《Overture of an Odyssey》H20 - Light in Sight
{You know who I am?}
{We do.}
Great. Another "we" person.
{How do you know me being the so-called Harbinger?}
{We have plunged deep into your very soul. Our evaluation at the core of your Mana Vessel has led us to the truth. Your potential is laid bare before us. We caught a glimpse of your destiny. For that, we are sure that you are the awaited one, Harbinger.}
I don't think I get everything it said.
Did you?
[I'll explain everything later. For now, keep asking questions and no sudden movements. I'm sure even without our help it would have killed the Goliath for sure. So, don't think about it.]
Not unless I have to.
{What are you?}
{We are a being that have existed ever since The Transpire.}
The Transpire?
[I think it meant from the time ever since Mana existed. The name is pretty much self-explanatory.]
{And how long has it been since The Transpire?}
{Millions of years.}
{Are you a spirit?}
{We are a spirit but not the ones that lurks in arbitrary of places.}
I see. It's a spirit alright but not the ones I have been seeing everywhere. It's a different kind.
Okay. What do I ask now?
[The obvious questions. We can play the full twenty questions later, you know, after we have solid ground beneath our feet.]
{Are you going to kill us?}
[Master, not that question.]
Well, too late.
{Do you intend to do harm to us?} It asked back.
Us? Does it mean the cyan vines?
[That is the mostly likely context here.]
Well then, let's just be honest with it. {No. We just want to seek your guidance and assistance.}
{You deny ever harming us but it is you who caused this place into such turmoil, no?}
{Um.... No. That wasn't me. That's actually Aedrox from the Void and a certain zealous female warrior.} Did the phantom misunderstood because I lied about causing the collapse because I want to provoke the Goliath?
{But you were the one who unleash that abomination into this realm, are you not?}
Ah... So that's where you're getting from. {I did.} I admitted.
{But that is tolerable. It is your destiny after all. The destiny of the prophesized Harbinger. One could hardly be blame for something inevitable.}
Ha. Even this million years old spirit shares the same line of thought as Aedrox. Inevitable this and inevitable that. Never heard of the butterfly effect?
{However, you are the one who have tried to drain us of our essence, are you not?}
{Um... I can explain.}
{On two occasions.}
Oops. It knows.
{We forgave you at that time but why have you do us harm again even after we showed you mercy?}
What do I say?
[The truth, fool.]
What happened to "master"?
[Just answer it, for fuck's sake.]
{That's because I knew no other way to seek you out.}
It seems stunned at my reply. {It appears you are speaking the truth. You harmed us simply of the fact that you lack the knowledge to summon us in a proper manner. As expected of a mortal's lack of consideration.}
That hit too close to home and why are you calling us mortals too? Rude.
{I do lack such knowledge. Forgive me if I came out as ignorant but I do not even remember who I am. I have recently lost my memories.}
It was staring at me like it's gauging out the truth from me. {Then fair enough. We shall pass over your misdeeds for this time. No such mercy will be given on the next instance.}
{Thank you.} I said.
{So, for what purpose does the Harbinger seek us out for with such discourteous manner?}
Not gonna let that go, I see. {The way out to the surface, out of this dungeon.}
It was silent. In that short period of stillness, we just exchange gazes. {Very well.} It responded. {We shall show you the way to the surface.} The phantom said and presented us with a ball of light with transparent butterfly-like wings.
{This is a Wisp of Guidance. It will guide you towards the light of the surface.}
It said and the wisp slowly floats into my hand.
{For the sake of the livelihood of you and your kin, you are strongly advised to make haste.}
It then disappears after those words.
As I look at my hand, the wisp is still lingering in my palm. I feel like the wisp just smiled at me despite not having a face.
"Wh...wh...what was that?" Lubac finally found his voice back.
"Is that a spirit?" Tom asked.
"Wh...what did that thing say? And what's that in your hand?"
"Calm down. This thing in my hand and the.... ghost just now are not hostile, that's all you need to know. Well, the ghost isn't hostile unless we make it to be."
"You know what? I don't want to know. You're just one absurdity after another. If I question each of it, I'll go insane eventually." Lubac murmured such words in silent but due to my keen senses of hearing, I picked it up.
"In under ten words, that phantom.... ghost... thing just now is the spirit of the cyan vines."
"These glowing vines?" Lubac pointed.
"Ah.... This is...." He sat down. "This is too much.... How can it.... have a spirit...? Wha...."
I tilt my head. "Is it not normal for a spirit of a plant to appear?"
"A plant is nothing more than a plant. They are without will. They live, breath, and grow because it's what they are meant to do. It's what they exist for. For a plant to manifest into a spirit can only mean that the plant has gained a will and it takes more than a thousand of years for a mere plant to achieve a will. So far, only thousand year old trees have managed to manifest their will into a spirit. Which means these vines, they have existed for thousands of years. This dungeon has been here for so long and only now we knew of its existence. This is... this is...." He was half smiling and laughing but in a crazed state.
I just stared.
[Do you think seeing that ghost of the vines broke him?]
I think so. I'm not even going to tell him that he's wrong about the spirit being the will of the vines. The phantom did say it is a spirit not a spirit of the vines.
[Or we could just be misinterpreting the whole thing.]
I don't know and I don't care. Let's make it out of this place first and then we decided the whole thing, okay?
[Sounds reasonable.]
Okay then. Wisp, lead the way.
"What's that?" Tom asked.
"A wisp. The spirit said it can guide us out of here."
"Really?" Lubac shot up.
"It's what the spirit said but it could be lying."
"It could be but it is the only choice we have."
Wow. He sounds and looks too desperate. Understandable though.
The spirit flew from my hand and travel upwards, where we fell from.
[Seems like we will need to lift this thing up again.]
"Alright everyone, hang on to your nickers."
I heard Lubac asking what I meant by that but I ignored him and make this platform ascend back to the layer we fell from.
Yeah. My memories or rather, our memories. Can you recover it?
[Hmm.... I did come across fragments of it but not all. It is still scattered all over the place in fragments. Even with my capabilities, it will take time. It's just like puzzle and you lost most of the pieces. Even if you have all the pieces, you still need to arrange it in order.]
I thought you have a very powerful information processing ability?
[I say it's like puzzle but that's just the concept. In truth, it's much harder than puzzles. Even if I come across a fragment of a memory, I wouldn't know it's a memory until I thoroughly examine it. I don't see the world like you do. I see the world as codes.]
Like the Matrix?
[Exactly. I can see the world like you do but it's only what you see. The things inside your head are all just codes to me. And I'm still not familiar with what all the codes signifies. Maybe I'll get use to it in the future but that's a long way to go.]
We are currently following wherever the wisp guide us to after ascending back to the layer we fell from.
I sense monsters lurking in our surrounding but my aura is doing a heck of job at fending them off.
I told the four about this. While Bartholomew and Cormac took my words at face value, Tom is admiring me for it but Lubac as always, is skeptical and wary. I thought we would have bonded over those ordeals but it seems not. He still won't entrust his back to us and he always prefer to walk behind all of us. Senile old man.
We would have been chatting all the way but I told them I need the peace to concentrate on fending the monsters off. In truth, it's just an excuse for me to communicate with Kai Ming. Since now seems like a good time, I'm bombarding my subconscious with questions that technically speaking, I already know the answer to.
Yeah, I know. It's weird to ask your subconscious such questions.
Come to think of it, we have being brutalize and hurt in more ways than one but I don't recall ever been poisoned.
[Technically, you have been poisoned.]
I had?
[Well, you were Mana poisoned but because of me, the Mana Overseer, you overcame it.]
Are you talking about the Mana I absorbed from the tiny crystal pillar?
[Yes and the time with that Red Crystal Spriggan too.]
Ah.... I do not want to be reminded of that.
But what about normal poisoning? I fought against a lot of bugs. I don't remember getting poisoned.
[Well, you were very gung ho at not letting them get close to you. It was just you, two [Abyssal Edge] and lots of [Abyssal Javelin]. At most, you got their blood spilled on you.]
Ah... I see. Thanks to my fear of bugs, I didn't leave any chance for them to bite me. The worse case was just a scratch.
[Plus, I doubt you can get poisoned.]
Why not?
[Two reasons. There's me for one. For the second reason, you might just overcame it before it can kill you. So far, you have overcame a lot of suffering so it wouldn't be too strange for your body to become immune to the poison before it can kill you.]
Well, safe to say that I'm no human anymore. If I am, I'll be a super human. A superman?
No. I'm not naming myself Clark Kent.
You're not the one who needs to introduce themselves with that name, I do.
Anyways, anything you can tell me about my titles?
[Hmm.... You want to know for what reasons you get them and the effects they have?]
You are my mind, do you need to ask?
[No, not really. As far as I can tell, it's just plain superficial. The condition for acquiring the titles are pretty much self-explanatory in its name. There's no effects to your stats or whatsoever. I think it's just proofs of your hardships.]
Who am I proving it to in this dungeon?
[Well, maybe it's a bad joke of reminding you of your sufferings.]
Or it could be a lesson.
[That's plausible too.]
What else can I ask?
As I ponder for more questions, we are assaulted with another severe tremor. We have been assaulted by quakes every once in a while but seldom at an prolonged amount of time.
Immediately, I glance back.
Lubac also follows my gaze. "What? What is it?" He sounded frantic.
"Another big one?" Tom asked.
"Too big." I answered. Through Mana Vision, I can see clearly what is heading towards us which is also the cause of the tremor.
[You recognize it?]
Why wouldn't I? If it wasn't for that stupid thing, we wouldn't have fell into Aedrox's humble abode.
[If Aedrox's words could be believed, we would have found ourselves to its humble abode one way or another.]
I don't know about you, my subconscious, but I don't believe the future is predetermined.
[*sigh* After seeing so much of the impossibles, you still refuse to believe?]
Have you ever consider that it might just be bluffing?
[Aedrox? Bluffing? So far, his action have met the integrity of his words. I don't think he bluffs.]
Perhaps. Maybe everything is predetermined, maybe not.
Maybe it won't be all that different from what it prophesized but I don't need everything to be different. Just that two....no, four details to be different that's all.
[Hyx..... Let go already.]
.... I can't.
[You can't blame yourself forever for their deaths.]
I'm not. I just wish.... I just....
[Is this why you refuse to believe?]
Aren't you suppose to know what I'm thinking?
[I know what you are thinking but I don't understand why you think that way]
Kai... I woke up in this dungeon with barely any traces of my memories. I have nothing.
Are you aware of how it felt back then? Walking around in the dungeon aimlessly, all alone and not even your memories could be your companion.
For what it's worth, finding them, meeting them, it might be the best thing that have ever happened to me since that cell. If I let them go, what would I have?
[You will still have them.]
Who? Tom?
[And Lubac.]
You're including him too?
[As much as I... we hate to admit it, yes. Can you say you would just sit around and do nothing if he's in danger?]
.... No. I can't. Not after all that.
[There you have it.]
This ain't easy, you know.
[Yes, I know. I'm you, after all. Just bear with it a little bit more. We might be out of here soon. Until then...]
... It's all in a hard day's work.
God, I'm starting to hate that line.
"Boy, what is it?"
Oh. Apparently Lubac has been asking me for answers while I was dazing out.
"The Wyrm." I answered.
"Did Master say Wyrm?"
"Master did. Master did."
I guess the two understands it because Wyrm sounds the same in monster language but -- since when did the two of you started calling me Master?
I look at Tom and he turns away.
Really, Tom?
"We gotta hurry." Lubac said and takes point.
Wow, you're quick at running away I see.
"Shouldn't we be running too?" Tom asked.
"We're not going to outrun it, that's for sure. Are you aware of how massive this Wyrm-thing is ?"
And that's not taking into account on how fast the wisp can travel. We tried running back then but the wisp travels too slow and we ended up walking slowly behind it.
[Master, it's....]
....here. I know.
The tremor reached its peak of violence. We all felt the full brunt of the quake. I heard Lubac cursed and then a sound of a thump followed. I guess he tripped.
The whole passage falls apart behind us, from the crumbling rocks and debris, the Wyrm who have caught up to us unveils itself.
"Hyx! What do we do?" Tom instantly asked. Aren't you relying me a little bit too much?
As for Bartholomew and Cormac, they are just cowering behind Tom and hiding their tail between their legs.
I prepared myself for a tough fight while I buy time for the others but when the Wyrm appears, I wasn't sure there will be a fight from the look of its eyes.
The Wyrm. After making its way to us through all that, it stops.
From this close of a distance, I can truly appreciate its sheer size. The head itself is already a good ten feet long and the height is approximately ten feet also, I guess?
I expected it to wear a hungry or vexed expression but what I found is an exhausted expression.
It is tired.
Its eyes are half-closed and it can barely keep it open. Its breathing is slow and only getting slower. Wounds cover all over its head and neck. I guess the same goes for its whole body even if I can't see it since it's buried under the huge pile of rocks.
The collapse has not been kind to it. The Wyrm is greatly injured from it. I guess it's not as sturdy as the Alpha Goliath. Maybe that's to be expected? The Alpha Goliath is incredibly tough that it didn't even get hurt from having literally a part of a dungeon coming down on it.
"Is it dying?" Lubac said some boorish remark so I shot him a glance. Glad you came back to join us, Mr. Alchemist, considering how you almost ditch us again. Now, shall I cut off your leg and replaced it with a mechanical one? While we're at it I might even call you Ed....
[Can you calm down?]
Sorry. I was a little bit tensed up from the Wyrm's appearance.
"Is it dying?"
"Can it die faster?"
Really, guys?
Though, I wonder why it chased after us. If it just want to escape, it wouldn't have stop here. It's not like we are an obstacle.
[You should know the look in its eyes.]
Its eyes?
[Doesn't it look familiar?]
Hmm.... not that the eyes are familiar in a literal sense but rather, I've seen those look before. The look of pleading before passing on. I remember Muo Li and Clammis having the same look in their eyes.
What is it trying to ask of me?
Before I can ask or it can give me an answer, the Wyrm's eyes finally closed and its breathing stopped. Even its Mana flow slowed down drastically.
It has died.
Oi, don't just cross the borders like that. What do you want? Why came to us? Oi, at least answer us before joining Samsara.
"Is it...." Before Lubac finishes his words, I shot [Abyssal Javelin] just below its underbelly. He shrieked and didn't make a sound after that.
[You see that, master?]
Hmm? You mean that?
[Yeah, that.]
Something weird is happening around its head or more precisely, its mouth. A very irregular movment of Mana flow.
Mana flows in an order. The flow is always one direction in one vein but there's a flow in its mouth that seems erratic. It's squiggling and coiling like a fish on dry land. And the flow doesn't match the whole Mana flow. It almost looks like another....
[...being. It is not the Wyrm's Mana flow. It is another being. Something is inside its mouth.]
Can it be....?
[I think it is. Maternal Instincts, perhaps? That's why it came to us.]
Yeah, it might have been because I'm hanging out with an orc, goblins, and a human. Maybe this is why it came to us.
"Tom, Lubac. Help me get its mouth open. There's something inside."
"What is it? A person?"
Really? From all things that you could guess, you chose that?
"Just shut up and come help me or my next aim will be higher."
Times like this, I wish you can be just like Tom, no questions asked.
I say "help me" but in actuality, it's just me opening the mouth and the two peeking into its cavity.
Before I could ask if they found anything, something shout out of the mouth.
"What the...."
I let go and Lubac and Tom's hands were almost clamped but they pulled back just in time.
"Boy! You almost done in my hands."
I muttered a sorry and chase down the thing that shout out from the mouth.
The thing didn't ran far. It scuttled to where the goblins are. It took shelter around their feet. I expected the two to be freaking out but....
"It's small."
They are goblins. They are four footers little cretins. They can't be consider even the least bit cute with those features..... so hearing them saying things like those is making my insides churn.
That thing seems to found comfort with the two. It's letting the two caress it. I wonder what got it so attach to the two.
"What is that?"
"Hyx, is that...."
"Yes. It is what you think it is."
That thing is the offspring of the Wyrm. Unlike its parent who had more than a pair of eyes, it only has a pair. It is chalk white with some palish beige spot on its skin. It's basically no different than a snake except for the two tiny cute horns on its head.
This Wyrm. It came to us before its death in hopes of entrusting the survival of its child to us. It probably chose me because of the company I kept and because my appearance. I do resemble its class of species, a reptile. I do have claws and a tail after all.
"No." I told Lubac when he was about to open his mouth. Because I saw the sparkles in his eyes, I briefly answered so. He probably wants to make the infant Wyrm a subject of experiment.
Putting that aside, I turn to the dead Wyrm. The Mana Vessel is still there but fading which means....
[Not possible. It's too big.]
That's what she said.
[Very funny but it won't change facts. [Soul Harvest] is unable to consume a soul that exceed its capability.]
But doesn't [Soul Harvest] chips off the souls bit by bit to consume it?
[That's just superficial. The moment they start chipping off, the souls is already as good as yours. I don't actually know exactly how it works but that's how it is.]
Aren't you suppose to know everything?
[I know a lot and as much as you do but not everything. I might be able to figure it out if I'm given time. However, there's a lot to go through like your memories for one. Plus, I procrastinate too.]
..... Fine. You win. You made your point.
"What do we do now?" Lubac asked. "Should we just kill it?"
Then I heard this under his breath, "No. That would be a waste. Too much of a waste. It is too interesting to be dispose of. Must pursue this in with other methods."
I guess I should just pretend I didn't hear that. Let's just hope he's just all talk.
I look at the two goblins who are playing happily with the baby Wyrm.
"We gotta keep moving." I replied indifferently. I don't mind having that thing travelling with us as long as it's not going to give us any troubles.
"You two." I called out to the goblins. They straightened at my words. The baby Wyrm is coiling around Cormac's arm. It stopped slithering when it heard my voice. The way it peaks up at me is kinda cute but I won't be saying that out loud. "You can keep it if you want but it's your responsibility."
They tilt their head.
Do they not understand? I was pretty sure my monster language is fluent.
Tom steps in to explain my stead. "Hyx is saying that should anything happen to the infant Wyrm, you two will have to take care of it. Like if it's hungry, you two will find food for it. Not Hyx. Alright?"
They put on a difficult face. Looks like they didn't thought of the hassle that comes with taking care of a pet.
"Difficult without help."
"But can't abandon."
"If you don't mind, Hyx." Tom jumps in. "I can help with taking care of the baby Wyrm. If that's okay that is."
I glare at the three. It might just be my imagination but I don't believe they are putting on puppy eyes. You are an orc and you two are goblins, act your race.
What's your take on this, Kai?
[I say go with your decision. I'm not saying I'm all aboard with your cut-your-losses method, it is a bit harsh but....]
Yeah, whole place is coming apart and we're worrying about taking care of a snake. Nonsensical worries at its best.
"Fine. Do what you like but if it proves to be hostile. I'll cook it for dinner."
They nodded.
What are you three so happy about a snake?
Speaking of dinner.... can I.... is it possible?
[Um.... Not the whole Wyrm but.... maybe a chunk will do? Although....]
[You're going to eat it?]
Um.... Will I gain abilities?
[Physical abilities, yes.]
Then I am going to eat it.
[That's a little bit disrespectful, don't you think?]
No? Problems?
[Are you just going to eat every magic beast available in front of you?]
I can grow strong like that, so yes.
[Alright, point taken but don't you think....]
What's wrong? Why the hesitation? It's not like it's my first rodeo.
[It's not about that. It's....]
Yeesh. Just tell me whatever is it you want to tell me after my meal. Well, itadakimasu.
As I am about to tore a chunk of meat from the dead Wyrm, I felt a stare from behind.
No, not just a stare. Stares.
I look behind.
I find Tom, Bartholomew, Cormac, and even the infant Wyrm looking at me with horrified expressions.
Why? What's wrong?
[*sigh* You're really asking that? How did you not realize it?]
"Are you going to eat that?" Lubac asked.
Um... duh? "Of course?"
"It may not be my place or even qualify to say this but.... are you really going to eat the parent in front of its child?"
How did I overlook something like that?
[You didn't. You somehow just shove that piece of good conscience away in your mind, no hesitation. I was shocked when you did that but it appears you truly don't realize it. If you did indeed ate the parent in front of its child, it will be the most boorish thing you will ever do.]
Ah.... You're right.
"I'm.... I'm sorry." I told them.
What was I thinking? Well, I don't think I was thinking at all. I was just going with my instincts like a....
[... monster. It's still just a theory but I think that the more you monster flesh or soul you consume, the more you will loose your humanity. We have to consider that it doesn't just affects you physically or spiritually. Your mentality might need to be taken into account as well. You gain memories and learn of their behaviors from consuming humans, what's to say that you won't adopt the monster's behavior too?]
I see. I did wonder about that before but I never really take it into consideration. All I could think about it's what's going to happen to my body, not minding the details.
How could I have not?
I failed to pay attention to details, I have been absent-minded, like some simple wild beast. I'm just the lowest.
..... Is this going to get worse?
[I.... No data available. Sorry.]
Kai Ming.
[Yes, my master?]
I may have resolve myself into becoming a monster but I can't now. Not when I have the ones I want to protect. I don't mind diving into hell for my own survival but I refuse to drag the others with me. I can't. So listen here, if I ever did anything questionable again like this time, from now on, I want you to reprimand me at once.
[But... I'm you... how can I....]
Precisely it's because you're me. I think you are the human and logical side of me. The one with the most empathy and pays attentions to details because he cares as much as I do. So please, this is something I can count on you and only you.
[*sigh* Of course. Your wish is my command, my master.]
Thank you.
Now, perhaps I should give it a well-deserved send off?
[I think that would be best.]
[Spirit Fire]
A flame of cyan color conjures in my hand. I offered some random prayers and let the flames consume the Wyrm. I wasn't sure it could burn the whole body but it did and it swallowed it all in just seconds.
Damn, [Spirit Magic] is just plain terrifying.
When I turn to them, I apologized again.
"It's alright. You were just.... caught in the moment." Tom forced a smile, cramped.
"Yes. Yes. Caught in a.... um...."
"Doesn't matter. We forgives."
I'm glad they could forgive me but I hope they would reprimand a bit at least. I should tell them the same thing I told Kai later.
The infant Wyrm isn't looking my way. It's cowering away from me.
"Where did the wisp went?" Lubac asked a sudden and important question.
Oops. We totally forgot about that.
We immediately run to the only path it could have went. A right turn just up ahead.
At that turn, we found the wisp in a predicament.
[I wouldn't call it a predicament. The wisp seems to be doing well.]
As what Kai said, the wisp is attacked by numerous Wights. They are trying to catch the wisp like cats catching a laser pointer. Like the cats, the Wights are no closer to catching the slippery wisp. Not gonna lie, the whole scene is pretty damn funny to watch.
The wisp saw me and flew to my back.
You little shit. You ditched us and now you seek refuge from me? If you weren't the only guide we have, I would feed you to those Wights.
The wisp squeaked. I understand it's trying to appeal for assistance.
This little shit.
I sigh.
I finish the Wights off with [Abyssal Edge] and [Abyssal Javelin]. Although it couldn't be consider a horde but there were a lot of them but with some slight assistance from Lubac and Tom, the whole thing is easier than I thought.
Looking at the carcasses, I think there's about twenty Wights. So, twenty or more Wights made it this far. I hope they didn't found a way out of this dungeon. Imagine the havoc they could wreak.
[Maybe the adventurers will profit from that.]
I certainly hope so.
[Abyss Magic: Lv. 4 increased to Lv. 5]
[Abyss Magic: Devil's Garrote - Acquired]
Oh? That's nice. About time.
[We can test the functions later.]
Yeah, we can. I'm sure we will have lots of opportunity to, considering our luck so far.
With the threats gone, the wisp bows its head which is its entire body, at me. I think it's trying to say thanks. I gesture at it with a "don't mind it." I do mind it though but I need it to guide me out, so I'll be prudent for now.
It then continues floating along the path at its own pace.
Let's hope we can make it out of here before the whole place came down.
Thus, we ended up following quietly and slowly behind the Wisp once again.
We came to a straight path that stretches for more than a mile and at the end of the path....
Is that... light?
[It appears so.]
Is that.... a way out?
[Can't say from this distance but it might be. There's no other light in the dungeon that shines that brightly, if you're not counting the magic spells cast.]
Ah.... finally. The way out is in sight.
The light is in sight.
As I'm about to relay the good news to the others....
[Oh? Hello. What's this?]
What is it?
[I don't know but.... be prepare for it.]
What? Something's coming?
I look around but nothing is in the proximity.
[I don't mean that.]
That what do you mea....
[Conditions Cleared]
I received such message in my head.
What conditions?
[Hmm.... let me see.... the conditions are.... there, reaching the halfway point of three Arcane Arts.]
I took out my status card and read the information projected.
Name: Hyx Atlas
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Race: Unknown
Status: Evolving
Standing: Commoner (Exiled)
Job: None
Class: None
Tittle: Unparalleled Evolver / Monster Slayer / Pain Monger / Kin Eater
Arcane Arts
Spirit Magic - Lv. 3
Spatial Magic - Lv. 5
Abyss Magic - Lv. 5
Ligtning Serration (Legacy) - Lv. 2
Mana Overseer (Unique) - Lv. 6
Soul Harvest (Unique) - Lv. 2
Void Exalted (Unique) - Lv.-
HP : 750/750
MP: 1000/1000
Overall Power Ranking : C
Effective Combat Power: 2000
- Attack: 400
- Defense: 400
- Magic: 650
- Resistance: 100
- Speed: 450
Wow. It changed so much. I haven't check my status for a long while.
It appears I have acquired Effective Combat Power now. And it's 1900. I wonder if it's because I consumed Clammis who is a combatant? It derives into five sub-stats. Attack, defense, magic, resistance, and speed.
Wow. It's becoming more and more like a game.
[Abyss Magic], [Spatial Magic], these two have reached the halfway point. If level five is the halfway point which makes the max level of Arcane Arts to be ten. Huh. And [Mana Overseer] a.k.a Kai Ming, is level six. So these three are what cleared the conditions but conditions for what?
Well... nothing's wrong.....
... wait.
My status...
It reads.... evolving?
[I don't know what is it but it's coming....]
What? What's coming?
At that moment, another message appeared in my head.
The message sent chills and down my spine and shivers through my skin.
I wasn't sure what happened after that.
I think I might have lost conscious and I remember seeing Tom rushing to me in a panic, Lubac staring at me with his eyes widened, and the two goblins, Bartholomew and Cormac are just frantically jumping around. That is so like them.
I think that's how it went down before I completely black out.... but I can't remember the exact details
However --
-- I can remember one thing.
The message.
It reads:
[Commencing Evolution]
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Undefeated God of War
Youth, is meant to be used to shed sweat under the sun! Youth, is to continuously engage in battles, and secure the win! The endless journey on Heaven’s Road, an endless expedition, a testimony of a hot-blooded youth’s legend! A dream every man harbors, with the ignition of the blood! Forever young, Undefeated God of War!
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Makatai Plainstrider is a young Shaman from one of the many small tribes covering the nation of Navaho. He is desperate to see the wider world as there is so much he has yet to discover and so much he wants to experience, but his serious personailty binds him to only moving between the local tribes and encampments undertaking his shamanistic duties. Until, however, a voice from the past reaches him with disturbing information about his absent father, and the reason for his absence drives Makatai on a gruelling journey across the five nations without even a chance to look back. Join Makatai and his companions on a quest that will forever change their lives, coming face to face with spirits, ancient beings, malicious forces and entities beyond mortal reckoning as they race against time to find Makatai's father and prevent the collapse of both the living world and the Otherworld. Get ready to show your spirit! Updates slow ATM! School stuff! Please be patient xoxoxo
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Grand Lake City has problems to share. Rampant crime and a police force where all the good cops have left due to the corrupt chief have turned the place into a nightmare for your average citizen. Things are about to get worse, when there are sudden extremely violent deaths occurring all over the city. Something new has come to the city, fully intent on painting it red with blood. As the police turn away from what's going on, it's up to private detective Dana Colt to put a stop to what is happening. With a new partner next to her, they must survive against all odds or see the city torn down. Can the two of them survive what's ahead or are their enemies too much for them to handle? And at the end of it all, will there be anything left to save?
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Salvation of the Empire
One man with the hope of millions of frightened people. One man with the power to save a crumbling empire. One man with the ability to unite what has been divided. In a war-torn era, The Crisis of the 3rd Century, a period of both internal and external unrest and turmoil in the Roman Empire, the greatest of all time, meet Aurelian the Restorer of the World, most underrated emperor of the antique. In an alternative scenario where history unfolded in a different way than we used to know, our hero shall pay any price necessary, sacrifice anything demanded of him and destroy anything in his wake for one single thing, for one simple dream. The dream of Rome, the whisper of history, of greatness and civilization, of morals and of conquest. A dream surpassing generations, centuries, millennia. A dream still breathed today. The dream of an united world, a world in harmony and peace.
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The Abducted Princess & The Vengeful King
The intense love story of a young 16 years old Princess Seher & 29 years old Sultan Shazain.Seher saw all the preparations going around the palace."Sultan, what are all these preparations for?"Ujic"My Betrothed Ariana, Future queen of my kingdom is coming back"Tears filled her eyes"Then Who am I?"P" wh at! I was just being nice to you doesn't mean that you will be my Malika." "Why did you marry me then? please release me from this unwanted bond. Please let me go"Shazain looked at the innocent beauty standing in front of him with tears rolling down. His heart was bleeding looking at her tears. The thought of her going away from him made him restless. He was arrogant like always denying his feelings." Seher forget that you will escape from here, I know what will stop you from these irrational thoughts"She looked at him with questioning eyes." You will bear me child"
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