《Overture of an Odyssey》Intermission: Vira (3)


"I take it you give up your deceptions?" I asked the mimic in front of me, wearing the skin and speaking with the voice of Hyx Atlas. Truth to be told, I won't have believed it even if it managed to answer. I have learned not to trust monsters.

I will have to applaud for its efforts but I will not be deceive this time. Never again.

Humans and elves have a calm blue color for their Mana. This mimic, its Mana its of dark purple. I have never seen any Sagax or monster with purple Mana. In the books, it is said that an ancient race of monsters from the Void possesses purple Mana. Is this Mimic an entity from the Void?

Its laugh finally stops. It had been laughing ever since it failed to answer my question. Its smile slowly fades away from its face. "If I'm not Hyx Atlas, what are you going to do?" With a saddened expression, it asked.

Amused at its futile attempts at deceptions, I smiled back. "What I'm being taught to do and what I do best."

And that is putting monsters like you into the grave.

When it realizes that I wasn't believing its lies, it resorts to combat. Purplish black energy appears around its hand and forms into a sword.

[Abyss Magic], no doubt. This isn't the first time I fought against some one who is able to use such a rare Arcane Art. This mimic might not be all just about deceptions.

I think I can finish it off with one strike but I won't. These kind of monsters are predictable at being unpredictable. Caution is extremely necessary.

I'll just go for a few swift attacks to probe for its true strength.

I drew a scar on its left cheek but it didn't notice I moved until I struck.

It gives me a dumbfounded look. It touches its cheek to confirm that it has been indeed slashed at the cheek.

It appears that it can't keep up with my speed.

Or it could be just luring me to think that it can't keep up.

I'll be cautious for now.

And it has a dumbfounded look again when I slashed at its nose.

Is it really unable to perceive my attacks?

If that how it is, this fight will be easy.

I went in for a fatal blow and that's when I saw Mana enveloping it and some sort of magic field expanded from it.

I ended up excoriating its neck and missed the decapitation.

The mimic itself looks just as surprised as I am at its own ability to dodge my attack.

"You're better than I thought, mimic." I complimented it. It deserves that much, at the very least. One does not need to respect the opponent but one does need to respect its abilities.

After that, the mimic assaulted me with various abilities and spells in vain. They were all at least intermediate levels.

This is becoming quite intriguing.

It is even capable of using a sword made of [Abyss Magic] but thanks to Shadow's Bane, I can easily cut through dark-type energies. Looks like Fang might no have a turn in this fight.

Just as I'm cornering it, it gestures for me to wait. I can tell fear and anxiety are hiding beneath its frail iron gaze.

"Appealing for mercy?" I mocked at the mimic.

It then starts talking about how it have presumably saved two humans and wants to entrust them to me. It wants me to lead them out of this place.


Honestly, I was stunned for a moment. I can't believe what I just heard.

It believed its own power wasn't enough to help the two humans and it is now appealing to my assistance. It might just be an idiot after all, considering how I am trying to kill him.

I burst out laughing. I didn't even realize I was laughing until a few seconds after, then I calm myself down.

I think I understand why it asked such thing of me.

Unfortunately, I'm not a hero. I can't save anyone.

No one can leave this place alive. There are monsters down here that are even stronger than us.

What was that old and ancient saying I learned from a certain history book?

Oh. That's right. I remember now.

We are just scratching the surface of what this dungeon has to offer. I don't believe you or I can make it out of here.

"I can't." I said, not realizing my composure has been broken. "You asked this of me because you realized the difference in our power but.... it doesn't matter. They are all dead. Every last one of them." If not, they will.

"Who?" It asked.

I answered it. "Everyone."

I can't save anyone.

I launch myself at the mimic the second after I finished my answer. I almost caught its neck this time but it's used a short range teleporting magic to avoid my blows and strikes.

Its skills and techniques are unrefined.

Predictable movements.

Easily, I slice its fingers off.

Its eyes widened.

Its face practically gave out every last bit of information about his intents and actions.

He's not experienced.


I'm having a harder time than I expected. It's obvious it is untrained by anyone. I can't imagine how strong it will become should a chance present itself to empower himself at the guidance of a competent teacher.

This thing cannot reach the surface and must absolutely can't be allow to live. This monster will be the most dangerous being I will ever come across.

If only it could use its powers for good but I don't believe a monster like a mimic will.

These sly bastards.

They always have some sort of ulterior motives to their actions.

I have my fair shares of experience with them and I absolutely despise them. After all, it was a mimic monster who took my......

What the....?

There was a shift in the air. A crippling sensation.

It is coming from where my left arm is. I moved from that point and the space around it begin distorting.

I knew it. Not only can it use [Abyss Magic], it can also use [Space Magic]. No. This level of casting and spell, it's not Space Magic. It's the advanced version of [Space Magic], [Spatial Magic]. It gives more influence and control over space itself.

This monster. What else is it capable of?

It seems shocked at me predicting its spell.

Good. An opening. I went for it but not without caution.

It regains its focus but Shadow's Bane is already mere centimeters away from its neck.

His hand moved in a fluid motion like water.

Next thing I know, the white blade of Shadow's Bane is split into two pieces.

Another [Spatial Magic]. Dangerously, impressive.

It prepares the sword of abyss immediately and thrust it at me. The angle its aiming at would not give me a fatal wound. Is it not trying to kill me? Come to think of it, it never really did attack me before. Might just be because I'm not giving it a chance to.


Nevertheless, that injury will still give me a huge disadvantage. I can't let it hit me.

I raised Fang up to guard against the Abyssal Sword. I think it's a sword. It could be something else.

Good. At least Fang is able to defend against Abyss Magic. I wonder if it would be alright for Fang to absorb dark energies. I have heard that some mages tried to absorb [Abyss Magic] but ended up being swallowed by it. I have to be careful about this.

That [Spatial Magic] which it used to cut Shadow's Bane into half, that's what I should be vigilant against. I doubt Fang could defend against such level of space magic.

To prevent it from using that [Spatial Magic] against Fang, I will have to go at this from a different angle.

I use [Light Magic: Flash], blinding the mimic, and dashes straight at it with Fang aiming for its neck. Decapitation is the most effective method to neutralize monsters.

It dodged my attack but I have half-anticipated it. It has been dodging attacks that it can't see after all. Still, I managed to give it a serious wound on its neck.

Strange, I'm not seeing it wincing at its injuries. Is it immune to pain?

As I'm about to close in on it again, it raises a cloud of smoke by stomping hard on the ground.

From reading the disturbance in the air and the noises it makes, I can tell it is trying to create a gap between us.

This is amusing.

Calmly, I walk out of the smoke, wearing a poised smile. "Oh? Can't keep up anymore?" I taunted the panting mimic. It looks tired. Me? My breathing is still normal. This level of battle is nothing. As expected, the mimic is still unfamiliar to a lot. I must kill it before it matures.

I have to kill it n....

Where did it go?

The mimic, it disappeared right in front of me. Not just the sight of it, its scent, its breathing, its heat, its Mana energy, its presence, I can't detect any of those.


Well done, mimic. You are truly a worthy opponent.

I don't really like fighting but you have made this very entertaining.

Now that the atmosphere have calm down, I recalled something.

"Was it you?" I asked. "The dead monsters and goblins, were they your handiwork?"

I can neither hear or see the mimic but I already know it is its handiwork from the beginning. I was just hoping I might hooked its pride and let it reveal itself to me.

"I take that as a yes."

Seems like that didn't work. It's not proud and it's cautious. Monsters usually aren't cautious and give in easily to intimidation and provokes. And because these two traits, they generally don't live long.

This mimic. It thinks it can escape from me, someone who hunts slippery bastards like you for her whole life. It has another thing coming for it.

It can erase its presence but not its existence in entirety. With the help of my unique Arcane Art, [Grace of the Nines], I'm able to use sonar. An ancient technique of locating things in general and it has since been adopted to the current era as a normal means to track down monsters like this particular mimic. Still, not many was successful in replicating this technique, too many factors involved for just anyone to use it.

A faint pulse emitted from me and bounces back when it hit any obstructions.


There it is. Barely a meter away from where it stood when I last saw it. It's not running. It's afraid of disturbing the stones, I presumed. Still, it is futile.

{Element that illuminates the paths in darkness, a sword of light and benevolence, Durandal}

From novice to advanced, I don't need to chant for those level of spells but not adept levels. So, I chanted in a language that could be regarded as dead, Helix. The oldest language ever known.

[Durandal]. An adept-level magic. It creates a sword made of pure immense light. The absolute weapon to slay monsters of the dark. It is used in close combat but not me. I find it more appropriate for something else.

Make no mistake, it is indeed a greatsword but due to the way it is distinctively shaped and formed, I always used it as a javelin. They never expected someone to throw a greatsword like a javelin. A good element of surprise.

The moment [Durandal] left my hand, I saw the mimic uncloaking its magic and cast a barrier to block [Durandal]. Just from a single glance, I can tell the barrier is far too weak to match [Durandal].

When it realized its barrier magic failed, it attempted to dodge. Its life is spared but not its right arm. [Durandal] tore away its right arm as it went through its shoulder.

Having accomplished its objective of hurting the enemy, [Durandal] fades away.

I expected cries of agony but I received none of those. Instead, mere eyes of contempt and fear are directed towards me. Its mouth is closing and opening, his breathing uncontrolled but no screaming.

"You're not screaming nor seething with your teeth. Do you not feel pain?" I asked the mimic.

It looks at its missing arm and then back at me. "I don't." Its answer was simple.

"Yet, you're still Hyx Atlas?"

It remains quiet.

I must be smiling because it falter from me for a second there.

When I take one step forward, it crawls one step back.

How amusing. To think I have such high hopes for you. "Look at you.... Just like a bug.... Waiting to be squash right now...."

Yes. It is just as I said. It is nothing more than a bug right now. Just like that bug who.....

No. Doesn't matter anymore.

I just have to end you here and let Hyx have his peace. Then, I will see what I can do for the humans it deemed to have "saved". There were records of monsters presumably saving some human and elven females, only to use them for their own "special" activities after. I know this the best. I experienced such thing first hand.

What I am doing? There will be time reminiscing the past later. There is a dangerous monster before me right now.

Where are you staring at?

It's not staring at me. Rather, it's looking at something behind me.

It might just be trying to trick me. To attack me while I have my back turned but the fear on its face is genuine.

I look back.

What is that?

"Harbinger!" That thing said and pointed at me. No, not at me. It's pointing at the mimic behind me. What's a Harbinger?

"Why Common?" I heard the mimic asked. What kind of question is that?

{Penchant for Helix?}

It made a soundless murmur before answering. "Common will do."

"Helix?" I blurted out. If it's a monster that is capable of speech and Helix no less, it must be very ancient. "What are you?" I asked.

It cocked its head. I didn't think it was possible for it move like that in that kind of armor. "An entity born of the Void."

"The Void? How is this possible?"

I'm not believing it but it made sense.

This entity standing before me, is the source of the miasma in the dungeon. It was what we, the Templar Knights came here for. To purify the source.

I can only laugh at the irony now.

"Vira." From behind, the mimic with the skin and voice of Hyx called out to me.

When I turned, it presented a vibrating [Light Drop] to me.

"Goodbye." The mimic bid me with reluctant eyes and a sorrowful expression.

Bemused, I was about to ask when the answer came.

The area is instantly dyed in an intense white flash.

[Grace of the Nines] kept my eyes from being blinded permanently but my vision is still robbed, temporarily.

When the light died out, the mimic was gone.

My immediate thought is to chase after it at once but something caused a tremor to the passage. Right in front of me, I see the passages collapse in an order.

Now, the way is shut by pile of rocks.

"So defiant, right until the very end." The armored monster said.

I shift my focus to it. "Who are you?"

"My vessel is a commander of knights but the very essence of the individual before you is Aedrox." It bowed slightly. Such an out of place action.

"High Lord?" That's an odd name for an odd individual.

"Do you intend to do harm towards our salvation?"

It said some baffling words.

"If you are, then I'm afraid," The veins on its right arm glowed. "I must end you here and now."

It finishes its sentence and attacks.

Its rush is crude and wild but no less effective. Its massive right arm of a blade grazed my left shoulder but Fang's innate ability, [Wielder Healing] took care of the wound.

Its attacks mostly consist of wide swings. Parrying or blocking with a sabre like Fang is the least ideal situation. I doubt Fang would be broken by the blows but it is near weightless, I might get lifted off the ground from a single blow.

With [Light Magic: Blink], I dodged its swings. It had even tried to grab me but that, I can easily prevent with a swift cut that's imperceptible to its eyes. I cut off its left hand for more than five times but five times it just grows back.

[Light Magic: Laser] is just plain ineffective. The armor, or rather the carapace on its torso is harder than its limbs. [White Light] only made it recoiled a little. [Scorching Radiance] might hurt it but given the lack of space in these passages, it would be suicide. Though, if worse comes to worse, I'll consider that.

It fires some sort of dark energy cloud but I sever it with [Magic Ripper], a unique ability of Fang. I could absorb it with [Mana Absorption] or [Magic Devouring Field] but I don't like the idea of having Fang absorbing some unknown energy that can produce miasma.

Our fight is just us trading blows. There isn't a victor. We were both on equal grounds but not for long. I can tell with every second went by, the entity called Aedrox is only getting stronger.

When I created some distance, I fire [Aura Blade] at Aedrox but there wasn't even a scratch on it.

This is bad. I'm getting cornered.

Thanks to that mimic, my escape route is blocked and the only way left to go is the passage behind Aedrox.

"Impressive, mortal. That light shining brilliantly within you, are you perhaps a favorite of the Gods?"

Is is talking about me bearing the [Grace of the Nines]?

"Have they finally grasped the threat of the Void?"

"I don't know what you're speaking of."

"Don't. Play. Dumb. I know you bear a Grace."

It has some deep knowledge of the Gods. "How old are you?" I have to ask.

It looks at its right arm, at me, at the ground, the walls, and the ceiling. "No idea. As old as this world? Maybe older. Can't remember."

I see. It's that old. Figures. It knew Helix after all.

Now I have two monsters that I have to absolutely rid from this world.

"Who's this Harbinger you spoke of?"

It tilts its head. "The boy."

That mimic? "What of it?"

"Not it. Him. He is the Harbinger, the one who will brought us our salvation."

He? Is the mimic a male or does this entity not realize that person is a man, no longer? "It's an it. Not a he."

"Wrong. To the eyes of the frail mortals, he may be an it but to us, He is the Harbinger. An anticipated and beautiful existence."

This entity, it really does look up highly on that mimic. Or is it really a mimic? It might really be Hyx and he has....

No. It's not possible that way. Even the Cardinal has met him and assessed him, Hyx is just a normal human without even a single magic aptitude, a sparkless. That thing is not Hyx Atlas even if it believes itself to be.

"No more talk. An enemy to Harbinger is a target to us."

Us? "There's more of you?"

"We are each an individual but our minds are not. Our numbers does not matter. A single individual is enough to face all mortal races."

Arrogant and conceited but the weight of those words are real. I have to kill these thing right here right now. Otherwise, every race is looking at a non-existent future.

When it attacks again, I feel the increase in its speed and agility. Force explodes upon collides of our weapons. I blocked those aftershock waves with [Nine Crests], nine light shields, they are mobile and are able to move to where I commanded them to. There is a range limit however on how far they are able to move away from me. But what makes [Nine Crests] unique is simply vain against Aedrox. Its destructive force is too great. I wonder how much more this whole place can withstand.

If it wants to, it can collapse the roof onto us at any time. It has got me in leash.

When every hope and way seems lost to me, something spoke to me.

[Lady. You there. Lady.]

Telepathy? Right in the middle of my battle with a Void monsters in a dungeon? Couldn't the timing be anymore perfect.

[Who is this?] I asked.

[Your salvation. You will know who I am if you make your through the passage in front of you.] The androgynous voice answered.

[Through this embodiment of ferocity?]

[Yes. If you don't, he will be the embodiment of your death.]


[No time for questions. Just come to me. I can help.]

Although I don't trust the voice but my current situation isn't any better without the intervention of the voice. I'll listen to what it wants for now.

To get past Aedrox, I summoned a familiar with [Spirit Magic], a Spriggan. Although they are actually used as attendants but they can use a few offensive spells and they can absorbed quite a lot of hits before disappearing. While they aren't used as cannon fodders normally as it would anger the spirits, please overlook this matter just this once, O' spirits.

I dive past Aedrox while it's busy with the Spriggan. When our eyes met, the Spriggran looked angry. Please, forgive me.

To ensure it won't catch up too fast, I invoke a barraging rain of light arrows, [Grace of the Nines (Unique): Soul Seeker].

Leaving it screaming in exasperation behind, I make haste through the passage and arrived at a room, a spacious area.

My face grimaced as I sensed the concentration of miasma here, the heaviest all over the dungeon. This must be its dwelling.

[Over here, Lady.]

Since the voice came from inside my head, I can't pinpoint its location with those words.

[On the other end of the room.] It said.

There, I see nothing but a lance stuck on the ceiling. Someone must have threw it there but where's the owner of the voice?

[I don't see you.]

[You did. Look up.]

I look up and saw only the lance. No one is there..... Wait. The lance is there.

[Are you the.....]

[Yes. I'm the lance that is stuck on the ceiling.]

[How did you end up there?]

[A certain clever boy used me as a javelin. He succeeded and he impaled Aedrox real good with me. Aedrox struggled for a while but in the end, he managed to pull me out of him. Out of anger and spite, he threw me to the ceiling.]

They boy? Is the lance referring to the mimic? The mimic fought that monster and lived? Was the mimic holding back all the time while fighting me?

[My name's Runyx and that will do for now for introductions. Now, pull me out. Take me.]

I have loads of questions but the lance is right. We can talk later.

I easily jump a few ten feet into the air and grip at the lance. With little effort, I twist and pry the lance out of the crack it is budged into.

There was a shock when I touched it. When it is fully in my grip, something was coming together, our souls perhaps, like hand to hand, reaching out for each other. The lance glowed a brilliant gold light like it has regain back its soul and light.

[Title: - Acquired]


[Thank you so much for that, milady. My name is Runyx, a race of living sentient arms, Mondras.] It introduced when I felt something akin to a pact is form. [You are now my master, my wielder. Can I call you milady?]

[Sure?] I answered dubiously.

Runyx. A lance with a blade length that covers two third of its body and the grip occupies the rest. A magnificent and elegant design. It must have been forged by the finest blacksmith.

[Who made you?]

[I don't remember. We weren't given sentience right after we're forged but I do remember who gave us our sentience.]

[And who is that person?]

[Some old geezer. I don't remember.] It replied with an attitude that couldn't care less.

[Are you a divine weapon?]

[Um..... No. I don't think so. We're magical. We can talk and think for ourselves, that's all we know.]

[And you seem to know what that monster is.]

[Oh right, him. His name is Aedrox, "born of the Void", and I was the lock and key to its presumably eternal imprisonment, his seal, so to say.]

[You were created to seal that monster?]

[Well, no. We were created for wars as do many weapons are but they found out we have other uses. Whoever made us, we are made to be unbreakable and we can repel any individual we deemed unworthy of even touching us. Umu!]

I don't recognize the jargon at the end of her sentence but I'll leave it there. [Who is they?]

[Um.... I don't remember. Some bunch of bureaucrats and politicians. I do remember they are people who always have stick up their arse or had someone pissed in their coffee.]

[Okay?] This lance's speech pattern is weird. Perhaps this is the way the precursors talk? Then I am greatly disappointed.

[Welp, whatever more questions you have. It will have to wait. He's coming.]

Although Runyx doesn't have a finger to point, I can tell which direction she's directing me to.

"As expected of the Gods' favorite. You are able to wield that accursed lance." Aedrox was spitting out those words as it came into view from the passage. It crushes the Spriggan's head in front of me. I don't see the body. Is it trying to intimidate me?

[You're good with a blade, right?] Runyx asked.

[I'm good with a sword.]

[Same difference. You'll do just fine with me.]

[What can you do?]

[I cut deeper and harder. Sharper than most Divine Swords you will ever come across, maybe. And I'm made of the toughest metal in the world, maybe.]

[That's all?]

[What do you mean "that's all"? I'm awesome, aren't I?] The lance named Runyx sounded proud.

..... Aren't you just useless?

[I heard that.]

[How do you expect me to fight that thing when you have nothing to offer?]

[Yeesh, milady. Think about it. I'm his seal. What do you think will happen if you use me to slice him?]

I see. You can hurt him unlike most magic or weapon can. I have to use Fang and high level spells after all. Casting spells continuously without a gap is unconventional and Fang isn't the ideal weapon to cross with that massive blade. Perhaps this giant lance is just what I need.

[Exactly. Now, give him hell.]


[Well, unlike us, Mondras, Aedrox is actually a male. Bona fide.]

Again, I heard something incomprehensible from Runyx. But anyways, a male huh? So that means it has.....

[No no. He doesn't. They have two genders like most sapient races but the genders aren't differ by what's down there.]

That's quite complicated. [But it is a he? How are you certain?]

[I asked him once and that he got really mad from me assuming he's genderless.]

[You actually have held a conversation with.... him?]

[I have been his seal to his prison for quite a long time now. We talked, some times. He's not the most sociable person though. He has quite the delusion and ego.]


[Who? Aedrox?]

[Everything here.]

[I can't disagree with you on that, milady.]

Milady, huh. I think I can get use to that. No one had really called me a lady before. Except from a few slip ups. Hyx was the only one who actually call me by name right out in the open. Admirable courage. Sometimes, he would at least have the decency to add "Lady" before my name.

God damn it, Hyx. Why did you let this happened to you?

[Watch out!] Runyx screamed at me but I already knew it was coming. No one could resist being ignored for so long. I swing the two meter long weapon to guard against Aedrox's charge.

"Don't. Ignore. Me." He chewed those words.

He roars and swings his right arm like a madman. It's angry that I ignored his very presence.

More ferocious and faster than ever, I somehow find him even less threatening.

The cause is Runyx. Wielding her brought some comfort to my mind, it's something like assurance of victory.

Her weight is well balanced and it swings wonderfully. Aside Fang in my right hand, it has been so long since I found another such well crafted and balanced weight on a sword. I never imagined I would find it again on a lance. I put Fang back into [Arms Inventory] and wield Runyx with two hands. It is a very big lance after all.

[Appreciate your nice comment about my weight but not my size. I may not have a gender but I'm a maiden at heart.]

I sigh as I yield to the lance's eccentric character. [Of course you are, little Nyx.]

[Hey! Don't call..... You know what? That sounds cute actually. Call me Nyx from now. Please, milady?]

[Sure, Nyx.] I will admit, it's a little bit hard to say, considering it sounds so close to the name of a certain boy.

Nyx giggled. I didn't know it could do that but I'm not surprised.

I dodged a swing from Aedrox as he made another comment about me ignoring his presence. His presence is actually becoming more irritating than threatening.

"Insolent!" He screamed again but I shut him up with a full circle swing.

He looked on in astonishment as he comprehended my move.

I dismembered his right arm and decapitated his head. Whoever made this lance, I would like to thank you for this master-level craft. You have my respect.

Instead of blood, dark energy leaks out like an overflowed tub from his headless neck.

[Eeew~ I forgot about that.]

[About what?]

[They bleed too. Although not blood but it is still gruesome to watch.]

[They? How many more are there?] Aedrox never did give a straight answer.

[Oh. Millions. That's what he told me. Honestly, I say his bullshitting.]

[Such words for a maiden. Anyways, how many do You think there are?]

[I don't know. Probably at least a hundred?]

[There's hundred of Mondras out there to seal his kind??]

[I don't know. Could be. Never met other Mondras before. I was only told that there are other Mondras out there.]

[Do you know where they are?]

[Nope. Ehehehe.]

As I was distracted by Nyx's giggle, something is happening to Aedrox's body. It has yet to fall on his back like any other headless corpse. He stood his ground like his threads have yet to be severed.

[Um.... Milady?]

[Yeah. I know. We should be taking him seriously now. It's not going to die that easily.]

Aedrox, who lost his head and arm, he is growing them back with the help of the raw minerals in this room.

[And that is why I was used to seal him. Now I remember. I don't think he can be killed.]

I shut my eyes, breathed through my nose, easing the rage building up inside me. [That is something you should have told me when I became your wielder.]

[Ehehehe? Sorry?]

I narrowed my eyes. [I don't want your apologies. Tell me how can I kill this thing.]

[Like I said, he can't be killed.]

[Then what's the point of you?]

[I can hurt it?]

[So can I, with some of my magic and attacks.]

[But you merely hurt its vessel. I hurt Aedrox himself. I can make him scream, you know?]

[So did I.]

[Hehe, context~]

I glared.

[Ah.... Well.... I don't know then. This is awkward.]


[Fine. Fine. Fine. That's not the problem now, okay? The problem is this place.]

[This place?]

[This place is his domain after all. He can keep drawing his power from this place and never runs out.]

So we will have to lure it out of his domain's range of influence in order to kill it. That's quite a complication.

[But, I can kill it if you find his core. In theory.]

[His core?]

[His heart, I guess that's how you mortals put it.]

[Call us mortals, one more time, I'll leave you here.]

Nyx shrieked. [Eeek! Sorry sorry. Won't happen again, milady.]

Aedrox howls again to remind us of his disregarded presence. Now, both his arms are a massive blade. His head is now more of a helmet. If I'm correct, the carapace seems thicker too.

[Where is his core?]

[Where the heart is, I guess? Don't take my word for it. Is all just in theory.]

Magnificent. I will have to find a way myself.


I sidestepped an attack. It was fast and a small crater is formed from the attack. It came again and at an unusual speed. He has become way faster than before. I deflect the blow with Nyx. And another. But I missed on the third time.

No. I didn't. I just can't hit him. He became intangible all of a sudden.

[Ah! That's bad! Adjusting!] Nyx said in a panic and a faint glow appeared on the blade of the lance.

Aedrox lunged at me and I barely parried his attack. He's not intangible anymore. Seems like Runyx did something. Whatever it is, thank you.

Using the parried momentum, he swings around and came back with a heavy slash. I raise Nyx as guard but the sheer strength made a crack on the ground beneath my feet.

This is absurd. His power rose too quickly. He surpassed in minutes of combat with me. I see blood trickling down to my arm from my grip. I'm nearing my limit.

I launch my counterattacks but he defended against all of it in a very efficient and precise method. He has managed to grasp my movements.

We once again trade our blows but this time, Aedrox came out as the apparent victor. His prize, a scar across my face.

He said something that sounded triumphant but it's just incorrigible sounds. His power increase came at the cost of his speech.

This battle can't be dragged out. I'm loosing more and more grounds. And I can't just desert the fight and make my escape.

[Milady, I suggest an alternative move?]

[It is not about technique anymore. We are just simply outclassed by his sheer strength and immense power.] He is even able to make me crave for a breather. I'm really loosing the edge here.

[In that case, use me as a conduit for your magic. Arcane Arts, was it? I don't remember the term.]

[What do you mean about using you as a conduit?]

[Like a staff or a scepter. I can amplify your spells and abilities if you use me as a conduit.]

I'm surprised, at Nyx's function and its ability to communicate in a proper manner.

[I fucking heard that.]

I ignored her last sentence. [Alright, let's do it. How much can you handle?]

[I can even handle forbidden-levels.]

Perfect. Then I don't need to hold back. [Very well.] I said and avoid an attack that would have split me into two halves.

Blocking a heavy blow with [Saint's Shield] and [Nine Crests], I use [Blink] to create a gap between us and prevented Aedrox from closing it with [Scorching Radiance]. With just [Scorching Radiance], I have already turn half of the room into cinders and coals.

The next ability I'm about to cast, might turn this whole area into nothing.

A grim situation indeed. Sacrifices have to be made. I have long resolved myself to it ever since I sworn the oath of the Templar Knights. Whatever means necessary, I will eliminate all those who threatens the humans. That is my vow when I lost everything.

I don't intend to survive this fight, not as long as I can take this monster down with me. I will take every monster down with me if I have to. They have taken everything from me. Too bad, they should taken me too.

[Uh... what? What did you just thought about?]

{Element that illuminates the paths in darkness --}

[Oi. What's this about dying together with Aedrox?]

{-- An exemplar of a brilliant and radiant tomorrow --}

[Milady! Don't ignore me! What did you mean by that? Tell me! Please!]

{-- Daybreak} I finished the chant and swings Nyx, who is screaming at the top of its lungs in my mind, at Aedrox who has pounced at me.

A brilliant light emerges from the lance, radiantly shining, like a sunrise, a sure sign of a tomorrow, like the day is breaking out of the night veil.

The light, it leveled along with everything it illuminates, a destruction, as absolute as there will be a tomorrow.

That is the forbidden-level spell of [Light Magic], [Daybreak].

Be seeing you, everyone.

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