《Journey On Pokemon Island》Chapter 24: Official Announcement


Timburr fainted and is no longer able to fight.

Edward quickly stepped forward and applied a quick first aid to stabilize its condition.

Through his inspection, Edward can feel the firm muscle of Timburr cultivated through long and arduous training.

He is very satisfied that he is able to conquer this strong Pokemon.

Moreover, surviving on the island will be much simpler with their new companion.

The audience quickly catches on to what Edward wants to do.

[Edward, are you going to conquer this beast?]

[This beast is quite powerful. It will be great to tame it.]

[Edward is going to lure it with food again. Hahaha.]


The audience began to look forward to how Edward will tame this beast.

After applying the bandage on Timburr, he went to pick up a bundle of small sticks and proceeded to build a makeshift stretcher to drag Timburr back.

"This guy will be a valuable ally in the future. Let's treat it back at the campsite."

Edward said to the audience and returned to the camp with Torchic in tow.

"Torchic. You are back! Where's Edward?"

Rosa patted Torchic's head, who went ahead of Edward.


Torchic pointed at Edward, who was arriving at the small clearing where the fire camp was erected.

"Hey, is there a new companion?"

She then saw Edward dragging a stretcher and carrying a new kind of beast to their campsite.

She is now well acquainted with Silcoon and Torchic and regards them as her own companions.


Edward nodded and added an afterthought.

"But this guy is a little bit arrogant."

"Arrogant? It's the first time I've seen you say that about a wild beast. Let me check his condition. I've studied a little bit of nursing before."


Rosa replied and began to help Edward to treat Timburr.

Edward felt relieved after hearing Rosa's affirmation.


Edward starts to work on making a medicinal broth for Timburr to heal quicker.

He took out some oran berries and proceeded to mash them together with a couple of other berries.

The current injury of Timburr is not enough to warrant the use of revival herb. In fact, it's a waste of resources to use revival herbs for minor injuries.

Oran berry is the best choice at the moment.

"Torchic, Can you try this?"


Torchic cried happily, looking forward to tasting Edward's new Pokemon food.

With previous experience, Pokemon food is also much easier to make.

After a while, the broth was made successfully.

Timburr woke up groggily after smelling the fragrance of food wafting in the air.


Its body was still a little weak, so Edward scooped the broth in a bowl and placed it in front of it.

At first, Timburr is still wary of being in the company of strangers, but the tempting smell of food made it put its guards down.

After drinking the medicinal broth, it can feel that the burning sensation on his body was significantly reduced.

Soon after, it lay down and resumed its rest happily without caring about the strangers around.

It seemed that the Pokemon had accepted them after helping to treat its injuries.

"Why does it look like a stressed middle aged-man who is having a mid-life crisis."

Rosa covered her mouth with a smile.

She thought the appearance of Timburr was quite interesting.

Seeing that it didn't argue about being conquered but instead fell asleep quickly, everyone was surprised.

[Hahaha. It can't be bothered to argue. Its sleep is more important.]

[This beast is quite funny.]

[Edward. You are a genius at conquering Pokemon.]



[What's this? An announcement?]

[Guys! There is an official announcement!]

'An announcement? Did something happen?'

Edward and Rosa were stunned after seeing the live commentaries on their navigear.

They quickly flipped open the watch's screen to look at the official page.

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