《Rise of an Undead in a Fantasy World》5. Powerful Pomegranate Passion!
Tim had spent the entire night doing all the exercises he knew, which to be fair, wasn't all that many, but it showed great work ethic.
Despite the fact that he was a no-life gamer back on Earth, that didn't mean he was lazy. In fact, he was quite hard working. It was just that he set his sights on things like grinding experience and loot from mobs back in his games, but it was hard work nonetheless.
Tim wasn't sure because he had never had a workout routine once in his life, but he couldn't tell the difference between yesterday's and today's progress, as there was little to no improvement that he could see with the naked eye. This was normal of course, but Tim didn't know that.
He believed it to be another downside of his undead body, but he planned to continue doing it, as there was only one way to be sure. He also enjoyed the motions of being so active now that his body had much more stamina than his previous living self.
The only time Tim had ever "exercised" was in middle school. He had been asked to run for five minutes. That may not seem like much to the average child but to a boy the size of a twig and with the stamina to match, it was more than exhausting.
Tim, with his minimally diverse workout still in session, heard a knock on his door.
After the door slowly opened, a familiar figure appeared from behind it.
Mr. Gee was wearing the same silver and gold robes as the day they met, the only difference being what looked to be a knapsack made of animal skin in his hands.
"Good morning, Mr. Hodgins." Mr. Gee said. "I've been thinking, and I was wondering if you would like to make a deal?"
"So you're offering to perform another awakening ritual for me..." Tim repeated. "If I let you study me when I'm in the village?"
Mr. Gee gave a wide businessman smile.
"Actually, I said I would perform all of your remaining awakening rituals, Mr. Hodgins." Mr. Gee clarified. "I even have all the materials in this here sack of mine. It isn't easy getting these, you know?"
"That still doesn't explain why you would spend such valuable resources on someone like me," Tim said. "What are you getting out of this?"
Mr. Gee's brows furrowed.
"Just think of it as an old man doing you a favor," he said.
"I never asked for any favors," Tim said.
"Well, actually you've asked for many since arriving." Mr. Gee reminded him. "I assumed you wouldn't mind another."
Tim was about to make a retort before stopping himself. The clothes he was wearing, the room he was in, and the magical equipment he had on his bed were all given to him at no cost at all.
"Fine," Tim said. "I'll take your word and trust that you aren't just trying to make clones of me using my DNA or something. I accept your proposal."
Mr. Gee was obviously confused by Tim's remark about cloning him, but his smile visibly widened.
"Wonderful." Mr. Gee said with glee. "If you would like, we can begin the ritual as early as this afternoon. It would be wise, however, to finish your morning training before undergoing yet another ritual."
Mr. Gee had obviously noticed the sheet on the ground that Tim was standing over and understood that there was exercise being done.
"Oh, I suppose I'm finished," Tim said.
Mr. Gee made a strange look.
"You're finished?" he asked. "But it looks like you haven't even broken a sweat. Don't be putting your routine to the side just so you can get to the rituals quicker."
It appears that sweating is another thing that separates the undead from the living. Just another thing Tim must take note of, as it means his body won't be able to produce sweat to cool itself off, meaning heat is a no-go.
Mr. Gee's smile dimmed into a more serious one after his playful lecture on slacking off was finished.
"On the subject of awakenings," he continued. "I'm sure that once we get the rest of your properties unlocked, you'll be ready to smack the timber."
"Yeah, I'm sure-" Tim paused. "Did you just say 'smack the timber?'"
Mr. Gee looked up in a pose of thought.
"Why yes I did," he answered. "What of it?"
Tim assumed it was some sort of metaphor, similar to "hitting the road."
"Nevermind," Tim said. "So about those awakening rituals..."
"Are you sure about this?" Mr. Gee asked.
"With how painful the first one was, I doubt this can be any worse," Tim said, setting a flag.
"While some properties may go more smooth-sailing than others, that may not always be the case." Mr. Gee said. "Just because the first one was exceptionally painful, doesn't mean the others won't be worse, especially when you haven't even mastered your first skill."
Tim pondered for a moment.
"There isn't a chance of this going wrong is there?" he asked.
"Only if you count wasted materials and immense pain." Mr. Gee responded.
"Well I can't exactly master my first ability so I have to settle for this," Tim said, making up his mind.
"I suppose it can't be helped then."
With those words, Mr. Gee began to mumble a series of incantations while placing his hands on the ground in front of the circle Tim was standing in.
Not long after, Tim began to experience a familiar feeling. It was similar to the pain he felt near the end of his last ritual but milder, and spread throughout the entirety of his body instead of just his stomach,
His entire body began to tingle and vibrate as Tim looked down at himself.
Every piece of Tim's flesh was morphing, mixing together with no care for the placement of his organs. His body eventually became so aggressive that it looked like some hideous flesh abomination had escaped the test tube, and was now raring to go at whatever humanoid-shaped morsel it could find.
As the process of his body's violent rampage came to cease, Tim was covered in bodily fluids that he didn't even know he had.
Keep in mind, Tim had never left the ritual circle in this whole ordeal, as there would surely be some sort of explosion if he did. Tim wasn't sure exactly if an explosion was one of the things that may happen if he left the circle, but he just sort of assumed there would be an explosion. What sort of ritual gone wrong doesn't include an explosion?
With the ritual complete and mystery fluids excreted, Tim stepped out of the circle feeling disgusting, yet refreshed. Similar to being covered in sweat after an eventful workout, not that Tim knew how that felt.
Mr. Gee wandered over towards Tim's direction.
"Is that sweat?" Tim complained after touching his waste-covered skin. "I can, once again, sweat whenever going through a painful ritual, but not when I want to. I'm noticing a trend starting and I'm not too happy with it. Is it really too much to ask for some control over my body?"
Without a single word of response, Mr. Gee handed Tim a convenient piece of cloth. Wiping a small portion of the waste off his body, Tim subconsciously handed the cloth back to Mr. Gee, with the old man quickly taking it off his hands.
With his benefactor currently in a daze, Tim decided to check out what sort of ability he received from undergoing yet another horrible ritual experience. At least he hadn't passed out this time.
- Awakened [Flesh] property through the use of a ritual.
- Unlocked [Flesh] property skill [Feeding Frenzy].
- Awakened 2 of 4 properties.
- Awaken 2 more properties to progress to Copper rank.
[Feeding Frenzy] (Passive)
Cost: N/A
Increases Agility attribute effectiveness whenever living tissue is consumed.
(Bound to Agility)
"Well, that seems useful, if not a little ominous," Tim muttered. "What qualifies as living tissue? I think plants have living tissue, but considering the property is all about flesh, I doubt I can just munch down on a pomegranate to power up, as great as that'd be. Do they even have pomegranates here? I could totally go for a pomegranate. Wait. What if this place has magic pomegranates?"
"Are you quite done?"
While Tim had been going on about the wonders of pomegranates and the possibility of a magical counterpart, Mr. Gee had been standing there in front of him the entire time attempting to decipher what exactly he just witnessed.
Mr. Gee had seen quite a few awakenings in his time, being the one who provided them to every fighter in the village, but he had rarely seen any as gruesome and stomach-churning as Tim's in particular.
"Yup. Just checking the specifics of my new skill." Tim replied to the staring Mr. Gee.
"What do pomegranates have to do with your skill?" Mr. Gee asked. "Did you get a taming skill?"
"What does taming have to do with pomegranates?" Tim asked.
"Why are we talking about pomegranates anyway?" Mr. Gee asked, trying to get off the topic of pomegranates.
"Pomegranates are very important," Tim said. "Anyway, my new skill is another passive."
Mr. Gee perked up.
"Another passive skill?" he asked. "That's quite uncommon."
"How so? I assumed passives were commonplace." Tim said.
"Why would you think that?" Mr. Gee queried.
"Well, in the time I've been here, I haven't seen a single flashy fireball or destructive magical explosion. I kind of assumed the reasoning for that was because everyone had passives doing work behind the scenes." Tim answered.
"Awakened powers aren't as common as you're making it sound." Mr. Gee informed. "Even if they were, why would anybody put their powers on display so openly to strangers, let alone a passerby? Only those who plan on becoming adventurers, hunters, or mercenaries bother with their properties. And to correct you, no, not many people have multiple passives."
"So does that mean I'm special? I promise I won't become all snarky and start to believe the world revolves around me if you say yes." Tim said with a Cheshire grin.
Mr. Gee sighed.
"Yes. You are a special case." Mr. Gee said reluctantly. "But don't let that get to your head. I don't think I have to tell you that, however, as you seem like a fairly level person despite being of noble heritage. I would have thought you to be more stuck-up considering your background."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Tim asked, already well aware of what he means.
"Nevermind that." Mr. Gee said, getting back on topic. "Back to your passives. How exactly do they work, if you don't mind me asking?"
Tim hesitated for only a moment before answering.
"If it's only those types of questions, don't worry about asking. I am well aware of how dangerous it can be to let others know your tricks, but I already agreed to let you study me in exchange for the rituals, so this is just me holding up my end of the deal." Tim said. "Now, basically if I, for example, ate a pomegranate with high magical concentration..."
"That's quite peculiar." Mr. Gee noted. "While I'm unsure as to your obsession with pomegranates, a common theme of your abilities having to do with the consumption of living things is quite worrisome."
"I never said I had to eat living things," Tim said. "I just have to eat things with high magical concentration."
"Living things are highly concentrated with magic." Mr. Gee corrected. "Monsters more than sapient races, but it still worries me as to what exactly that skill says about you."
"What do you mean? It's not like my skills define who I am as a person." Tim neglected.
"That's exactly what your skills do." he corrected yet again. "Well, to an extent anyway. What's important is that you practice this skill. While it may be less useful to practice it as it may be for an active skill, it's still important that you understand it better and get the hang of every hidden feature you can find."
"If it's the doctor's orders..." Tim said glumly. "Anyway, now that you got your answers, I want a few of mine."
Mr. Gee perked up.
"Why of course! It would only be fair," he said.
"Earlier, you mentioned adventurers, hunters, and mercenaries. I can guess the gist of them just from the names, but what exactly does each entail and how do I become a mercenary?" Tim asked, half-joking.
"I see you've taken an interest in a job." Mr. Gee poked. "Oh, how my little test subject has grown! Already moving on from leeching off my money and getting out in the real world!"
"Very funny," Tim said with mock annoyment.
"Indeed." Mr. Gee said. "Basically, adventurers, hunters, and mercenaries are the three main ways that awakened individuals make a living. An adventurer is the most popular one and provides the most freedom while also providing large rewards."
"I can see why it's the most popular," Tim added. "Of course, it would be the only occupation being chosen if it didn't have a catch."
"Right you are." Mr. Gee confirmed. "It's also one of the most dangerous occupations, as it requires you to fight monsters that defy the sapient races' understanding of power. The danger with monsters doesn't come from their power alone, but also their unpredictability. This unpredictability comes from their ability to-"
"Evolve." Tim interrupted.
"Right again, Mr. Hodgins." Mr. Gee praised.
"Hey, I already graduated from being called 'test subject.' How fun." Tim joked.
"Back on track then," Mr. Gee said. "The occupation second in number only to adventurers are the hunters. A hunter's job is similar to an adventurer, in the sense that they may have to fight monsters."
"What's the difference then?" Tim asked.
"I was getting to that." Mr. Gee replied. "While an adventurer's job is to simply fight monsters that have already been spotted causing problems, a hunter's job is much more complex. They may have to scout out an area to make sure there aren't any monsters there to begin with, and if there are, they report it to their guild. They may do odd jobs for specific clients that might include escort jobs, gathering missions, or just a simple kill quest, like those of adventurers. Of course, as you may have already guessed, the difference between hunters and adventurers is freedom. It is a hunter's duty to perform a varying minimum amount of jobs within a certain time frame."
"What do hunters do when they aren't on a job?" Tim asked.
"Good question." Mr. Gee said. "Hunters, when not on a specific task, either spend their free time doing what they enjoy, hunt small monsters for materials that they can use or sell for coin, or both. And before you ask, yes, some hunters enjoy hunting monsters."
"I don't blame them," Tim said. "Hunting down monsters sounds like a lot of work, but I can see how it can be fun."
"Then I guess you've decided on your occupation for the future." Mr. Gee said hastily.
"Come on now, you seem to have forgotten one." Tim pestered.
"Fine." Mr. Gee said unhappily. "To put it simply, a mercenary is someone who kills for coin. A contract killer, you could say."
Tim wasn't satisfied with the quick explanation at all.
"I figured that much," Tim said. "But I didn't ask for the simple explanation."
Mr. Gee stood in a thinking pose for a long while before Tim broke the silence.
"Is it because I asked how to become a mercenary? I swear I was only joking." Tim lied.
Mr. Gee let out a sigh.
"I'll tell you as long as you promise not to even entertain yourself with the idea unless you really have to," he said.
"I don't know what you mean," Tim said playfully.
"You know exactly what I mean." Mr. Gee accused.
He was right.
"Alright, you got me," Tim confessed. "But I won't know why I shouldn't unless you tell me."
"Good. As long as you know," he said.
Mr. Gee cleared his throat.
"Mercenaries are similar to adventurers in that they have a large amount of freedom in their work, and similar to hunters in that they can perform anything from subjugation to kill quests to even escort missions in more ways than one. The main difference is the targets," he explained. "Instead of being sent out to subjugate or kill monsters, mercenaries are sent on assassination quests to kill people. Mercenaries have a bad reputation, as there are few places where mercenary work is legal, and the places they are aren't good places to be in. There aren't many mercenaries compared to hunters and adventurers and for obvious reasons. Another thing to keep in mind is that when you 'register' to become a mercenary, you can decide to do it completely anonymously, trenchcoat and all."
"Figures," Tim said. "I wouldn't want my illegal occupation to be out in the public domain for all to see and then subsequently reported to the authorities."
"That's exactly what the mercenaries had in mind." Mr. Gee said. "The last thing to remember is that when a kill quest is submitted directly to a mercenary guild, or what is sometimes called a 'den,' any member from said mercenary den can take up the quest to try and complete it before others can. Of course, this sometimes provokes infighting between the mercenaries. You can also request that a certain mercenary complete your quest if you want a specific type of killer to get the job done."
"I have two questions," Tim said. "How do people submit a request for a specific mercenary if they register anonymously? Also, what do you mean by a specific type of killer?"
"Mercenaries may register anonymously," Mr. Gee answered. "But that doesn't mean they don't go by a certain name. If they decide to remain completely anonymous, not providing a name, they just go by 'No-Name.' That is, unless they gain popularity for some sort of unique way of killing, which brings me to the next answer. What I mean by a 'specific type of killer' is how they kill. Some use poisons to kill their targets with inexorable effectiveness, while others may be quick and lethal, providing painless, yet efficient kills. A popular type of killer is a torturer or a sadist type. They provide assassinations in the most lengthy and painful way, squeezing out every last drop of pain from a victim before turning in the proof of completion. People don't want others killed because they like them."
"That's metal," Tim said. "But what's proof of completion?"
"Proof of completion would come in the form of a body part of the target, often being a finger, hand, eye, ear, etc. that they test for authenticity with a device that confirms the target's identity using magic. Some clients may ask for a certain body part from the target for their own reasons. Of course, some killers have their own brands, so they may take a certain body part for their own as a memento of the target, as to never forget them. Or because they are a collector, who knows?"
"You sure know an awful lot about mercenaries," Tim said.
"There is a lot to know." Mr. Gee answered. "When you have lived as long as I have, you tend to collect interesting information and experiences."
"I would ask exactly how old you are, but I assume the answer would be 'a long time.'" Tim joked.
"Right you are," he said.
Tim stretched as he got up from the ground.
"I think it's about time I get back to the inn room," Tim said. "We've been talking for hours."
"Most of which was spent on the topic of pomegranates which I so desperately try to understand in what way they are interesting." Mr. Gee said, fearful that Tim might go on another passionate rant about said pomegranates.
"You never did explain what taming had to do with pomegranates," Tim said, wanting to know the secrets of taming a pomegranate.
"I'm almost sure you've never ridden one, but surely you've seen someone ride a domesticated one." Mr. Gee said, attempting to clear up the concept, only to fail miserably, as the boy he was talking to was from another world.
"So you mean...pomegranates are animals?" Tim said, heartbroken.
"Of course they are!" Mr. Gee yelled. "How sheltered were you, exactly?"
"Very," Tim said, not lying.
With the eventful day behind them, Tim and Mr. Gee went their separate ways, back to their own lodgings. Tim would continue his nightly exercises with dreams of one day riding his very own pomegranate, as Mr. Gee would simply enjoy a cup of what he would claim to be tea, but was, in reality, alcohol.
Surely, Tim would enjoy his peaceful stay at the dark elf village, making friends with each passing day, and growing in power with each night.
What could possibly go wrong?
- Flag Set
General Information
Attribute Property
Name Tim Hodgins Vigor Death 0/1 Race N/A (Undead) Agility Flesh 1/1 Rank Normal Convalescence Hunger 1/1 Spirit Dominion 0/1 Progress to (Copper) rank: 50% Evolution Progress: 0/100
[Vital Hunger] (Passive)
Cost: N/A
Increases health and stamina regeneration when food with high magical concentration is consumed.
(Bound to Convalescence)
[Feeding Frenzy] (Passive)
Cost: N/A
Increases Agility attribute effectiveness whenever living tissue is consumed.
(Bound to Agility)
Rebellious Soul
Death Attuned
Death: 100%
Holy: 85%
Celestial 66%
Umbral: 12%
Hunger: 10% (NEW)
Flesh: 10% (NEW)
(Raise affinity with other elements to view them.)
- In Serial501 Chapters
All My Beasts are Legendary
In the era of Beast Taming, Ye Xuan with his superior Beast Editor, claims that he can turn even a snake into a Divine Dragon that soars across the nine heavens. Hence, the little monkey he tamed became a Deific Ape. The little birds he raised became a ginormous roc.
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Tales From the Terran Republic
We tried, you know… We really did. We tried so hard to be… better… We actually were better once. No, seriously. We were enlightened, generous, peaceful… Stop laughing! We were! We were peaceful, dammit! No, I’m not “tugging your winglets.” It’s true! Look, if you’re going to be like that, I’ll just push the launch button right now. See ya, don’t wanna be… Oh, you ARE interested after all? Ok. Hey, I just got word that your captain will be ok. We were able to get him into a med pod quick enough… Of course, we tried to save him. Just what sort of people do you think we are?... Now that was harsh… completely accurate, mind you… but harsh. Anyway, like I was saying, we were a prosperous, peaceful people, and war had been nothing but a distant memory for over five hundred years before it happened... Before Yellowstone happened! You don’t mean to tell me that you didn’t know about that… massive supervolcano? Blew the Hell out of our planet? Two years where nothing grew?… Anyway, that’s what started it, the Sol Wars… Oh, you have heard about those, huh? Well, needless to say, all that enlightened, generous, and peaceful didn’t exactly make it through the two years of complete famine and the wars that followed… Maybe it’s more accurate to say the enlightened, generous, and peaceful among us didn’t survive… (laughs)… You’re right. It does explain a lot, doesn’t it? Probably for the best, though. “Enlightened” and “peaceful” aren’t really all that useful out here in the galaxy at large, are they? That reminds me; thanks for the ship. You guys did a great job with this one. Oh, don’t be like that. At least it was us what got you and not one of the really messed groups like the Harlequin or the Black Angels. We’re just going to take your shit. It could be worse… trust me... Well, anyway, we loaded the life pods down with some good food, and you guys can drink alcohol, right? We put in a couple of fifths in there, too. It’s about forty percent ethanol, so be warned. Most species will want to dilute that. We’ll drop your wounded off somewhere safe once they are stable. Your fleet patrols this area fairly regularly, and we’ll drop the distress beacon right before we jump… Well, It’s been fun and no hard feelings, right?… Oh, you want to know some more? Sure. I got time to kill… Let me tell you about this one pirate and her crew. They’re Terran scum, but they are still… Why do we hate the Terrans? Hoo Boy… How much time you got? *** It’s the thirty-second century, and humanity is now part of a galactic civilization comprised of hundreds of worlds. Humanity has been savaged by natural disaster and war and has been fractured into several separate populations, all of which loathe each other (some things never change). This is a gritty drama-driven rambling tale that swings between action, drama, horror, and plenty of very, very dark comedy. Warning: contains adult situations, absolutely horrible language, bathroom humor, implied ultra-violence, actual ultra-violence, drugs, alcohol, pirates, mercs, xeno prostitutes, moral ambiguity, deranged AI's with identity issues, giant commie space slugs, and a poor little frog girl who just wants to sell coffee. Updates twice weekly on Tuesday and Friday. *** Note: This story can get rough. Those warning tags? They aren't for show. I recently received a review and as a result I want to make one thing clear. Portraying something is NOT endorsing it! Many "heavy" topics are touched upon and just because a character says or does something does not imply that the author feels the same way. I selected the "Anti-Hero Lead" and "Villainous Lead" tags for a reason. Rule number one of this story is "no good guys". A good description of the story is, "bad people doing bad things to worse people". There are a few good characters, here and there, but they are the exception to the rule. If you want a hard-hitting, exciting, gritty sci-fi story that doesn't pull any punches, or shies away from "difficult" concepts, welcome! If you are set on a pure and noble knight that runs around and slays conveniently evil monsters and rescues totally innocent princesses... or your sensibilities are easily offended... You're not going to be happy with this one.
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Sword of Ending
Ollowyn’s Life began unlike any other. Born with snow-white hair, he was brought into the woods to die according to age old traditions. Left to the will of the gods, the helpless child waited for his death. However, the gods showed mercy. A young wolf cub, lost and cut off from its mother, stumbled over the young Ollowyn. Half frozen to death and dead tired, it snuggled to the warm body. When it was found by the mother just hours later, Ollowyn already smelled like one of her own. Adopted and cared for he grew up among wolves. He learned to live after the rules of the pack, continuously fighting to survive. As the years went by, he grew stronger than his brothers and sisters, hunted with different means. But even though he loved and adored his family, he noticed more and more that he was different. No fur, no claws and as much as he tried, his teeth would never find prey by themselves. What made him different? The urge to find answers grew with every day, until he set out aged seven to find them. But after days of searching hunger and exhaustion brought him to his knees as he collapsed on a dusty road. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- German Version can be found on RR as well. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/19996/sword-of-ending-german. But it isn't written as well and only serves as my own template for chapters. For those of you that would like to join my Discord: Discord: Florean Fortescue Feel free to join, to ask questions, favours or interact with other readers. Enjoy reading. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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The Mask Maker
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Brought to a new world of superheroes and high-tech gadgets through unknown forces Jason is forced to adapt to this new world. In the jump to this new world, he gains no superpowers, no OP system, no helpful memories. Only the business of his old self. In a world where superheroes have been around for hundreds of years and regardless of the times they need someone to repair their suits, make gadgets, and help them save the world. Jason must step into the role of a mechanic, engineer, a Mask Maker. In between this all the history of his past self becomes apparent to him as Jason tries to adapt to his new life and make new friends that might be able to save him from the threats from a history he wasn’t a part of. This story is largely a slow mystery story with a mix of action every once and a while as other characters are explored, and the events unfold. Chapters are 3000 words updating weekly at 7PM EST. Book 1 is done and Book 2 has started
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