《The Mimic》Chapter 6: The new boss in town
Chapter 6: The new boss in town
Okay, now how does this skill work?
“GOH GOH!!” In other words, Main menu!!!..... nothing? I think to myself, as I try to see my stats.
We ended up spending the night in the boss room. I am not sure how frequently the boss respawns but at the very least it is not instantaneous. After She was healed, I passed out, but now I am awake, while the girl is still asleep.
When I look at her I can see some of her information.
Race: Demon Level:16 Name: Aura of Neyeo
The name comes up after I stare at her for more than a few seconds. So, her name Aura huh. In my mind the spelling sounds like the English word but the sound of the actual name is different, its like Ow-Ra with a rolled R sound.
While she has been, asleep I have been trying to get a grasp on how to use this new power of mine. I am currently trying to take a peek at my own stats but can’t seem to get it right, no matter what I say or do, nothing seems to be working.
“Peek!! Investigate!! Status!!” as soon as I say status, letters begin to appear in front of me, in bright white print.
Race: Mimic Soul: strong Rank: lower devil(8) Dungeon boss: First floor Name: Mun Ziredah Points avialable: 5 Level: 15 Mp: 510 Hp: 945 Sp: 480 Strength:1+(4) Agility: 1+(5) Wisdom: 2+(6) Intelligence: 2+(5) Dexterity: 2+(4) vitalty: 2+(4) Skills: Shapeshift(eater), ???, ???, skewer, evolution, darkvision, lowlight, status, Foolish,
Blessings: 1
Firstly. WHATT!! Dungeon boss!! I can’t believe I became a dungeon boss after defeating that thing. Well, I am going to leave this place though, so the title means nothing to me. Lets check out my skills
The first to catch my eye is evolution and then ???. Evolution seems useful, and I have idea what ???, status is probably the ability to see stats.
Okay let me check this first, then.
Evolution Ex(Extraordinary) Level: Max All species have this ability. With enough work anyone can become stronger.
Evolution requirements:
Collect Ruby : 1/1
Defeat 500 enemies: 500/500
Defeat (5) floor bosses:1/5
Eat metal: 0/100
Sp cost: 400
Wo. This place really is like an rpg. The ruby must be what the golem dropped earlier. I picked it up after I saw it, I thought I might be able to use it as money if need be, but it seems it also serves another function. But man!! The skill uses almost all of my sp. I can’t use it yet anyways, so I guess its fine.
I’ll check the ??? if it helps at all.
??? ??? ??? Ability unknown
Oh, well that helps, come on!!! I look around some more when….
“Mr mimic??” Aura wakes up and starts to rubs her eyes. “what are you doing?”
“ah nothing ” but all that came out was Goh goh goh.
Well now that she is awake I can help her get home. Though I am not even sure how I am going to find her home. I look at the aura, she gives me a bright smile. Ah right She is from Neyeo
“mr mimic is scary, but mr mimic is actually really nice.” Uh sure kid. Lets get ya home for now. I extend a limb to her, to help her up.
“ah okay, lets go.”
And we left the dungeon, is what I would like to say, but before we could even get out of the boss room.
“a child is in danger!!”(Man) a yell comes from behind me.
“really? It looks like that thing is trying to help her up. Doesn’t it?(man)” the voice of a young man speaks.
“What nonsense!! A monster would not help a child.” I turn around to see a man in his early twenties in a full set of armor and a beautifully adorned sword at his hip. ”Quickly use observe on the creature!!”(Man) He yells to the young man, in a wizard robe, next to him.
“Look I don” He tries to dissuade the armored man
“now!!” the armored man yells, taking a swing at my limbs, I shift to the side to reduce the blow.
“Observe!!” The robed man yells. As he does I look at the man attacking me, so that I can see his level. Two can play at that game!!
Race: Human Level: 12
Wow this guy is weaker than I thought he would be, he is only level `12.
“What hell?” The man in front of me says In surprise, perhaps because the swing he threw with all his might did not do the damage he thought it would.
“You are not going to believe this William!!” The robed man yells to his comrade, in a distressed voice.
“Don’t tell me!! He’s!!”(Armored) he yells, now taking more caution in his steps, giving me a bit of room to breathe. I swing tendrils at him, but he easily parry’s them with his sword.
“yes!! The monster is smarter than you!! BAHAHAHA!!”(robed) The robed yells, breaking into laughter; the man in front of me turns beat red; from anger or embarrassment, I can’t tell.
“Stop joking around, my attack didn’t go through!!” he yells to his friend.
“Calm down, it’s a level 15 mimic, apparently, it’s the boss of this floor. He is a named monster, so be careful.” The robed man finally explains the situation to his friend.
That robe guy seems to know my stats, but he yelled observe to see my stats, a different but similar ability, perhaps?
“Thanks!!” The guy in front of me began to smile, regaining his confidence, now knowing what he is getting himself into.
This guy thinks he can take me. Haha. I’ll show him.
“Stop!!!”(Aura) Aura yelled from behind me, causing me to hesitate. The armored man on the other hand, doesn’t and, slashes at me.
“goh” I let out a small yelp, huh? Could have sworn that was a head on attack. But it didn’t do much damage. My attacker quickly takes a few stems back, looking around at where he attacked me, with a look of confusion on his face.
“Huh?”(Armored man) then the robed man begins to speak.
“The girl is of the demon race!! William, lets leave!!”(Robed) The robed man yells, angrily this time, no longer calm. Well if they leave that will be better for me, I’d rather not have corpses near a child.
“She is a child Lanard!!” But the armored man persists, taking another blow at me, but this time I manage to dodge it. Did they notice when Aura spoke? Perhaps they are speaking a different language?
“Stop being so self righteous. If barnet finds out about this!!”(Robed) The man retorts, trying to convince his “Friend” to leave.
“Her race doesn’t matter to me!! Did you forget!!” The man points to his neck for some reason while saying that. Well it seems that the guy I am fighting has principles, but his attacks are to weak.
“Shut up!!God dammit!!” Lanard yells out his fury, being reminded of something he wishes to forget, I am familiar with the emotion. “Get out of the way, moron” He yells, moving his hands in a strange way.
“Wait!!” The guy in front of me stops for a moment, and jumps away from me.
“Fire Ball” lanard yells so loudly, that is almost a screech; at soon as he finishes his yell, a large ball of fire begins to form in front of him. Before I can even react, the raging ball of flame is already mere feet away from me.
Oh crap.
I move out of the way, but the speed of the fire is too much for me to escape and hits me head on moments after its release.
The flames engulf my body, the blow felt like a punch right to the gut, if I could feel pain, I know I would not have had the will to get up from. But my body is no longer that of a human and the blow, although strong, is not enough to knock me down, the fire on the other hand is slowly chipping my health away.
“No!! mr mimic!!” Aura starts running towards me, but I make a gesture so that she doesn’t come close. For a moment, I thought she wouldn’t listen, she is a child after all, but surprisingly she obeys me and instead starts yelling at the two men.
“What the hell warn a guy!!” The armored man, called William, starts to get up from the ground, but before he can, I attack him, tightening my limbs into the shape of pincers.
“Gahh!” he screams a bit, but the damage is not what I thought it would be. William, although surprised, quickly regains his composure after my attack. What this guy is really sturdy or perhaps he just has really good armor.
“That stung!! What the hell Lanard!! I thought you said he was only level 15!!” The William yells, with a bit of blood dripping down his lips.
“he is!! Didn’t you just see me use fire ball!! That should have been enough!!” He starts to quickly say, in an almost panicky tone.
“William, I am going to use the remainder of my mana, I can probably get his health to 500 but the rest is up to you!!”
“500!! How much h” Before he can finish his sentence, Lanard responds.
“945!!” I have no Idea why these guys are so freaked out, but lets get this over with. I run to the robe guy, who can use that annoying fire ball attack, with any luck I can prevent him from using it again.
I run up close to him, so close that I can see the fear on his face, as I step into my range of attack, just as I am about to swing my tendril to attack, he..
“Fire ball!!!” Crap!! That magic is way to fast and at this range!!
The attack hits me, engulfing my entire body in flames, the power this time is a lot stronger and actually manages to knock me back a couple of feet, before I can react, even before the flames end, William attacks me, this time with even greater force then the last time.
I would scream if I could right about now, but I can’t. I form my pincers once again and attack William, knocking him back a couple feet, but this guys has clearly been in more than one battle and manages to keep his balance.
“Stop it!!”(Aura) Aura starts yelling, with a stained voice, as if she is about ready to cry.
Don’t worry Aura, I’ll kill this guy’s soon enough, crap the other guy, I check in the corner of my eye, to see the man knocked out cold on the ground, that is fortunate. I was afraid he might use fire ball again. Even now it is doing continuous damage to me.
As I turn back to face William, he gives me an acknowledging smile, as he is telling me that I am a worthy opponent.
“You are no ordinary mimic. Ill give you that…. But I will end you!!!” He yells, his body begins to glow a strange white hue.
“Stop!!” Aura, interferes, using her own body as a shield to protect me.
“Crap I can’t stop!!” The armored man yells as he swings his sword downward. No!! he is going to hit aura!! Using this quick body of mine, I move to aura, almost instantly, covering her entire body in my tendrils.
“Goh!!” aghh!! The attack hits me like a truck, and I fall to the ground in exhaustion.
I quickly shift my gaze to see if aura is okay. I look around and find her kicking the armored man. Stop that girl!!
“I’m sorry girl, I didn’t know he was your pet.” He says to her as he rubs the back of his neck, in a playful “my bad” fashion.
“Demons sure are strange. Hahaha!! Oh look he is awake.” He points to me, as he bumps the back of auras head to get her attention. Aura gets surprised, from the bonk, at first but then realizes what he was trying to say and she turns to see me.
“Mr mimic, Your okay, thogt you wodnt wake up!! ”(Aura) she rans me, with a face full of tears. What an odd child I think to myself.
“to think a mimic could be tamed, But that does make more sense than a wild mimic being this strong though.” The man says rubbing his hairless chin.”
“Anyways, after you beat the boss, you must have gotten stuck as the boss monster am I right?”
He starts talking, strangely enough, to me. Somehow I feel like I missed a conversation somewhere.
“Uh yeah” But all that comes out is Goh Goh.
“Thought so” He responds. Wait can this guy understand me.
“Goh Goh?”
“Nope!! But I can understand your soul” he says closing his eyes and bring his fist close to his chest. What the hell? Doesn’t that just make him an idiot?
‘’hey, I know what your thinking!!” Aura jumps at his yell.
“You think I’m awesome right?” he says smiling proudly and looking into the distance like some kind of tv super hero. We are in a cave, you idiot, that doesn’t look cool at all!! Well at least I got my, he is an idiot isn’t he, question answered.
“Worry not, it only lasts about a day, after that, the boss monster can wander around.”
Well at least he gave me some good information. I say getting up, but my limbs droop to the ground just as I am about to stand.
I turn to William and, surprisingly, so does Aura.
“sorry, my skill must still be affecting your mimic little girl.” He tells her, giving her a kind smile. Aura gives a firm nod in response, as if understanding what he is saying. Though I am pretty sure there is language barrier between the two.
“though to be honest, that was supposed to be a sure kill move. It hit head on too.” He tilts his head to the side, putting a hand on his chin, a bit curious as to why I survived. Aura on the other hand begins to out and give him an upset look, can she understand him?
“I guess, I still have a lot to learn!!” Aura jumps, from the yell; William, ignoring Aura ‘s condition, starts to jog in place, trying to pump his self-up.
“Sorry about my friend, hey can you ask your mimic to open the doors?” he says, picking up his unconscious friend’s body, and heading to the exit, the way we came through. Aura tilts her head in response. She probably doesn’t know I become the boss of the floor.
Well if he is going to leave I won’t stop him. I concentrate on opening the door, something I know how to do out of pure instinct. And after a couple of moments it opens.
“thanks ki…” His voice trails off as he goes deeper into the dungeon as he carries his unconscious friend further down into the dungeon..
Well, glad the weirdo is gone.
Now. Time to go. I try to get up, but my legs grow numb and I fall on my butt.
Lets wait a bit…. Yeah lets do that.
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Given a year to prepare by the mysterious ‘system’ for contact with the wider galaxy, humanity must work to ensure the Earth’s defense is ready to meet any challenge. Sadly, most of the world seems dedicated to tearing itself apart as the year-end deadline gets closer. The west is in barely contained Chaos, while the east descends into internal conflict and war. The Pillar Forts, one of the few successful projects of the United Nations headed by the United States, stand ready to defend humanity against any invasion that may come through the strange Connection Pillars that appeared on each continent. Massive steel and stone walls that surround the Connection Pillars. They are filled with deadly men and women trained in all manner of warfare, each trained in the newly acquired System with skills and magical abilities that they put to deadly purpose. Beside these brave warriors, tanks, helicopters, artillery and more stand ready to defend humanity at each of these powerful installations. But, can they overcome the disparity in levels and experience between themselves and the forces that threaten them and the rest of humanity? Main Characters Jessica Brown- A young African American girl. Her 18th birthday in Detroit was the same day the systems message appeared. She discovered she was Level 7, much higher than most of the rest of the world. Why she is blessed, or cursed, with the power she doesn’t know. But what she does know is that she rather likes the feeling that comes with manipulating magic. The week after her birthday, government workers started testing every person in the US in a massive census effort of skills and abilities. Jessica Brown found herself conscripted into the US Magical Corp, a new branch of the US Military, and shipped off to a Pillar Fort. Somewhere hot and muggy in her ancestors’ home of Africa. As she grows stronger, she finds she has some connection to the pillars. While everyone else sees beauty or danger when they look at the pillars, after connection is made all Jessica can see is a Tree. A tree the size of the entire universe. Isaka Smith - is a third generation American and farmer who just wants to be left alone. But she is dragged into the situation by events beyond her control. When people in her small town had to deal with rioters and looters after the system announcement, she rallied them to defend themselves, earning her a trait that the government found extraordinarily useful. After a visit to a local reservation, she finds herself conscripted to lead one of the many small support towns erected around the great pillar forts. Not near her old home, but in far-flung Africa. John McIntire, the “Fighting Bull” -The commander of the African Fort, but because of circumstances beyond his ability to contend with shortly after taking command after being re-activated from retirement, he finds communication with his chain of command increasingly difficult. The US government, hell, even the United Nations, seems to have fallen into complete and utter chaos. The African Union is embroiled in a bitter civil war just outside his door, and supposedly, most of the world governments are in similar situations. Meanwhile, John must do his best to be ready to facilitate diplomacy, or to match the hostile argument of whatever force might come through the pillar of light when the year timer finishes counting down. Can our heros defend Earth from outside threats, while it tares itself apart? Or will they need to rebuild from the ground up? DEDICATION: This story is dedicated to my father who passed away recently. Jim Holloway, you’ll be missed you old silverback gorilla. Love you dad. Always have, always will.
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