《The adventourus healer [HIATUS]》Chapter 23


Leaving Nassan turned out to be harder than I thought. First off was all the ceremonies between Tion and his family, more talking, eating and drinking than I did at my engagement ceremony. Tiong was coming back with us, his mission here sorted with Tion coming with me. After having squared up with the Nuin family I had to do all the ceremonies with the lord. Saying goodbye is not an easy thing when it took me a whole week and was more exhausting than bribing my way into the position. Tion for all her faults and flirting was invaluable on my side. Tiong tried to help, but being a bit thick he did not tell anyone what to do. Charging ahead thinking that everyone else knew their place is his style. Good when your team is on the same page, otherwise a disaster.

While saying goodbye to the Nuin family and the lord’s bureaucracy I had to pay my respects to all the sects and schools represented in the capital. Even with all this running around and tea drinking I never once met anyone truly important. Not the lord, the highest I got was his chamberlain or any of the school or sect masters I knew where in town. There was like a stink surrounding me even when I had become the titular head of a school. Maybe it is the name of the school, “Floating rose” or “School of roses on water”, both very feminine names. It could also be that I am not well known and none wanted to sit through the tedious ceremonies required to speak with me, I know I don’t.

Regardless I drew a deep breath when our small procession left the capital. Me together with Tiong in front followed by Tion and my sister and behind them all the others. Having named Ha the second in command of the school or vice principal made her day. This title making her equal in rank to Tion, on paper. “Well it took longer than I hoped, but we did it.” I say and smile at my close circle that evening.” I look at Ha and Xi sitting beside each other unsure how to act in this new relationship. Old priest man Tu maybe equally unsure of Tion beside him. “Eight months brother, eight months and more money than the village has seen in ages,” Ha says and Tu chimes in. “A grand adventure I must say, and well done. How did you earn exactly?” He asks and we all look to Tion who have taken over our accounting. “At last count, I sent three thousand dima to my grandfather for safekeeping.” I think the priest eyes will explode. “After it is split that means three hundred dima for the village, a hundred dima to Xi and Ha, fifty to Tu and the rest for me,” I say and look at Tion who nods her head. “That is correct.” She says and Tu claps his hands and smile. “It will be a pleasure to ride back with Y'all.” He says.


And we set a good pace back only stopping three days in Mao to see to Tiong and Tion’s grandfather and pay our respect to the military commander of the city. Travelling by barge up the river allows us to reach Bank in less than two days after leaving Mao. There we are just in time to meet the Forresters gathering for the work of this winter. And somewhat to me, and everyone else's, surprise the nephew of the vile merchant is back. He looks more happy about it than us, but that may be because he still has a job and his head. His uncle has lost both after stepping outside his bounds with us.

Arriving in Banks is nice. I get to spend a day with my bride and we have a nice little walk through the fields around Banks. It is a nice day and she is good company. Very shy and demure, but after coaxing her I get her to speak her mind on some matters of preference about living arrangements. She looks to be the perfect wife after local standards, and I already know she is a good lay. There is no reason for me to make a big deal about getting out of the wedding.

Arriving in Rapid is a whole other beast, we walk up the trails and are welcomed like heroes returning from a grand journey. I am broke after having split the profits with my crew and Tun seems to have no regard for showing off his new wealth. I think it foolish, but he wants to and I have little sway over him. The amount I had to pay him also grates since he turned out to be to so little help.

“We welcome Su, Tun, Xi and Ha back from their adventure and trip.” The village chief says and holds up a tankard of beer to cheer us. “Thank you” I stand up and say, looking to sit down my father gives me a hard look. I stay standing and have to perform a speech, I have had a little too much to drink so it takes some time to form. “Thank you for the blessed welcome among my family, friends and fellow villagers. I could not have done this trip without your unwavering support over many years and I hope the school I found will give back tenfold of what I have received from you.” Done with the speech I raise my tankard and cheer them. I get e cheer back and everyone seems merry and pleased with themselves. Their good humour is not without backing and they have good reason to be proud. In my last five years in the village, it has proposed to such a degree that no one in the village could have imagined it just years before.


The next day, when my headache has subsided, my family show me the addition to their house built for me. “We thought you would need a place to live while building the school and mansion.” My father tells me and everyone nods. “Thank you, and I think you are right. It will take time only finding where the school should lie. Not talking off design and actually building it.” I say in agreement with them. “Thank you for this,” I tell them again while looking around in the cosy little home.

They took my study and turned it into the common room. Off the side, they built a kitchen and bedroom while building a small annexe for my new study. It is not big, maybe a hundred and twenty square meters with the garden, but a perfect place for a pair of newlyweds.

“On that note, your mother and Xia’s mother has been planning the wedding, I think it will be a big deal.” My brother La says and I can feel the hair rise on my back. “Why could it not be more like sister Hu’s wedding, nice and simple.” Lu laughs at me and slaps my back like he uses to do. “Because you are not simple, you are a big boy now.” I kind of have to agree with this and laugh with them. At least the house I live in will be nice and cosy.

“What do you think son?” My mother asks me those dreaded questions holding two different colours up for me to decide between. I have no idea what she is asking me for since I tuned out more than an hour ago. “Mother, I trust you in this. Choose the one you think is best.” She huffs and stalks away. My wish for a simple wedding fell on deaf ears and the women are spending what little money I have like water in a river. Arguing with them seems to have no effect whatsoever. “Thank you father” I mumble to myself again for his sound advice. “Don’t get between them and the planning.” He told me and I just have to agree to this. While they plan the wedding, I am doing my own planning for the school, but it is slow going since I get interrupted all the time.

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