《Meg The Heavenly Merchant》Kisses and Coyotes
The door swung open and rebounded off the wall, almost smacking her in the face as she charged inside. Meg stopped it with both hands and shoved the door closed and locked it behind her. She tore at the buttons of her raincoat, yanked down on the zipper of her windbreaker and struggled to get out of them both. Sweat clung to her skin, damp and warm beneath her dress and she realized her messenger bag was the reason for her struggle. She twisted and shook it off over her head and let it fall to the floor. She dumped the coats on top of it and ran for the bathroom.
Her cat Growl yelled at her as she passed him by but she had no time to stop and pet him or check his food bowl. She barrelled through the door, her yellow rain boots squeaking, and pried open the toilet seat. Meg lifted her dress up around her waist and sat down.
Her bladder whimpered and then the swollen pain in her lower abdomen receded. She slouched forward and sighed with relief.
Stupid military check points, she thought.
Meg finished her business and flushed. She washed her hands and pulled her dress up over her head and threw it at the clothes hamper. She missed, as she always did, and decided to leave it there. She didn't have the energy to pick it up and put it where it belonged.
She went out into the kitchen and checked Growl's bowl. There was more than enough food to last him the night but the greedy tom cat howled at her and demanded she top it off. She ignored his demands and crouched next to him and pet him behind the ears.
He stopped yelling and leaned into her hand and began to purr. She ran her hand down his long back and found his favorite scratch spot down by the base of his tail. He purred and threw himself down, rolled over and exposed his belly to her. She didn't take the bait. She had learned long ago the price for petting his stomach.
"Nice try, little prince," she said. "but you'll get none of my blood today."
Growl rolled again and stretched out his paws and pressed them against her ankle. She reached for his ear and gave him a quick scratch before he tried to nibble on her fingertips.
"We'll play before bed I promise," she said.
Growl was on his feet before she turned around and he jogged off toward the bedroom. She followed him and looked at the bed with longing. But as tired as she was she couldn't skip a stream. Consistency was key to such things. Or so she had been told.
She opened her closet and slid her VR rig out and unfolded it. The egg glowed with green light as she booted it up and checked the safety functions. It was in perfect working order. All systems go. She wondered what would happen if she took her blanket in with her.
Meg slid the straps of her bra off her shoulders then spun it around and undid the clasp. A wave of relief hit her naked skin as the cool air of her apartment washed over her skin. She thought briefly about a shower but she had wasted all her spare time waiting for the military to check her bag and her boots. She could still feel the soldier’s fingers combing through her hair. Searching for sharp objects. Like who the hell walked around with a knife in their hair?
Meg removed her underwear and approached the egg. At least they didn’t strip search me, she thought with a shudder.
Growl rubbed against her leg still purring and chatting and jumped into the bed. She looked back over her shoulder at him and took a deep breath. "Wish me luck.
Logging in 5…..4….3...2..1
Meg opened her eyes to the rolling red hills of the desert and smiled. The heat took issue with her joy and tried to cook her but she was too happy to let it get to her. She jumped up and started to jog back towards camp and stumbled.
"Ahh son of a biscuit," she groaned. "I can't believe they give you a leg cramp when you're logged out."
Meg waited a few minutes then rubbed the muscles in her leg and stretched. As she turned towards camp she paused and looked up at the top of the hill.
She saw Bruce above her, his long black hair flowing freely in the wind. He would have looked like a prince from some ancient anime if he had been holding a sword but instead his hands were in the pockets of his coat. He looked withered and distant. Like an old man who had suddenly forgotten where he put his keys.
"Bruce?" She said.
He snapped to attention and looked down at her. "Hello," he said. "I thought I might stretch my legs. I didn't mean to intrude. I'll go away."
Still a little cramped Meg clambered up the hill, using her hands and tail to keep from tumbling backwards, and stumbled into him. He caught her as they collided and held her upright.
"Thanks," she said.
"A matter of self interest, I assure you." He said.
"Then why are you still holding onto me?" She said.
His pale cheeks turned bright pink but he didn't let go. His thin wiry arms held her close to him and she could feel the firmness of his muscles as they came in contact with her own.
"You were sitting for a long time," he said. "If I let go you'll fall down the hill."
"So you were watching me all that time," she said.
"Don't be absurd," Bruce replied.
"Absurd is the only way I know how to be," she said.
"You've made that perfectly clear," he said.
"You haven't run yet," she said.
"That appears to be your tactic," Bruce said.
Her shoulders slouched and she looked down at his chest to avoid the sad pain in his eyes. The verbal jab had hurt so much she had to check her HP. She was still at full health but if she had designed the game there would definitely be a status effect called HEART ACHE.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I was embarrassed and scared. I kissed you on a whim, I didn't think it would be a big deal but then. But then it was a big, huge, enormous deal."
"And you ran away," he said. Bruce sighed. "I can't pretend that it didn't hurt. But you're not the first woman to kiss and run on me. And I've done some kissing and running myself. A little fun and run as well, God I remember this one time I had to drop from the fourth floor of a temple in nothing but my shoes."
"Does that mean you forgive me?" She said.
"I don't know," he said. "but I think I can work my way there, eventually."
"Thank you," she said. "I want you to know I felt awful about it."
"And how do you feel about it now?" He said.
"Like I was a big dumb idiot for getting embarrassed," she said. "there wasn't anything wrong with it. It was all in my head."
"You aren't dumb," Bruce said. "and you're not the first person to let their emotions do their thinking for them."
"Do you think there could be more kissing in our future?" She said, her voice breaking halfway through the question.
"Not in the immediate future. We've been negging each other since we signed our contract. Things have happened fast. Sometimes it feels like I've known you for years and then I remember it has barely been a month since we met. What I'm trying to say is I need time to think."
"Okay," Meg said. "take all the time that you need."
She forced herself to stand upright but all she wanted to do was collapse. No doubt he had felt the same way when she had abandoned his eager lips without an explanation. She couldn't blame him though. She deserved it.
Meg opened her quest log with a thought and took solace in the fact that his paramore quest was still active. At least she hadn't screwed things up that bad.
"We should get back to camp," Bruce said.
Meg ignored the messages. She didn't want to think about numbers just now. Her mind was swirling around Bruce and what might be and what she might lose. She wrestled with herself. Told herself to get a grip. To get some perspective. And then she smiled at him.
"Who's going to let go first?" She said.
Bruce looked down at her with his arms still around her waist and smiled. "We could walk back this way."
"That would be more of a shuffle," she said.
"I'd call it more of a waddle," he said.
"And we'd have to explain our situation to the others," she said.
"That would be hard considering how little we understand it," he said.
"Exactly," she said.
"On the count of three we both let go," Bruce said.
Neither of them let go. "We can't stay here forever," he said. "the sun will burn us to a crisp," he said.
"I'll be fine," she said. "Dragons are made for heat."
"I have to admit it is weird not to be arguing with you," he said.
"It's nice though," she said.
"Quite refreshing," Bruce said.
As Meg blinked Bruce leaned down and kissed her. His arms tightened around her and crushed her into his chest. She leaned into him and met his mouth as eagerly as she had the first time. It was over far too quickly in her opinion but she wasn't going to complain.
"Let's try this again," he said. "one.two..three."
This time they released each other and the heat of their brief union dissipated. They turned and walked back through the hills toward camp. They didn't speak or touch. They didn't even look at each other.
When they returned to the camp Shaynala smirked and raised an eyebrow at Meg. Meg looked past her and went to sit on her bedroll. Bruce went to his own bedroll and stretched out on the ground and shut his eyes.
"See any coyotes?" Shaynala said.
"No. It must be too hot to hunt," Meg said.
"Hopefully when night comes they will look elsewhere for food." Shaynala said.
"I think we can handle a bunch of coyotes," Meg said.
Shaynala shrugged and sat down with her legs criss crossed beneath her. She laid her scimitar across her lap and laid out a wet stone and a piece of cloth on her bedroll beside her.
"Coyotes are clever animals," she said. "I have seen them steal children right out from under their mother's noses."
"Can't be worse than bandits," Meg said.
"The desert is full of surprises," Shaynala said.
Her eyes landed on Bruce and quickly flicked away. "You've got that right," she said.
There was nothing much to do for the time being. Master Leroy sat with his legs crossed and eyes shut, lost to the world in meditation. Bruce dozed without truly sleeping. She stole little glances at him out of the corner of her eye. She would have loved to have been able to hear what he was thinking.
Shaynala cleaned and sharpened her weapons. A camel bellowed. The Zhanglao woman slept with her thin gorgeous frame pulled into a tight ball. Meg looked away before she could become depressed about comparing herself to a fictional character.
"Has she come up with a new name yet?" Meg said.
Shaynala shook her head. "She'll find one in time," she said. "A lot has happened to her. She has much to sort out."
"She and I have that in common," Meg said.
"The condition is contagious," Shaynala said. "for me it is enough to return to my family."
"I'm going to get some rest," Meg said. "wake me up if there is trouble."
"In the desert there is always trouble."
Meg brought up her WAIT menu and set the countdown to take her into the night. Time passed and little changed. Gradually the sun slipped behind the horizon and the moon crept into its place. The stars glistened in the night, millions of them sparkling and burning in the sky. She watched it for a moment and then checked her chat.
There had been a drop in viewership but she had expected that and losing half a million audience members was no longer a big hit. She wondered how long it would last and if she'd have to abandon the fun she was having for dungeon raids and stat planning.
Please, keep watching, she thought.
The countdown reached zero and as she returned to the world she sat up on her bedroll and listened to the wild cry of a coyote. Shaynala stood up and packed her gear away as the others slowly roused themselves.
"We'll spread out around the camels," Shaynala said. "If you see coyotes, yell out. If you hear a voice don't listen to it. Not even if you recognize it."
"Are these shapeshifters?" Meg said.
"What makes you think they are shapeshifters?" Bruce said.
"Shapeshifters can talk in their animal forms " she said. "I knew a druid once who would turn into a bullfrog and sing the Soviet National Anthem."
"They can't be shapeshifters," Bruce said. "can they? I mean there is nothing out here for them.”
“Nothing but us,” Meg replied.
Bruce sat bolt upright and looked at her with unsteady eyes. “Why would they be after us?” He said.
“I don’t know,” She said. “They probably prey on travelers.”
"They are not shapeshifters but they are clever and there is old magic in the desert and in the beings who call it home," Shaynala said. “they’ll be more interested in the camels than us.”
"If we can't trust voices, how are we supposed to call out if we see a coyote?" Meg said.
"We'll use a code word," Shaynala said. "They are clever but they can't guess a random word we came up with."
"How about mozzarella?" Meg said.
"Works for me," Shaynala said. "These coyotes hunt in pairs, so remember if you see one in front of you there is one behind you."
“How often do they attack people?” The Zhanglao woman said.
“Not often,” She said. “But they may risk it for our camels.”
“Do I need a weapon?” She said.
“All you have to do is yell and we’ll do the rest,” Shaynala said.
“What exactly is the plan with that?” Meg said. “If she yells mozzarella, which one of us runs to her?”
“Whoever is closest,” Shaynala said.
“Which will be?” Meg said.
“I know the way so I’ll be up front with the lead camel,” Shaynala said. “Bruce will be on the right flank near the front, Master Leroy will take the left flank and our new friend will take the left rear flank . And you’ll bring up the right rear flank.”
“Oh great, I get to eat dusty camel butt.”
“Don’t pout,” Shaynala said. “The slower camels will be at the back and those are the ones the coyotes will target. You have the most dangerous job.”
“Is that wise?” Bruce said. “I doubt she can Zhua Gou a coyote to death.”
“With Zhua Gou you can defeat any opponent. Man or beast,” Master Leroy said.
“How many poor animals did you accost before determining that?” Bruce said. “You’ve probably drop kicked a hundred squirrels by now.”
“I have never harmed an animal unless it intended to harm me first,” Master Leroy said.
“Whatever you have to tell yourself to get to sleep at night squirrel kicker,” Bruce replied.
“I’ll be fine,” Meg said. “I’ve got claws and my tail and if that isn’t enough I have firebreath.”
“You wanted me to remind you no killing, remember?” Bruce said.
Meg nodded. “I remember. Thanks though.”
“You are very welcome,” Bruce said. He sighed deeply and looked up at the night sky. “I think it's good walking weather. Shall we get started?”
By now even Bruce knew how to gather the camels and they quickly got the beasts moving in a slow column towards the closest watering hole. Meg took up her position in the back and kept her eyes open for the slightest hint of movement. Somewhere in the night a coyote screamed and a second coyote answered.
Just because it’s cute doesn’t mean it can’t kill you, Meg thought.
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