《Oath breaker》Chapter 9 Greed
“Your time is running short, Oath Breaker.”
After getting dressed I grabbed Frida by the hand and opened the door of the room.
The north ward of the cabin was very vast and luxurious, beautiful paintings and many gorgeous vases and plants covered the whole ward. The corridors themselves were so filled with decor that it felt like it was straight up from an ancient castle. As we moved forward we feasted our eyes on the beautiful scenery while having light talks and laughing.
While me and Frida were talking she also started describing the paintings around us so I could enjoy them with her, one of the paintings really caught my interest. It was of a big field filled with warriors fighting together to the death, the green scenery in itself was enough to mesmerise everyone who laid eyes on it. On top of that there was a huge mountain that was in the shape of a hand standing tall with a big rift on top of it. Out of that rift descended a big majestic sword that resided on top of that mountain, that sword was so big that the whole entire mountain was used as it’s stand.
Under that painting a single word was inscribed “Elysium”
A sense of familiarity took over me, I placed my hands on the frame of the painting and my heart started aching.
“Huh...? Pam why are you suddenly crying ?”
Said Frida as she tugged my coat.
“tears ?”
I said out loud confused.
I thought I wasn’t able to shed tears anymore, but it appears that this time it was different.
I wonder what was so special in this painting to stir up my feelings so much.
“Come on Pam, we need to keep on moving now.”
Said Frida to me while holding my hand.
“Ye...yeah you’re right, let’s go.”
I said hesitantly.
I went on ahead looking back at the painting on last time.
And right after we exited that corridor unbeknownst to me that same painting gave off a certain yellow spark.
After exiting the north ward we went back to the main hall, but now something has changed ?
The decor is now different, Frida was able to notice it easily because the porcelain vase she was admiring there disappeared all of a sudden.
“ What’s happening ? I definitely remember this place having a whole different look”
Said Frida to me.
“did you move anything by any chance when you were coming to the east ward last time ?”
I said to Frida.
“No, not really. I left everything as it was when I came to you running.”
Said Frida in confusion.
“ this seems fishy, stick close to me Frida, something is probably going to happen here.”
I said to Frida as I held her close to me.
“Look at you now being a man trying to keep me safe huh Pam ? Mmm it’s not that I don’t like it, it feels good actually.”
Said Frida to me as she buried her face in the back of my coat.
I started blushing really hard as soon as she said that, alongside it my heart started beating very fast.
“Fuck. What’s wrong with me to react this way, it can’t be that I....? can it ?”
I thought to myself.
Heading to the path leading to the east side we finally saw something different again.
Now instead of having a single way to go to the east ward there are now 3 different paths.
“ knowing this place there is definitely a trap here, only one path is real while the others are fakes.”
I said to Frida.
As soon as we got near the paths cane started reacting again after sleeping for so long.
“So you’re finally awake again huh little boy ? Alright then lead me to the way.”
I said to Cain as I tapped him on the ground.
Suddenly now I could see a golden path amongst the darkness, something that only I could see, a person who has lost his vision.
“Hahahaha thanks Cain, you helped me find my way yet again buddy.”
I said while laughing.
“You really like Cain huh Pam ? If someone was to look at you talking to him like that they’d think that stick is your son”
Said Frida while giggling.
Cain then got very hot and started shaking violently, it appears that it didn’t like Frida’s comment.
“ haha alright now Cain, Frida was just joking. There’s no need for you to burn my hands again like last time.”
Soon after saying that Cain calmed down again.
I took Frida’s hand and we moved through the path that cane had shown me.
The path seemed fine at first, until later on towards the end where we found out it wasn’t entirely as it appeared.
The black and white patterned tiles filled the floor. While a big chandelier dangled from the middle of the corridor.
We soon reached a place where we could see the end of the corridor from. And at the end was a door with a huge lion shaped head embedded in it.
“Huh that’s a very cool door, though throughout the whole cabin I’ve never seen anything like it before. Wait... that lion has something shiny in its mouth.”
Said Frida to me in wonder.
“Wait did you say lio-“
And before I could even finish my sentence a huge bolt of lightning emitted from the lion’s mouth, it went straight up on the chandelier and directly again towards the floor from then on.
Yelled Frida as she pushed me back towards the floor.
Lightning bolts kept striking us again and again, the black and white tiles that filled the floor were now all broken up leaving nothing but dust and rubble behind.
Luckily for us Frida acted quickly and I was left unharmed from danger.
With no time left to think we had to move very fast, we didn’t know when the next lightning bolt would strike us again.
“GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. It must be that fucker Rigel playing tricks on us.”
I cursed out loud.
“ Frida I’ll need you to help me here again, try to find any sort of power, anything that could be used to power that lion head.”
I said to Frida as I covered for her, protecting her from the incoming lightning bolts.
Frida started looking around us for something to help out, luckily for her she then saw something strange.
Said Frida while pointing at the chandelier.
Looking at the chandelier I could sense a weird set of vibrations omitting from it, there definitely was something weird inside of it.
The problem now lied with how will I be able to get whatever is up there down here ?
Before I could even think again I started hearing something, something familiar.
“We..... help...use....us....oath breaker.”
The voice of a thousand whispers filled my mind again.
The sheer panic and horror from hearing it again had me screaming around from fear.
Yelled Frida at me.
“ they’re all around me, filling my head, the WHISPERS.”
I yelled.
A lightning bolt came straight to where I was, with no time to dodge I thought this was the end for me yet again.
And for another time without any hesitation Frida once again pushed me away from harm’s way, not caring for her own life.
Said Frida to me, burying my face in her chest to comfort me.
“we.....help......don’t die..... Oath breaker..... Not.....yet.”
Cried the whispers.
A part of me wanted to stay afraid, not moving anywhere, being comforted here.
But then again I felt it, tears dropping onto my hair, looking up more tears got let down onto my bandages.
“ Frida.....”
I said after realising the situation we were in.
Deep fear of death, and deep concern for my well being was rooted deep in Frida’s body.
She was shaking and crying all over the place, but even then she shielded me from danger.
I put my hands on her head as I slowly got up.
“ don’t worry now Frida, just focus on not being hit, I’ll solve this.”
I said to Frida as I stood in front of her, trying to keep her safe.
“ alright I’m here now to hear you out, tell me what to do.”
I said to myself.
“Oath breaker.....use... Us ... Use the power...of...Greed....hurry.”
Said the whispers.
Before I knew it I was again teleported into this dark space.
Fear seeped into every hair in my body, I was scared. But I didn’t cower down, Not now when someone is counting on me.
Loud laughter surrounded the whole place.
“So you came here on your own huh Oath breaker ? Looks like you’re in serious trouble, you usually avoid looking at me with all costs.”
Said a shadowy figure hiding in the dark.
“who are you....? Show yourself and talk to me face to face !”
I said in anger.
“oh really ? Looks like the little kit has now grown To be a full grown fox huh oath breaker ?”
“Enough with the mind games, show yourself and face me properly !”
“ Alright then, even though you’re not yet prepared. But this will just make devouring you even more delicious~ “
Said the shadowy figure.
Soon enough the shadow revealed itself and the scene I witnessed shook me to my core.
“What ?! What’s the meaning of this. Stop this mockery and show your real self !”
I said angrily.
“Oh so you don’t believe this is the real me ? Oh Oath Breaker, how naive must you be ?”
Said the shadowy figure.
The shadow revealed itself to be a being very similar to me In figure.
It was the spitting image of me yet different somehow.
He had emerald green eyes, with long green hair just like the marshes in spring. He was very handsome and he had a really smug look on his face. He wore a green coat with a white shirt accompanied by blue pants.
“so you don’t like how I look is that the case Oath Breaker ? Might I remind you that you were the one who created this form for me deary.”
He said.
“What.....are you ? Tell me everything.”
I said hesitantly, after all maybe the truth will be harder to swallow after hearing it.
“I’m Greed, Your deadly sin. I represent your deepest and darkest desire that you have so carefully hidden.”
“Greed ? I do not understand, how come I created you ?”
“in short I am your power, I am the thing that’ll lend you a hand whenever you’re in trouble. But don’t be so happy about this, since the moment you let your guard down I’ll take over your body and erase every trace of your existence Oath breaker.”
Said Greed while having a evil smile on his face
A cold sweat ran down my neck as I heard him finish up speaking.
“ so you’re saying I can gain more power In return I’ll be open to getting devoured if I let my guard down ?”
I said to Greed.
“ that’s what I said unless i missed something.”
“..... Alright then, I’ll take you up on your offer. Give me your strength, in return I’ll let you borrow my body this one time.”
As I said that Greed had the biggest smile get drawn on his face.
It was scary and mischievous, it was as if he had finally caught a animal in his trap, ready to feast on it.
Greed extended his hands to me as a signal to shake it.
“shake my hand Oath Breaker, and then you’ll be able to gain power that you couldn’t even dream of.”
Said Greed with a smile on his face.
I extended my hands to him hesitantly, but remembering Frida who was depending on me I took his hand and shook it firmly.
“ I’ll promise not to harm you nor anyone near you this time, it’ll be me showing you how much power you could be getting from using me.”
Suddenly Frida looks up at Pam who was standing in front of her.
Pam’s hair started lighting ablaze, green flames started eating up his hair and the bandages covering his eyes. His coat turned green immediately and his hair was made of green flames.
“ Pam....?”
Said Frida to Pam while she was scared kneeling on the ground.
Pam looked back at her, but he wasn’t himself...
I screamed as I watched Greed lay his hands on Frida, unable to do anything.
Greed smiled and he gently grabbed Frida by the cheeks lifting her up slowly.
“So this is your motive, huh Oath Breaker.... God I so want to rob her from you, but I guess I’ll have to leave her so you’ll need me more and more in the future.”
Said Greed.
Frida looked very confused as she saw Pam acting this way and saying this way.
“what are you saying Pam...? You’re scaring me...”
Said Frida.
“Don’t get scared little owl, I’ll give back your little Kit soon.”
Said Greed as he turned back towards the lion head.
Frida was left standing very confused as to what was going on.
Greed suddenly jumped very high and reached the chandelier.
He took what seemed to be a sapphire that was used to redirect the power of the lighting.
After taking it down he stood right in front of the lion head as it shot one last lightning bolt.
The lightning hit the crystal and it got immediately redirected towards the lion head, breaking the door leaving a entrance to the room behind it.
Greed looked down to the sapphire in his hands and smiled.
“soon my power will be replenished.”
Whispered Greed to himself.
Greed sucked every last bit of energy out of the sapphire that was in his hands, removing all colour that it once had, leaving it as a big Grey stone now.
“ ah delicious starlight, with this it’ll be a considerable fee for me helping him, so he can’t complain too much.”
Said green to himself.
He then looked back at Frida who was shaking looking at him in fear.
“ah.... oh deary, looks like I’ll leave you with a parting gift.”
Said Greed to me while having a smug look on his face.
“Come here little owl, don’t be scared.”
Said Greed to Frida.
“ what do you want from me...?”
Said Frida to Greed while shaking.
“Oh ? Are you afraid of me little owl ? Don’t I have the same face as your little kit boyfriend ? Well I don’t care either way, come here !”
Said Greed as he pulled Frida closer to him.
Greed then went ahead and kissed Frida on the mouth. She started resisting again and again but to no avail, his grip was too strong for her to break free.
I started screaming again and again but nothing changed. Greed was now the one in control of our body, and I was just in the passenger seat watching.
Suddenly a silver light omitted from Frida, strength gradually grew inside her and she had enough power to push away Greed.
“ Tch, looks like this little owl has a little strength to her. Don’t get too conceited Bitch, in front of Greed no one will escape.”
Said Greed as he switched places with me giving me back control of my own body.
Now my hair returned back to normal, my clothes lost the green touch they had and now my coat is back to being grey again.
I look over to Frida who’s now shaking sitting on the floor looking at me all scared.
I rush forward at her to comfort her but something unexpected happened...
Screamed Frida at me.
Even though I couldn’t see her facial expressions, but from her voice it was very obvious her face was filled with fear and disgust.
I cried out.
No matter how much I wanted to get closer to her I couldn’t, she just kept moving away.
I started explaining the situation to her with Greed, at first she didn’t believe me, but afterwards she started to understand.
“I felt something was wrong, suddenly your appearance and attitude changed as if you were possessed by someone else. I know it wasn’t you know, but at the same time my body can’t forget what you... No what he did to me.”
Said Frida while a tear dropped down from her eyes.
I felt crushed, defeated, lost.
The only reason I wanted power was to save Frida, the person who’s closest to my heart. But now she looks at me as if I’m a monster.
“Let’s go.”
I said in a cold tone, turning my back to Frida and heading towards the room.
On the way to the room I sensed cane on the floor, it seems like I dropped him by accident when Frida pushed me for the first time.
I clenched onto cane as I gritted my teeth in anger.
Cane appears to share my same feelings of hatred, as I could sense him now boiling in my hands.
“I swear to everything that’s holy, I will fucking get revenge for what you did to me today.... GREED”
I said to myself.
I collected myself and headed to the entrance of the room.
The dark and damp atmosphere filled the room. There was only one thing inside, it was a pedestal with 7 slots open.
All of them were vandalised and broken down except 3.
A snake, a sapphire, a lion.
It felt as if you could put some sort of medallion inside of these slots.
I glanced back at the entrance as I saw Frida enter the room.
She held in her hand the sapphire that Greed left, even though it was grey and empty of power now but it was still worth a shot.
I inserted the sapphire into the slot and the room started shaking violently.
Me and Frida then were teleported into this big sea that felt as if it would never end no matter where you looked.
In the middle sat down the nova maiden Naos on a chair as she was sipping a cup of tea on the table.
She looked over at us and invited us To join her.
“We’re short on time Pam, Frida. I’m happy to see you here finally, it took longer than expected but you finally made it. Looks like you faced something unexpected which led the power of the sapphire to be consumed. This means we won’t have enough time to talk about everything.”
Said Naos.
Me and Frida sat down and took a sip of the tea she served us.
“Now let’s talk about how you ruined the world, Pam.”
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