《His Love |Hisoka fanfic|》Ch.6| bite


Akari circled, facing the magican. "Hisoka."

His eyes weren't facing her, rather lingering on her blood soaked body. "You've been fighting? Having fun I see." he chucked, stepping towards her. Akari shrugged, his golden eyes coming up resting on her own brown ones.

Hisoka's hand reached towards her face, and Akari stood stone still as if unable to move. Her body not working with her and stood still, just how he wanted. His finger twirled a strand of her hair with this fingers. His eyes still gazing into her. With this other finger he lightly traced her clenched jaw with his fingernail, paying no heed to the dried blood that was stuck on her face.

"Mmmm." He murmured, his face growing close to hers. His finger lifted from her face and he traced his tongue over the wet blood. Akari shivered, finally able to move again, reaching her hand to grab the one touching her face, but stopped. Hisoka's eyes never leaving hers, snatched her left wrist, pulling her closer.

Now nose to nose Akari was almost shaking. He chuckled, lowering himself to her level, and brought himself to her left ear. Akari quivered and could almost feel him smiling against her. Slightly turning his head, he flicked out his tongue, tasting the blood of the men she had killed. "oooh." He groaned his right arm snaking around her waist. She couldn't move again,her body wouldn't respond.

"Hisoka." she mumbled. "hmm?" He murmured pressing his face into her neck. "Be a good girl." He wispered into her neck. She shuddered, pulling at the wrist he held, but he wouldn't release it. This grip tightening on her wrist, Akari almost flinched. "Shhh quiet now, Akari." he grinned, kissing her neck. 'fuck. that's right! hes fucking turned on by blood.' she groaned quietly, and would've smacked herself, if she could move.


Hisoka stopped, his breathing was the only thing she heard. 'oh no' her eyes widened. 'no no no please don't tell me he heard that. please don't tell me he heard that.'

He pulled back, eyeing her but continued to release her wrist, however he still had his arm wrapped around her waist. 'he heard it-.' "Mmm that was quiet tasty." he snickered, his finger tracing her neck, right where he just was. Akari couldn't say anything, she just stared straight at the ground. She was sure her face was bright red and wouldn't meet his eyes.

Grinning Hisoka took her chin with his fingers, tilting her head up. "Akari, look at me." he commanded. She slowly raised her eyes, until they were right on his chest.

'there's no way in hell I can look at him.' she internally groaned this time. "tsk." he yanked her head up higher and she let out a yelp. "What the fu-." She stopped talking. His head tilted at the base of her throat, his arm once again becoming constricting.

She let out a semi breathy whine. "Hisoka please. Sto-." what would've been her plea abruptly ceased as she felt his teeth sink into the base of her throat. Akari let out a shaky gasp, her voice faltering. She groaned as they dug a little, a slight prick.

Hisoka quickly pulled away, licking his lips. She was glad that he hadn't gone so far as draw a lot blood. But faint specks of blood rose from the bite. "mmm just had to be sure." he mumbled letting go of her chin. 'be sure of what.'

He cocked his head to her. "Where were u heading?" Akari could only point in the direction of the base. Hisoka shrugged, "I'm heading that way too." 'didn't you just come from that direction-?' Akari couldn't think straight, her thoughts were running wild under his gaze.


He removed his hand from around her and took a step towards the base motioning for her to follow. Akari hesitated but took a step forward, falling in sync besides him.


Akari and Hisoka entered the base, passing through the main room. On the way over Hisoka reminded her to pull up her shirt around her neck. "I mean unless you don't care if the troupe sees." he had teased. Akari had made sure the bite was covered when they entered.

Shalnark and Franklin where not present, neither was Uvo. 'He must still be fighting.' Paku lifted her eyes and waved toward her, Akari did her best to smile back, still shaken from Hisoka. Machi frowned, upon seeing who she had entered with. The rest weren't in the room, or didn't care enough.

However as they made their was across the room, to the next, she could feel the eyes of a certain someone burning into her back. "Akari." He called, placing down his book. 'oh god please don't tell me he saw it.' She turned and let out another shaky smile. "Yes danchou?" Chrollo cocked an eyebrow, studying her off expression. Hisoka lightly chuckled from beside her.

"What happened." He asked, guestering to her damp clothes, dripping with blood. Akari sighed in relief. "Just these two guys. They were harassing some girl, so I killed them." she answered cooly.

He pointed to her left wrist. Akari widened her eyes, raising her wrist. 'the man that I killed held the right wrist. shit.' On her both wrists a bruises were forming, however on her left wrist, an even larger bruise was forming. 'that's the wrist Hisoka was holding.'

"Oh yeah, the man grabbed me before I stabbed him." She quickly lied, her face not betraying her. Her eyes held a different story. Chrollo nodded, his gaze traveling up her body. Briefly resting on her neck, she prayed to god that he didn't notice it.

"Hisoka." Hisoka visibly stiffened next to her. "I want a word with you. Akari, you can go clean yourself up." Akari nodded, sparing one last glance at Hisoka, before walking out of the room


Hisoka pov

He watched her quickly exit the room. Then turned his attention to Chrollo. "Yes?" He asked, strolling forward, coming four feet away from the boss. Chrollo narrowed his eyes.

"Why did you two come in together." Hisoka lifted his hands in defense. "She had just came back from killing people or whatever, I had just happened to be coming back as well."

Chrollo narrowed his eyes, but nodded. Hisoka smirked. He knew the boss didn't believe him, but there was no proof anything else happend. Or no proof that was visible to the troupe. Akari made sure of it. He looked down at his nails, then back at Chrollo.

"Can I go now-?" he asked in a polite tone, but his eyes were full of mischeif. Chrollo waved his hand dissmisivly. "You may go." As Hisoka was about to turn around Chrollo added. "Let's not make that happen again." Turing back around Hisoka put on an innocent face.

"Make what happen again, boss?" Chrollo leaned forward, glaring him in the eyes.

Hisoka laughed and walked away, knowing the boss was still glaring, but he didn't care, After all, he had gotten to her first.

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