《Rise of an Undead in a Fantasy World》2. This Is All a Big Misunderstanding, but I'll Make It Work


The door burst open, and with it, the sound of heavy footsteps filled the room en masse.

Tim didn't panic, as he figured something like this would happen as soon as he became suspicious.

This whole thing had gone fairly according to plan in Tim's mind. He would get as much information out of the warden about seemingly basic things as he could. This way, the warden wouldn't feel the need to lie, as she would think he was asking simple questions on purpose as a part of his plan. She would look into his speech deeper as to understand what he was playing at, and as he put his interest and genuine behavior out on display, she would understand his innocence more and more.

Also, he couldn't think of much else. It's not like he has the strength or magic power to combat the woman, even if she may have been weaker than a majority of the people in this world. He doubted she was, anyway, as nobody would send their weakest member to guard a suspected spy.

That was all Tim could think of doing in the time he had been allotted. This brings us to the scene at hand.

"Did you finally get a confession out of him?" A stern man's voice asked.

"Not a peep," Leah said. "I've been examining his behavior thoroughly and it's almost as if he, himself believes to be innocent."

"Hmm..." The man said. "Not a single flaw in his story at all?"

"That's the thing," Leah said. "He doesn't seem to have much of a story. He said that he's lost, but everything about him points to being a spy. He does ask a lot of questions though, none of which a spy would. Just simple things like properties."

The man stayed silent for a few moments, only making the occasional grunt.

"That is peculiar." He said. "If we take his word as fact, then we have a much bigger problem than a spy on our hands."

This got a gasp from a few other people, all of which had followed him into the room.

"We could have an unknown opening in the village's defenses," Leah said. "That certainly would be a big problem."

"It would indeed." The man said.

"Tell you what," Said the man. "We'll tell him he can leave unharmed if he-"

"If I show you how I got in." Tim finished his sentence.

There was silence for a moment before the man coughed and spoke.

"MmM!" He coughed. "I was unaware you could speak Elorian."

"And I was unaware you could speak English," Tim said.

"He insists that we are all speaking a language I haven't heard of," Leah said.

"Well, that can't be right." The man said. "Say, does he- Sorry. Do you perhaps have a translation skill, sir?"

"That's ridiculous," Leah said. "There is no way he would-"

"I do," Tim said. "Well, not a skill, but a trait. I found out mere moments ago, believe it or not."

The silence that followed was quickly broken by the man, who had decided to settle for a more friendly approach, the intimidating air in his voice almost completely dissipated.

"Well, why didn't you just say so? That explains a lot!" The man said. "Leahndrilius, release this man from his bindings."

I still don't understand who names their kid that.

Suddenly free from his bindings, Tim got a good look around him for the first time since he came in contact with the elves, and one thing caught his attention.


"Why in the hell are there so many of you?!" He exclaimed.

In front of him were at least two dozen elves, tightly filling the small room. Each was fully clad in armor made of a material Tim didn't recognize, as well as wielding weapons just as flashy as their armor.

"Well, when we got word that there was a spy able to bypass the village's security, it got us a bit riled up." The man, whom Tim could now put a face to, said.

The man was wearing armor like all of the others but had his helmet off, revealing his brown hair and grizzled look. The man's physique and size of his ears revealed him not to be an elf, like all the others around him. The man put on a friendly facade which Tim instantly saw through.

The woman whom Tim had been speaking with for the better part of two hours was the next to receive a thorough observation.

She had silver hair and a sly, yet playful look on her dark face. She herself was not wearing heavy armor like the others in the room, but instead vied for a more lightweight approach with her leather armor. It was fairly unimpressive as it looked like the standard RPG ranger armor you would get when you first start out the game.

Now that he looked at her, Tim thought she looked familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

As Tim became more and more aware of the different types of apparel in the room, he suddenly remembered that he himself did not have any at all.

Seemingly noticing his concerns, the grizzled man spoke.

"Somebody get this man some clothes!" He ordered.

He turned back to Tim.

"My name is Alexander, by the way." The man said. "Sorry about the misunderstanding. You go on ahead with Leahndrilius and she'll show you to your lodgings until we can get this settled. Make sure to call on me if you need anything."

The man walked away and out the door, along with all of the armored men. The only person who stayed behind was Leah, who was currently handing him a set of black robes with stains of unknown origins. He would have to bear with the stains for now, as he quite literally had no other choice than to go around naked, which wouldn't bode well for his already quite soiled reputation.

The robes fit quite loose around him, allowing him to hide almost his entire body. There was a hood attached to the robes, which Tim swiftly pulled over his face, hiding his grey skin from all who observed.

This is where the fun begins.

Currently exiting the creaky wooden doors of a local pub, was a silver-haired woman in leather attire, followed by a mysterious figure in long, dark robes, hood covering their face.

Right around the corner of said pub, were two men dressed in armor.

"Do you think he bought it?" A young man asks.

"Not for a second." A man with a deeper voice replies. "He's a special case for sure. I would have just had him executed was it not for that aura he gave off."

"What do you mean?" The younger man asks.

"His aura. It was filled with such bloodlust." He said. "I've never seen it before, even from convicted murderers."

"Then why didn't you execute him before he causes trouble?" The young man asks.

"That's the problem." He said. "I don't think it would have worked. He looked as if he wasn't even trying. He was completely relaxed while calmly observing everyone in the room. It was like he didn't even feel in danger."


There was silence for a moment before the man continued.

"Even so, he claimed to have a language translation trait as well. I wasn't even aware you could get a trait like that." He said.

"A trait? And one like that? He must be some foreign noble or something!" The younger man exclaimed.

"Yes. You may be correct." The older man said. "That might explain the aura he gave off. It would be quite embarrassing for a noble such as himself to be captured naked by-"

The man suddenly stopped, and his eyes went wide open.

"Wait! If that's true then-" The man panicked. "Did we capture a noble, strip him down, and interrogate him for hours?"

Both men looked at each other and gulped.


Being welcomed into a cozy-looking inn, were two figures, Leah and Tim. Tim was displaying his usual lax manner, while Leah looked as if she was about to puke.

There was a stillness in the air as Leah handed a few coins to the innkeeper and showed Tim to his room.

As Tim and Leah reached the room, Tim let out a sigh and flopped on the bed like a ragdoll, getting a gasp out of Leah.

This final act of massive ignorance acted as a trigger to Leah.

"How can you be acting like this?" Leah asked, provoking a questioning look from Tim.

"Like what?" He said.

"So relaxed? You don't look like you have a care in the world when you have just been captured." She said.

"It doesn't feel like I've been captured," Tim said. "It feels like I'm on a fluffy bed with an attractive woman standing over me."

This was only partially true, as Tim definitely knew he was not in the clear. He was constantly thinking of ways to get out of his current predicament but only found dead end after dead end. This didn't mean that Tim was in distress per se, but he definitely wasn't relaxed.

"Whether you're a spy, or lost, you're definitely insufferable." She said.

With that, Leah left the room, leaving Tim alone to his devices.

Being alone, Tim simply settled into his room, enjoying the soft bed and humble decor.

After about an hour of peace and quiet, there was a knock on the door.

"Hello? It's Alexander!" A man yelled from outside the door.

"Come in!" Tim yelled back.

The door opened, revealing Alexander alongside his muscular frame.

"I've come to ask a question," Alexander said.

"Just one?" Tim said. "Go ahead."

"What is your name, sir?" Alexander said. "I'm sorry that I forgot to ask. The situation may have blinded me in the moment, I forgot all courtesy. I hope I can be forgiven."

Tim was slightly taken aback. He hadn't expected this. He thought for sure that he was going to be asked something related to how he got in. Also, as much as he didn't want to give his real name to the same people that had tried to knock him out and brought him to a cellar beneath a pub, he didn't want to risk having been caught lying. They may be able to check his panel, seeing his real name anyway.

"The names Tim Hodgins," Tim said.

Alexander's face twisted into one of suspicion.

"Not to say I doubt you, but I must ask you to prove your identity," Alexander said. "Claiming to be a noble is not something to lie about."

Claiming to be a noble? Tim never recalled claiming such a thing. He did, however, understand that in certain game settings, a last name was considered your family name, and only nobles had them, so he understood quickly enough.

"Sure thing. How would I do that?" Tim said.

"It would be easier to tell if you just used a magic tag, but as it would only work for those who already have abilities, it wouldn't work for you," Alexander said in a playful manner, indicating that he believed Tim to have lied about his lack of abilities.

"It really is a shame," Tim said. "In that case, what other ways are there?"

This provoked a flabbergasted look out of Alexander for a moment, before he regained his cool again.

"Wait, are you saying you weren't lying when you claimed to have not been awakened yet?" Alexander asked.

"Why yes, that's exactly what I'm saying," Tim said.

"A noble who hasn't been awoken yet?" Alexander asked. "How old are you sir?"

No point in lying now... Tim thought.

"Why I'm 19," Tim said, matter-of-factly.

"Why have you not been awakened yet? Most people who become adventurers get their first awakening at 15, nobles sometimes sooner. How come you're not?" Alexander probed.

"Well, I've been sheltered for most of my life, being kept indoors. That is why my skin is the way it is. For reasons I can't disclose, I am now on my own. Just recently, I got lost, almost got eaten by a big plant thing, and now here we are." Tim said.

Nice thinking. Tim praised himself in his mind.

"Hmm..." Alexander grumbled. "As convincing as that was, and it was convincing, I still have to receive proof of your identity."

"What would be the best way of doing that for someone who has yet to awaken?" Tim asked.

"Well, exactly that," Alexander said. "We must perform an awakening ritual. If we do that, you can hold a magic tag, and it will ingrain parts of your Properties Panel, more specifically your name."

"That would be great," Tim said. "Not only would I be proving my identity, but I would also be receiving an awakening ritual. You can consider that payment enough for the misunderstanding today."

Alexander grinned and extended his hand.

"Do we have a deal then?" He asked.

"That we do," Tim said.

As Tim shook the man's hand, Alexander pulled too hard, and Tim's hand came straight off.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit Tim thought.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit Alexander thought.

Both men, now panicking, looked at each other.

Tim thought of an idea and proceeded to scream as loud as he could, putting on a front of incredible pain.

Alexander quickly responded.

"I'm so sorry! Here, let me..."

Tim continued to scream until the man started to chant words he didn't understand.

After the short chant, the man yelled.


After those words, Tim's vision went dark.

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