《Overture of an Odyssey》H10 - Infested Layer
"Do you perhaps have some degree of aversion towards bugs?" Clammis asked as she swings her sword at a giant centipede, slicing it cleanly into two. Not as clean as [Abyssal Edge] though.
I look at the twenty something numbers of giant centipedes surrounding us in a circle. My glare then shifts to Clammis. "These things are huge and out for our flesh. They're not your common household bugs. So what basis do you have for your question?"
Is it my face? Am I showing?
"Your distorted expression is more severe when facing against the bugs. The difference is quite apparent."
Ah. It is my face. I turn to Muo Li who is at my right. "Really?"
"I don't know." she answered without looking away from the giant centipedes in front of us. "Your face is bloodied. I can't really tell."
And there's that. I keep forgetting how much filth and blood I must be covered in.
"Burn them."
"We need to -- Burn them"
Apparently, the goblins share my view.
"Burn these Creepers."
They were emphasizing the word "Burn". I agree. "Tom, can you burn them all?"
Burn them all~!
Sorry. I just have to do that.
"Can you, Tom?"
Tom the orc offers me a glance in away as if I'm asking a lot from him.
"It's not impossible but it's hard. I don't have a lot of practice." said Tom. "I may be able to use magic but not as efficient as you humans or elves."
Hmm.... Could it be? I distantly remember seeing the flow of Mana in monsters, the flow aren't as fluid as mine. Could that be the problem?
"Pardon me." I said and put my hand on Tom's shoulder.
"Be still." I told him. Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I don't swing that way -- I think.
I can feel it. His Mana flow. It is not in disarray but the flow -- the flow is rough. It does not flow as smoothly as mine.
"Watch out!" Muo Li shouted as she defended us against a giant centipede. Nice, thanks.
"I'm sorry but this will take some time. Tom, please be still."
I don't know if Clammis and Muo Li understood what I am trying to do but they didn't voice any objections and simply gave me a nod.
"Okay almost there.... Just need to do.... this..... and this.....Come on. Shift a little bit towards there..... and over here..... clear the blockade....yada yada and...." I murmured all this as if I'm reciting a mantra. I realized Tom is giving me a weird look but please overlook this. It's my nature. "There! Done."
"Yes, done. Now try using a widespread flame magic." If there's such magic.
He might not have comprehend my actions but I bet he can feel the flow of his Mana has became more fluid. His eyes widened when he realized it. He looks at me and I nod to the question he asked with his eyes.
{Element that incinerates and obliterates, fire that devours the vicinity, Radial Blaze}
"Pff...." I held back just in time. I almost laughed from the chunni-sounding words.
Flames gather in his hands which form a bowl, cultivating the raging flame.
"Everyone, get down!"
Since Tom spoke in monster language, only the goblins did as they were told. Clammis and Muo Li only look at me, blinking. I parrot Tom's words in Common and immediately, the two comply.
I get down the last as Tom raises the flame above his head. When he parts his hands, the flame follows the pattern. Except the flame didn't exactly parted, it spreads out, radially, engulfing everything in its vicinity. Just like what the chant implied.
We, who are crouching down, feel the blazing heat just above us.
The giant centipedes burn nicely. Though fire ain't exactly their weakness, their hard exoskeleton are not something to easily be burned through, but their exoskeleton does catch fire easily. Which is why using fire is the most efficient.
As far as I can tell, not a whole lot of the giant centipedes died from the fire but it did hurt a lot of them, enough to make them scurry away from here as fast as possible.
When I look at Tom to check his condition, I realized something.
Tom falls to his knees after unleashing such magic. His breathing becomes heavy.
"Out of Mana?" I asked, knowingly.
Tom nods. He definitely looks tired.
Yeah. That happens. If I have known that he would consume all his Mana in one go, I wouldn't have asked him to do this. Now we have two magic users who can't use magic due to Mana exhaustion. That's just dandy.
But at least we have two swordsman in our little group. Perhaps swordswoman would be more fitting?
Muo Li and Clammis have retrieved back and donned their armor and gears. Of course, their armaments aren't in peak condition. Their shield is dented in more ways than one and the sword is dull from all the battles. But thanks to the their muscular strength, they are still able to kill without much problem.
As for me, I took some odd trinkets. I don't know what most of it does and neither does Tom. It appears these stuffs are something like trophies from their raids and hunts.
A short while after we left the secret passage, we were swarmed by insect-like and bug-like monsters. The ones with the most numbers are the giant centipedes.
Thanks to Tom's sacrifice, the path has been cleared of those creepy crawlers for now.
"Everyone alright?" I asked the women. They nod.
Tom asks the same thing to the goblins and they all give a thumbs up.
For some reasons, it felt heartwarming to see those little goblins giving such a simple thumbs up. I wonder why.
Good. "Then, let's keep moving."
Somewhere deep in this dungeon, a monster roared. Or it could be a shout.
"What is that?" Muo Li asked.
I look over to Tom for answers just like Muo Li and Clammis. I found him staring blankly at a space.
"Tom? What is that?" I asked him in monster language since he speaks faster that way.
"Most likely the Red Orc, a chief from the other goblin tribe. He triumphs over the other tribe leaders. Each tribe offers him tribute once a full moon."
I see. That's how it is but that's one thing I have to ask. "Why is it call a goblin tribe? Aren't there orcs too?"
"Orcs and ogres all evolve from goblins. Deep down to the roots, I am still a goblin." Tom said while looking slightly ashamed. While I don't actually know what he is so ashamed of but I can think up of numerous things that he's likely not proud of.
"Pardon me you two but can you both converse while we are on the move?" Muo Li peeked in.
"Right.... apo...pologies." Tom said. Ah.... That tone shift is really throwing me off.
We start moving again. Passing through more and more bugs and insects of various sizes. This whole area is really pricking my nerves. I honestly wish I can use flame magic to reduce every last one of this creepy crawlers to ashes.
Oh right, there is another thing I have to ask.
"What are those giant centipedes call?" Muo Li asked back my question when I inquired.
"Yes." I said, affirming my question.
"I don't know. None of the magic beasts here have been seen by anyone before other than the orcs and goblins living in here."
Oh. So, that's how it is.
"C..cr..creepers...." Tom answers my question. "They.... are called Cr....creepers."
"Creepers?" Well, that's fitting. I can see why they are called that.
I exclaimed when I dodged an attack from a bug monster that came out from the walls. Clammis follows up by decapitating the bug's head. She doesn't seems to mind the green blood spilled on her face and armor.
"A truly fitting name for such creatures." Clammis agrees with my mental remark.
"You lots encountered any of those tall, white and eyeless monsters down here?"
"You mean those pale-skinned monsters that bore the smile of a devil?"
That's a nice way to put it, Muo Li. "Yes. Those."
"Ugh.... Those...." Tom's face turned sour upon hearing which monster I'm referring to.
"You seem to hate those pale monsters a lot."
"We called them Wights and they are the most active predators in the upper layers. They practically rule over the layers."
Really? I saw a lot of them but I won't go as far as to say they are the boss of the place. Not if there's more of those demon apes out there. The Wights got shit on by a single demon ape. Oh yeah, there are those demon apes.
"Goliaths." Came the immediate answer from Tom when I asked him. Although his face isn't as twisted as it was when I mentioned the Wights but it still harbors a mild resentment.
"Bad history with those too?"
"They're hard to kill. We once attacked a Goliath with more than twenty in our numbers. We didn't even hurt it."
Ha. That just sounds like you guys are weak. I saw a Wight managed to draw blood from a Goliath. And for me, I.... Oh... right.... I wasn't faring that well myself either. I suppose I'm in the same boat as him.
"In front! In front!"
One of the goblins started shouting while jumping and pointing ahead.
We all follow the goblin's line of sight and where it pointed.
Oh dear lord.
That's a big stinger on your arse.
Don't tell me you're a wasp.
Yeap. It's a wasp alright. A giant-sized, like every other monsters in this place. They are at least more than three feet in length.
There are three of them and one of them had already noticed us. Shit.
"It noticed us!" Clammis shouted.
I noticed it noticed us. Thank you, Clammis but please don't shout when we're literally sticking together like glue. We are moving like this because Muo Li was afraid that one of us might easily get snatch away if we were even slightly spread out. I guess she's only suggesting this because of what happened to her and Clammis.
The wasp which noticed us, comes at us, the stinger aiming for us. I thought that the two women will stand their ground and fight but I was wrong. They have dodged to the side. Tom and the goblins did the same.
Eh? I am the only one who is still standing in the wasp's trajectory.
"Hyx!" Muo Li yelled out but it was too late.
The wasp crashes into me.
I hold back the foot long stinger with one hand, which is only a hair breath away from my skin, and its pincer-mouth with my other hand.
What's this?
It's light. The wasp is light.
It's not the wasp that is light. It is just that I'm strong.
"Ka~chi?" The wasp made a sound when it notices my strength.
As easy as pie, while it's not pleasant, my left hand which is holding its pincer-mouth, pull upwards and my right which is holding its stinger, pull downwards.
"Ka~chi!!!" It screeched as it felt its body getting slowly torn apart.
Yes, I'm tearing the three feet long wasps apart with my bare hands. While it feels good to do something like that but I forgot about the blood spray that comes after.
Yeah.... I'm covered in its blood now. And its green. Ugh....
"You're alright?" asked Muo Li.
"No." I retorted in an instant with a blank stare.
"Eeek~! There! There!"
The goblins are screaming while pointing to something up above.
"Curse! I knew it."
"Oh my god. That's a lot."
"This is bad. Situation have just gotten dire."
Feeling curious I follow their lines of sight.
Oh -- Shit.
That's a hive. A few feet in the air just above us, supported by some stretched out organic gooey materials I have never seen before, a forty feet long and a roughly twenty feet wide hive.
And there's a lot of wasps guarding the hive.
"Tom, how much further is the teleportation formation?"
"It's only a few feet away from the hideout, we hid it under a pile of corpses but since we took the secret passage out, we are making a round trip back to that place. And the path to getting back to there is right through here."
So, we will have to pass right through the path under the hive which has a lot of giant wasps in the way in order to get to the teleportation formation. Hmm....
My facial expression went static as I slowly turn my head to Tom like a rusty cogwheel. "And you are telling me this now?"
Tom looks away. "S..sorry..."
"What's wrong?" Muo Li asked.
"Nothing." I replied, indifferently. I'm a little bit too pissed to talk right now.
"Incoming!" I know Clammis is doing this inadvertently but how can she not realize that we are not even a feet away from her thanks to Muo Li's idea.
Before I can give out an order or idea, the walls which are only a few feet in front of us to our right, explode like something just ram through it.
Okay.... what now?
"Not good!"
"Danger! Danger!"
What are you guys? Crisis and danger announcers?
They're noisy once again but I can perfectly understand why. What burst out from the other side of the wall is a giant bear-like monster. Even on all fours, it's already six feet tall. It's fur is white but with gray markings, similar to those wolves. Two sets of fangs protruding out from their mouth because of the excessive length. Its eyes are pure red, black veins spread around its eyes. And their paws -- damn -- their paws are huge, as large as their head. And the claws that came with it -- I don't think even a Goliath can take a blow from it and be unhurt.
Little do I know that the Goliaths can indeed take a blow from their claws unhurt but I only knew about that in the future.
"S....serr...rrator...." Tom utters the name, uneasily.
Serrator, huh. Even its name sounds intimidating.
"That's a Serrator!?" Muo Li shouted. She has a bigger reaction than Tom and the goblins.
Ha, the goblins are frozen stiff to their spot. They can't run even if they want to.
"Unbelievable. To think that the are not just mere myths." Even Clammis shares the same reaction as Muo Li.
Okay. Now you lots got me curious about this bear.
When I asked, I am told that a Serrator used to exist outside of this dungeon and they were believe to be culled of their entire race hundreds of years ago. Not only are they fast and strong, they also have high magic aptitude and even have better magic and Mana control than a lot intelligent races. There's even a large forest named after these bears, Serrated Forest.
"That is indeed bad news."
But luckily for us in a way right now, is that bugs and insect monsters are their staple food. Which explains the Serrator's behavior and action right now. It climbs the walls like a champ, kicks off from it, and caught one of the wasps guarding the hive. It didn't attempt to make a landing. It just let itself falls to the ground, crashing.
Surprise, surprise, it ain't even hurt but the wasp is as dead as it can be from being crush by the Serrator's weight.
"Not only is it strong but its instinct in battle is something to be considered as well." Clammis made a comment.
Yeah. I can see that.
"Watch out!"
Eh? I'm pushed away.
Ah. I was too intimidated by the Serrator's presence that I failed to pay any heed to my vicinity. A wasp has deemed me defenseless and attacked. Muo Li shoved me out of the way and pay the price instead.
Before my eyes, Muo Li, who has been attacked by the wasp in my stead, has eyes that reminded me of certain two persons.
Memories of Alexander and Cilia flash before my eyes. My fist clenches in response.
""Muo Li!"" Both Clammis and I yelled out to her in unison.
I got back to my feet in a swift motion. Planting my feet firm on the ground, I kick off, launching me towards Muo Li who is pinned by the wasp. She had been quick enough and managed to raise her sword to defend against the stinger.
I didn't think about whether I could kill it. I just want it gone from Muo Li. With such thinking, I swing my leg at the wasp like I'm kicking a ball.
The wasp bent into a V shape as it was flung aside. Sounds of its body and exoskeleton cracking entered my ears clearly. Due to the direction of where I kicked it to, no blood got onto Muo Li or me.
"Are you alright?"
Before I get an answer from Muo Li who looked shock, I hear the goblins screaming for help from behind. I turn and see Goblin B being lifted into the air by one of the wasp. Goblin B is flailing its arms and legs, struggling to get loose but none of those bothered the wasp.
"Eeek~! No! Put him down."
"Shit! Shit! Human! Help!"
"Got Caught! Help, Human!"
Before I know it, I already had a stone in my hand. I have picked it up, unconsciously. Instead of my hand, I pour strength into my waist and shoulder. I didn't just swing my hand as I throw the stone, I swing my whole body.
The stone flew like a bullet as I expected. The stone hit the wasp and its head exploded.
The goblin have a questionable look when it no longer felt it is being lifted further into the air.
It cried when it realizes it's free falling.
And Clammis to the rescue. She catches the goblin who drops into her like it weighted nothing. The other goblins begin cheering while Goblin B is still in bewilderment from being caught by a woman like it weighted nothing.
As if my sub-conscious is learning my lesson for me, my instincts alerted me to three approaching wasps.
Well, two now. One was just snatched away by the Serrator as it just casually leaped across from one side to the other. The other two wasps didn't even realize they are short of one number.
They are coming at me at a speed that I probably couldn't aim well with a punch nor a stone but I don't need to use my fist nor a stone. I have recovered enough.
My Mana that is.
[Abyssal Edge]
The wasps see the blade of purplish black energy appearing in my hand, they see the danger it poses, they see their death in my eyes but they have committed too much already to turn back.
"Fools." I said and bisected the two wasps.
"Hyx. We'll have to find another path."
I was about to reply "no shit." but I soon realize the depths of his suggestion. Three more Serrators are coming out from the hole the first one made.
The Serrator in the middle between the two is bigger than the other three. It must be at least eight feet tall just on all fours. The difference lies not just in its size, its body is even clad in red lightning.
"Alpha." I heard Tom muttered.
Well, that's obvious.
The Alpha Serrator lifts its right paw, the lightning converged and crackled even fiercer. When it swings its paw down, wave of red lightning swarms the hive.
The whole place shook as the lightning completely obliterate the hive. A good number of wasps within the hive fell to the ground like some common debris.
And the tremor the Alpha caused by itself has made a chunk of rock broke off from the walls, it fell from its place, and it hits the Alpha right in the head. That rock was quite a large chunk.
The Alpha look at my way.
It growls at me.
Wait, what?
It roars at me. And every other Serrators also turn their glances at me.
Oi oi oi. You did that to yourself.
"Doesn't matter. Just run!" Muo Li said.
When I turn tail and start running, I realized Tom, Clammis, and the goblins have already gained a head start. Muo Li was the only one kind enough to stay back and snap me back to reality. Damn it. This is a very shameful display.
I glance back to see if they were chasing but they weren't. Instead, the Alpha lifts its paw again, the lightning becomes fiercer around that paw.
Oh crap.
It sends the lightning strike straight at me. Beside me, is Muo Li, running by my side.
On a whim, I throw the [Abyssal Edge] in my hand at the incoming onslaught of red lightning. When the abyss and thunder collides, a competition begins. I was surprise [Abyssal Edge] could withstand the lightning attack but not for long. It only held it back for a mere two seconds before it dissipates. Although, it did buy enough time for us to arrive and turn at a corner. The onslaught of red lightning could only travel straight ends up crashing into the corner.
That was close.
"Oh shit." I cursed. We have been running for ten minutes and those ten minutes seemed to be too docile and tranquil to be true, a clam.... pfft.... a calm before the storm.
How the fuck do I even bit my tongue in my mind?
Anyways, now we are faced with another potentially dangerous situation.
"What are these plants?" Muo Li seems to harbor doubts about the true nature of this buds. "Are these flowers?"
"It can't be. These plants lack colors to be call flowers."
"Gray Spores...." Those words filled with contempt left Tom's lips. "Curses."
In front of us, separating us from our destination which is the other side, is a large field of Gray Spores. These are the same plants as the one where it disperse into spore when the buds are crushed. I can still remember the fun times I had with it -- fun times.
"You know what these are?" Muo Li asked.
"From what Tom just said, they're called Gray Spores. These buds break into spores when destroyed and these spores are highly combustive."
God damn it. "Flammable. They have an interesting reaction to fire or even just a spark."
"Like the black powders?"
I raise an eyebrow. Well if you mean gun powder, then yeah. "Yeah, something like that." I answered. So, gun powder exist in this world, I see.
While we are hesitating about the dangers to just skip through these field, echoes of roars bounce into our ears.
The goblins shrieked upon hearing it and instinctively draw their sword.
"The more time we spend wasting, the closer our enemy is getting to us." Clammis looks like she's about to just dash through the field at any given moment.
I fully agree, Clammis but these spores are no joke.
When another wave of roars came, the goblins finally lost it.
Before Tom can finish his warning, the four goblins have already started running through the field, raising a cloud of dust which are Gray Spores.
"Well, no use thinking about it anymore." Muo Li said and follows the goblins right behind.
Clammis neither nodded nor gave any affirmation and just follow behind Muo Li.
When Tom was about to join, I stop him.
"The magic scrolls. Do you have any wind magic scrolls?"
"One, I think."
"What kind?"
"It's for cutting down multiple enemies."
Okay, that will work but it will be a waste. "Can you cast a simple breeze with the amount of Mana you currently have?"
"I can but.... with the amount of Mana I have now, the wind magic won't be anything that is capable of producing any significant results."
"I don't need a whirlwind or a storm, just a simple breeze. Can you do it?"
Tom nods.
"Alright, after we cross the Gray Spores, blow all the spores at the Serrators when they come through here."
Tom blinks, at me. "But I won't have enough for a fire magic to ignite them."
"That won't be necessary." I said with a smile.
"I know. It's one of the odd trinkets you took, no? It can create fire. I don't know what is it exactly though."
Ha? You referring to the box that I took that resembles a match box? So that's you think. "Don't worry about it. You'll know soon enough. So, just trust me and do what I said, okay?"
He nods.
Another wave deafening roar assaulted our eardrums. Without any more moment wasted, we run through the field. I purposely landed my feet on the unbroken buds, resulting in more spores dispersing into the air, maximizing the effect.
"They here!" Muo Li warned.
The Serrators have finally caught up to us. All four of them.
The Alpha have its gaze locked with mine. The lightning blazed wildly for a moment as if to declare its hostile intention at me.
I smirk in response and the Alpha seems to understand what a smirk is. It stands up on two feet, lightning converging on to both of its paws,
Oh.... Maybe I shouldn't have provoked it.
It then swings its paws down, unleashing a devastating onslaught of red lightning at us.
Shit. The attack covers a wide range. The enclosed space here have not provide us any option to dodge. My eyes shut close as I brace myself for the devastation --
But it didn't come.
I open my eyes and sees the figure of Tom, standing straight in front of us, his hands holding out a parchment of paper. A magic scroll.
It appears Tom has used one of the magic scrolls which created a barrier strong enough to defend against the lightning cavalry.
After the barrier shatters from the attack, the scroll itself crumpled like its time has accelerated.
Not a moment to loose now. "Now, Tom!"
{Element of tranquility and rage, the winds that soothe, breeze.}
As the name suggest, it's just a simple breeze. It carries the spores to the direction of the four Serrators. I don't have any means to ignite it but I won't be the one to ignite it.
The Alpha Serrator itself will.
The Alpha gives off a howl that resembles more of a shocking cry. It knows what these spores are and it knows what will happen if it touches it.
The howl was a signal for retreat. A good move but a late one. The breeze, as slow as it maybe, it is swift however comparing to the movements of the large size of the Alpha Serrator.
The spores reach the Serrators before they could even begin to scamper. The spores come into contact with the lightning clad on the Alpha Serrator.
Yes, this is why I didn't need fire nor do I need to set it off myself. Science has got it all covered for me.
Without a glance, without a care, without any worries, I have already turn my back to the Serrators as I ran off from the place with my newfound allies where a marvelous spectacle is about to happen.
And it did.
Cries of the Serrators and the ignited Gray Spores resounded from our six but none of us even offer the faintest glance back.
Their agony cries sure brings a smile to my face.
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