《Rifts in the Weave》010 - Noon - October 16, 2020 - Iowa


“You have got to be fucking kidding me!” The words echoed around the cabin of the truck.

Rock had turned his head to look. South of the highway was a field of hay, already baled. Something popped into view, moving quickly, racing for the highway. A tall man, on a long legged horse. A metal helm, like something out of a fairy tale, covered his head. His slender form leaned low over the horse’s neck. Behind him, another figure, in gleaming armor, a silver shield in one hand and a sword at his hip, popped into view. His sturdy horse raced at a full gallop.

Curses filled the air as Rock put his foot to the floor. The truck’s engine roared like a wild animal and leapt forward. The knights were on a collision course with the truck. The lead knight, on the slower horse, yanked on the reins, but the horse ignored the command and only sped up. The first horse crossed the highway just behind Rock’s truck, even as he stood on the brakes and came to a rocking stop on the gravel shoulder. Heart beating out of her chest, still braced in the passenger seat, Jes’ wide, gold-brown eyes met Rocks.

Rock’s blue eyes blazed with fury as he slammed out of the truck. More shapes were popping into existence in the hay field. A dark horse wearing glimmering barding and bearing an unarmored rider was walking in Rock’s direction and he reached up and grabbed the sturdy horse’s bridle. It tried to shy away from him, but his grip was solid. An imperious face glared down at him from the saddle.

“What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Rock demanded, meeting the flinty gray eyes. His gaze flicked to the stranger’s odd apparel and then lingered on his long, pointed ears. “What is this some kind of LARP?”


“Larp?” The stranger spoke in clipped tones, arching one perfect, black brow. “You, sir, have found yourself in the midst of a war. Unhand my mount and kindly leave the field of battle.”

“Stay off the damn highway.” Rock responded as he let go of the horse. The rider wheeled his mount and struck back toward the center of the field. With a sound something like the crack of a balloon popping, he disappeared.

Rock’s mouth dropped open and he stood in silence, staring after the man on the horse. After only a moment, Jes stepped up next to him. “Did I tell you what happened to me today?”

He looked down at her, his expression no less shocked. “What?” He asked at last, his voice unsteady.

“I hit a unicorn with my car.” Her voice was emotionless. Her golden eyes were serious as they met his. For a moment anyway. Then she laughed, it was high pitched and hysterical.

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