《Penance's Pursuit》The Station
Titus snapped awake and dove out of his cot on the dropship. Breathing heavily, he stood rigid with his hands clenched. Sweat dripped off of his nose onto the floor of the dropship. Each drip made a slight plink against the austere metal floor of the sleeping quarters.
"Titus, you good in there man?" Benjamin shouted from the cockpit just outside the sleeping quarters.
Titus wiped sweat from his forehead and shook out his clenched hands. "Yeah I'm fine." Titus responded.
"I just thought I heard you yell__"
"I said I am fine." Titus' words were clipped.
"Well wither way, its good you are awake. We are pulling into the station. Venna is doing a diagnostic on the airlock system before dock."
The small Cyclone-class tactical dropship flashed through the entrance to the Juno Space Station and latched onto an airlock mount. The small tactical transport hanger bay was open to the vacuum of space and had close to two dozen craft locked into place and connected to individual airlocks for quick entry and exit. The station had various hangers that housed everything from single manned fighters to Zumwalt-class Destroyers.
Titus Emmanuel stepped out from the tactical dropship into the artificial gravity of the space station. With his armor retracted he still had a towering presence. His muscular six foot frame squeezed through the hatch. His long oval face with a chiseled jaw and sharp nose peered down the corridor. His pale complexion almost shimmered in the bright hanger lights. As soon as he had cleared the hatch, a shorter stockier Benjamin Cross pushed his way out into the walkway. He stood upright running his hands through his bristly blond hair finally resting on his dirty blond goatee.
"Ah good to be back." Sighed Benjamin. "Hey Venna can you grab my assault pack? I left it next to my bunk."
There was a sound of boots tamping on a metal deck as Venna Solis' slender and fit frame emerged from the ship. "I already grabbed it." She stated while holding out the bag for Benjamin. Her long straight black hair threatened to hide her striking almond shaped green eyes and tan complexion.
Just as all three of the team had extricated themselves from the ship, a security escort arrived at their docking station. The security sergeant stepped forward. "Achilles Team, we are here to take Andre to his secure holding cell."
Titus nodded and gestured to the open hatch. "He's dead. Things didn’t go according to plan__"
The man before Titus crossed his arms and a grimace appeared on his face. "The mission parameters stated that you must take him alive. The council will not be happy that you failed. They will expect a full update as to why you came back empty hand___"
"I wasn’t finished." Titus growled. "Salverton was caught in some crossfire, but we were able to obtain a secret data drive from his corpse that will prove useful once we break through the encryption." Titus began walking down the hall brushing past the sergeant. Without stopping or turning, Titus flicked a had back towards the sergeant. "Venna give the sergeant the drive so that they can secure it properly. Thank you."
The team continued through the main entryway to the station, each carrying a duffel and assault pack. Titus looked to each member of the team. It had been a difficult mission and fairly disappointing. Benjamin couldn’t be held accountable for Salverton's stupidity Titus thought. Both Venna and Benjamin had performed exceptionally. Titus felt fortunate to have them on his team. Venna was the newest member of the team and had only joined them in the rehearsal stage for this most recent operation. She had learned quickly. She operated primarily in a support role and was an expert in long-range weaponry that included the sniper rifle, portable mortar, and rocket launcher. She was also an exemplary pilot of the small rapid attack and general exfiltration vehicle (RAGE). She always used a very light armor with advanced camouflage capabilities that could adapt to any environment. Benjamin on the other hand had been with Titus almost since the beginning. Benjamin functioned as a splinter cell, undercover operative, and saboteur for the team. His expertise was in close range weapons. Apart from the slip up with Salverton Titus liked the team's capabilities and felt that they would excel at future missions. There was usually an adjustment period with a new team composition, but he knew that both Benjamin and Venna were professionals and could function through any adjustment period.
All three of them reached a split in the corridor. Titus raised a hand and waved them on. "You both head to your quarters and get washed up. I will go debrief the council. "
"Give me your bag, I'll drop it off on your bunk." Benjamin offered.
"Thanks." Titus responded as he handed the bag over.
"But don’t assume this makes me your pack mule." Benjamin quipped. "Once you are out of sight I am just going to make Venna carry it."
Titus gave a perfunctory smirk, shook his head, and silently continued down the opposite passage alone.
Venna looked down the hall toward where Titus had left. "Benjamin, I have been trying to figure him out ever since we conducted rehearsals for this last mission. It's like he never has an off switch and when you think you are starting to get to know him, he puts up walls. Any thoughts?... Benjamin?" Venna turned around to find Benjamin sauntering down the opposite hall. Venna let out a quick sigh.
Within minutes Titus was at the doorway to the command deck and briefing room. As he approached the airlock doors they parted to reveal the observation platform for the command deck. The walls had digital displays that projected images of what was outside the station. As he moved into the room he noticed that the station was in its closest position to the S-type minor planet Juno, that it orbited in the main asteroid belt.
Many on the command deck looked up at Titus as he marched through the door, but they quickly resumed focus on their tasks after giving brief nods of acknowledgment. Titus moved through the open circular room, maneuvering past work stations and terminals. He continued in this manner to the far end of the room where there was a small office. Titus slowed upon the threshold of the entryway and absentmindedly adjusted his uniform. As he stepped into the small room, there was a short burst of blue light and the otherwise blank and empty room began to materialize a large conference room with seven individuals sitting around a huge wooden table.
The council leader looked up from her data display and fixed Titus with a calculating look. She was in her mid-forties and had an athletic appearance with a strong tenacious look in her eye. "Welcome Titus."
"Madam Council." Titus bowed slightly as he addressed her.
The Madam Council returned his bow with a slight nod. "What is your report for Operation Chaos?"
Titus waited a beat and then began. "Unfortunately Andre Salverton was killed during exfiltration due to friendly fire. We were able to secure an encrypted data drive from him that may prove useful. He did not give any information on his employer prior to his death, but seemed willing to as long as we assured him of protection."
The Madam Council's brow furrowed. "Did it appear that he was looking to bargain for a better situation and use his knowledge as leverage?"
"I don’t think so… I think he was genuinely afraid of whomever he reported to. He emphatically commented that they would find him."
She stared at Titus for a second before turning to the other council members and conferring with them quietly. They all nodded in agreement with what she was telling them. She looked back to Titus. "I think we should take his fear seriously. The Juno Station is too accessible and open to attack for us to decrypt the data drive there. Bring it to headquarters on Lunar Base. Once it is secure we will get the information he placed on it. Leave the station as soon as you can. Send us a burst once you leave."
"Roger ma'am. We will refuel, refit, and be ready to make a micro-space jump by tomorrow." At this, the entire council stood and faced toward Titus. Their images slightly wavering with the suddenness of their movement. Titus clenched his fist, extended his first two fingers, and tapped them on the center of his chest in salute. "We seek justice" Titus initiated the maxim.
As one the council responded, "May the guilty fear your retribution".
Venna tossed Titus' bag on his bed and quickly exited his quarters. She opened the hatch to the room adjacent to his and stepped in. She placed her bag on the floor of the living compartment and smoothed out the sheets on her bunk. Taking a few steps, she walked around her quarters, let out a long sign, and sat down. She closed her eyes, leaned her back against the metal bulkhead, and let the coolness of its touch soak into her body. Her breathing slowed and became deeper when suddenly her integrated communications device chirped in her ear. Her eyes lazily slid open. She reached up and slightly pinched the base of her earlobe. "Send it."
"Venna this is Titus. We are going to have a quick turnaround. The council wants us back at headquarters to deliver the drive as soon as possible. The plan is to leave tomorrow at 1000 hours Earth Time (ET). Try to get something to eat and then rest for a few hours."
"Sounds good. I'll make my way to the chow hall now."
Venna rocked onto her feet and launched herself off of her bed. She stumbled a few steps, finally gaining her balance. The difference between Earth gravity, the Lunar gravity, and now this station's artificial gravity could really play with a person's balance. Venna looked at her shower room and then back at the door to the hallway. She took a small step toward the shower, but hesitated for a split second before resolutely turning toward the main door to her quarters. Under her breath Venna mumbled, "Food first."
Venna made her way to the mess hall and grabbed a packaged dinner. As she sat down and ripped open the plastic seal on her food she looked up and noticed a group of ten individuals come in lead by a training instructor. He walked into the mess hall and commanded those following him to file through the chow line, fill the back table, and eat quickly and quietly. "You have fifteen minutes to eat from the time you sit down." Venna chuckled to herself as she remembered going through this phase of training. She remembered never finishing a single meal during that portion of training. The ironic thing though was the fact that she could now finish almost any meal in under fifteen minutes and had to actively stop herself from shoveling in her food. She looked down and realized that her dinner was in fact almost gone and she didn’t remember really eating it all. Venna looked down, chuckled, and shook her head.
Finished with her meal, Venna stood, deposited the trash in the receptacle, and moved toward the new recruits and their trainer. As she approached, the trainer shouted to the trainees, "Hey! Look up from your food. This is Venna Solis. Member of Achilles Team, led by Titus Emmanuel. If only a fraction of you turn into the cold blooded hunter that she is I will ask for a promotion." He stepped to the side as Venna approached. "Ma'am, is there anything you would like to say to these fresh recruits?"
Venna slightly nodded. "Thank you Trainer Giguere." Venna looked to the trainees. "I was in your shoes at one point. When I joined Ab Aeterno I was motivated by the fact that this organization was going to do whatever it took to bring justice and judgment to those the governments can't or won't punish. When I got here, I found out there was a special group within Ab Aeterno called the Demon Stalkers. This group represents the very best fighters and operators. They get to take on the most dangerous and impactful missions. From that point on, my only goal was to become a Demon Stalker. Every lesson and challenge presented to you in training has purpose and will help to keep you alive on mission. For a special few of you, this training may just be the starting point on your path to join me in the ranks of the Demon Stalkers. Do you all want to hear my key advice for success in this phase of your training?"
All of the trainees shifted forward in their seats and nodded at Venna.
"Your trainer only told you all to look up from your food. He didn’t tell you all to stop eating. Your time is still ticking. Food always takes a high priority. Fuel your body and keep your weapons functional at all costs. That is the key to success."
At this, all the trainees frantically started scooping food into their mouths. Trainer Giguere smirked and looked over at Venna. "You certainly remember all the tricks."
Venna smiled and nodded as she excused herself and began walking toward the mess hall exit. She took a few steps toward the door when there was a slight shudder in the station. The trainees all looked up with worry on their faces. "Nothing to worry about." The trainer announced.
Venna spun around. "No! We have trouble. Trainer Giguere, get your recruits together and follow me."
Her last word was punctuated by another shudder and an alarm sounding throughout the station.
Venna touched her ear lobe. "Titus and Benjamin, I'm with a group of rookies and their trainer in the mess hall. Headed to the armory to load up. Will use them to help clear levels in case of boarders. What is your status.
Titus was the first to respond. "Affirmative. Good plan. I'll work my way through the station and meet up with you. Benjamin is with me right now. He is going to move through the station and work solo.
Venna sprinted down the corridor from the mess hall with the trainer and recruits on her heals. She glanced to her side and noticed out one of the windows that the station's defensive fleet had been deployed and the automated defense system was launching a continuous spray of 120mm depleted uranium encased rounds into the blackness of space. Venna continued down the corridor at an increased speed and reached a ladder junction that led to the lower decks. "We will head down two decks and get armor and weapons from the armory. " Venna shouted over her shoulder.
Just then, a voice came over the station. "Boarding craft confirmed to have penetrated the station. All personnel not assigned to space defense are now tasked with repelling boarders." The voice was oddly calm, as if this was just another day floating in space through the asteroid field.
Finally in the armory, Venna grabbed a short barreled bullpup submachinegun, a slender armor vest, and a bandoleer of ammunition magazines. One rookie reached for a sniper rifle. "No Venna shouted at him. Close range weapons only. Shotguns and submachineguns." Venna looked over to Trainer Giguere. "We are essentially on the center level of the station. You take five and start clearing all of the levels above us. I'll take the other five and clear this level on down." Giguere nodded as he strapped on his vest.
"All right, you five with me." Giguere shouted. The six of them sprinted off and began climbing the ladder to the upper decks.
Venna took stock of her five fresh recruits. Many of them were still struggling to correctly strap themselves into their body armor. One was still trying to feed a magazine into the weapon backwards. His shaky hands were making him miss the weapon's mag well multiple times. Venna walked through the room helping each rookie. Venna looked at the names sewn onto the shoulders of each of their jumpsuits. "You three, Corbin, Michelle, and Tobin, will be with me in the front. I'll take lead. Do not shoot me in the back. You two, Henrick and Jericka, your sole job is to watch our backs. We will handle everything up front so do not pay attention to what is happening there. Just focus behind us." More shudders rocked the station.
Venna reached up and tapped her ear lobe. "Titus, the trainer and I split the rookies into two groups of five. He took his group to clear the top levels. My team will be clearing the bottom levels."
There was a slight pause. Then the sound of gunfire came through the link. "Rodger understood. Already working toward your position." Titus responded breathlessly.
The ragtag team moved through the first floor without any incident. Venna used the relative peace to rehearse with the rookies how to react to contact from different directions. And walked through how to clear rooms. They soon reached a ladder juncture. Venna had the first two rookies head down first and secure the base of the next level and soon followed them down. The rest followed after her. Just as the last rookie Henrick reached the base of the ladder, a shot rang out from down the hall. He shuddered, grasped the ladder, and slumped lifelessly to the floor. "CONTACT REAR! CONTACT REAR! Move to cover." Venna shouted.
Corbin took two steps and reached a bulkhead. Tobin had intended to head to the same bulkhead and froze in place in the middle of the corridor when that cover was no longer available. Venna reached out to pull him into cover just as a red mist exploded out of the back of his neck. He dropped so quickly it looked as if the artificial gravity of the station had accidently been placed at 200%. Michelle and Jericka huddled behind a large container in the hallway. "Return fire!" Venna's voice boomed through the corridor. The remaining rookies opened fire. Venna withdrew from her position and backed down the hallway until she came upon an intersection. She turned and slid down the passage, her weapon raised to her cheek as she glided. She turned one more corner and placed her back against the wall. Deafening weapon's fire drowned out Venna's beating heart. Venna chanced a glance around the corner. There were three enemy boarders exchanging fire down the hallway with her rookies. Venna lined up her first shot and advanced down the hall toward them. When she reached ten feet from them, she opened fire. The first two dropped before they even knew she was there. The third jerked his head in her direction, sensing his dire situation. His eyes bulged and he tried to whip his weapon around, when his chest exploded as multiple rounds tore through him. Venna shouted down the hall. "All clear! Friendly coming out." She stepped into the opening of the hallway and looked to see her three remaining rookies. Jericka and Corbin stood on either side of Michelle supporting her. Her face was pale and there was blood dripping down her leg.
"Set her down over here." Venna gestured. Once Michelle was on the ground, Venna swooped in and assessed the wound on her leg. The bullet had gone clean through and had not hit an artery. Venna quickly pulled a large syringe from her side pouch and stuck it into the wound. Michelle grimaced and grunted in pain. "This will clot your blood in the wound and seal it up to prevent infection." Soon an off-white goo began filling the wound. Michelle passed out from the pain. "Corbin pull her into that storage compartment. We have to leave her here. Once the station is secure we will come back for her."
As Corbin moved Michelle into the room, Venna looked at Jericka. "We have to keep moving. Don't worry about your friend. Think of the mission and only the mission. The only way you can control what happens to her is by focusing on accomplishing the mission." Jericka nodded as she locked a new mag into her weapon.
Venna opened her comms, "Titus, I have sustained three casualties. We are at the ladder junction on the fourth level. Your assistance would be welcome."
"Roger. Almost to your position. I'm just two floors down. Fighting my way up to you. Move to the ladder junction that connects level four to level three. How copy?"
"Rodger, good copy." Venna finished.
Corbin rejoined them and they began moving through the hallways and corridors again. Venna suddenly stopped. "Do you feel that? There is a slight depressurization. I can feel the air flowing down that hallway." The team cautiously moved down the hall and turned the corner. Jutting out of the wall was a boarding pod. The edges of the pod had not created a perfect seal on the station and air was leaking out along the jagged edges. Venna paused to inspect the pod. "The decals on this pod look to belong to a space gang that conducts piracy in this area. But, the technology of this pod is far better than they usually operate with. If they have been able to upgrade their gear to this level this could be a huge problem for this entire section of the solar system." Venna looked back to her rookies. "Either way, we need them off of this station. Let's move."
Venna and the team continued to move through the level without engaging any boarders. "We are close to the ladder junction to level three. We will hold this position until my team leader links up with us." Both rookies nodded and continued to follow Venna down the hall. As the team approached the corner Venna spotted a weapon barrel just slightly poking out from around the corner. "Take cover." She whispered. The team quietly moved behind bulkheads in the hallway and trained their weapons toward the corner of the hall. Almost immediately, the enemy sprung out from the corner and began firing a hail of bullets. The team remained behind cover as the enemy team advanced unopposed down the hall. The volume of fire was so loud and intense that none of the team could react or return fire. The claustrophobia inducing weapon's fire immobilized the entire team. Venna knew that if she didn’t do something they would soon die standing there. Just as she decided to act, the volume of fire faltered and then shifted away from them and then fell completely silent. Some smoke wafted past Venna's position. She raised her weapon and slowly advanced from her cover. The entire hallway was bathed in thick grey smoke. A silhouette moved through the smoke and as the figure moved into the open, the matte black of Titus' armor resolved; a swirling wraith escaping the unearthly mist. He advanced with his assault rifle raised and he glided forward checking down the hall until he spotted Venna. Upon seeing her he lowered his weapon and steadily walked toward her. As the smoke began to dissipate, the hallway revealed bodies littering the floor.
"Security has cleared the lowest levels and the top levels. We think this was the last group of boarders." Titus reported.
"How about the space battle?" Venna inquired as she checked over her weapon.
"Surprise was what allowed their boarding pods through. Once we mobilized our destroyers, the enemy fought until they started losing multiple ships. They quickly abandoned the fight."
Venna nodded in understanding and glanced toward her two remaining rookies. "I would like to move up a few levels and drop these two off with the rest of their team."
Titus looked over at Corbin and Jericka leaning against the wall. "Tough day to be a rookie." Titus stated.
Venna shook her head and guided a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I wish I could have kept more alive. They just don't have the skills or knowledge." Venna paused in contemplation. "Oh, can you pass on a message to control about a wounded rookie in the fourth level storage compartment."
Titus wiped some blood off of Venna's shoulder. "Yeah I'll take care of it."
Venna guided Corbin and Jericka back to the armory and had them deposit their gear. Just as she turned to take them to find the rest of the rookies, Trainer Giguere walked through the armory doors. He looked worn and was covered in blood. One rookie filed in behind him. He glanced up at Venna. "How many of yours survived?"
"Two dead and one wounded." Venna answered in a clipped tone. Her mouth pinched at the corners.
Giguere slowly nodded. "You did better than me. I lost all but one. Shlack!"
The surviving rookies had all gathered and were recounting the details of the fight. Venna looked over at them, bowed her head, and whispered under her breath. "War is death."
- In Serial45 Chapters
The New Community
In the not too distant future, the world is settling down after world war 3, recovering and rebuilding. From the ruins, new communities and governments arise, along with Talents, people with extraordinary abilities. Amongst the groups is the Community, based in Europe, an inclusive group of towns that values everyone, regardless of Talent status. Leading the recruitment charge is Zoe, a powerful technomancer, one of the first generation of Talents. On her adventures, what will happen? Your votes will decide. A/N: I'll update chapters when I get to places where I feel it's right, I don't know where to go and want some direction or would like to have you help with the narrative in some way. Having others make choices forces me to be creative and I think that's when I'm at my best. Keep an eye out for polls in post chapter notes, they usually last 2 days. As always, love each other, and know I am grateful for every single person who reads my works.
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Beyond The Worlds[BTW]
Would you like to travel to another world? Crossing different dimensions and realities? reach a power that no one has ever reached? Shin Akash did not know that he had started his journey to reach the ABSOLUTE. Finding companions along his journey and forming an invincible team, he climbed step by step. From student to team leader. from an ordinary human being to the Absolute. ------------------------------------------------ - ----- Warning! The characters in this novel will have an extremely high power level, so the protagonists will have some big power boosts throughout the series; however, this will not be frequent and they will grow up "healthy". I guarantee you will understand why in the end. This story will not be focused on the Harem. The protagonist will not be the full focus of the story. All the main characters in the story will have their highlights 1- English is not my native language, so I apologize for the spelling mistakes; 2-the whole story is original; however, there are some minor references to other works. 3-All worlds are fictional (including our protagonist's world), so don't use the "common sense" of our world in this novel Chapter words: 800-1500 ATTENTION THE COVER ART IS NOT MINE; HOWEVER, I HAVE NOT FOUND THE ARTISTS' NAME YET, IN IT I OFFER MY FULL CREDIT TO THE BEAUTIFUL ARTS. Book cover: pinterest
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Along for the Ride
Every child born on the continent of West Cartia is taught about the Great Goblin War but what the annals of history fail to mention is that the entirety of the conflict could be traced back to a group of four friends who stumbled into the currents of fate in search of a fantasy novel. This is the story of how a band of bookworms realized that when destiny pulled hard enough, struggling was futile; it was best to relax and go along for the ride. "A breezy, good time with all the trappings of high fantasy fun." - someone eventually (hopefully)
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