《Overture of an Odyssey》Intermission - Vira
"One of ours." Regis told me as he confirmed that the corpse was indeed another member of our expedition party. "I guess that's ten confirmed dead adventurers."
"I see." I uttered under my breath. We have rushed towards here as soon as we heard the screams. We were too late however. The insect-like monster was already feeding on the adventurer's corpse. Like breathing to me, I split the insect monster into two.
I looked back over my shoulder, observing the two Templar Knights behind me who weren't in a good shape. They are wounded and exhausted. They were barely even keeping up to my pace.
I clicked my tongue when I saw that. Of course, I made sure no one notice I clicked my tongue.
Make no mistake. This wasn't spite. At least not at them. If it's anyone, it's me. I blamed myself because I betrayed my own expectations.
"What now, Captain Vira?" Maev who is standing the closest to me asked in a worn out tone.
"We keep moving. There's nothing we can do now." I said with a firm and resolute voice.
My name is Vira Ninehearts. A Templar Arch Knight. The head of security for this expedition. Just to make it clear, I don't normally do this sort of jobs. This one is an exception.
Farmas Kingdom. The closest kingdom to this underground ruin. Two weeks ago, the Court Mages and the Court Alchemists of Farmas Kingdom detected a sudden influx of Mana energy from underground about twenty kilometers away from the capital.
Scout parties reported back of a discovery of a newly formed crevasse. It was huge enough to fit five person. The scouts also also discover this crevasse leads deeper underground. Experts have surmised that it might be the birth of some high level magic beast. There were also speculations of it being a dungeon. A dungeon is basically a sort of a labyrinth filled with monsters. Such dungeons also often have valuable treasures, be it jewelries, gold, relic, weapons, knowledge, lost magic, or unknown resources. Such rewards attract people who would dare to brave the dangers for it. While not all but most of them are adventurers.
Wanting to have the first claim be it a dungeon or a high level monster, the Farmas Kingdom was at a dilemma. They are a small kingdom and sending an army of soldiers away will leave the kingdom vulnerable. Although there hasn't been a huge scale war for the last hundred years, kingdoms don't exactly trust each other. So, the King of Farmas decided to hire adventurers. Their reward would be the treasures in the ruin but the Kingdom would take the credibility. Not that the adventurers have any complains. The majority of adventurers are known for valuing monetary more than fame. So why am I leading the Templar Knights along on this expedition?
It is because the Farmas branch's Faith of the Nines temple had also picked up traces of miasma from the underground. Miasma is basically dark energy, energy filled with negative elements. They are harmful to any non-demonic or phantom beings. Anyone with a [Light Magic] could dispel miasma but if it's of high density and covering a huge range, that was a different story. Members of a faith would often be employed to purify the place and rid it of miasma. As this was the case, the King had also implored the assistance of the Faith of the Nines. The dominating faith in Evarenan. The faith even has its own army, the Templar Knights. The head of the Faith of the Nines, Cardinal Sacruen have agreed on the condition of that half of the credibility goes to the faith.
And so, here I am. I wasn't specifically picked. I was just coincidentally the nearest available high ranking knight in the vicinity. Before the expedition begun, I was against the very idea of it. Mainly because I saw the list of people who would be accompanying us. There was a total of thirty people including me. Six soldiers from the Kingdom, six Templar Knights plus a scholar of our own which makes us seven, and finally seventeen adventurers. Excluding me, the highest Overall Power Ranking was only B. For an unknown vast underground area exploration not to mention with the possibility of a high ranking monster to appear, the members were too few and too weak. However due to time being of the essence, the King couldn't bear to wait any longer and decided with this. Naturally, I voiced my complain but the King simply appointed me, the strongest in the party, as the security head of this expedition. I decided from then on that the King of Farmas is a hopeless case. Arguing further is as fruitless as explaining politics to an infant.
The kingdom had only spared six of their own in this expedition. Four of them were mere foot soldiers with an intermediate amount of experience while the other two were much more experienced. One is a Knight Captain of the Farmas Kingdom army and the other was a high ranking Court Alchemist. I was sure there was a title for the high ranking alchemist but I just couldn't be bother with knowing it.
Purely because of the King's greed for fame and riches, the expedition was doom to fail and it did. Before even discovering anything notable or significant, they came. We were suddenly ambushed by monsters no one have ever seen before. Due to the unfamiliarity of their habits, we were at a disadvantage. When I said we, I actually meant everyone else besides me. I was alright for the most part. This is not bragging. This is fact. I am more than accustom to such situations, ambush by the least expected enemies. This was consider something of a norm to me but not them. Not even the two high ranks from the Kingdom army.
In a panic, everyone split up. Among the six who were with me, three of them were separated from us in the confusion. I am not cold-blooded but I'm fine with the soldiers and adventurers heading to their own demise. This was their resolve and their own responsibility when they chose to go on this expedition. However for the six Templar Knights with me, I see them as a comrades, as my responsibility. If it weren't for the missing three, I would have escape this hell hole the first thing when everything went wrong.
Just a few moments after passing the last dead body, we arrived at a fork road. Three paths to choose from; left, middle, and right.
"Oh, come on."Regis blurted out when he saw those tedious options.
I, who was tempered thoroughly by the best swordsman in the world, I offered no such frustrated response. I merely scan the three roads thoroughly. This would have been a much easier choice if our bookworm, Hyx was here. He is good at this sort of things but he wasn't here right now. We'll just have to make do.
"Which way, Captain Vira?" Mave asked. She looked distrustful towards me. Not that I blamed her in this kind of situation. Although, her voice and tone don't sound distrustful to me at all. She might just be exhausted.
"Left." I answered. Certainly, there is a good reason that I chose left. The path on the right has the highest density of miasma while the middle one has the lowest. The path on the right tells me that we will be going head to head with tons of monsters. I didn't chose the middle one because its miasma density is too low. Even lower than the miasma density of the area we are in. Which makes it seem too much like a trap. Therefore, the left lane is best option.
I do not know if the others understood my choice but I don't need them to. I just need them to follow me. Second guessing a decision from a superior would only leads to a breakdown in the chain of command, resulting in a unneeded chaos.
"Alright." Leon, the forth member, managed to say despite his condition. He is even using his spear as a crutch. "Right behind you, captain."
Out of everyone here, Leon maybe the least trusting of me. I just hope he doesn't decide to go against my orders is all I ask. At times like this, I wish Hyx was here. He is always so sanguine about stuffs. It even made me question his sanity at one point but of course, I didn't tell that to him directly. Not that I hate it, it helps from time to time and it would certainly help right now.
It had only been roughly a day or more since we descend into the unknown darkness. We have prepared provisions enough for a month but all those were lost during the ambush and the confusion. Thanks to my unique Arcane Arts [Grace of the Nines], using Mana, I'm able to stay hydrated and supplement myself with magic power as substitute for food. Of course, this privilege only applies to me. I can't say the same for the others.
Before we step into the left path, I stopped in my tracks. I was quiet for approximately three seconds.
"What's wrong, Captain?" Regis asked, sounding concern.
Without glancing back, I told them "I'll say this once again, you all can turn back now and leave this place. You need not follow me. I won't belittle you for it."
"Captain Vira?" Maev asked back, seemingly disbelieving the words she just heard from me. "You know we can't......"
Before Maev could finish, I cut her off. "We have neither food nor water. Unlike me, you three are not self-efficient. I don't contract disease easily too. It would take a lot of miasma before it becomes poison to me. But all that is me. Not you. So I implore you to think about this." I told all of them the harsh truth without any honey or sugar coating.
They all looked at me in silent. Maev have cast her gaze downwards. Looks like she felt the hit of reality. Leon clicked his tongue, not at me but at himself. Regis just stood there, staring at the ceiling.
"Ma~" Leon broke the silence. "Then I'll say this once again too, I won't leave our team behind." Leon replied. Despite being the one in the worst condition, his tone was fill with resolve and energy.
"Just as Leon said, Captain. We would never leave each other behind." Maev said with a fist to the chest.
"Same goes to me, Captain." Regis joined the last.
"Besides, it is actually too late to turn back now." Leon commented.
I titled my head as I concentrate on my hearing. Leon's right. The place we were ambush, the pale monsters have already regroup there. Too late, indeed.
Anyways, I expected that would be their answer. After all, it would be un-knightly of them to return to the surfaces themselves while their teammates left abandoned in the darkness. I was neither contend nor against their decisions. I was just in a frustrated dilemma. Should all of them die, the entire weight of their deaths would befall onto me.
My eyes were close as I once again steeled my resolve. "If that is indeed your decision, I will not accept any complains later."
"""Understood.""" The three said out loud in unison.
I offered a wry smile at them but since I didn't glance back at them, they couldn't see the smile. I'm well aware that my smile was a blue moon phenomenon. Letting them seeing my smile might be a good jolt for them but I'm afraid it would be too much of a jolt. I chuckled in silence as I imagined that comedy skit in my mind.
"Captain?" Regis asked, he seemed to have notice my chuckle.
"Let's keep moving." Of course, I ignored his question and walked on.
The path led us to a smaller passageway. A corridor with a four meter width and an eight meter height. It fits my party but I doubt it fits the pale monsters that ambushed us. I was a little relieve at this fact. We advance further into the corridor and after a few minutes, we felt the ground was sloped. We were descending deeper in to the darkness.
"Ores...." Regis said, his fingers tracing on the brownish black walls of the passageway. Since he is the only one with the [Appraisal] ability among us, it was only natural for him to be pointing out any point of interest.
I wasn't particularly interested in it though. My response was a mere murmur.
"What kind?" Maev asked, her eyes was wide open.
"Azunmite Ores?" Regis answered with a question.
"What kind of ore is that?" Leon asked. He was still hanging on strong. Admirable.
"I don't know." Regis shrugged. "There isn't any info other than the name from [Appraisal]."
"We are not here for ores." I remind them as I kept walking.
Besides the huge deposit of Azunmite ores in the walls, there wasn't any monsters but we do occasionally hear the cries of monsters and screams presumably from the other parties. We paid no mind to the two. It wasn't like there was anything we could do. After walking for about an hour, we finally came to a larger space. Instead of a narrow passageway, we were now in a hall.
"Wow." Regis gasped.
The hall seems to be a different area. There were stone pavement leading to the other end of the hall but the rest of the grounds are soil. Plants that nobody have ever seen before were growing everywhere. Some are even glowing in the dark. Some looked extremely poisonous. Fortunately, the pavements was cleared of the overgrown plants. This makes it easier for us to proceed. Although, we do not know who made this straight path.
"I don't think I have ever seen these plants before." Maev said.
"Nobody has." I answered. "As far as I can tell, everything is new down here. We should be expecting more surprises as we head further and deeper in."
"Can't argue with that." Leon made a casual remark. He has a bulge in his pocket. Must be a Azunmite ore but I let him go with just that.
Despite my disinterest in the difference of this area, I do admire the beauty and grace of the plants here. It has an elegant feel to it. I would have liken it to a garden but as I advance further, I saw there are trees that grew until the ceiling. It became something too excessive to be consider a garden. There must be at least a good fifty meters distance between the ground and the ceiling. So the tree is quite tall. Thankfully, the trees were not in the way of the path. They grew on the sides of the path. The trees are coiled in glowing cyan vines. The trees itself have flowers blooming on the branch. It certainly is a magnificent view.
We were so entranced by the trees that I failed to notice something approaching us until it was too late. It approached us on all fours, slowly out of the dense vegetation around the trees. If it weren't for the rustling sounds of the vegetation, I doubt I would have notice the approaching monster. The way it move was terrifyingly silent.
What appeared from the bushes is a two meter tall ape-like monster. It has thick armor plates all over its body. The armor plates seem to be part of its body. Its fur under the thick armor is brown. Its teeth are sharp enough to be called fangs. Its eyes are just purely white. No iris nor pupil, just pure white. It also has a pair of curved horns protruding from its forehead. Its blood veins glowing an intense dark purple. It crawled towards us like an ape would. It's breathing but it's quiet. Quiet enough to get near us without alerting me. Impressive.
"Regis?" I asked him since he has appraisal. His appraisal didn't work on the pale monsters last time. I doubt it would work this time but no harm asking.
"Goliath." Regis gave an unexpected answer.
"Huh? Don't think I have ever encounter a Goliath before." Leon remarked.
No one has. Goliaths appeared only in myths and bedtime stories. There were multiple depictions of Goliaths but they were always depicted as large and physically strong.
"So this is a Goliath." Maev unintentionally muttered.
"What else?" I asked Regis again.
"Rank B." His tone was hollow. "His abilities are....." His voice trailed off.
"Regis? What abilities does it have?" I probed the stiff Regis for more information.
He made a gulp sound before finally answering. "[Near-Indestructible Hide], [Body Strengthening], [Fire Magic Resistance], [Lightning Magic Resistance], [Shockwave]."
I didn't interrupt Regis. I just stood and listened attentively to this appraisal. When he seems to have finished, my response was "I see." And I drew my sword from its scabbard on the left side of my waist. The sword wasn't anything special but that's the point. I intend to test the strength of this Goliath.
"Prepare yourselves." I ordered.
Regis immediately drew his sword and held it with both of his hands as oppose to me with one hand.
Maev went into a drawing stance but she did not draw her sword, or rather her katana. She just held her stance as she eyed the Goliath.
As for Leon, his grip around his spear which he has been using as a crutch tightened.
I assumed the Goliath sense our retaliating hostility, it began its attack. It leaped several meters into the sky, before dropping back down with both of its fist driving into the ground. Its point of attack was of course, us. We all managed to avoid its attack from the sky but its ability [Shockwave], did what its name implies, it sends out shockwave from its drop towards its surroundings.
I heard Leon screamed as he got thrown away and a loud groan from Maev as she withstood the force. For Regis, he was just pushed back by the force. It appears that he and I didn't make a sound when we received the attack. Nice job for that.
After that attack, the Goliath sent its gaze towards all of us. It was picking its next target.
As I wonder who would be his target next, I prepare a spell. I intend to unleash the spell when it has decided on a target.
It growled as it laid its eyes on its next victim.
"Good." I muttered as I approved his choice of target. So come on, come at me. I'll make you regret for not having [Indestructible Hide] instead.
"Everyone!" Maev shouted.
I turned to see what cause Maev to shout and I understand it upon witnessing two more Goliaths appearing from the dense vegetation. I said nothing but merely gesturing at them with my eyes, ordering Maev and Regis to take on the newly emerged two. I left Leon out because of obvious reasons. However, the person in question himself doesn't seem to be giving up.
"May the Nines bless us through all grims." Leon said his prayers as he also went into a battle stance. Sluggish but expected considering his wounds.
"May the Nines bless us." Regis resonated the prayers.
"May the Nines bless us." Maev followed.
Now it's my turn. "May the Nines bless us."
Alright, let's do this.
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