《His Love |Hisoka fanfic|》Ch.9| miss me?


Akari hesitated, gulping, taking a big breath of air. Then entering the room.


Upon entering, she made sure not to look for Chrollo, or Hisoka for that matter. Sticking to her plan, she headed to Paku, who was looking at her with an expression she couldn't read.

"Hey." Akari said quietly, sinking to a spot next to her. "You ok?" Akari nodded slightly, head facing down. "Yeah, I'm fine. Boss was just talking to me." She answered slowly, concealing her feelings behind a façade.

Pakunoda looked like she wanted to say more, but just nodded back to her. Akari clasped her hands together, tightening them. 'right now i really just want to leave this place.' she frowned. Turning her gaze back up to Paku, she almost choked.

Hisoka had just entered the room. As his eyes scanned the room she looked directly at Paku, who's eyes widened but smiled back at Akari. "So, who was the girl you saved from the men?" She asked, sensing Akari's distress and starting small talk.

"There was this girl, she had purple shade hair." Akari answered, smiling back. She risked a glance to the side.

Hisoka had his eyes trained on her, she gulped. But she also noticed that his gaze also flickered to the boss. 'does he know something?" Akari sweat dropped.

"Oh that's nice." Pakunoda said, examining her nails and bringing her nail filer out. "Yeah." Akari agreed quietly, voice shaky. If Paku noticed a change in Akari's behavior, she didn't say anything.

The intensity coming from Hisoka was thick enough to make her choke. 'look up.' his aura seemed to say. Akari couldn't help herself. Biting her tongue she raised her gaze, realizing the gaze wasn't just aimed at her when she saw Chrollo lifting his head too.


All three of them were sitting opposite sides of the room. Chrollo in the middle, Hisoka on his left and Akari on his right. A triangle.

'what am i supposed to do?!' Akari nibbled on her finger. The gazes exchanged by all three had been intense and weird. Chrollo looked confused, but something flashed in his eyes. That something was reflected in Hisoka's eyes, his golden eyes shining. Akari's eyes held confusion, a hint of fear, and irritation.

'why can't those two just leave me alone.'

Hisoka's eyes narrowed in on Akari and she stared right back. 'fuck him.' Daring him to stare longer. However when his eyes traveled down to her neck she growled aloud. She switched people, now on Chrollo.

She blinked and met his cold, leering, stare. 'and fuck you too.' His eyes also traveled to her neck and at this point she had, had enough of their bs.

'fuck both of you.'

Akari got up still glaring at both of them, her hand wrapping around her neck, and turned her back on them. Quickly leaving the base.

She casually exited the building, towards the city. Knowing that there would be people there and places to hide if either one of them came looking for her. About ten minutes had passed sense she left and had arrived in Yorknew City. It was dark out, and she begun to grow fatigued.

Still having her phone with her she tilted her head down in surprise. A text. 'please don't be one of them.' she silently prayed. Opening her phone, she released her breath. 'just a text from Paku.' and Akari smiled.

(Left: Pakunoda/ RIght: Akari)

You left?

Yeah, I needed some air

,Akari lied knowing Paku wouldn't be able to tell the truth if she didn't see Akari's face.


When will you be back?

Is someone asking for me?


She widened her eyes pressing her finger to her temple. 'no no no. i can't go back! not after that!'

Akari groaned looking back down at her phone.


Holding her nail in between her teeth she waited for her response.

I think he wants the whole troupe here, I'm not sure

Could you find out?

'I'm not going back unless I have to. ' Another text from Paku caused her eyes to drift down.

Hey princess, you left suddenly

She widened her eyes. "princess-?" she muttered. "Wait princess-" 'Hisoka.'

Hisoka give Paku her phone back.


I don't wanna talk to u

what did Chrollo do.

Akari almost choked. 'so he did know i left with him'

we talked.

so if I were to go ask Chrollo, he would say you talked?~


I don't believe you~

Akari rolled her eyes.

I didn't say you had to.


Where are you~

like i would tell you

She scoffed. 'he thinks to highly of himself if he would think i would tell him where i was headed.'

Don't make me ask again~

I already said no. Give Paku back her phone.


I'm coming to get you~

Akari let out a 'tsk'

You better not.

Akari you sure you're alright?

'wait a min- that's not Hisoka-'



'oh fuck.'

wheres Hisoka?

He just left the base, why?

'oh no no no no no.'

Never mind.


'Fuck.' Akari quickly turned off her phone, looking at the the people around her. Hisoka coming to find her wasn't good. Sticking close to populated city, she weaved her way through the crowd, careful to not let her guard down.

'what if- i rented a small hotel room? after all, I don't know how long i'll be here.' She shrugged, making her way across the city to one of them. Even as she was looking around for one she constantly checked her phone and around her. 'if Hisoka finds me, i'm screwed.'

Looking to her left and she recognized the gigantic sized building. 'heavens arena.' Smiling she decided that would be the place she would stay. Akari had a room on the 215th floor, and she had recently been there, only a month before, renewing her spot. Also killing the two people that had challenged her. Techincally she could go higher up,if she wanted to. But sometimes she was just lazy. 'its better than just going somewhere else or being with them.' she decided, walking to the arena.


Akari nodded at the receptionist that allowed her to pass and head up the elevator, after checking in.

She grinned, heading to her current room. Walking to the door and flinging it opened she stepped it, then almost stepping out entirely.

"Miss me?"

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