《Stormbound》Chapter Ten



Apology time again. Not even two chapters later and I did it again. I know, I know, I have a problem, I’m working on it. It won’t happen again.

Did you go? You saw it. Alright, now, this time, I really forced that cliffhanger. I mean, there probably wasn’t a need to, there was already a bit of a cliffhanger with the mysterious newcomer. But I did it anyways.

It’s a compulsion, I swear.

I think I’m just gonna leave this hole here. Seems like I’ll be using it in the future. Maybe get a window I can open and close or something...

Regardless, Keidra did not scream. Keidra didn’t yelp. Keidra didn’t squeal. Keidra didn’t say a word, because the man had approached over my shoulder and she had seen him coming. While I was lost deep in thought, she had already been looking in his direction.

I, on the other hand, jumped at the new sound, already having been accustomed to the silence provided by Keidra’s sound ward.

The man who brought our food to the table was a rugged, outwardly human individual somewhere in his thirties. He had brown hair and a square jaw, naked of stubble. His blue eyes were set into a handsome face, and he gave off a feeling of perfection, as if the gods themselves had sculpted him from the earth. He was wearing a suit of armor, symbols bedecking the plate. A shield hung on his back, a sword at his hip.

“Glad to see you made it, Rendal,” Keidra smiled. Something about that smile irked me.

“Well, it’s my duty to see this mess cleaned up,” Rendal said, pulling up a chair. His movement was fluid, almost unearthly. There was no wasted motion. It was weird.


“Indeed,” Keidra nodded. She then looked my way, “I was just informing my new ensign of the state of our party.”

“New ensign?” Rendal asked, curiosity on his face. “You found a fledgeling storm sorcerer out here? And at his age?”

Keidra beamed back, “Yup. Just ran into each other at the bar last night. I gave him my pitch and bang! New member.”

Rendal scrutinized me, saying to Keidra, “Cinnar always did say you stole her luck. Guess there’s more truth to that than I gave credit.”

Keidra laughed.

I was feeling very put-upon by this new member at the table, especially since his analyzing stare seemed to be staring into my very soul!

Rendal suddenly grinned, and I flinched. Oh gods. Goddess. Whoever’s listening, please don’t let him be able to see my soul. I’ve got a font there that is tantamount to heresy and I don’t like the look of those symbols on this guys armor. Most people that walk around with that many symbols are part of some sort of cult or religion and DAMMIT WHY CAN’T I REMEMBER THE SYMBOLS OF ANY GODS!?!

“He seems green,” Rendal said, not turning his eyes from me.

“As I said. Sorcery is unique in that one can awaken it at literally any point in life. I once heard of a man who awoke to fire sorcery on his deathbed. Saved the family the cost of a coffin by turning his bedchamber into a pyre.”

“Guh. That was a dark joke, for you.”

“Well I can’t help it that I’m feeling dark when you’re giving my brand new, gem-in-the-rough recruit the shits. He’s not a criminal, he’s not undead, so drop it, Rendal.”

Rendal smirked at this, amused, and finally removed his gaze from me. I sagged back in my chair, gasping for air. Sweat streamed down my face and I felt incredibly faint. The two continued their discussion, but I didn’t absorb any of it.


I had just been stared down by a being of unfathomable power. As if the gods themselves had taken weight of my soul.

I think I’m going to be sick.

An indeterminate amount of time later, my nausea passed, and i managed to tune back into the discussion.

“-wants me.” Rendal was saying. “Marriage is the only way to tie one of my nature to your clan, and your father is a wise man. It’s only a matter of time.” He smiled at Keidra.

Keidra smiled back. “Well, I wish you luck with that then. I’ll be looking forwards to the results.”

Marriage? What? She was talking about marriage with him? He was going to ask her father?

I… I couldn’t handle this. This was just… too much. I mean, I know I don’t have any claim over Keidra, but I though- And then this guy comes over and just-

Damn it, I can’t think! I pushed away from the table. “I’m going to get some sleep,” I mumbled at Keidra’s surprised look.

“You’re not going to eat?” She asked as I turned away.

“Not hungry.”

As I moved towards the stairs, I passed through the ward and flinched as sound abruptly assaulted me. Shaking my head, which was the source of a quickly growing headache, I continue moving, but was stopped when Keidra placed my forgotten plate in front of me.

“Take it with you, you may not feel like eating, but your body needs it.” Her tone was sympathetic. Pitying.

I don’t know why, but I couldn’t look her in the face right now.

I took the plate, mumbled something to Keidra, then moved back up the stairs. Inside my room, I sat down on the bed. The food had no taste to it, my mind still somewhere else.

So Keidra already had someone courting her, someone who was planning to ask her father about marriage. It hurt that she led me on like that, and that the revelation came from a third party, her future fiance, no less, but it was good to have that out of the way. Now I could just treat her as a mentor. I just needed to kill the budding feelings, right? That was easy enough.

So shut up heart. You can’t love her.


Sleep was a long time in coming.

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