《The Chilling Fox and the Indecisive *Barsted* (Complete)》Chapter 4


The Bastards Pov

*He’s too busy to care about what he is called*

I glared at her, not wanting her to take this power feeling off me, but…She glared right back!

She was so gorgeous! How could I be so mad and excited at the same time!? I couldn’t decide on whether I was more mad or more excited…

“I have abandoned my family, I am of no use to you.”

I beg to differ little fox, you are of great use to me!

Yet, even though I was excited about her 'usefulness', I narrowed my eyes at her, still not liking how she glared at me and thinking she could try to change her situation by words…She was mine already! Her glare and words were nothing! Yet, her glare was so dam hot!

I walked up to her, knowing I had to show her who was boss, and said, “It’s not your choice!”

I heard her cute, little yelp and held my satisfied smile in, until we had passed both of my men still in the room.

I couldn’t show her how satisfied I was, so I made sure I stayed ahead of her, but my plan was already in motion!

I took her to an empty room and put her in it, already liking her new title of mistress!

This was going to be her room, until I’ve had enough of her, then she could venture back to mummy and daddy! How great would it be if they found out their daughter had been played with by their enemy!?

I couldn’t wait to fulfil this newly formed idea…The idea of her making my dreams a reality sounded great!

She looked so cute, looking around, that I couldn’t hold it in any longer, I made her turn to me and put my lips where they burned to be!

Even though she didn’t let me put my tongue in her mouth, I was still enjoying myself. My hands seemed to have a mind of their own, like they also had this primal need of having her in them…

I bit her lip, wanting more, needing more and heard her grunt, only making me take her more freely.

I explored her mouth and pushed her into me more.

It just wasn’t enough, I put my hand into her clothes, sighing to feeling her flesh and she took that moment to get out of my hold.


Suddenly, I felt a certain pain on my cheek, startling me out of my desire and need.

She slapped me!

I put a hand up to my chin, then narrowed my eyes at her.

“You bastard…You take me hostage for three months and think you can just continue to have your way with me?”

Staring at her, I found myself a little upset to her not being angry…Her voice didn’t show any kind of anger at all, the only anger I had gotten, was the slap…And the name calling…

What was wrong with little fox?

I fully expected her to have her hands on her hips, but she ended up walking away in a leisurely manner, like the kiss was nothing…

What the hell!

She was so different to the eleven-year-old her, that I met years ago. I had already wanted to start getting revenge when I was fourteen, having learnt how to use a gun and Martial Arts. But…When I had walked right up to the little girl, she was just so innocent that I couldn’t lay one hand on her. I hadn’t been ready to touch another person and snuff out their life…So, I had to take a step back and figure out what I was going to do…Since then, I hadn’t really ended anyone’s life, all I do is take them and give them back, and most of the time in a better position then they were when they were taken…It really did surprise me that she was a Peterson and yet all I wanted to do was roll around in bed with her. Didn’t I want revenge?

Wait, instead of the plan of just taking her and sending her back with having been laid by the enemy, how about I take revenge to how they had treated my mother and impregnate the fox instead!?

There, revenge and rolling around in bed in one! Sounds great!

I was silent, as I watch her walk into the bathroom and nod at the toothbrush. Then she took her clothes off…

I hungrily took in her naked body, before it disappeared into the shower.

I swallowed and wanted to join her, desperately…

I took two steps, then heard her voice, as she started to sing…

A smile showed itself on my face, without me realizing, and I stood there for a moment, listening to a voice that could not pass as a singer at all.


Strangely, I didn’t care, her voice was fearless, like she hadn’t been captured three months ago, like she hadn’t just been forcibly kissed by me…She sounded fine…

I took a deep breath in, feeling like something was wrong with her. Was this an act? How does she expect me to act in return?

I smiled, as I came up with what she might be thinking…

I guessed she wanted me to leave, by pretending I wasn’t around, instead…I went into the bathroom and took of my clothes off too!

I wasn’t going anywhere! As it was, something hard and wanting to penetrate, was still ever so keen to stay!

When I got into the shower with her, she had momentarily gone still, staring at me like she had no idea why I would be there…

I put my hands up to her hair and helped her wash the shampoo already in it. Actually, I was really grateful that she was already used to this. I wanted her to feel comfortable here, I wanted her nice and clean…After all, she would taste better that way!

After I had put my hands to her head, she had turned away from me, but I had seen her front for a good few seconds…Ah! Woman! Let me take you!

I pushed her under the water and helped take out the shampoo and while she did the conditioner, I got the soap and excitedly went over her body, ‘washing’ her all over.

Geez! I don’t think I could get much harder!

I nudged myself into her, wanting her to take notice, I want her to shower me with a look of want…Yes, I want her to want me!

But…She just continued to wash her hair and then rinse out the conditioner…

The taps stopped suddenly, and then she attempted to get out, but I didn’t want to let her!

Taking her naked body in my arms, I kissed her shoulder, slowly making my way to her neck. Come on baby, can you feel how much I want you?

“I’m getting cold.”

Her voice was the same, like she was not phased in the least. She was…Cold. Literally and emotionally, she was cold…

I let her go and saw that she took a towel and started to dry herself off. Why did I let her go? Dammit!

I put a hand through my wet hair and wondered what was wrong with me…I had the biggest hard on I’ve ever had, and I let the naked girl in my arms go!?

What the fuck is that!? Bloody, freaking, stupid idiot!

When she finished trying herself, I stamped out of the shower and then demanded, “Now dry me!”

She looked amused at my behaviour and just throw the towel at me instead, in which the towel fell to the floor.

“If you will deny me sex, then at least dry me off!”

I couldn’t believe it! Just take her, what the fuck are you waiting for!?

But, she was like the bridge I had to jump over, or the problem I couldn’t solve, I somehow felt I needed her approval…

It was so much easier with other girls, they wanted my hot body! This one didn’t seem to show anything! I didn’t know what to do!

Fuck! I want her so damned much!


I widened my eyes and looked at her, while she picked up the towel and started to roughly dry me.

Haha, she was missing some areas!

What got to me the most, was how she was taking this, she didn’t show a good or bad face. She just did as she was told…What the hell!?

Looks like I might have to work hard to coax this little fox into showing something.

I found myself eager in wanting to see her angry and sad, I wanted to see her cry and laugh. I didn’t know I was that much of a sadist! What will I do?

Perhaps I could get her some flowers or chocolate, the girls love that!

But wait, shouldn’t I make her mad first? Perhaps I could…Dam, what is ganna make her mad though? She didn’t even care much that she had been confined in a room for three months, she hadn’t run away when she could have…

I had to admit, I was completely lost on what would make her mad…

Fine! I’ll just be extremely annoying!

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