《Stars That Carved The Future》Chapter 3: Whereabouts
“Is that all that happened?”
“Yeah, I didn’t really recognize any of their faces but…….”
“Ah…....it’s nothing, just talking to myself...haha.”
Staring at me with a doubtful leer, I sat quietly inside the dark room struggling to even maintain eye contact with my interrogator.
Few minutes after the dispute between me and the hooded individuals, guards on patrol arrive at the scene rather quickly but even then they have failed to apprehend any of the suspects.
Odd considering one of them is carrying a giant shield, and I’m sure they would be able to track them down based on the entry records unless they are stowaways.
Shooting a quick glance at the wooden clock hanging in the room, I clicked my tongue in annoyance.
It has been 2 hours since they have started questioning though I said two hours but the first hour was just me left alone in this room, and they haven’t really questioned me just yet but merely asked to retell the events as the witness.
And I must say retelling it is no easy task, as everything about it seems surreal. Being attacked by a fellow human is normal for someone who travels like myself. I regularly encounter bandits and thieves on a normal basis and both just have two reasons for coming at me, one is to take all my belongings while the other is…...let's just say a more rather epulsive reason.
But the scene I saw that afternoon is something I know will stick with me for a while. I've never been that fan of violent tendencies and more so bloody battles.
“About the girl you are with, we checked our files and failed to find anything regarding her and with wounds and scars all across her bodies we came to the conclusion that she was a smuggled slave.”
A slave huh…..though I can see that being the case, something still doesn't add up. Why go through the whole process of capturing a slave in daylight when you can just do it later on? And add to that that she clearly doesn’t dress like a slave.
Besides I doubt when you have a slave that is this violent you wouldn’t have any counter measures for these scenarios.
Furrowing my eyebrows I drowned the voice of the guard as I continued my thought process.
Wouldn’t they come for me since I hindered their plans?
If they would then going back to my Inn right now might be dangerous as I might drag Rue into this mess.
But I should at least let him know I can’t go back to our Inn tonight.
“Umm...is it allowed if I stay here for a while?”
Stopping his explanation he gave a surprise look before answering.
“Actually we are planning to ask you to stay here for the time being as those people might come after you.”
Oh. So they have already concluded that I might be targeted next, great that’s one problem gone.
“Then Thanks, but can I have one request?”
“Request? Sure as long as it isn’t that complicated.”
“No worries, there is just this ‘friend’ of mine that you might know, I just need you to come get him for me.”
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Now outside of the room, I sat patiently in one of the wooden chairs spinning a pen in my hand while the other was being used to rest my head as I waited for a certain someone to come.
I guess they do know him. I thought, remembering the initial reaction the guards had when I brought up that I was with Rue.
The jittering and urgency for them to resolve this as soon as possible and even giving me a better treatment isn’t really helping my warryness of him from being uplifted.
I guess I really should just ask him about these things and besides I have to explain myself as well.
Staring blankly at the table in front of me I can hear a set of footsteps coming from my sides.
Finally here, huh.
Closing my eyes I let out a sigh as the footsteps stopped beside me, knowing he’s here I turned my head to face him.
“Took you long enough, Rue.”
Standing beside me is Rue with a displeased look.
“Is something wrong? what’s with that look?”
Trying to make light of the situation, I hoped he would at least banter back.
Though my attempt was squashed as Rue just became more displeased.
“Now as much as I am livid at this moment, I will give you the chance to explain yourself.”
Though said in a calm manner, I can’t help but feel intimidated by his voice alone. Sweating a bit, I replied.
“This might take a while so better if you take a seat.”
Pointing to the other side of the table an empty sofa is there, sighing in annoyance he walked towards the chair and sat in an elegant manner.
“Now mind if you explain what had transpired in the span of a few hours?”
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“So that is what happened.”
Finishing my story Rue just gazed back at me with a worried look.
“And also about what I did earlier, I’m sorry, I overreacted a bit.”
Bowing my head in shame, I can hear a soft yet exasperated sigh coming from my front.
“I don’t think you need to concern yourself with such matters.”
A soft tone of denial is what I heard and least expected from him.
“You know, you should at least be mad for what I did.”
“It’s not that I’m not mad but having more pressing matters at hand at this moment, wouldn't it be better to put it behind us for now and figure out a way out of this predicament?.”
“Well that is true.”
Wait. Put it behind us? Figure out? What? Why?
It’s not like I called you here to ask for your help, I merely called you here to tell you I can’t get back home and say my apology.
I don’t want to drag you into this.
“Ummm…..Can I ask what you mean by that?”
“What do I mean? I just meant we should find a way out of your situation. Is something wrong with that?”
“E-eh? W-why? You do realize that helping me out will come with the risk of being entangled with all of this right?”
“My, are you telling me to abandon you?”
“Isn’t abandoning a ticking time bomb the most sensible course of action rather than sticking with it?”
I’m not really sure why someone would stick with another person with a possible hit on them, risking their own safety and the people around them in the process.
“Your genuine concern is much appreciated—but I’m not that shameless to abandon someone over such reasons and besides we are roommates for the week so for the duration of that time your problem is my problem as well.”
Smiling faintly, I stared at him in complete bafflement.
Is that some sort of custom I’m not aware of or I've just come face to face with the most unnerved individual in my lifetime?
Scratching my head in annoyance I lumped back on my seat.
“Ahhh…......you’re too much for my brain to handle right now.”
“And what does that entail?”
I guess I really have to tell him what I think about him.
Taking a sip out of my drink that I got moments ago, I declared with a stern voice.
“To be honest I find it hard to trust you, and It’s not because I don’t want to but merely because of the fact that you are giving me reasons not to.”
“I know that we are not really in close terms to divulge each other's secrets but when you offer a helping hand out of nowhere you have to at least expect me to be a bit wary of you. And chalking it up because we are roommates isn’t really helping your case either.”
“I can still go on about every problem and suspicion I have of you but I will be stepping out of line If I do.”
This undoubtedly sounds like an ungrateful rambling and accusation to someone who merely offered help to a stranger, but being a traveler made me realize that not everyone can be trusted.
Especially people who offer help without any compensation, these types are the one you should be most wary of.
But if you are really just trying to help me out of goodwill then that just gives me more reasons to push you away than dragging you into this.
“So please can you perhaps explain just even a bit of who you are, Rue.”
Staring at him with an unbroken gaze I waited for him to reply, waiting for him to say something back.
I wonder how long the silence filled both of our ears during that time, A minute? Twenty? Or maybe just a few seconds. I’m not really sure but every passing moment feels like an eternity for me.
“I can’t really say…..at least not the whole picture even then will that be enough?”
Sighed Rue, along with a voice barely audible.
Surprised filled my face for a moment as I saw him having a somewhat sad smile, giving a nod to his statement he continued.
“But first can you come closer.”
Tapping the empty space beside him, I titled my head in confusion to the sudden notion.
“What do you mean by that?”
Shaking his head, he urged me to look at the people around us.
Looking around I can see that there are guards and few employees nearby us, some even looking away when I pass them a glance.
Ah, so he doesn't want prying ears nearby.
Agreeing to his suggestion I subsequently left my seat and sat beside him.
There it is again that cold feeling emanating from his body, why is it like this?
Clenching my fist I tried my best to not show my slight discomfort being close to him.
Now with a voice that is nearly a whisper, he stated.
“For you see, I’m a Informant personally hired by this kingdom and the information that I have....might trigger the next great war between the 5 Kingdom of Argento.”
Argento is said to be the largest continent to ever exist, containing 5 of the 9 great nations protected respectably by the gods; Isanti being dead center of the other 4 becoming the bridge for trade and commerce, just up north of Isanti is Duratus the polar opposite of the scorching desert Isanti has.
Duratus is a frigid wasteland but is home to the various demi-humans who find solace away from human population not much is known about it other than it doesn’t take kindly to visitors whether it’s because of the residence or the place itself is up for debate.
Next is west being Silva also known as the land of spirits were manage by the Elven Race prideful individuals yet they still lend their hand and come to terms that their strength isn’t enough to quell the demons, down south is Zuiveren home to the merfolks troublesome bunch due to their unsympathetic stance in things they neither ask nor help anything that doesn’t concern anything about them but with the Miasma polluting their water at a rapid pace they have no choice but to comply.
Last but not the least is the Human Kingdom also known Aspides governing over a quarter of argento they so far have the most powerful military prowess resulting in the other nation being under their tutelage.
They have existed in peace for centuries aiding each other to push back the advances of the demons. So to say that Argento might go to war with each other is not only preposterous but plain idiotic.
Yes they might be still bad blood between them but for the five nation to have a war right now when the constant threat of the remnants of despair still loom large is just incomprehensible.
Playing what he said in my mind on repeat I was unable to focus on anything, including what he was saying. My heart pounded in my ears and my hand trembled and shivered.
But if it does happen then…...
Clenching my chest I started to breath in and out slowly, trying to get both my emotions and mind back on track.
“I-is that all?.....”
“Sorry but that’s all I can say, I can’t drag you into my state of affairs as well.”
That’s all?
You can’t just expect me to stay quiet after dropping an info bomb like that without any context.
Barely holding back from shouting my objection, I let out an exasperated sigh and slumped down on the seat.
Seeing he’s not saying anything just made it apparent that he isn’t going to divulge anything any further.
What now?
I asked him to lift my wariness but in the end I just ended up with more questions.
“Are you free after this my dear?”
Glancing back to Rue with a disgusted look from his sudden intonation and catcalling, I can see him with a sly smile along with a wink.
What does he want now?
Putting his face closer to mine, he whispered in my ears.
“Play along.”
Heh.....I guess he is still not done but calling me like that, you damn fox.
Relaxing my shoulders I leaned closer to him despite the frigidness emanating from his body.
Resting my head on his shoulder I locked my hand on his arm and started to squeeze them viciously.
“Of course I’m always free if it’s you~, But you know I’m already tired after everything so we can continue on in my room if you know what I mean~”
Tightening my grip on Rue I can see a slight twitch on his face, probably due to the fact I’m seconds away from tearing his arm off.
But nevertheless his smile didn’t wear off from his face.
Taking a quick peek at our surroundings I can see that most personnel are already whispering about and talking to each other after hearing our ‘affectionate’ banter.
Taking his hand we synonymously got up, leading him to the room given to me we passed by a few more staff with still locked arms.
Reaching the room I quickly opened it with my left hand shoving Rue inside in one swift motion and locking the door behind us.
Looking back at him with a scowl, He merely smiled and laughed.
“You better spill the beans after all of that.”
“My, my. You really do hate being treated as a woman don’t you.”
This guy really does know what buttons to press on me.
Clicking my tongue, I turned back to him.
“Try that again and I will turn you into a glass figurine that can be sold at a cheap price.
Rue didn’t seem to be fazed by my threat as he just shrugged his shoulders saying.
“Fine, Fine. So lower the hostility now would you.”
Sighing audibly, I grabbed a chair on my right and sat on it.
“So are you going to continue?”
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“So you’re saying that you lost the girl?”
Bowing down to a woman sitting above a black throne the 6 assailants kneeled with clear desperation painted across their faces.
“Y-yes but we plan to track them down as soon as possible.”
The one with a broadsword spoked in confidence yet his hand and body trembled with every passing moment.
All of them know their life will end soon and all they were trying to do was hamper the inevitable.
But they pushed the apparent fact away, drowning themselves with a sweet lie of salvation that will never come.
“So if you’ll be kind enough to give u—”
In a split second the man's head was blown off, his headless body fell down in the next second.
Dread and Panic showered the others entire being upon seeing the man’s demise before their very eyes.
With their fate now sealed they all frantically stood up begging for mercy.
But nothing will save them now as slowly sets of dark spiked chain like appendages eerily emerged from the figures back and with no remorse whatsoever cutted and impaled all of the remaining assailants.
“Master, will you reconsi—!”
“Ahhh! Please spa—”
“Noo! I don’t want to—”
Cutted screams and pleas for help went off as the last thing most of them saw in their final moments was a monster in human disguise, grinning madly as it watched them breathe their last.
“Second chances are non-viable for useless individuals such as yourself.”
Retracting her mandibles she tapped her chin seemingly thinking.
“Mal, Will you clean all this mess up for me.”
Sitting on her throne comfortably she called out to the empty hall in front of her.
“Understood Mother.”
Emerging from the shadow is a young girl in a black maid outfit bowing her head as suddenly a swarm of insects exited her dress, coming out from her collar, her sleeve and bottom hem.
But the girl remained unmoved by the critters as it crawled out of his dress passing by her small arms and legs, some even moving across her face.
Squirming out of her clothing and onto the dark tiled pavement the insects range from spiders to centipedes all in various types and kinds.
Soon after reaching the ground the horde of critters quickly approached the sets of dead bodies lying on the ground and rapidly devoured it bit by bit as the lady in red watched atop with an engrossed look, clearly delighted by the feeding in front of her.
“To think that I will have to rely on such measures just for you to stay put, How troublesome of you.”
Whispering to herself a sadistic grin made its way onto her face that soon broke into a hysterical fits of laughter.
“But still no matter where you run and where you hide I will always find you, Ai my sweet little daughter.”
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Sitting on my desk with a weary face, vibrant white rays of the sun seeped through the windows and curtains lighting the room.
Spinning my wand on my right hand, my mind was deep in thought.
“I told you already, Fei, that you should have atleast slept even by a little.”
Breaking the sweet silence of the room, Rue laid on his back on the bed with one eye still open clearly struggling to even stay awake.
“Said the person who clearly needs it.”
Hearing his discaring voice was rejuvenating, annoying yet I found comfort in it.
After all, hearing the info he has is enough to break the strongest of men. I'm surprised I haven’t even questioned my sanity after that, I guess I give little credit to my mental fortitude sometimes.
That information being; At least 4 of 9 Great Kingdoms have found the remains of their deity and are planning to revive said deities which will cause a war between factions for power.
The mere thought of that happening is sending shivers down my spine, so it being a reality I’m forced to face is enough to cause some mental instability within me.
Normal folks will take the resurrection of the gods as a good thing, but in reality it was far from good, for simple reasons that they are gods.
Powerful beings that shaped mountains, cutted continents, and destroyed islands on a whim.
Having things like that running around will be a death sentence for the people as they will most likely trigger another bloody war between gods each fighting over dominion and power.
Gods from the past were never benevolent as people see them to begin with, they were all but benevolent.
“Have you told the King about this?” I asked.
“Yes, and they seem to be fine by it. More so they find it as an opportunity to become a trade route for weapons and supplies.”
What a disgusting individual.
Hiding my scowl behind my hair, I was sickened by the bottomless greed of the King of Isanti.
I guess they are really the land of opportunity even using war as a chance to make money.
I can see the reason for why you would do it but by moral standard it was wrong, trading lives for a penny and a dime is not an idea I’d like to entertain much to be part of.
But, being blind with anger is something I would rather not do right now. As much as I hate what this kingdom is planning, I have a more immediate problem in the form of a man with platinum hair.
Turning my chair to look back at him, he stared at me with a curious look.
“I’m surprised you told me all of this despite being told specifically not to.”
“Dangling a bait in front of your prey is one of the few lessons you can take from a seasoned hunter.”
“Not even trying to hide your motives now are we.”
With my body at a defensive position, I readied my wand in case a fight broke out.
I’m not sure how strong Rue is but I’ll have to bet that I can somewhat hold my ground against him.
“Now, now. I already told you I’m on your side, so let’s be civil here and talk this out.”
Putting his hand in the air, he sighed tiredly.
“So what do you want from me then?” I asked as I pointed my wand at his chest.
Charging up my wand I positioned myself to launch a barrage of swords on his body depending on his answer.
“I’m not really asking for anything, I’m merely doing what my employer wants and that is to keep you safe and before you ask who it was, I’m sorry to tell you but I have no Idea myself.”
Dropping his noble accent Rue explained his motives in a rather apathetic tone and uncaring manner .
I guess this is what he really is behind that annoying smile of facade he always has.
Dropping down my guard I narrowed my eyes at him in which he responded with a wink.
With my brain now out of juices I finally gave up on trying to decipher his actions and just walked towards the bed falling first face.
“Are you sure you want to lay defenceless like that with me around?” said Rue sitting beside me.
Not answering is the closest thing to a yes that I can give at the moment, as I decided to finally let my weariness and exhaustion fall to both my eyes.
“Try pulling something on me and you’ll surely regret it.”
Throwing one last remark before succumbing back to sleep I can hear a faint whisper beside me.
“Thank you, Fei.”
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