《His Love |Hisoka fanfic|》Ch.13| waking up


Yawning, Akari opened her eyes, feeling the heavy weight of Hisoka on her. Looking over, his eyes were opened starting right back at her. She let out a deep sigh.

"How long have you been awake?" She questioned, tilting her head toward him. Hisoka smirked, his eyes flashing. "Ooh don't worry, not that long love~" Akari choked. "How long have we been asleep?!" She asked, going to check her phone but stopped. His arms were still wrapped around her.

"A couple hours~" She rolled her eyes at his vague explanation. Akari yawned again, pushing for release from his grip, which he didn't give. He just smiled, closing his eyes. "Do we need to go back?" "No~" Frowning she stared at him, "Are you just saying that, or did no one text us-?"

"Tch. No one texted us~" He answered, emphasizing the us.

"Are you sure-?" Akari asked again, pushing his shoulders for him to get up. Hisoka sighed, eyes eyes fluttering opened again. "Doll I'm sure~"

He rose up on his elbows, his red hair falling around his face as he looked down at her. "Oh, ok. Well then lets go then-?" "Go?~" Akari coughed, gazing up at him. "Back to the troupe-" "Why would we go back there? They haven't called us, why would we go~" "Uvo-" "They'll tell us when he gets back~"

Akari sighed nervousness flashed across her face."No that's not it. I have a bad feeling." Hisoka cocked an eyebrow, in a questioning manner, slightly shifting over her. "Well, it's just that he's not back yet. And I know for a fact that he's a great fighter. I'm just worried." Hisoka nodded, looking down at her once again, and rose on his arms, rolling off of her. Instantly, Akari felt the warmth disappear but she ignored that.

Reaching over she faced Hisoka, who slid out of bed, and was still facing her. Cocking an eyebrow, she pulled the silky white sheets back around her, temporary warmth. Hisoka chuckled at her pathetic attempt to substitute for his absence. "Darling, if you're cold, you could've just told me~" Akari squinted at him. "I would be happy to continue to warm you up~" He winked at her glaring expression.


"Can you cook?~" Hisoka asked suddenly, making his way over to the kitchen side of her place. "Uh kinda. I can make the basics, like eggs?" Akari answered, leaning on her side to face him. "Why, you hungry?" Hisoka nodded, bending over the counter to rest his head on his hand. "Can you cook?" She asked back, he just shrugged. "I mean yes, but I'm too lazy~" 'typical'

"So you're telling me, you aren't going to cook, even though we're both hungry-?" Hisoka grinned, nodding and motioning for Akari to join him. "But I'm lazy too!" She complained, yet still maneuvered her legs to the side of the bed, shoving off her heat source.

Swinging her legs off the bed, she walked across the room, joining Hisoka in the kitchen. When Akari realized that he really wasn't going to help her, she sighed, facing him. "Eggs?" She asked, Hisoka nodded. "Sure darling~" Smirking he walked over a plush chair, and sat down, eyes still on her.

"Ok, scrambled eggs?" She asked, grabbing a pan from the drawer and turning the stove on. "Mmm sure~" Grabbing butter from her cabinet, she spread it on the now warm pan. All the while she could feel his eyes trailing her as she moved around. Cracking the eggs on the stove, she held the spatula to the pan, circling the eggs around and then pushing them to the center.

Hisoka still watching her from across the room caused Akari to finally turned to him, hand on her hip. "Do you need something? I'm making food." Hisoka smirked, standing up and taking a step towards her. "You~" Akari sighed, swiveling away from him and back to the eggs.

When she felt his hands creep around her, she just ignored him. "I'm literally making you food. Stop bothering me." Akari huffed and Hisoka chuckled, pulling her into him. Rolling her eyes, Akari continued to cook the eggs, careful not to be distracted by Hisoka.

When the eggs had become fluffy, she signaled for Hisoka to be useful and grab plates. He let out a dramatic and exasperated sigh, but lifted his hands from her waist and went to get the plates. Akari smiled, happy that she got him to do something for once. Then she frowned, 'i gotta change' "Hisoka!" She called and he twisted his head from the table. "I'm going to change-" Hisoka grinned, setting the plates down.


"No. Go put the food on plates, it better be done when I get back." She threatened and stalked across her room, opening drawers to get her clothes. Pulling out a light blue hoodie and a pair of black shorts. Noticing Hisoka starting at her, again, she quickly grabbed her underwear and headed to the bathroom.

"Don't you dare come in while I'm changing." Akari growled, glaring at him the whole time until she reached the bathroom. "I wouldn't dream of doing that~" He said in a sultry tone, she shivered. "Don't." She repeated, closing the door and quietly locking it.

After quickly changing, the dropped her laundry into the basket and reopened the door. Hisoka had done what she asked, two plates of eggs where ready. Smiling slightly she came and sat at the table, across from Hisoka, who had already begun to eat. Scoffing Akari reached her hand out, grabbing the salt and pepper. Lightly sprinkling both on her eggs. Picking up her fork, she tasted them carefully, humming after she took a bite. "My these taste delicious~" Hisoka purred from across the table.

Slightly creeped out but still grateful, Akari nodded her head. "Thanks."

As they continued to eat in silence, a thought came to her head. "Hey, who where those kids from earlier?" Hisoka looked up at her, a weird grin falling onto his face. "Gon and Killua~" Akari cocked and eyebrow, "Which one was which?" "Mmm black haired is Gon. The other one is Killua~" Akari wrinkled her brow. "Oh. So you're mainly going after Gon-?" Hisoka nodded, taking another scoop of eggs. "Why, might I ask?" Akari asked, continuing to eat.

Hisoka let out a small moan that shocked Akari. "He has so much potential~" He moaned again, placing his fork on the table, Akari gave him a weird look. "Ah. Yeah you do like people with power." She muttered, finishing off her eggs and going to grab Hisoka's plate, noticing he had also finished.

Picking up both plates, she headed over to the sink and placed the plates in it. "Alright, so what's our plan for today?" She asked, back still facing him. "Don't creep up on me." Akari warned, knowing he would still do it anyways. "Ok dear~" 'what's with the pet names-'

"But seriously, what are we doing today?" "Anything you want~" Akari turned to him, wiping her hands off on a towel. "Wait really?" Hisoka nodded leaning back in his chair. "Of course there's things I would like to do, but I'm afraid you won't comply~" 'uhhhh what does this man want-?'

Akari coughed, adjusting her hoodie and making her way back over to Hisoka. "Well there's items in the shops in town. Want to go look at them-?" She asked, her eyes scanning over his face. Hisoka hummed in agreement, rising from his chair.

He motioned for her to wait, then walked into her bathroom. Akari sighed, but got up and stood next to the door.

Hisoka finally walked out of the shower, his makeup was reapplied and his hair was put back into its usual up style.

"You took forever." Akari groaned and Hisoka chuckled. He held out his hand for Akari to take, which she promptly refused, instead brushing past him. He let out a "Tsk" but still followed her out the door.

Akari smiled. 'Akari, Two. Hisoka, Zero.'


1.3k words.

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