery. And he is standing on top of this rock looking down on us!” He yells angrily and jumps off the ground.

Faster than they can comprehend, I take his leg. It took him a second, but he falls to the ground, screaming.

The others turn around and jump up to help him.

“Stop!” I yell.

“This ignorant brat is stupid enough to come into my house demanding things and know nothing. I am not your special God. I am everyone, God on this planet, both the fairies and the elemental users.”

They are shrinking back. To show them my power, teleport the injured man in front of me. I summon a huge fire and cauterize the wound over the open fire. It looks like I am cooking him.

When the wound stops bleeding. I take him in one of my legs and throw him into a tree. He falls to the ground, limp.

The group turns to help him.

“Stop! Don’t help him get back on your knees. Learn your place humans.”

As they got on their knees, the elder speaks up. “God, why have we anger you so? “

I give out deep laughs that disturb the entire group.

“I know why you humans are here. You are here to murder a child. A child that is raised by good people but you refuse child might one day help you because you fear his power. Please, I should kill you all here and now for even thinking about this.”

I admit an aura that causes the forest to turn quiet. These humans need to learn genuine fear. Why should I stop there?

“Come!” My words ring throughout the forest. Fairies from miles around came to my call. At first they were both invisible and unheard by human ears. But in this case I want to know the difference in power between me and them.


They watch as fairies as big as mountains appear before them. And how all the fairies line up behind me. But that wasn’t what surprise them the most. Their fairies also followed suit and line up behind me. Fairies are part of their soul and they will go against them. This shouldn’t be possible. But, I am a God.

One fairy user got up and runs. We can’t have that now, can we? I use my webs and cut off both of their legs. And brought her back to the group.

“There is no need to run. If I wanted you dead for wanting to murder a child. You would have died the moment you thought of the concept.”

They all start shaking, not knowing what to do. It is to be expected. All of their lives are in my hands and they can’t do anything about it. I’m surprise that all of them didn’t get up and run.

Without saying a word, I point one of my legs at the two injured people.

Five elf fairies walk to the injured and start healing them.

“I do hate slavery and I agree this child might become a problem in the future. His parents are good people but that doesn’t mean he will grow up to be a good person. So I will give you the ability to kill him. But killing will have consequences.”

The ones that weren’t being healed by the elves look up, with a surprise look on their faces.

“I know there are only eight of you. This is a tiny group, but you guys figured out that there is only one true human left in the world and she is having a child with an elemental user. For your tenacity and resourcefulness, I will transport you next to the child so you can kill him. I will warn you though instead of making things better this might make things worst. But at the cost of three of your lives. I am going to give you the ability to kill people, but you will die as well and more of you will.”

One of them tries to speak.

I rise, my leg stopping them.

“There is no backing out now. If you want to kill, you must be ok in dying. Only Gods have the power over life and death without consequences.”

One of them yells out, “But I don’t want to die!”

The entire forest rumbles because of my laughter.

The trees sway back and forth. Water droplets around us explode.

“You came here with a willingness to kill, but don’t think you should die for it. Humans are funny. They are so contradictory. They are ok with hunting but hate it when they get hunted. Humans trash a planet and is confused when the trash comes back to bite them in the back. And here you morons are, wanting to take a life but not willing to die.”

The other two humans just finish healing. They got on their hands and knees, shaking uncontrollably.

I rise, my leg summoning to their fairies in front of me.

“Fairies of these humans. These humans are going after this target.” I sent an image inside of their heads.

“If these humans don’t attack the target. I order you to kill them.”

I hear their heart beats raise.

“You can’t do this to us.” The elder yells out.

I swipe my leg in front of them, transporting them away.

“Anansi, lets just wipe this planet off the map.”

I turn towards the rabbit that appears on top of the largest fairy behind me.

Anansi’s POV

“Isis, I don’t want to talk about this right now. I just killed good people. People that are fighting the good fight.”

She claps her paws together, dismissing all the fairies. She jumps down from the tallest fairy and lands right in front of me. She glares daggers in my direction.

“You have destroy entire universe and didn’t even bat an eye why do you care so much about these people?”

I chuckle. “Says the person who uses our ship to destroy species that dare to attack her home planet.”

She snaps back, ”My planet is the most peace planet in that universe and it doesn’t need the help of you or ****. ***** interfere with these people's lives what five or six times and still disappointed in them. Destroy this place so he won’t be disappointed anymore.”

I sigh.

I jump down from the rock.

“I think this place still has a few surprises left. Wait and see.” I appear on top of a crying baby's head. His parents dead beside him. A man in a cloak picks him up.

Causing the baby to yell louder. I rub my leg on the baby’s head to calm him down. I can’t wait for you to meet ****.

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