《Stars That Carved The Future》Chapter 1: Land of Trade Isanti


The world is an elegant creation by the divine, full of life and magic, constantly turning and evolving.

Yet even something as life itself has its own imperfection and it's the sworn duty of the gods to correct and purify such mistakes and create order across the land. But due to reasons unbeknownst the so-called gods that supposedly protecting the people have vanished without a trace, with their absent disorder across the globe have sprouted once more.

Monsters, Curses and Ancient Malice festered the land, With their patrons missing the people had to take it upon themselves to vanquish the demons. Eons of bloodshed later the people have triumphed over the monsters of the damned. Over the next centuries, their flame of hatred and bloodlust continued to flash and quiver, but due to combined efforts it has never set ablaze again.

It’s been 500 years since their disappearance, yet the people of the land still wonder where had their deities gone to, some people said they have been slain in battle with the enemies, while some says they have gone into hiding. But no matter what maybe the reason was, there is one apparent fact, they have abandoned them.

The sandy golden land stretches for a mile, sweat trickling down the neck of a lone figure. His sharp ragged breath is the only thing that is filling through both ears besides the kicking of sand made by the sole of his feet.

Dragging myself on top of this mountain of sand, a city slowly emerged on view.

As my Fragile body stood on top of a mound, I breathed a sigh of relief—"I’m safe now".

“I finally reached it...the great city found in the middle of a scorching desert—Isanti”

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Standing patiently, I can’t stop myself from jumping around, as I stared in awe at the giant sandstone gate standing intimidatingly huge both width and weight, circling the entire city.

“Woah….Isn’t this thing huge”

I say huge but just looking at it, huge is an understatement. Just being in front of the wall is enough to know that, but it makes one wonder how long it took to build such a fortress.

“82 ft....”


As I was drowning in my thoughts a voice came from my left, turning my head to see who did it came from revealing a tall young man, with platinum hair tapping his chin skeptically.

Though even now that I’m looking at him, he doesn’t seem to notice. No more like he doesn’t mind. He continued to direct his gaze towards the tower.

Choosing to do the same, I ignored him for the entirety of the line. Which didn’t work quite entirely as I expected it to, as we coincidentally passed each other a glance from time to time resulting in an awkward atmosphere between the two of us even not knowing one another.


As I heard the guard at the entrance shout those words I felt like I’ve been saved from my place so as anyone in my place I quickly walked towards the gate without looking back.

“Your bag please.”

Hearing the order I carefully laid my bag at the table they prepared and was examined by a mage encased I hid any type of dangerous weapon.

Their security isn’t really that high but better than nothing I guess but I could at least expect something more coming from the city of trade. Since all of the passing merchants I have encountered have revered Isanti as an amazing place.


After examining me from head to toe they returned my bag and ushered me to continue on to the receptionist.

Following the guards order I walked towards the reception and took out my i.d and gave it to the person at the desk, examining my papers and i.d during this process I still can’t help but feel slightly irritated as he looked at my i.d and back at me.

“Is there a problem?”

I asked, however I quite knew why he looked so confused, it's because of my gender isn’t. For how long I can remember I’ve always been troubled by the fact that people confused me as a woman for my uncanny feminine looks.

“Is just that I think there is a slight mistranslation—”

Not deciding to stick to the explanation, I interrupted with the answer even though there isn’t a question yet.

“I’m a boy.”

“How did you—Wait really!?”

You didn’t have to be that surprised, hearing the near audible gasp behind me I can feel my tipping point coming closer and knowing my childish tendencies I doubt I want to deal with that right now.

“If that’s all then I would like my card back.”

Offering my hand I tried my best not to sound annoyed as possible, seeing my hand the man quickly returned my i.d and gave a stiff smile.

“Welcome to our fair land dear traveler, May our Goddess Aplistia bless you with luck.”

Finally that whole ordeal is done I can now finally move, taking my belongings I proceed to walk past the gate and into the city of trade. Looking back one more time I can see the platinum haired man now offering his i.d and being asked by the receptionist.

Wait why am I even looking back to check on him.

Shaking my head I continued to move along and explore this city I have heard so much about, but unbeknownst to myself the moment I set foot on this land peace on my life has ceased to exist.

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Now entering this land I’ve been greeted by a welcome surprise, in front of the Western gate I have just entered from were rows of stores ranging from alchemist shops to clothing stores.

Every corner I turned was something new, to my left was a flower shop but instead of normal flowers they sold exotic plants from carnivorous ones to poisonous ones and even the types used for healing wounds and other ailments. I wonder how much will it be to just buy one of those.

Now entering a shopping district the first thing I noticed was the unusually high amount of demi-humans. It is really quite a pleasant surprise to see them thriving in this place since for how long I can remember they have always been discriminated against by none other than the self proclaimed superior humans.

Honestly makes me think twice if I really like my own race.

Blending in with the crowd I trudge along the stone pavement towards the alchemy shop. I’ve never been really a fan of alchemy but merely did it for the sake of curiosity and before I knew it I’m already someone who ranks above normal Arcanist in using Arcanum.

Reaching my destination I twisted the doorknob of the wooden door and pulled it outwards.


As I entered the establishment I quickly noticed the unique scent lingering in the air.


Closing the door behind, I slowly walked past many fellow Arcanist some buying Crystals while others were just finding upgrades for their artifacts.

As I made my way towards the counter, my eyes danced around the room just marveling at the things on display. There are Arcane Devices and High quality staff and wands locked behind wooden shelves.

I’m just barely restraining myself to buy one of the things they have to offer.

Reaching the counter the store clerk directed a smile towards me and asked.

“Welcome Miss, What do you need in our humble store?”

Yes there it is yet again, I guess I really can’t escape this cursed look can I now. Even though I’ve been living with it for 19 years, I still can’t get used to it no matter how hard I try.

“Just give me 10 of those please.”

Grumbling a bit I pointed at a vial filled with red substance at the opposite of the counter. Also known as the Elixir of life though it’s effects doesn’t really give life nor does it heal wounds but merely boost someone’s productivity and reduce fatigue.

“Sure thing.”

After paying for the Elixir I quietly exited the building. Grumpily walking down the street a thought came to mind.

‘Should I find a way to change my face? I thought about it before but I haven’t really tried to do it.’

Stopping in my tracks, I turned my head to find another building looking up. I read the sign on top of the door, ‘Raine's Boutique’.

What a coincidence as I was contemplating my own looks I encountered a boutique. What a ‘lucky’ coincidence!

Clicking my tongue annoyance I turned to look at one of the mirrors the store had put outside.

Reflecting at the mirror is a pale youth with a slender figure, has long indigo hair that sway along with the wind, eyes that are noticeably different from each other, with his left eye being colored magenta while his right being akin to lapis. Lips that gave a rosy pink color and his facial features were similar to that of a young lady. The lad wears a long blue coat with a hood, paired with a white polo and a tie knotted in ascot. Nothing stands out from his clothes other than his footwear being wooden black sandals, making it look out of place paired with his overall attire.

Looking at the reflection a memory with my teacher came to resurface, though I have nothing to say bad about my teacher. There is one thing he tends to ask that always rubs me the wrong way.

‘Do you hate your looks?’

But after he left me, I’ve pondered about it for a long time. Yes I do tend to hate how I get labeled as a girl but do I really hate my looks that much? To the point I feel disgusted by my face? Or Do I just hate how my face looks like her so much? Maybe I just.....

No, I shouldn’t continue this line of thought. For it would be dangerous for my mental stability.

Everything is in the past now. I’m not her child anymore, I’m just me.

Breaking from my own self induced trance I continued to explore the city.

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Four hours have since passed since I have started my exploration, the daylight had dwindled to a barely perceptible light. Each store has opened their lanterns and streets now filled with light for the night. Pubs and tavern now filled with travelers and adventurers who seek entertainment for the night.

The last of the sun's rays cosseted behind soft grey clouds. The street takes on a different look from what it is during the light of day, every familiar thing has a shade of grey illuminated with just lanterns and house lights.

“Dusk came sooner than I expected.”

Sitting on top of a building's roof I admired the scenery to my heart's content, the cold breeze of the night blew past me, making me shudder a bit.

I’m not really sure how long I stayed on top of the roof of a random house, Maybe an hour or two. I’m not really sure but nonetheless it brought a momentary peace to my mind.

Though I seemed to have been too invested in that aspect, As i was sitting a large thud broke my train of thought. Looking down there seems to be a drunk individual with his friend supporting to stand after falling.

“I think we should get back at the Inn for now, you’re too drunk.” said the guy who was supporting him.

Yes an Inn.............Wait an Inn!.

Finally the thought of where to sleep came to mind. When I was exploring the city just an hour ago, I passed by an Inn and reserved my room there but due to too many people coming in the Innkeeper reminded me that It will only apply until 7 if I’m not back before that time then I might have to share a room with a stranger.

A stupid rule but beggars can’t be chooser in life, as a traveler who doesn’t have any sustainable income you could say I have no choice but to comply.

But thinking I guess I should have really thought twice before taking that offer.

Now with fear of sharing a room with someone creeping up behind me, I started leaping from roof to roof to reach my Inn as fast as possible, dangerous but better than losing my privacy.

With the Inn sign slowly emerging on sight, I hastened my pace and leaped down. Scaring a few people in the process but not really important right now.

The moment my feet landed I quickly rushed towards the establishment alerting some customers as I slammed open the door and ran forward to the counter.

With ragged breath I tried to brush off the stares and whispers coming from behind me and focused myself onto the counter.

“Sir about my room....”

I’m afraid to finish my question, I mean looking at the owner I can see his unbreakable smile. I’m definitely late aren’t I.

“I’m sorry but I’m afraid you have to share a room with someone.”

I knew it, I guess this is what I get for being broke and late.

With an exasperated sigh I took the key which the owner offered and walked flouncely towards my room. I guess I couldn’t call it ‘my’ room anymore.

I wonder what kind of person I’m sharing this room with.

I just hope whoever the person is, he or she is not a creep at best. I have enough experience and wish not to add more to my list. And just remembering those experiences makes me want to gag and be more irritated than ever.

Subsequently making my way to my room, apart from the noisy drunkards below the only thing I can hear is the tap sound my sandals are making.

I guess I’m still lucky to rent such a quiet place.

Now stopping in front of ‘my’ room I took a deep breath and braced myself for the person who I will share a room with for a week or so.

About to open the door, I stopped myself.

I guess I should knock first.

Knock Knock

Waiting for a response, I heard the sound of rustles and footsteps inside.

Good I guess they’re still awake, I wouldn’t want them to be asleep. That will just give me more problems than I already have.

With the footstep stopped in front of the door a slight creak followed and there stood my roommate for a while who looked strangely familiar to the guy I’ve had several eye contact with in front of the gate.

Who am I kidding, it’s not some look alike it’s definitely him. I guess meeting him at the gate was just an omen telling me I'll meet him again.

Now in a stare down, both him and myself froze upon seeing each other and for the same reason. I guess he still remembered me.

Unable to take it anymore I broke the silence that nearly deafen both our ears.

“Umm....Excuse me, I’m the one sharing the room with you, have you heard?”

And just like that I felt a switch turned on inside of him, his demeanor quickly changed and he flashed a smile.

“Oh, You must be the one the owner told me about. Then please come in.”

Opening the door I entered the room. Looking around it seemed much cleaner and organized than most inn I have been to.

I guess they have great room service?

“My apologies that I had to inconvenience you in sharing a room with me, though I did clean and manage the room a bit if you didn’t mind.”

So it was you.

Rubbing his cheek sheepishly, I merely stared at bafflement. What with that manner of speaking, feels archaic and how can you say sorry when you literally just cleaned the entire room and even rearranged the furniture ‘a bit’.

“No no, It’s fine. I really don’t mind sharing with someone.”

No I do mind but I can't just say that now can I.

“Then I’m glad.”

As I hung my coat on the coat rack I can feel that he is staring at me behind my back, feeling uncomfortable. I turned and asked him.

“Is something the matter?”

“No it’s just about the…”

“About the?”

Furrowing my eyebrows, I waited for him to answer. Was it my gender again? No it can’t be since he was behind me when I registered so he should know already. Then if not that what is it about.

“It’s about the bed...I want to ask who should sleep on it.”

Well that’s a problem. At least I think for him that is, Since I’ve been a traveler for so long I think I have been desensitized to sleeping in the same bed with someone I don’t know. So not thinking before speaking I said.

“We could just sleep together.” Wait, that sounds wrong. “Ehem, I mean we could just share the bed.” Much better.

“Is it really fine?”

“I mean we are both guys so I fail to see the problem.”

Getting my spare clothes and towel out of my bag I absentmindedly entered the bathroom and proceeded to wash my body. After a long bath I dried my hair using Arcanum, blowing hot air into it quickly dried off the water that my hair had been soaked in. Putting on a black nightgown I opened the door.

“I thought you said you were a guy then you came out wearing something like that.”

Returning to the room, the man greeted me with a smile. He seems to be writing something down in a blue notebook.

Letting out a sigh, I walked towards my baggage and put my clothes inside.

“I find women's clothes more comfortable than male ones, got any problem with that?

I retorted in an annoyed tone. Well yes I do find my resemblance to a woman quite troubling, but I find their types of garment more comfortable than one’s made for mens.

“Not at all, I mean it does suit you well.”

What’s with that response. Don’t compliment me while smiling like that. That would have been smooth if I was a girl but I’m a boy you know.

“Just to remind you since you might be forgetting but I’m a guy.”

“I know.”

Letting out another sigh, I walked towards the side of the bed and combed my hair.

As I was carefully combing my head, I heard the man ask a question.

“Since we will be living together for a while, I guess an introduction is a must?”

I guess we forgot about that part of the conversation.

Continuing to comb my hair, I didn’t really bother to turn my head around as I said my name.

“Then I guess I should introduce myself first. My name is Fehlen, I don't really have a last name so just Fehlen.”

People always introduce themselves in two ways, it’s either with a last name or just a first. Among nobles Last name is always and will ever be present while commoners who don't really have any fame or some sort backing them up, only have a first name given to them.

“Then mind if I call you Fei then?”

Momentarily stopping on what I was doing, I turned my head to look at him.

“Isn’t that too fast to give someone you just met a nickname.”

I really don’t know if this guy is just friendly or trying to mess with me.

Cocking his head, he replied in a curious tone.

“What? don't you like it?”

Whether I like it or not doesn’t really matter here. But giving nicknames is reserved for close individuals, don't you think?

Realizing I would have to explain it to him, I just dropped the idea and flowed with him continuing to brush my hair.

“No, It’s fine I think. What about you?”

“My name is Rue, no last name. So you can just call me Rue, Fei.”

“Then Ruu~ I hope you don’t mind that I go to sleep first~. I’ve been walking around all day, so you can guess that I’m tired~.”

Upon hearing his name, I quickly used it to try and mess with him a little. And it seemed to have worked as I spotted a slight twitch on both his smile and eyebrows.

I guess he really is messing with me for some reason, but with my childisness my pride didn’t let me back down and retaliate out of pure instinct.

“No it’s very much fine, I will be going to bed much later so feel free to sleep before me.”

Hearing his response, I can feel a sense of accomplishment flow through my veins. Though that feeling of superiority was quickly squashed when I had tuckered myself to bed and heard his voice one more time. “Goodnight Fei~”

Wanting to retort back but out of ideas to say, I just stayed quiet and soon fell asleep.

I swear I’ll get you back for this Rue.

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