《Journey On Pokemon Island》Chapter 15: Geodude


Sandshrew, who was digging, suddenly noticed that it was being watched.

It looks at the two human beings with a wary expression.

After seeing that Edward and Rosa are not doing anything suspicious, it continues to dig the ground.

"Let's leave this guy alone."

Edward said to Rosa, who was sketching the picture of the Pokemon from a distance.

This Sandshrew is already at level 17, and the individual value is only a pitiful 9 points.

There's no value in trying to tame it.

After all, it takes effort to train a Pokemon. Without powerful Pokemon as protection, Edward himself would not be able to go to some dangerous places to explore.

Leaving the Sandshrew to its own devices, they continued to walk forward.

In order to survive, many Pokemons choose to live in relatively hidden places.

They are quite lucky, to be honest. There are many Pokemon that Edward can feel hiding around them based on his aura sense on the path that they are passing by.

'There is no need to look for Pokemon right now. It's better to explore some rarer places and get more rewards.'

Edward thought to himself.

The two walked until about four o'clock in the afternoon. And when they reached the valley, the temperature gradually became higher.

After a few hours of walking, they were almost out of breath. Even the water they stocked before was almost finished.

"It's hard to find water around here."

Rosa said tiredly.

She saw that most of the nearby area was very dry, and it didn't look like there were any water sources nearby.

Edward looked around and said

"It's really troublesome."

Most of the contestants who came to the volcano region brought a lot of water.

It rarely rains here in the valley. When it does rain, though, often time it is acid rains affected by the volcano.


They are quite lucky to find a clear creek on the outskirts of the forest before.

"Then what should we do?"

Rosa felt helpless when she heard this.

The audience was also a little worried.

It is indeed difficult to find water in the volcanic valley.

Some viewers also started to offer their knowledge tidbits.

[You should be able to find water to drink in the caves.]

[Careful, the temperature here is relatively high, which can easily cause dehydration.]

[Be safe, guys.]


Many viewers became fans in the true sense and began to put themselves in Edward's shoes.

This is not the same as the volcano tourist spot outside. It is scorched, massive rocks are scattered everywhere, and a few sparse small trees grow irregularly.

"It seems that there is only water in the periphery of the region, but if we want to complete the task, we need to walk for at least two or three days."

Rosa said dejectedly, thinking that all the walk in the past hours was in vain.

But when she looked aside, she saw Edward seemed to be communicating with Torchic. He didn't speak but only communicated with body language.

After a while, he stood up, gave Torchic some food, and watched it waddle away.

"I hope it understands what I told it to do."

Edward said helplessly.

"The little guy is very smart. Are you letting him go?"

Rosa was a little surprised, but she did see Torchic running away from them.

The audience can no longer calm down. After all, they are still looking forward to the appearance of Torchic when it grows up.

[Why are you letting him go, Edward?]

[That's right, Torchic is so cute. Why let it go?]

[It wasn't really a goodbye, right?]



"Who said I was releasing him! That little guy is still thinking about delicious food."

Edward smiled and replied.

How could it be possible for him to let Torchic leave.

"Then, what is it doing?"

"Find help for us, aren't we looking for water?"

Edward shrugged his shoulders.

Rosa looked dumbfounded.

In this uninhabited place, where can we get help?

Just as she was thinking, Torchic came running from a distance.

There were also two stone-like beasts following from behind. They had no feet and could only hop step by step.

'Geodude, nice.'

Geodude is a brownish-gray boulder Pokemon. It has bulging, rocky eyebrows, trapezoidal, brown eyes, and a wide mouth. And its arms are muscular with five-fingered hands.

"Chic chic chic."

Torchic seemed to be asking the Geodudes to do something while pointing to the ground and talking.

Those are the words exchanged between Pokemon, and no one can understand what they are saying.

The two Geodude looked at Edward back and forth.

Knowing their look, Edward took out some Pokemon food and handed it to them.

They observed it. After that, each ate a mouthful and showed a happy expression.

[Hey! Is Edward going to tame wild beasts again?]

[Indeed, Torchic makes it easier to communicate with other beasts.]

[Edward is up to no good again.]


Edward looked at the live commentaries speechlessly.

He then explained, "These beasts are just here to help. They won't be willing to follow me."

When he deceived Torchic, it was also because Torchic was just born and still ignorant about the world.

Although these Geodudes know the food given by Edward is delicious, they should not be easy to deceive, and their levels are relatively high, around level 20.

There should be no ill will against Edward with the help of Torchic, but if Edward tries to conquer them, they will definitely fight back.

It's better to reward them with Pokemon food for their help.

The audience thought about it carefully, and they were all relieved.

[The beasts are high-IQ creatures, and they are not so easy to deceive.]

[That's right. If all the beasts could be tamed using food, there wouldn't be many people dying on the island.]


The audience is still discussing this in the comment section.

After confirming that the food is genuine, Geodudes has already started to work.

"Is this our helper?"

Seeing that Edward gave the beasts some food, she asked him with doubts.

"Yes. It's all thanks to Torchic."

Edward said with a smile and patted Torchic's head.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Geodudes quickly found a place and began to dig a hole.

They burrowed underground and jumped back out after a few minutes.

"That's it?"

Rosa was perplexed. Did they come all the way here only to dig a hole?

When she was about to ask Edward what was going on, suddenly, clear water gushed out from the hole.

"Nice, underground mineral water."

Edward said calmly.

All the viewers watching were shocked.

How did this happen?

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